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File: 116 KB, 1258x603, Screenshot 2017-12-17 at 2.28.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11035759 No.11035759 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone here who still honestly believes bitcoin will go back to $19k and beyond one day?

>> No.11035769


>> No.11035777


>> No.11035781


Of course it will. its motherfucking bitcoin man. it can do anything

>> No.11035789


Looks like the bear markets wrapping up boys faith has been lost

>> No.11035803

I have no other option, but to believe. That's my only chance to escape the wagecuck race

>> No.11035805

No. 20k was the peak when everyone and their grandma were in on it. What we're seeing now is what happens when normies stop burning their cash on meme coins.

>> No.11035810

Buying more every month

>> No.11035838



Less than 1% of the worlds population ever was in crypto

>> No.11035839

So few people were in.

This has been said after every ATH. God bless Vitalik for scaring all the weak hands out yesterday.

>> No.11035850

>he thinks 1% is a small number
>he thinks what he just said is actually a good shilling point
pure delusion

>> No.11035858

If BTC survives it will go parabolic

>> No.11035864
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>> No.11035872

over 19k?
no doubt, what I don't know is if it will be $1MM in 2020 or 2024

>> No.11035881

Everyone knew about bitcoin, most people didn't buy in. People are going to fomo like mad the next pump, they still remember missing out last year.

The next run will be the golden bull when it finally reaches the mainstream.

>> No.11035884

Yea about 1% humans will ever have the ability financially or mentally to invest in crypto. Also some people are just plain not interested

What % of world’s population do you think are involved in the stock market?

The 1% argument is hilarious

>> No.11035885

unironically do the math

there's literallt less 21million

barely enough to go around

i can guarantee value keeps climbing until something else takes crypto's place

>> No.11035912

>who honestly believes we're going to $1k again
>who honestly believes we're going to $100 again
>who honestly believes we're going to $40 again
>who honestly believes someone got free pizza for 10,000 bitcoins!! LOL!!!

We're going to $1M.

Are you going to realize this at 500k and get 2x?

Are you going to realize this at 100k and get 10x?

Are you going to realize this at 50k and get 20x?

Are you going to realize this at 25k and get 40x?

Are you going to realize this at 6k and get 150x?

The choice is yours anon.

>> No.11035922

You don't seem to understand that any time a transaction is processed that computers earn bitcoin in return for processing that transaction. It's called minging, look it up. There might be 21m btc now but that number grows daily brainlet.

>> No.11035935

Oh honey....

>> No.11035937
File: 41 KB, 624x480, 1536314384088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people who know much more than us
They have +50,000 BTC wallets
They didnt even sell ONE Bitcoin @19k

Just be patient kiddos.

>> No.11035943

Bitcoin (BCH) will. Bitcoin (BTC) will not

>> No.11035946

>There might be 21m btc now but that number grows daily brainlet.

You know 21 Million haven’t even been mined yet and approximately 3 Million have been lost forever right?

>> No.11035965

End your life

>> No.11035966

lol kys

>> No.11035970

>shilling point
there are still 2017 buyers here?

>> No.11035998

I honestly think it won't move much from where it is now

>> No.11036010

>They didnt even sell ONE Bitcoin @19k
Well, that was fucking stupid.

>> No.11036022
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Good one anon.

>> No.11036061


Over 50% of americans are invested in stocks, crypto was never even close to that . To say this was mainstream is idiotic

>> No.11036077

What did he say yesterday? Link? just curious

>> No.11036109

they sold at 20k

>> No.11036112
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Ofc you are smarter than whales who bought +100,000 BTC in 2013.


>> No.11036128

total waste of dubs, you could have posted anything, but now, here we are

>> No.11036149


>> No.11036161
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jesus christ this has to be bait fucking kek

>> No.11036178

The rest doesn't want to and never will.

>> No.11036200

You don't know shit about who sold what.
Stop pretending to be an authority.

>> No.11036230
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>> No.11036249

holy fuck there is nothing worse than seeing a dunning kruger irl.
funny thing is you even went to call that other anon a brainlet lmao

>> No.11036286

>50% chance of reaching 6 figures at some point within 10 years

>> No.11036295

Guys, btc is going to 20K and beyond!
There are still uneducated normies!!!

>> No.11036311
File: 5 KB, 189x189, 1498501490521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he pulled those numbers out of his ass
did you anon?... be honest

>> No.11036320

btc will go 5% above it's ATH at december 2018

>> No.11036334

Absolutely. Still reasonable odds.

