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11041353 No.11041353 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I feel literally retarded, like I can’t perform basic tasks that I should be able to do. I never know if I’m doing anything right, like today for the first time in my life I had to go to a laundromat and I felt like I was doing something wrong the whole time. I always feel like I learn basic things slower than other people.

Is this a sign of low IQ? Sometimes when people give me a bunch of directions it feels like there’s a lot of pressure within my head and I start to blank out and can never follow the directions. Like yesterday at a drive thru the lady told me to pull up and go to a specific location, it felt like it took me much longer than it should to find that location.

Again, are these signs of low IQ? Or just anxiety or something? Or am I just too hard on myself?

>> No.11041384

its anxiety lad

>> No.11041393

i was unironically typing this, look into healthy ways to relieve your stress/anxiety op

>> No.11041394

Are you sure?

>> No.11041471
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Probably comes from a very high degree of self-consciousness and self-doubt. This is how I assess my own struggle with what you've explained. However, I think a low IQ/mental handicap would preclude being able to be self-conscious or have self-doubt, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.11041480

>rechecking for reassurance
classic anxiety

>> No.11041547

I'm afraid of NPC's.

>> No.11041593

Dude I know this feel.

My psychiatrist unironically thinks I have a psychosis because of my garbage childhood.

But maybe your child hood was fine and it is what the others said.

But still, I can fucking relate OP, I used to be pretty smart, now I am a literal retard who constantly rechecks and reassures every single thing.

>> No.11041643

>When the diversity hire intern gets to program it's first NPC

>> No.11041673

you guys need to rebuild your confidence by getting really good at something (a hobby or skill) you’re already kind of good at. this is no way to live anons

>> No.11041928

Thing is that my focus and concentration is just completely fucked up.

My mind is just very "foggy", I have no clear thoughts, no clear mental image like I used to have.

DUnno how to fix this, I tried meditation, but it only helps short-term. Lifted for 6 months, didn't do shit.

>> No.11042168


Early 2000's as af.

>> No.11042256

You didn't get proper sleep often enough and now you are fucked. Warn kids not to repeat your mistake.

>> No.11042311

W-what? Please explain.

>> No.11042378

meditation isn't a temporary fix anon. You get a bit of mental clarity at first but after time it stays with you, until you're completely present. When you get there not meditating won't even seem like an option to you cause the need will feel like something basic you need like drinking water.

Meditation + healthy food and exercise are god tier ways of having mental clarity and getting control over your life.

>> No.11042400


If you want to know your IQ there are tests for that. But to me it sounds like you have some kind of social anxiety at least.

>> No.11042405

>How to know if you have low IQ
just spend a lot of time paying attention to all the things that make you stupid, how most people are smarter than you. notice your inferior capacity for information processing, abstraction, memorization, how some people just get things you couldn't wrap your head around in a lifetime, how long it takes you to become competent at basic tasks next to the millions who master them on the first go. but i wouldn't waste time thinking about this, ruminating on your own stupidity isn't very helpful.
>today for the first time in my life I had to go to a laundromat and I felt like I was doing something wrong the whole time
that sounds normal, it was your first time, you probably were doing something wrong. you being able to go to the laundromat to do laundry by yourself, slowly or not, says your IQ must be above 80.
>Sometimes when people give me a bunch of directions it feels like there’s a lot of pressure within my head and I start to blank out and can never follow the directions
that might just be anxiety, you'll probably get better at following the directions the more you get used to asking people for them. i just use my phone for directions without any issues.
>no clear mental image like I used to have
i have this as well, meditation sounds like maybe it could help. could be long-term brain damage from extreme sleep deprivation like the other anon said, this is likely the case for me, make sure you're sleeping enough. id keep lifting, my mood and attitude usually improve after exercise. smoking weed sometimes helps me to focus and see mental images, maybe see if it works for you.
you're probably not that stupid and just have depression and anxiety. maybe see a doctor and get meds or just order them online and see if issues persist. maybe spend some time off the internet, a couple weeks in nature to refresh the mind and soul, find inner peace.

