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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 1200x632, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11030667 No.11030667 [Reply] [Original]

debate me

>> No.11030679
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I agree

>> No.11030687

monero offers nothing that confidential transactions cant do.

>> No.11030693

I-I....can’t ....

>> No.11030771

You're wrong. It's a $10000 coin.

>> No.11030779

looks like a $108 coin to me

>> No.11030858

Have a (you)

>> No.11030869
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>> No.11030873

private transactions makes robbing you easier since police wont be able to help you because they cant even track where the money went
"i can see who i transacted with" yeah good job, its not as if they would be sending funds to a newly created wallet that sends them to another new wallet and now it cant be tracked anymore

>> No.11030883

I was going to say exactly the same thing.

>> No.11031026
File: 54 KB, 1141x556, unknown-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a paper published by Bloomberg estimating the return on investment per coin.

XMR is a proof of work coin which will eventually have a lower circulating supply than Bitcoin aside from being totally private.

It has the highest upside potential of all the coins they have rated.

>> No.11031062

I'm thinkin about goin in on btc/zec/xmr/lend/salt based off this. probably smarter than listening to biz

>> No.11031119

not company driven
asic resistance
failry distributed

a real fucking blockchain!!!!

dont make companies rich


>> No.11031130
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Stay mad Monerocucks

Enjoy using your outdated technology

>> No.11031139

Except not leave a trail.

>> No.11031143
File: 3 KB, 249x183, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dero has like 10 dollars of daily volume. you're literally shilling a dead coin. it's on the same level as bitconnect

>> No.11031155



>> No.11031166

satis group

>> No.11031169

These bags are getting heavy. I need you all to do some degenerate shit or buy drugs or what have you.

>> No.11031174


>has figurehead that worships the absolute corporate cancer of crypto
>says they will give up on ASIC resistance
>can't actually see distribution and did not have a fair launch

>> No.11031180

You mean $100,000?

It's still not as much as Monero, but it's nowhere near dead in its volume.

>> No.11031183

Have you even read the paper?

>Conceived by Bitcoin developer, Gregory Maxwell, a confidential transaction (CT) is a method of increasing the privacy of a transaction by homomorphically encrypting the inputs and outputs using a blinding factor. This feature keeps the amounts transferred visible only to participants in the transaction (and those they designate).

>> No.11031192

So how does one send a confidential bitcoin transaction?

>> No.11031198

there will be a point where bitcoin will have enough security and privacy to where monero wont be needed

maybe btc will pull a google and release data and shit to people, but thats way way into the future. if that were to happen the people would be using monero like people use tor

>> No.11031216

Should I FOMO into XMR? I have 0 and I think even five may be wise. I'm a poorfag so I'm limited.Thanks.

>> No.11031237
File: 126 KB, 1888x874, itsdead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's dead, jim... it's dead.

27k volume for dero on a good day. 5k normal

>> No.11031252

not a chance. bitcoin devs cant do anything and the last thing anyone of them wants is true privacy. plus monero isn't just privacy, it's fungibility and asic resistant with bulletproofs

>> No.11031261

you should buy kneepads to acquire more than 5. you need 100 xmr to make it

>> No.11031268

> thing anyone of them wants is true privacy
>who is greg maxwell

fuckin tard

>> No.11031283


no link to the paper itself?

>> No.11031284
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>he thinks bitcoin devs are going to implement real privacy

>> No.11031293

>there comes the derofag shilling his pajeet scamcoin

I know it's hard to be scammed, but sometimes you must give up. Sometimes we lose, it's normal.

>> No.11031301

this. it's the same dero shill every monero thread holding onto hope that he didn't buy a complete shitcoin

>> No.11031302


>> No.11031308

if you knew who he was you would know thats not true. you should be following the mailing list

>> No.11031318

or just watch the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHPYNZ8i1cU

>> No.11031335


cute, but not happening.

>> No.11031372
File: 154 KB, 350x350, cantarguewithhisbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you are saying greg maxwell is full of shit? look at his facial hair. he serves no purpose but to code.

>> No.11031373

public ledger is a core part of bitcoin's mission. that guy and other devs who value privacy will work on other coins and tokens

>> No.11031393

You do realize CMC isn't the only crypto recording service out there...right? I mean I don't care if you hate Dero or not, but deliberately misrepresenting the facts is pretty much the reason everyone on /biz/ thinks you guys are fags.

Dero has $100,000+ daily volume. You can check this for yourselves.

>> No.11031401
File: 92 KB, 253x224, 1533075029948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get donal trump to retweet about monero?

>> No.11031440

funny, because it already exits in his fork and is worked on daily. it will be merged into main when its done - like all elementsprojects

>> No.11031454

Influence his advisers

>> No.11031464

I guess if someone funded terrorism with monero he'd tweet about it, but I can't recommend doing that

>> No.11031468

No XMR fags worship getting misinformation. That's why they follow the fat cuck

>> No.11031481


haha scamcoin loser

>> No.11031546

It's pretty scammy to lie and say something has no volume when it has over $100,000 of volume

>> No.11031553

>Dero has $100,000+ daily volume. You can check this for yourselves.

Get out of there, fucking liar pajeet.

>> No.11031578



Literally right here



>> No.11031591

Add a zero and we do not need to argue anymore.

