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11046116 No.11046116 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> move to USA with wife
> build a new life
> don't find a job
> wife started an easy job and make a great career ($100K)
> think, that income enough for both of us
> just enjoy the life and dont try to find a job

is this life style a resumeable model? or it will be a problem?

>> No.11046144

Nope. Resentment will set in, then you'll be out and chad will be in. Sorry bub.

>> No.11046145

there's a good chance your wife will get bored of you. most women need to have their man above them. whethers yours manifests that as professional standing or something else you can satisfy, only you can tell. but if you're not sure, i'd start looking for a job or at least some productive activity that makes her feel like you have something going on in your life

>> No.11046165

I know successful couples where the woman is the breadearner. Generally it involves a younger, very attractive man or some kind of brainy autist couple.

>> No.11046179

If she's making 100k she's seeing very well dressed, groomed, successful men in the work place. So whether your wife will leave you /cheat depends on whether she actually loves you and how ugly she is, but even women with the most busted faces get hit on in the work place

>> No.11046254

she will dump you.

>> No.11046262

Even if she dumps you you will get half her money and alimony, so it's fine either way.

>> No.11046325

we love each other anon.

>> No.11046384

yea man I'm doing literally that right now as we type like right now at this very exact moment that is me

>> No.11046427

than tell me about you and your wife's future.

>> No.11046492

what do you want to know it sucks ass. she's always constantly bitching at me

>> No.11046512

So at the moment I've got 160k in savings, my wife and I outright own our dream 3-bed 2-bath home with no mortgage or anything, and she has 100k in bonds. Would this work for me? Right now I work and she doesn't but she's been offering to get a job and I'm worried about maybe losing mine.

>> No.11046564

Unless you're substantially better looking than she is she's going to fuck some high status dude she bumps into at work, and even then being a pretty man isn't a guarantee.

>> No.11046597

You are anywhere from made it to pretty well off. Depending on your age and location. You are at the point where you could both leave your life behind and travel till death, that is not what I'm suggesting to do, but it's the kind of comfy that makes you feel safe and lets you explore other aspects of living beside asset hoarding. You are at the point where you could responsibly have children and have a good chance they won't know poverty unless fuck ups. So yeah, unless one of you two screws something up by fucking around or getting depressed for good you are set from my perspective.

>> No.11046623

You could make it work if you guys are really careful and invest properly. But you're not going to like being unemployed unless you have kids.

>> No.11047375
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>> No.11047420
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>> No.11047552

>You are anywhere from made it to pretty well off.
>You are at the point where you could both leave your life behind and travel till death
if very frugally and diversifying assets, maybe, but not really because life expectancy is going to skyrocket this century.
>you are set from my perspective.
Your perspective is wrong.

His funds won't yield enough. Needs ~10-15x what he has, very diversified, to live comfy (not luxury) on dividends taken out after inflation + small compound gains with enough buffer to account for possible crashes in his assets, and still leave more for his progeny.

Poorfags always underestimate how much they need to "retire" and end up just burning through their USD sitting in their bank account getting less interest than inflation. They also forget about inflation when thinking "just take out your earnings bro". In 15 years at 4% inflation we're looking at almost a halving of the USD value.

>> No.11047790

The day will come when she asks herself is this really the best I can do?
Then she sees 90% of guys more accomplished than you. She makes 100k that is accomplishment.. maybe she deserves someone making 300 to push her further...

>> No.11047811
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>> No.11047841
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This theory is false if you make her cum twice a day.

>> No.11047848

Not being some kind of incel but this can be done if you are very attractive.

>> No.11047891
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>> No.11047932

OP are you going to ask her for lunch money every time you need it? Sounds like fun, and as many have mentioned: the vagina will dry up every time she reaches for that wallet. She might say she loves you, but the countdown has begun

>> No.11048019

>Needs ~10-15x what he has, very diversified, to live comfy
No he doesn't, he owns a house already

>> No.11048035

>Then she sees 90% of guys more accomplished than you. She makes 100k that is accomplishment.. maybe she deserves someone making 300 to push her further...
>being a wageslave earning a salary is an accomplishment

>> No.11049134

No, it's not going to work. Women are never satisfied with what they have, it's in their nature.

I am in a similar situation as you. I am currently studying and unemployed. I had a over a million in crypto but now it's worth shit. In the meantime my gf just landed a job 110K a year (in euros) for literally doing nothing.

She just started and is already bitching 24/7. She literally upgraded from a shitjob to suddenly high paid and started bitching the very first day.

I can sense that see is constantly judging me all of a sudden even though I never did that to her when the roles were reversed, which they were for a long time.

Women are constantly asking themselves whether they deserve more or deserve better and the answer in their mind is always yes they are just too insecure to act on it. But when they get a catalyser such as a "good" job, then they will eventually act on it.

Why do you think every single "carreer" woman has no husband and no kids? No one is good enough for them in their mind.

tl'dr: she will start looking down on you for not being "good enough". She will eventually cheat on you or smth like that because she "deserves" better. Women are never ever satisfied with what they have.

>> No.11049791
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>> No.11049867


It won't be a problem, unless you think it is a problem OP. As long as you will stay confident and happy while doing nothing you will be fine. However, this usually is not the case. Your pride might vanish if you don't contribute, and you might start feeling miserable, and that attitude might drive her away.

>> No.11049938

I'm kinda of doing this right now. I had a stabl, decent job I hated for about 2 years while my wife was at home-- she couldn't work because we were working on her greencard and getting set up in the US. I got fired from my job and she got a DUI like 2 days later. Her and her friend started a restaraunt and it's going pretty well, but she works like 100 hours a week. I stay at home looking after my crypto investments and my wife works all day every single day. It's kind of comfy but also pretty boring and I don't like asking my wife for money. I just go surfing and shitpost a lot.

>> No.11050107

exact same thing for men, considering most of them think they're better than their wifes even thought theyre fat, old but just have a bank balance

>> No.11050902

> crypto investments

dude...just go get a damn job