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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 235 KB, 640x405, cc_plat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11065154 No.11065154 [Reply] [Original]

Just got my first credit card, how do I not get cucked by the evil financial institution?

>> No.11065236

you already are

>> No.11065243


>> No.11065251

its expired

>> No.11065264

only buy what you can afford to pay off, that's how the jews get you

>> No.11065623

Only use it for emergencies.
Dont keep the card in your wallet or else you will impulse buy some stupid shit.

>> No.11065630

dont use it
i only buy cars and houses in Cash. Not even a check.

>> No.11065661

What's the big deal? Just buy what you can afford and don't carry a balance into next month.

>> No.11065671

the big deal is that its a jewish banking scheme to make sure every living being is in debt

>> No.11065706

Do retarded normies really impulse buy random shit and get into debt?


OP - use your CC for every purchase, then clear the balance.

Enjoy your free insurance, easy chargebacks, and cashback. Only a poor piece of shit uses debit cards (your bank just invests your debit balance anyway).

God mode = get a 2+ year interest free purchases card, buy absolutely everything with it you'd normally buy. Plow your wages into a high interest account - accrue interest over 2 years, then pay it off and keep the interest.

Literally FREE money for fuck sake.

>> No.11065724

How do I improve my credit score if i never use it?

>> No.11065750

... have some willpower man.

>> No.11065836
File: 292 KB, 1868x1602, 1526006959595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use only what you can afford to pay in full every billing period. Don't let the balance roll over, but don't pay until your bill comes in, otherwise it won't affect your credit score.

>> No.11065851

Only the mentally retarded poor with no self control can get into credit card debt.

>> No.11065875

Contact your local rabbi

>> No.11065882

It's not some evil jewish conspiracy. Grow up. The sooner you do, the sooner you help yourself.