>> No.11042760 [DELETED] 

if you have (or have had) amalgam (silver) dental fillings, the bottom line is that you absolutely have some degree of mercury poisoning
the vast majority of the mercury that is absorbed by your body never leaves; the current medical approach assumes that mercury does leave your body after some time, but somehow, that the damage which it does to organs is irreversible. this is bizarre. organs sampled for mercury post-mortem frequently report high mercury levels with increased age—which makes sense, given that the body's detoxification pathways for mercury are quickly totally overwhelmed by anything but background levels.
i could give you a bigger sales pitch, but the bottom line is, it wouldn't hurt you to try emeramide when you (and i) can finally get our hands on it; it's an extremely effective mercury chelator and extremely potent antioxidant that's literally fucking non-toxic. zero side effects. it literally only seems to do good things in both humans and animals that take it. the guy who discovered that it was non-toxic says that he's been taking it every day for 12 years, and he has the glutathione levels of a teenager. of course, the FDA halted its sale eight years ago on the grounds that the product was a "drug" and not a "supplement" (even though it had sold quite well and nobody reported any adverse reactions from taking it to either the FDA or the company that had manufactured it (and to this day, even through numerous studies and clinical trials, no adverse reactions to the drug have been observed in even doses as high as 0.5% the body weight of the animal taking it), and now the guy who made it has to do expensive bureaucratic gymnastics to get it approved
pretty fucking ridiculous

also, the company is looking for investors
i'm a poorfag with all my money in chainlink and can't fund them, but at least i won't have fucking mercury poisoning when they can start selling stuff

>> No.11042779
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if you have (or have had) amalgam (silver) dental fillings, the bottom line is that you absolutely have some degree of mercury poisoning
the vast majority of the mercury that is absorbed by your body never leaves; the current medical approach assumes that mercury does leave your body after some time, but somehow, that the damage which it does to organs is irreversible. this is bizarre. organs sampled for mercury post-mortem frequently report high mercury levels with increased age—which makes sense, given that the body's detoxification pathways for mercury are quickly totally overwhelmed by anything but background levels.
i could give you a bigger sales pitch, but the bottom line is, it wouldn't hurt you to try emeramide when you (and i) can finally get our hands on it; it's an extremely effective mercury chelator and extremely potent antioxidant that's literally fucking non-toxic. zero side effects. it literally only seems to do good things in both humans and animals that take it. the guy who discovered that it was non-toxic says that he's been taking it every day for 12 years, and he has the glutathione levels of a teenager. of course, the FDA halted its sale eight years ago on the grounds that the product was a "drug" and not a "supplement" (even though it had sold quite well and nobody reported any adverse reactions from taking it to either the FDA or the company that had manufactured it (and to this day, even through numerous studies and clinical trials, no adverse reactions to the drug have been observed in even doses as high as 0.5% the body weight of the animal taking it), and now the guy who made it has to do expensive bureaucratic gymnastics to get it approved
pretty fucking ridiculous

also, the company is looking for investors
i'm a poorfag with all my money in chainlink and can't fund them, but at least i won't have fucking mercury poisoning when they can start selling stuff

>> No.11042858

>sleep deprivation
how can this be when tesla only slept 3 hours a day, da vinci, something like 5, van gogh 4-5 hours as well. insomnia is found to be a pretty common trait among a lot of "geniuses". Read into a lot of the CEO's nowadays. People like Tim Cook say they only sleep for 3-6 hours a day.

>> No.11042893

Do you learn slower when you're alone? Have you ever taught yourself anything?

>> No.11042895

those geniuses have really high IQs so they could get away with it. us normans dont sleep and struggle with laundry.

>> No.11042924

Thanks for all the responses, it is likely anxiety, and honestly it probably does have something to do with not getting enough sleep. I've been getting horrible sleep lately.

