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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11046381 No.11046381 [Reply] [Original]

Check the charts for alts like XRP and LTC after the 2014 bubble. They actually ended up going lower than before the bubble and flatlined there until 2017. BTC was the outlier that retained more of its value post-crash.

In other words, ETH holders are about to hit levels of JUST that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.11046414

OP, ppl were buyin up ETH to participate in ICOs...no one does that any more. The ETH ICO bubble needs to pop, who is buyin ICOs @ this point?

>> No.11046437

>who is buyin ICOs @ this point?

>> No.11046442

You're fucking dumb as fuck, cuz.

>> No.11046472

Why is everyone saying $7 all of a sudden? I figured it out independently like right before this shit started showing up everywhere.

>> No.11046587

Ive been pushing the $7 meme since April, now it finally caught on.

>> No.11046619
File: 9 KB, 259x194, Always do opposite of what biz says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me feel like I'm wrong because /biz/ is never right.

>> No.11046622

eth was like 44 cents a couple of years ago. people bought it up to 1500 because they thought everything would run on it. now we know we cant even run 1 dapp on it. so its going back to 44 cents. there is no guarantee they will ever solve scailability or that they will be the first. it could take a decade. there could be a decade of bleeding. the logical thing to do is wait intil eth solve scailability before investing in it!

>> No.11046630

Lol of course it's not going to $7, that's just a meme.

>> No.11046644

>44 cents
Can the sentiment go any lower?
is this unironically the bottom?

>> No.11046662

The only thing that's falling faster than sentiment is the price of ETH.

>> No.11046672

Maybe not all the way down to $7, but at least down to $25 for sure. I don't think it's going to be totally worthless but any hodling is going to go through hell before it reaches a new high.

>> No.11046676

What the fuck is /Biz/????
Genuine question no larp here.

>> No.11046685

lol member all the bull posts in dec/jan? i think we will hit bottom soon. bears are getting more and more delusional.

>> No.11046706

I took a screen shot just in case.....

>> No.11046710

VCs where the ones starting the ICO craze, and obviously got in very early in pre-pre-sales and through deals woth dev teams. Like bitmex negro said, they will stampede to the exit soon if they're still in.

>> No.11046713

VCs don't invest in eth.

>> No.11046734

It's where all the pajeets go to shill their scams.

>> No.11046754

They did in ICOs last year, so they pumped eth

>> No.11046759

how do you know? if they had direct deals why wouldn't they buy in usd?

>> No.11046768
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VCs are smart enough to only do pre-ICOs and pre-pre-ICOs

>> No.11046797

Imagine being this retarded lmao. This is why you lose money. Buy the dip hombre

>> No.11046905
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>ETH drops below my projected low for this cycle.
>Suddenly loads of >ETH is dead threads
>All of them have anonymous users agreeing on the internet somehow
this is the strongest buy signal i've seen all year.

>> No.11046917

t. bitcoin fund manager

>> No.11046958

neck yourself

>> No.11047044

nigger i've been in the positive since 2016, necking myself would reduce my gains to zero

>> No.11047069
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>he didnt cash out in 2017
what were you like 10000% up? what an idiot

>> No.11047084
File: 6 KB, 226x223, AsymptoteBrainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the positive
>didn't cash out
anon, i...

>> No.11047117

?? you can be up in your screen, but have you realized those gains? are they in your bank account?
Your post implies you are still holding like a retard and didnt cash out during the insane bullrun. So yes, what an idiot

>> No.11047147
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Damn bruh. Get help

>> No.11047158

Well yes this is an anonymous board you fucking idiot

>> No.11047191
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To say "in the positive" simply means that I have realized a return on my investment greater than 100% of my initial investment. This statement has nothing to do with my current positions.

In other words, I played my cards right and came out above my initial investment, which was in the form of USD, through late 2017.

You faggots disagree with each other as a sport. I implied that there was paid shilling going on since everyone was echo-chambering.

>> No.11047223

if you got in in 2016 or before and barely came out above your principal in late 2017, you messed up catastrophically. just holding from 2016 and selling HALF of the top in 2017 was enough to make 100x gains on anything that wasn't king shitcoin itself
there is no excuse whatsoever for knowing about crypto before 2017 and not being a multimillionaire today

>> No.11047237
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prretty sure thats what vitalik said it was worth

>> No.11047245

Great. They're still buying. Probably a lower amount than last month but still hundreds of millions into ICOs

>> No.11047251

Again, saying "greater than x" contains zero implication of how much greater than x.

Long story short, I sold ETH a long time ago, and I think it's nearly time to buy again.

>> No.11047330

that's fucking retarded. I would sell my house buy it and live as a bum for a few years if it gets that low

>> No.11047343

Newb here. Friends all bought new cars in feb and said they got the money from buying and holding crypto. Is this the right time to buy in if I want a new car after xmas? Only got $7k to put in

>> No.11047547

this is a decent reply. Gotcha buddy, you burgers sure have fancy terms for everything money related. Excuse my ignorance
this one isnt. Fuck off

>> No.11047837

VCs are dumb as hell.

>> No.11048198

this.. we should retest 12$. went parabolic since December 2016 without retrace.

>> No.11048210

alts like ripple and litecoin have no users or value in the crypto space. if they both disappeared today only a few bagholders would care.

ethereum controls 90% of all tokens, smart contracts, platforms, everything. nothing comes close to it, other than bitcoin.

trying to compare ethereum to flavor of the month alts is laughable

>> No.11048333

>90% of all tokens, smart contracts, platforms, everything. nothing comes close to it
all useless vapourware, going to 0 and rightly so

>> No.11048376

if ethereum is going to zero, then all other alts will be there long before ethereum does.

>> No.11048456

last time i checked, LTC and DOGE are still alive and well. They were there before ETH, they will be there after ETH. They dont depend on it unlike your shit tokens. Now if you were talking about BTC..

>> No.11048587


I lost my cold storage wallet through a horrible set of coincidences. That's a pretty good excuse I think.