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File: 64 KB, 781x833, stackoverflow-wagecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11055990 No.11055990 [Reply] [Original]


>the absolute state of Stack Overflow wagecucks

>> No.11056010

Imagine being this much of a bitch

>> No.11056049

>Not having stopped after the first year.
Also, being this tool of course the company laughs it off.

>> No.11056239

these tools have to exist to keep the wheels turning and the company in profit

>> No.11056259



Kind of in this cucks position myself.

I left a job I hated in March for a job which I enjoy more but they lowballed me with salary and said due to me being an unknown they'll review pay each quarter. Didnt get a payrise yet, next review is end of October and if I don't get one then I'm just going to quit on the spot.

>> No.11056302
File: 420 KB, 1101x344, wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making someone else money

>> No.11056349

They're right though. The only way to get a raise these days is quit and get a new job. It sucks but you gotta do it. It's not like boomer times were loyalty is rewarded.

>> No.11056361

like a 5 or 10% increase would even make a difference, this retard should find another job. probably wont though, because they sound retarded.

>> No.11056370

>be software dev
>threaten to quit
>get raise

>> No.11056371

Loyalty is still rewarded, but you need to be top tier.

>> No.11056387

Yeah go kiss some ass for an extra 5% while all your coworkers despise you.

>> No.11056400

The worst are these wagies that passive aggressively threaten to quit thinking management is going to get scared and give them a raise out of the blue. It's so pathetic.

>> No.11056411

i tripled my salary by being a smug asshole at work lmao

>> No.11056419


Yeah you don't threaten to quit, you just fucking quit.

Life is to short to argue with boomer kikes in some shit tier company for 5% stipends with passive aggressive power plays. You'll be forgotten within a few weeks anyway, and you'll forget them.

Next wagecuck shithole you apply for just say culture fit wasnt right and remuneration package not what you expected and you're fine.

>> No.11056461

worked with a guy at my last job who did this because he couldn't code for shit, it was so embarrassing to even look at him. now he's some kind of assistant manager or some bullshit from kissing ass and sucking dick all day, i can't imagine how pathetic he must feel

>> No.11056524


This. NPCs are critical to the operation of the system. Without them, who would clean up the vomit in stall 3 after the midday rush?

>> No.11056532


This, x9000

>> No.11056548


In my country if you've paid enough taxes in the last 2 years you get extra NEETbux for 6 months after quitting if you want to chill for a bit too topkek

>> No.11056632

If you get this shit, quit on the spot.

Dead serious. Talk to your boss and say politely that he has the time it takes you to type up your notice to work something out.

A well run firm will do anything to keep a good employee, even in hard times. Shit firms like these will let you go and burn money on useless temp drones from some garbage agency.

>> No.11056771


Entirely depends on the place. But yeah, typically you'll move up in salary faster if you move to different companies. Lots of places want to give you at best $1-$2 raise a year, while you can leave and go somewhere else and often make like $5/hour more. And like some in here have said, when you're about to quit, companies suddenly offer impressive raises.

When I left a company I worked at about 3 years ago, they offered me a $4.50/hour raise on the spot. Most places, even if you're an impressive employee, are still hellbent on trying to have to for a discount. They hope you're too stupid to look around for better employment. And if you pay attention, honestly most people are. They'll just bitch constantly about their employer and never leave cause they're too lazy.

>> No.11057023

So much this. I spent my first 5 years after college at once place and in that time made about 7% more than when I started.
I got sick of it and quit to do freelance for 2 years.
Freelance work dried up so I found a new job and their offer was more than 30% over my old salary. It would have taken me 15 years minimum to reach this salary had I stayed at the old job.

>> No.11057835

It's a two-way street you can take advantage of. If they show they don't provide the proper value for your time, you can start providing less value and they usually won't notice. This means you can take more days off, you can show up late more often, and leave early more often. Most either don't notice or don't have the balls to confront you, assuming you are confident enough.

>> No.11058341

whenever people say they doubled/tripled their salary i assume they started at minimum wage

>> No.11059109


I've gone from 50k to 75k with 2 job hops in one year. Software though so that's expected, and I'm relatively inexperienced on paper but I also kick ass.

>> No.11059750

you only end up wasting your own time this way

>> No.11059802
File: 91 KB, 996x682, mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been with a software company for 8 years, and have gotten a raise every year.

>> No.11059805

This. Software devs are too valuable.