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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-11 at 19.51.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11041609 No.11041609 [Reply] [Original]

Favelanon here, today I was talking with this crackhead woman and she helped me to go back to real life shit.

She told me that I have to get resources, that if I dont make things right I'll get fucked and will end up being slave of something or someone, she said to take her as an example and that she have to scavenge the trash to find things, that she do blowjobs when she is high for less than R$5, that she doesnt have anything or anyone and that she have to bypass a lot of shit because she didnt make the right choose.

She told me that almost everyone from her childhood is dead or a crackhead too, that she gost lost and before her see she became an crack npc addict, she told me that the death and the guys in prison can't say anything, so we just hear the blablabla of the wannabe ones.

Will end up with rich girl tomorrow, I can't waste money with this young love thing, no money, so I gotta do what I gotta do because if I dont someday I will realize I did one step forward and two steps back and my younger brother and family will be on the line.

Saw a kind of "relative", he is into the SUS (health care of government that is free and shit), he is with cancer and already diagnosed as terminal, went there and I dont wanna that my mom or brother end up in a bed of a free shit service.

>the donation
Had my exchange account frozen, cant move anything for 48hours and if they found something suspect they will just ban me and get my coins, lol. Next time I will be wiser.

There are another online communities such as:

If you have more ideas just post here.

If you need social advice/ help just email me:

>> No.11041630

kys Monkey

>> No.11041642

check out

>> No.11041659

>>11041609 (OP)
check out

>> No.11041661
File: 124 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-11 at 19.51.51(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hue, I remember the first timeyou made that joke.

Will take a look.

(already seen it, its fine bro, I wont do spam for get it)

>> No.11041685

Why do you blog here? Sincerely curious

>> No.11041688

>Had my exchange account frozen, cant move anything for 48hours and if they found something suspect they will just ban me and get my coins, lol. Next time I will be wiser.
u fucking wot anon? why did it get frozen? show us a screen. coinbase wont fucking steal 700$

>> No.11041701

because his blog is 1000x more interesting than pajeet link and hot shilling 24/7

anons told him to keep doing it

>> No.11041704
File: 88 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-11 at 19.51.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because three anons helped me, one donated a Lol account worth 2k euros (that I gave to mine younger brother), other sent me 0.1 btc and other helped to try to find a way and motivated me.

I said to the 0.1 anon that I wasnt begging, so I would do something in return and here I am, I am offering help and mentoring to any anon that ask for it for free.

Some people said this photos helped them too, and I wanna to practice my english writing.

>> No.11041721
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gracias for your sisters favelanon.

>> No.11041744
File: 149 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-11 at 19.51.51(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had changed the password, they froze the account with the "reason" that could be a potential hacker, then I sent them KYC info (ID, etc) and the guy said "uh huh, cant unblock sir, hope you understand it, you are under investigation". It wasnt coinbase, was an brazilian exchange that send to your bank account the ammount, the problem is if the 0.1 btc came from any gambling or darknet related shit they will probably freeze it.

Hue, probably in a week you have seen better places and lived a much intense life than all mine, lol, this kind of girl not even acknowledge my existance.

I remember you, hope you are doing well.

>> No.11041761

U fucking sp ic u get everything u deserve

>> No.11041787
File: 106 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-05 at 18.53.12(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wht u mn bro?

What you mean, anon?

(older photos)

>> No.11041788

>under investigation
dont worry anon, you will get your money. 700$ is peanuts. unless your exchange is a literal scam, u will get your moolah.

>> No.11041801

back to pol with you virgin aspie

>> No.11041805

Serious question, how did a 3rd world ethnic hoodlum find this place? I thought we were all western autistic neets here

>> No.11041807
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sell drugs
sell your ass
sell safe trips to tourists wanting to visit your favela

>> No.11041808

but next time dont be a retard. you should have done it in 100$ steps or something and not the whole fucking thing at once.

>> No.11041858
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Hope your right, the 730 (the time anon sent me) is now something like 600.

Because I'm obcessive compulsive and was into compulsive study and learning new things since young.

