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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11068110 No.11068110 [Reply] [Original]

How is this possible?


Does that mean we can finally leave Middle East now?

>> No.11068136

hello, mcfly???? what do you think trump has been doing this whole time and why the MSM bashes him every chance they get????

>> No.11068168

Has it really changed that much in 18 months?

>> No.11068174

the shale wells deplete really fast. it's yet to be seen if this is sustainable production or yet another bubble

>> No.11068177


Trump is a retard just like the pests that voted for him. Retard Drumpf can't do anything, it's his staffers that's doing everything.

>> No.11068196

They should keep fracking tech only in US before China start copying shit again

>> No.11068211

>he says this as the Trump administration just released lies about Assad planing another (((gas attack)))
>he says this as the Trump administration has made it clear they want regime change in Iran

You delusional magafag. I know you're a civnat traitor too.

No literally nothing has changed that anon is completely delusional. This oil boom started before Trump, not thanks to king nigger in anyway but Trump is not the one responsible for shell gas production getting to what it is.

>> No.11068222


>> No.11068223

I want you to understand that for decades we have sat on our oil reserves because oil will always be valuable and it makes the most sense to use everyone else’s reserves up before digging too heavy into our own. It’s essentially (to us) a finite resource because it is created at a much slower pace than we use it. Putting more of our available supply into production and the market earlier is a fucking horrible business move unless you really believe we will have free energy or learn to harness the sun about 10,000x better than we can today before the oil starts to dry up. You are saying this is Trump’s work. I’m not saying it is because I don’t know, but if it is you’re essentially calling Trump retarded.

>> No.11068231

Only if you promise to carpet bomb them all after

>> No.11068236
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go back

>> No.11068265
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interesting insight, thanks lads

>> No.11068282
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I will tell you it is 100% factual information that Trump is not responsible for the shale gas boom. You're point about using other countries resources before us is a good point but it's completely moot since we weren't aware of this type of oil below our land decades ago, at least to my knowledge. I also believe we didn't have the technology to drill at the current depths we are. Shale gas has been around for a long time, we extracted some in the 19th century and we started making it commercial in 40's but it's production levels have never been what they are today likely due to the aforementioned reasons.

Pic related, only in the past two decades has shale gas actually been a significant producer for the US.

>> No.11068293

No it's because your oil ishit garbage that's expensive to extract, while the Saudi stuff is THE PRIMO DANK GOOD SHIT

>> No.11068297

Are you a Norwegian oil baron losing business from US competitors?

>> No.11068335

True shale gas has low octane levels which make it not so primo for modern high performance engines or engines of the future.

>> No.11068347

no I don't have any investments in oil, I was just surprised by the article is all

>> No.11068364

how do I short this?

>> No.11068548

I don't know, sorry. I do know there are ETF's that short oil and are leveraged.

>> No.11068562
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>> No.11068626

damn, now that was an interesting read

>> No.11068639

The US is in the Middle East because its Middle Eastern policy is dictated by Israel, not because of oil. If it was dictated by oil China wouldn't have gotten all the oil contracts in Iraq.

>> No.11069276

All those huge tl;dr paragraphs that are negated by the coming race war

>> No.11069294


We are everywhere. The Middle East is just a particularly volatile area and Israel is our launchpad for the reason. And the oil there is still really cheap and a useful resource.

Shale gas isn’t profitable at a certain point and is a new development

>> No.11069323


Makes me laugh every time some kike economist acts like we don’t have all of the cards in the China trade war

>> No.11069437

Well this makes me feel a little better. I always thought the 21st century would be one of Chinese domination. And honestly I didn't want to have to eat dog meat.

>> No.11069508


I don't know if the us will leave the middle East (thanks israel), but shale oil gives the option to do so. Imagine a world where us foreign policy is completely detached from energy policy. That is where the us is currently.

The us has gotten efficient at extracting too. You won't bankrupt shale oil like the Saudis tried. It's cheaper than most opec countries to extract oil in the us.

What does that mean, it means the last thread connecting the us to global trade and security is gone. Protecting the middle East only makes energy cheaper for our competitors (eu and china). Why do you think Trump is now starting trade wars with everyone? With massive trade deficits and a secure and stable supply of resources within its borders, the us has tremendous leverage in trade negotiations now.

And it won't stop with Trump. You'll see future presidents be more nativist like Trump is and like the us was before ww2. I hate to be anyone but Canada or Mexico (who will benefit since it is in the interest of the us for them to be stable).