I end up teaching myself most of my courses in school because I can barely pay attention in class anymore. That's part of the reason I thought I had low IQ, because I could barely focus in class.

>> No.11043043

Long term anxiety and untreated depression make you lose iq points. Theres a neurological mechanism for it that I've forgotten.

>> No.11043095

It's literally lack of REWARDING social contact mate. This part of your brain has been left unexercised for so long that it's making up challenges to keep itself alive (use it or lose it). Do not ignore these warning signs but don't let them get to you either.

>> No.11043104

I've read that there's a certain gene that let's people do this. Still, didn't most of those guys go crazy and kill themselevs?

>> No.11043199

i've got a cold and feel even more fuked up than usual, but you niggers need to look up stuff to do with emeramide (henceforth referred to as NBMI) and emeramed, like, RIGHT NOW. start thinking about potential sources of mercury exposure that you've encountered, especially including dental amalgam (once again, silver) fillings; mercury poisoning disproportionately affects males, because testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury by several dozen times over. boyd haley—emeramed's founder, and a respected scientist from the university of kentucky—literally describes exactly this in his research.
i mean—shit. NBMI is exactly the stuff you're looking for, and i STRESS that. i fucking swear to shit, the insane fucking nonsense i've gone through to come to this conclusion, while taking regular mercury chelators and everything; if you have had amalgams, you absolutely do have mercury poisoning, to some degree—and you are very likely to suffer instant acute mercury poisoning from having them drilled out of your mouth. vaccines containing thimerosal abso-fucking-lutely do induce mercury poisoning and autism, and a great deal of evidence that they do can be found in viewing the effects of NBMI, when it was sold as a supplement named OSR#1, circa 2008-2010, on autistic children.
fucking WATCH this presentation by haley at the IAOMT, and look more into the symptoms of mercury poisoning; i could tell you all the shit i suffer or try to answer any questions you have, if you wish.

pay attention to my crap too

>> No.11043216

This is a mineral deficiency problem.

Buying ionic magnesium and iodine from a health food store will help.

Parasites could be the other problem.

>> No.11043224

Something's wrong but you're not stupid

>> No.11043240

I broke a thermometer and think I swallowed the mercury in it as a kid. Am I fucked?

>> No.11043245

Also EMF fatigue will exascerbate those symptoms.

You need to get out of it while sleeping especially.

Get outside to sleep.

>> No.11043277
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Anons have you ever had a head/back injury? When I was younger I was hit in the jaw and my head was sitting a bit off on my spine (along with a really unnatural curve in my neck). This caused me to sleep poorly, feel dizzy often, slow thinking/reaction times and just feel off overall. If you have ever had a car accident/sport injury/or just feel stiff in your neck or back I would consider looking into this. Search Gonstead chiropractors on YT for examples, my fav is Dr. Rahim

>> No.11043295

>However, I think a low IQ/mental handicap would preclude being able to be self-conscious or have self-doubt
I also tell myself this lie

>> No.11043298

Was the liquid inside silver?

>> No.11043339

anon if you did this you would vividly remember shitting yourself to high heaven, if you drink merc it’ll pass right through you and come straight out your ass along with anything else in your stomach

>> No.11043346

check your house for excessive radiation and stop drinking tap water

>> No.11043420

I know that feel. I feel like I am too dumb to work a real job? I've only had shitty easy minimum wage jobs and it looks like this will be my life forever. I've been in and out of college for a few years now and I feel like college isn't for me. I have to go to a career expo in a few weeks and my resume is so fucking pathetic that I know the recruiters are just gonna throw it away once I leave.