I had several bots in Tibia when I was a child, farmed gold then sold it to many guys, I know brazilian imageboards, the "brosphere" (chateau heartisti, dark triad, all shit related) and a lot of other shit too.

In another perspective I got so compulsive in tech shit and at learnng new things that I got in touch with a lot of redpill content and different knowledge.

Can't sell drugs, people depending on me, if I get caught can get fucked for 5-15 years (Drug dealing jail time here) and I have some people depending on me, if you go jail and no money to pay the criminal factions you get fucked and have to do all kind of shit.

I had a account there since 2015, they had changed their KYC shit and security measures and I didnt knew.

>> No.11041886
File: 931 KB, 1248x1664, favelaae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I have knowledge about many topics, dick growth, height increase,runes, sigiles and spiritual evocation...

A lot of topics.

Older photo.

>> No.11041910

shit anon. you knew about btc since 2015? how did it feel to witness the 2017 bullrun up to 20k$ without any funds?

must have been brutal.

>> No.11041976
File: 3.46 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180909_113522877_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew from a long time, had some ltc and btc from faucets but someone stole the lan house and the pc's were lost, so no private key or way to recover.

Yes, it was sad to see the overpricing, the bubble and all things related.

Everyone that never heard me sold something (cars, motorcycle and some things) to buy BTC at the prime peak, they got fucked and even blame me, even if I told them years ago when was no peak.

Yes, its sad but is the way the world goes, no money and nothing to invest got rekt.

>> No.11042003

>I had several bots in Tibia when I was a child
where are you so I can travel to Brazil and saw your head off and post it on liveleak

>> No.11042042
File: 3.03 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180907_113811857_BURST001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

São Paulo, Capital.

>> No.11042158

is the PCC still a thing? would you be able to join?

>> No.11042183
File: 3.77 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180907_114607453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes bro, PCC dominate São Paulo. The problem is not to join, but to pay the pcc tax that is like 1 wageslave salary/month.

Its a mason for criminals.

>> No.11042214

stop using banks. try to buy things with crypto. sounds like you don't get it yet.

>> No.11042229

>dick growth

>> No.11042282
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Bro, I live in Brazil, the only place that accept it as payment are outsider shops overpriced as hell.

>about dick growh

Considering you are at full mage age the things you can do are JELQ, there are many types of jelq practice and tools.

But you dont need "bathmate" pro or any expensive shit, just need the right tools and to practice.

You gonna train your pipi to expand more and to have more blood circulation than it does now, so it will become "bigger" and "hander". You can get 2 cm to much more over time.

Its the gym workout for your penis.

Again: dont do it wrong and dont get fooled, if you do it wrong you can fuck your penis for the rest of your life.

>> No.11042286

Youre too low iq op

>> No.11042293

u got a gf anon? when was the last time u made bunga bunga

>> No.11042319
File: 3.68 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180906_141544371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full male age.

Its fine bro, who cares, at the end you live in a first world place and me in a place like hell.

Yes, I'm socially sucessfull (friends, social circles, gf) etc, reading tons of books and content of human mind, interaction and relationships made me good on it.
( Sun Tzu, 48 laws of power, how to make friends and influence people, Maquiavel, Dostoievsky, Nietzche, The old Bible Testment, Eclesiastes...)

Less than a week ago, but I'm poor so Im thinking in ending it.

This is the motel she paid.

>> No.11042346

neat anon.

do you lift weights / workout?

>> No.11042353
File: 3.60 MB, 3120x4160, hereanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you call me liar.

Its the same tshirt.

>> No.11042386
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She is vegetarian, I told her to have a meal there because was a cheap price (R$10), I dont even knew she was vegetarian.

>> No.11042396
File: 80 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-05 at 18.53.13(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to workout when I was younger and times wasnt so hard, had money and imported supplements almost for free. Nowadays I cant because no money to do a proper diet and have enough micro and macro, so I'm focusing at graduation, stay alive and help my family.

>> No.11042415

topkek @ 3rd whole tier meal but atleast the macros are good

>> No.11042427

Por que não abre o jogo com a sua esposa, OP?