>> No.11069521

I've worked in oil. It sucks, but the money is unbelievable. Something you don't want to do for more than 3 years. AMA.

>> No.11069535

Let me guess, you worked on core samples.

>> No.11069607
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>Use all of the middle east's oil
>Oil is now rarer and more expensive
>America starts using its own oil

Very cheeky America

>> No.11069615

(((who))) do you think runs America? hello

>> No.11069624

Cool it with the antisemitism Elon

>> No.11069647


You morons don't get it do you?
It was never about the oil.
It was and always has been about the oil's price.
Expect heavy US intervention esp. in Iran and collision (Collusion) with China henceforth

>> No.11069648

Zeihan called it.

>> No.11069650

This. I'm in oil right now saving up everything for crypto and boomer stocks and bouncing. My goal is 5 years until retirement.

>> No.11069652

Deckhand in West Texas for one year. 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Then actually used my degree after getting a year of oil/experience and sold equipment to fracking guys. It will be interesting to see when this boom busts, if it does.

>> No.11069657

oy veeyyyyyy

>> No.11069688

Shit I should have gone with this "I don't like where this is going".

>> No.11069689
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im glad i ended up on /pol/ that day
hearty keks as far as the eye could see

>> No.11069741
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>> No.11069775

Dude you were on /pol/ for the car in space too so what's so important about 26May?

>> No.11069812

Too bad all cars will be electric in the next decade. Nice try round eyes.

>> No.11069814

You in individual stocks or an ETF/mutual fund? My energy holdings are a little thin.

>> No.11069848

Well, no they won't. But even if they were they will charge on electricity generated from natural gas. They will be shipped by semis running on diesel, or transported on cargo ships burning bunker fuel.

Oil isn't going anywhere.

>> No.11069895

Why does it suck?

>> No.11069926

not that guy but it gets everywhere and is hard to wash off.

>> No.11069956
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>> No.11069995

>here's a summary of world events up to the present, simplified to the point where a retarded loser on 4chan can understand it
>now here are some wild predictions based off nothing

well I guess you're the same people who thought they were going to get rich on shitcoins so

>> No.11070056

Read The Absent Superpower and come back to me. You're going to feel like an idiot in a decade when the rest of the world is literally on fire ($200/bbl) and America's enjoying $80/bbl oil prices.

>> No.11070075

>You're going to feel like an idiot in a decade
I don't want to live that long

>> No.11070079

>Expecting people like that to read.

You fucked up Anon. He already decided what his opinion is, nothing will change it.

>> No.11070094

So how does America do well when it's colonized by the third world and by mexico in particular?
This isn't a recipe for success and I don't understand how this country can't be trash in the future. All that potential profit of being oil gods is to keep the "diversity" empire going. How long can it keep from finally dying after being so nonsensical?

>> No.11070232


No shit. We used to need cheap oil
Now we don't. Expensive oil is neutral or a slight positive to the US economy now. Hence why things are playing out the way they are now.

>> No.11070248

We always had enough oil to leave the middle east, the plan was to exhaust their resources first to corner the market.

>> No.11070280

You know that US has always had a never-ending stream of cheap labor right? Which has benefited it a lot. Built by immigrants is not a meme.

>> No.11070516

Not if the israel lobby has anything to do with it.

>> No.11070550
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>> No.11070648

Yeah I know. Americans are mostly just slaves to the masters but that doesn't mean you can just fill the territory up with stupid and fat mulattos from Central and south america and Africa and expect things to work out.
If you haven't noticed the blacks and hispanics have not been a particularly well-regarded thing to anyone besides the slave drivers and mental case "humanitarian" types.

>> No.11070654

He fucked himself up.
Had it coming.

>> No.11071449

Boomer stocks

>> No.11071460

It's because the whites in America are all german/scandis and then the smartest of Italians and anglos. The whites in america are good enough to prop all the mutts up.

>> No.11071473

Democrats have all the nigger retards and poorfags while Trump voters are middle class and white.

>> No.11071479

The tax reform did include permits to drill oil in Alaska btw.

>> No.11071530

>thinks the US is a net exporter of oil
>thinks the US doesn't consume its own oil resources
The US is in the middle east because it wants oil to be traded in the US dollar. Without oil being traded in US fiat, the whole dollar collapses when no one uses it. Sorry kiddo but the US empire is there to stay until the next empire rises to replace it.