>> No.11043471

given the very low permeability of liquid mercury in human tissue, it's very extremely unlikely that you're fucked—and it is also unlikely that the chronic oxidative stress that you suffer from that particular instance of exposure is far too serious. there are people who drink shots of elemental mercury as a party trick with the understanding being that it doesn't hurt you—but, of course, this is an idiotic thing to do to yourself; the very small amount of it that *is* absorbed remains in your body practically forever, with all of the devastating negative effects that that tiny amount of mercury brings.
if you're worried about it, then taking NBMI (once it's available through means other than compasionate/special access programmes) in ANY amount will not hurt you in the slightest, and should completely alleviate any damage to your body that the absorbed mercury's sustained presence allows, in addition to any symptoms that you have from that particular instance of exposure.
just for reference, in that video, a study in which rats who were administered 14x the lethal dose of mercuric chloride was talked about; the control group (which was administered no NBMI) all died in a very short period of time after injection, but in the test group (which was administered 150mg NBMI per kg body weight), four of the six rats were left not only *surviving*, but behaving completely normally at the 168 hour mark. the thing about those other two rats is that haley claims that they were very likely mishandled during injections, and died of infection; the fact that the other four rats in this group lived for several months afterwards before being put down, developing no cancers, backs up this claim quite nicely.
this kind of efficacy has never before been documented in any kind of metal chelator, and it primarily has to do with NBMI's ability to cross lipid barriers (as well as the blood-brain barrier), in addition to its virtually permanent bond to mercury.

>> No.11043653
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by the way,
my advice in this situation would be to simply get NBMI whenever it's finally available
it's the most incredible molecule; a fucking chelator that alleviates mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, iron, copper, and zinc poisoning (among other metal toxicities) that also cures autism and neutralizes the shit out of hydroxyl free radicals in your body—all while not depleting you of any of the essential metals that it chelates (iron, copper, zinc), and elevating your glutathione levels.
it's literally the manifestation of "do no harm" medical mantra into a fucking chemical, and then some. you will seriously not be putting yourself at a disadvantage in taking it.

>> No.11043687
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I couldn't solve physics problem or code for shit. I think I'm double digit IQ as well.

>> No.11043752

I have depression, PTSD, Psychosis, add and anxiety. I'm on about 5 medications and they're working good. That said I still get depressed sometimes and I get kinda crazy if I forget to take a dose, but I'm managing pretty well. Get a good doctor OP. It helps a ton now that I'm stable and on meds.

>> No.11043821

You think that because you’ve never actually tried. If you had to spend 8 hours a day learning physics you mean to tell me you wouldn’t learn ANYTHING after a month? It’s all in your head.

>> No.11043829

just take one of those online tests where you match patterns

>> No.11043859

Classic ADHD

>> No.11043867

If you have low IQ, you wouldn't have been able to make that post. Stupid people have difficulty in expressing their thoughts and trouble typing with proper capitalization and grammar.

>> No.11044219


sounds like me and I think >>11041673
is the best way out of this

>> No.11044242

I feel the same way. Been struggling with mental fogginess for 5 years or so. Never really been able to resolve it. Some days are good, others not so much. I honestly have no advice for you lol. I wish I could fix it.

>> No.11044366

hey anons,
ive tried a lot lately.
from iodone drops in water (fucked my stomach up)
to tons of himalayan salt (no complaints)
garlic drops on my feet (rage +1 also improved athletic performance)

I think what it really adds up to is this:
There was a study done on rats that basically involved blinking lights. once the rats got used to all the stimuli, they ended up becoming like all of us sound.

in short; our phones, notifications, biz/checking crypto, IT ALL feeds our pleasure senses making us dull to normal routine.

The bad part is all of those rats never recovered. neither will we.
I wish I had some sort of cure but it seems there's nothing to help. just get used to it.

i personally have my laptop open while i play vidya. im watching the charts/checking biz while killing people online/eating food/smoking weed.

that level of stimuli can't really be matched. especially since im used to it now. so yeah, normal things are so normal and simple that they become complicated.

just my theory. good luck anons.

>> No.11044510


>tesla only slept 3 hours a day, da vinci, something like 5, van gogh 4-5 hours as well

3 hours? Fuck no, not gonna believe that shit for a second. Makes no sense. You can't take some bullshit you heard from who knows where as actual evidence.