>> No.11042442

This. Keep it up favelanon. Interesting shit. Maybe consider a tripcode, it's acceptable to trip just as proof of for use in specific threads like this.

>> No.11042463
File: 33 KB, 1040x585, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-01 at 22.09.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hue, another meal I had other day when the anon made me proof I was poor and he helped me.

Como assim, anon? É namorada, não sou casado não.

It's good to chat with different people, atleast make me happy to had invested time to learn another language and to be able to get in touch with wisdom and knowledge I woudnt be normally exposed to.

>> No.11042468


Por sinal, OP, vivo no nordeste mestre corrida. Praia perto de minha casa, cidade pequena e sol. Saio de casa de bicicleta e nunca fui assaltado - só uma vez e 8 minutos depois o cara foi preso; pegou 7 anos. Não se rebaixe a essa galera de primeiro mundo, OP, temos coisas boas mas de formas diferentes. Precisamos aprender isso, principalmente aceitar isso em nossa cabeça, é dela de onde tudo vem. Sem papo de doido, mas é verdade.

>> No.11042498
File: 128 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-01 at 15.02.39(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eu gosto do nosso país, anon, já fui para outros estados na época que dava pra trocar milhas por passagens e tinha encontrado um bug. Eu vou ajudar a melhorar essa porcaria porque já tá tudo cagado mesmo, agora é paciência de esperar me formar e tentar algo.

Eu gosto de vir aqui e conversar, tem pessoas boas por aqui também, anon, nunca fui assaltado porque na verdade pareço um assaltante.

Aproveite sua terra natal, já viu o filme que lançou "Além do homem"? Foi filmado na chapada diamantina.

>> No.11042513

I can't wait for the day where I see 700usd as peanuts. I hope this self learning computer science shit works out. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11042550
File: 32 KB, 585x1040, richasfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hue, hope you make it anon.

If you learn how to code you can try to make cash by yourself.

>> No.11042568

damn that's nice

>> No.11042584


Irei dar uma olhada! Tô com um ingresso de graça no Cinemark; tão dando junto com a pipoca e o refrigerante. Caro mesmo assim.

Tirando o ódio típico de chan, aqui realmente acaba tendo uma galera bem intencionada.

>> No.11042608
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Was really something unique.

Olha, eu consigo ver quando é um anon metido a saske, já aviso que não tem nem como ficar me aloprando pq a vida já aloprou, então entro junto na brincadeira e vida que segue.

>> No.11042637
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>> No.11042700
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2 floor room.

>> No.11042715

op are you a nigger?

post face

>> No.11042725
File: 96 KB, 780x1040, WhatsApp Image 2018-09-05 at 18.53.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, there are others brazilians here, if the guys of the hood realize that I'm taking photos I'll be in serious problem without need.

It's good to be a anon, being a ghost in real life got me used to it.

>> No.11042795


Qual foi o banco que congelou sua conta, anão? Preciso aprender isso a tempo.

>> No.11042814

Mercado bitcoin, Itau.

>> No.11042822


O próprio Mercado Bitcoin que congelou? Puta que me pariu.

>> No.11042838

Sim, primeiro por causa da senha e depois foi pra "investigação interna" pra ver se vieram de wallets fraudulentas.

>> No.11042855


A senha era algo ofensivo?

>> No.11042857

Não, se você mudar a senha com algum saldo em criptomoedas ou dinheiro eles bloqueiam a conta por 48 horas.

>> No.11043001


Rich girl think life its a game, just keep doing non funny jokes and yada yada.

Like an npc with boobies.

>> No.11043209
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>usando a pior exchange do brasil

>> No.11043235

Como eu ia saber, última vez que vendi foi em 2015.

>> No.11043337

More policing from AI kikes I see die Cunt.

>> No.11043383

KYSelves monkeys.

>> No.11043394

KYSelves monkeys.

>> No.11043404

Dicklet here. Give me some dick growth knowledge

>> No.11044265

Are you there yet?

Send me a email;

>> No.11045053

>she do blowjobs when she is high for less than R$5
didn't you ask to be her boss? seems a nice business