>> No.11036370

Been in BTC since 2012. This isn't anything new.

What you're experiencing, is unit-bias. $19k is such a high number! Is it tough?

If a few national banks, or pension funds, or major insurance corporations start holding 1% or so of their portfolio in BTC, is $19k still a large number?

Nobody knows, what an "expensive" Bitcoin is, because something like it has never existed.

And highs and lows percentage wise, aren't really noteworthy. So don't sweat it.

>> No.11036401

Guys, myspace is coming back and beyond!
There are still uneducated normies who don't know how HTML or IP addresses work!

>> No.11036408


> everyone and their grandma were in on it

Imagine being this clueless about the world

>> No.11036446

bitcoin halving will pretty much double the price instantly and if we're not in a bullrun already, that will be the kick

>> No.11036469

Never really thought it would. That 1MM BTC was just a sales pitch for the ponzi.

>> No.11036485

yeah 100% sure

t. oldfag

>> No.11036501

it has gone from 1 cent to $6k in 8 years
im sure it will stop now for some reason and go all the way back to like a dollar

>> No.11036502
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>> No.11036520

Well, Soros just invested in AMD after helping crash this market so maybe, who knows

>> No.11036615

>he compares something that is already dead to something that is in its baby steps
Neck yourself faggot

>> No.11036675

>Myspace was the largest social networking site in the world, from 2004 to 2010.
>BTC 9 January 2009

Its already older than myspace MUH baby steps.

>> No.11036696

what price will bitcoin be in one year anons? asking for a fren.

>> No.11036718

im sure it will go from 1 cent to 100k in 10 years

>> No.11037020

>Being a nerd in 2010 means having infinite wisdom.

>> No.11037405


>> No.11037411

Prepare to see the same pattern this December when everything moons

>> No.11037432

2019 3000
2020 10000.
2021 30000.

>> No.11037447

Fucking this. The next wave will be ridden by 3rd wolders with 0 faith in fiat money. And it will go nice for them.

>> No.11037448
File: 131 KB, 287x266, 0987654323456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOOOOOOOOOLLL you fucking retard baby steps doesn't have shit to do with time. Bitcoin is obviously different technology than a social media website and it takes more time to mature. YOU FUCKING BRAINLET. keep comparing apples to oranges

>> No.11037509

How do I build a minging computer though?

>> No.11037547

Yep, and it just shows how knew all of these bears are to crypto. I dont even need these dubs.

>> No.11037653

This. It's on sale

>> No.11037688

I remember when less than 1% of the worlds population had home computers. Now everyone....... This Anon gets it.

>> No.11038436
File: 121 KB, 637x421, 1521645277581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, is minging why exchanges are implementing kys?

>> No.11038894

>Less than 1% of the worlds population ever was in crypto

Its even less. 1% had 10% of their money in crypto. So its 0.1% maximum.

>> No.11039040
File: 82 KB, 842x792, brainlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>According to a Wells Fargo/Gallup poll, just 2% of investors say they currently own bitcoin, and less than 1% plan to buy it in the near future. While most investors say they have no interest in ever buying bitcoin, about one in four (26%) say they are intrigued by it but won't be buying it anytime soon.

>Everyone and their grandma

Yikes, imagine being this retarded about the world around you....damn.


>> No.11039073

It went up with the demand for bitconnect and went down when they took the money and ran. Look at times - it corresponds perfectly. It will never go back up.

>> No.11039094

100% yes, just a matter of if it takes 3 years or something.

>> No.11039193

Normies bought bitcoin by the thousands because bitconnect promised a passive return on investment. You needed to buy their bitconnect coin with bitcoin. The more money you put in, the more money you'd get a week. It literally was what turned bitcoin into the massive runaway bubble.if you don't see this, then you're a moron.

>> No.11039206

other way around, bitconnect took advantage of the bullrun, you really think that one shitty ponzi can influence the whole market?

>> No.11039230

Absolutely and it did 100%. Bitconnect sparked the bullrun and definitely ended it.

>> No.11039323

nope, it was the irrational exuberance for ico's that pumped bitcoin into a massive bubble. bitconnect played a part, but ico's were the fuel for the fire

>> No.11039346

Which shows that as usecases increase, people WILL use Crypto. The use cases need to be created, obv ICO's and Bitconnect were nigger-tier greed.

>> No.11039375

Only plebs and retards still talk about bitcoin. Anyone with a brain is looking at other projects that actually have a future