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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11032080 No.11032080 [Reply] [Original]

It’s almost 2am wagie, go to bed. Jeff needs you in the cage bright and early tomorrow.

>> No.11032081

Why do people voluntarily put themselves in positions where they have to work for someone else?

>> No.11032089
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My cage gives me comfort. Just me myself and I getting some quality work done y'know?

>> No.11032091

It's called paying bills...ask your parents about it

>> No.11032115

It's called being a slave..
Oh wait, you're one of those "remember champ, give em a firm handshake..." types who think the new generation is lazy when they're literally being treated like cattle

>> No.11032123

It’s called finding passive online income, thinking all neets don’t make money is pure wage slave mentality

>> No.11032137

Wait are there really jobs where I can go into a cage and use a badass claw without having to deal with the general public?

Sign me up, I'll take a fulltime position.

>> No.11032159

The seat needs to have a potty built in so wagies have to smell their poop and piss all day till the end of shift.

>> No.11032169

There should be a stock ticker screen so they can see how much money they are making other people with their labor.

>> No.11032176

Kek I fucking love my fellow neets

>> No.11032181

The cage from the patent also has water and food supply integrated

>> No.11032183

whats wrong about a cage they should make some for prisoners too so you can easier transport them etc..
and they should make a 2 seater taxi version of it awell, this shit is revolutionizing, i love this idea

>> No.11032193

wagies go back to your cagies, lol

>> No.11032198

Walmart and store greeters should be in cages too. Just cuz, put a scrolling live feed of them for all shareholders to watch.

>> No.11032209

they need to put this supermarket bitches in those cages aswell, i cant stand when they bend over with their fat ass and filling the shelfs, put them in a cage- the more i think about it the more i love it

>> No.11032224

Wagecager here

Its over

>> No.11032243

have a (you)

>> No.11032246

An autonomous robot wheels under the cage that automatically moves them to various produce or cans that are out of place. They have to slowly operate their shitty claw to put the thing in place instead of their hands.

Just sitting in their cage waiting to be rolled over to the next thing to move around while people walk past them and view them as non-human due to the cage.

Eventually they sink into a prison-experiment type mental state of being just a braindead claw in spirit and flesh. Refusing to even leave the store, slowly having their flesh fuse with the machine, until they become a complete wage slave and only gain any pleasure in putting the soup can back in place

>> No.11032387

Its called starvation

>> No.11032398

Making passive income that's not enough to make yourself independent but enough to convince yourself that you're not utterly worthless.

>> No.11032459
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hahaha oh wow

>> No.11032477

that great last night was fantastic

>> No.11032481

The cities create cucks. They used to be able to afford food and housing but can't anymore.
If you just go wandering through your city, you are only allowed to walk in designated areas or streets. There is nowhere to get food off the land. There are literally too many people in the USA. Every square inch of real estate is used to get rich. Its all a fucking scam and everyone is born a slave. We've populated and owned so much land that you can't live free.

>> No.11032492

It should have a bird on top that shits on you. Or a rat. Those warehouses are probably infested.

Maybe have them opening up the packages, because I swear to god 50% of the time they send me a used or refurb item.

>> No.11032528


>> No.11033449


>go to work
>boss keeps me in cage
>go home
>wife keeps my penis in cage

what do /biz/?

>> No.11033469

based and redpilled

>> No.11033769
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>> No.11033776 [DELETED] 


>> No.11033792
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>> No.11033879




>> No.11033911

Hong Kong is utter shit.
It should be nuked

>> No.11033932
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Fucking KeK!!

>> No.11033970
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Time will pass and you will age
Jeff will not give you a raise
"we made this just to keep you safe"
but you do not see it that way
deep inside you feel a rage
"you took too long to poop today"
wagie wagie stuck in cagie
wagies life's an oopsie daisy

>> No.11034146

The patent showed the delivery for the food is via a feeding tube.

It will be interesting to see if they go ahead with their plans of fitting catheters to their wagies or go the adult nappy route. Perhaps a simple bucket in the cage would be the most economical option.

>> No.11034170
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>Wagecager here
The term is "cagie"

>> No.11034329
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>> No.11034363
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Jesus please don't meme this! Meme responsibly people.

This is down right reckless!

>> No.11034464

Lol. I hope there'll be a 24h gas station with these cage people somewhere within a walking distance from my house. I'll spend a week reading Thoreau and Hesse and then get high and go and see the cage people at the gas station. Fucking absurd

>> No.11035027

what amazon does is not slavery because it doesnt force anyone to use it. on the other hand property taxes are slavery.

>> No.11035572


This actually. When I make it, I'm getting a farm, some solar panels to run my Link node & Xmr miners and staying well the fuck away from major population centers. Domestication is just pathetic.

>> No.11035605

>doesn't force anyone

Wrong. Amazon pays millions via Lobbyists to the Democract party to make sure new regulations favor them and prevent competition. It's the opposite of a free market. So over time they're going to funnel everyone in at once to being slaves, why do you think they're advocating for importing mass labor from immigration? There's only a narrow window if time left to make it before the whole world is a giant favela of barely sentient wagies overseeing armies of machines. Fuck that noise.

>> No.11035667

This is retarded, the population density of the entire US is one of the lowest in the world. No you're not going to find a farm in NYC you fucking tard, try driving an hour out of the city.

>> No.11035688
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