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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11040132 No.11040132 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw almost 20 years old and only $9k USD in savings.

>> No.11040143

Now buy link with it, dumbass

>> No.11040150

how to lose everything, the post

>> No.11040188

That doesn't count as savings. You have to pay back those students loans, Trevor

>> No.11040232
File: 106 KB, 1738x1190, alexjoneslaughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm twice your age and you have $8750 more than me
>i didn't make it :(

>> No.11040254

>will reach 100k by the end of the year

Guess I'm alright

>> No.11040263


>> No.11040346


>> No.11040574
File: 82 KB, 537x640, 1535378512498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 18 and a little over $100,000 in crypto in a country with $500 average wage, feel like a milionaire here

>> No.11040617

>1 year of saving
Get gud

>> No.11041118
File: 151 KB, 881x794, A3D590E6-CC34-430E-9696-B6B8838131BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> -34k

>> No.11041136

This but much worse

>> No.11041166

edukayshun didnt work out huh

>> No.11041171
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How fucked am I?

>> No.11041187



>> No.11041254
File: 31 KB, 385x309, 51CqNCZIxVL._SX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

45 year old boomer, $4.32 till Friday..

>> No.11041316
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>> No.11041320


32 - $50 till friday lol guess there is always somebody worse off

>> No.11041324

>$100,000 in crypto
You have Monopoly money, congratulations.

>> No.11041348
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>> No.11041365

Lmao 19 years old and have 10k without working

>> No.11041373

mfw im 10 years old nd have more money then this boomer
mfw = :)

>> No.11041388

>posting mean comment with random common name
Wow so edgy

>> No.11041398
File: 27 KB, 471x355, 1535773455690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, always someone worse off. At least I have a car and a job :) just no $$$

>> No.11041456

This post is like the autistic male version of when girls post pictures of themselves saying how ugly they are

>> No.11041652
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>> No.11041682


t. Trevor

>> No.11041745


I had like $500 when I was 20

>> No.11041952

Shit man, 20 years old I was in college and thought I was balling if I made a few hundred bucks shorting weed. If you are living no expenses or debt with family you are in a great position to invest. I'm 29 and not much better off than you. But thankfully I have no debt.

>> No.11041970

>20 yo
>256$ bank
>-2k student loan
>no job

>> No.11042094

Who are you?

>> No.11042134
File: 55 KB, 1201x504, 1524164155323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw your name is Trevor and you have 9.1k in savings

>> No.11042140
File: 5 KB, 218x160, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2k in the bank
>9k in crypto that is now worth 3k (thanks a lot req)
>100 in savings acct


>> No.11042171

>20 dollars in bank
>i have a few link though

>> No.11042184

>75k in crypto (even after the blood bath, peak was 250k)
>20k in cash
feels ok man

>> No.11042208

I'm turning 30 soon and I only have a total of $12k in the bank. I just bought a house so I can't really count that as equity for another 30 years when its paid off.

>> No.11042410

Holy shit, your house won't be paid off until you're ~60 my dude

>> No.11042466
File: 390 KB, 633x549, 1529309277475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw made it already but never jerked off with your bros
why live

>> No.11042467


I'm 28 with $4000 to my name

>> No.11042518

>there are people younger than me with more money than me
feels bad man

>> No.11042756

love these name jokes

>> No.11042789
File: 220 KB, 890x905, 1535586582659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just reached parity with my debt.
>10% of my net value is in CY
I got an ok price but today was brutal.

>> No.11042877

>20 years old
>€33k euro in bank
Most of it is inheritance though, I've only earned like 1-2k of that

I think I'll keep most of the money around until I finish university and use it to get a mortgage or something along those lines.

>> No.11042900

> 18
> -20€
> Owe money to a friend because I had nothing left to pay for dinner after buying anime figures

>> No.11042915
File: 106 KB, 700x700, 1536382676721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 year old neet with rich family.
>26k usd networth and zero expenses/debt.
>16 year old virgin gf.


>> No.11042950

Why is she still a virgin you fucking pussy?

>> No.11042974

19k (including 4k tether sitting on binance)

>> No.11042988

>his gf is still a virgin

id rather be me than you, and im broke as fuck

>> No.11043016
File: 182 KB, 680x680, c6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$100 in stocks and crypto
>13k in savings
>no debts
>college education was 10k

>> No.11043170


That's more than most people your age, assuming you don't have any debt.

>> No.11043239

>will turn 26 in a month
>will only have $275k by then
its not enough

>> No.11043242

>10,000 years old
>20 dollars in bank account
Fucking cuckolds