>> No.11031598

*eyeroll* bcash exists and is worked on daily too. desu i didnt know about sidechains, as i tabbed around from your link my mind was changed. ive also learned that it doesnt mean its going to be integrated into BTC proper (i was wondering about the btc whitepaper itself states the "necessity to announce all transactions publically," though i see you are correct it would in fact compete with privacy coins. changes would still need to be voted in. its not like they roll right from github into bitcoin's code

>> No.11031635

except bcash is roger ver who is a fucking tard. greg maxwell is very respectable. hopefully you went through https://elementsproject.org/elements/

and you are right, it doesn't _have_ to be added, but all that stuff will. guess where segwit came from? https://elementsproject.org/elements/segregated-witness/
schnorr sigs are big and upcoming too.

>> No.11031641

Bch is the real monero

>> No.11031642
File: 37 KB, 1200x390, deromarkets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, in case you can't understand the website, I made this easy-to-read graphic.

I thought that Dero only had $100,000+ volume, but it turns out it's actually $1,000,000+ volume. Dero is really starting to catch on.

>> No.11031657

>a completely random exchange, not even tracked
Look at those thin order books. Do you truly believe that?

>> No.11031665

Neckbeard? He’s one of (((them)) kek

>> No.11031677
File: 5 KB, 225x225, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i consider this more of a neckbeard than >>11031372
but yeah, all good devs are fucking nuts

>> No.11031692

hahahaha holy shit you are pathetic
get fucked with your scamcoin loser

>> No.11031711

>Dero having $500,000+ volume for the past three months

>> No.11031714

I already went over this with you in another thread, faggot. Mixed privacy blockchains are NOT private.

>> No.11031726

Yeah I'm sure those are legitimate exchanges with real volume, you brainless FUCK.

>> No.11031743

don't think it was me, but I might have been methd out. monero isn't exactly private either. confidential transactions will be much better.

warning PDF.

>. In this paper, we empirically evaluate two weaknesses in Monero’s mixin sampling strategy. First, about 62% of transaction inputs with one or more mixins are vulnerable to “chain-reaction” analysis — that is, the real input can be deduced by elimination.
>Second, Monero mixins are sampled in such a way that they can be easily distinguished from the real coins by their age distribution; in short, the real input is usually the “newest” input. We estimate that this heuristic can be used to guess the real input with 80 % accuracy over all transactions with 1 or more mixins

>> No.11031751

Yeah because some random guy is going to sit on an exchange for 3+ months in a bear market spamming TXs just to give it fake volume even though that volume doesn't even show up on CMC, the only site 99% of people care about, right?

>> No.11031753

THat was not Bloomberg it was clickbait you Street shitting subhuman

>> No.11031768

if you have to go to some weird site no ones ever heard of to find a little bit of volume that may or may not be real, it's dead. and by your typing style, i can see you are the same exact dero shill that's been posting in every xmr thread for months now. there is literally only one dero shill and it's you. no one else on this board bought that piece of shit. you are in clear denial over this loss just like the bitconnect people still holding out for a recovery, it's sad and frankly it's embaressing

>> No.11031796

What loss? I bought back when it was 2500 sats back in February, sold when it was at 40k sats at the end of May, then bought back in when it was at 5900 sats. I've made over 10x my initial investment, and it will go 10x again no matter how much you faggots cry about it.

I've made money in this bear market. Tell me, what have you done with your investments over the past 3 months?

>> No.11031815

No comments faggot? Oh, maybe you're going to say I'm lying?

The whole point of being in crypto is to MAKE MONEY. If you aren't making money, why the hell are you even here?

>> No.11031835
File: 301 KB, 322x449, jones93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-i-ii-made m-m--money i swear!

>> No.11031857

>Alex Jones

>> No.11031864

>literally no contact form, not any information in the web, fake twitter and facebook links

Some people are just too innocent for crypto.

>> No.11031880
File: 655 KB, 546x765, jones934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have a jones folder
>and he bought dero

you are never gonna make it

>> No.11031893

just buy bitcoin, and hold it. One crypto is enough.

>> No.11031898

lol what the fuck
is it really that simple
I thought XMR was bullet proof

>> No.11031915

this was from a long time ago, it's no longer true. been fixed but hardly anyone here actually keeps up with monero updates

>> No.11031919


so there are no current exploits?

>> No.11031924

not that anyone knows of.

>> No.11031933


> fixed for years
> let the poor scamcoiners cry

>> No.11031953

there was just a current one that let you steal from exchanges. also remote nodes that are malicious can reveal all users IP addresses that have wallets connected.


>> No.11031957

Lead dev is literally a brony...
Even an apocalypse can't stop the /biz/ shills

>> No.11031977

it only let you trick employees of exchanges to giving you xmr sometimes. it wasnt an actual flaw in the blockchain itself. that's an exchange issue that is no longer abusable.

>what is kovri

>> No.11031983

i don't care if he's a transvestite and a part time clown. he didn't create xmr and i agree with mostly everything he says pertaining to the direction of xmr. i don't let shit like that influence objective investing

>> No.11032003

yep, but if you look 2 critical bugs in the last month doesn't really look good on them.

not saying btc doesn't have CVEs, just most were DoS

>> No.11032033

Don't you know all we do is speculate, dodge taxes and buy drugs with Crypto? Who needs a trail? That's why we escrow.

>> No.11032038

they weren't crticial. no monero user lost money.

>> No.11032048
File: 89 KB, 990x473, criticla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were critical

>> No.11032063

BCN is the father of Monero

>> No.11032066

Checked with those 33 dubs, Freemason right here!

>> No.11032079

if you read the paper there are updates added saying they fixed it a year ago based on the findings from that very paper.

>> No.11032082

my gripe with this is still don't you think a privacy coin should have been audited? seems kinda hindsight "oops 70-80% of your old tx's are fucked"

>> No.11032087

I don't think the market cap will drop far below a million, let alone $1000. Sure, there will be a big Monero crash in 1-2 years with almost everyone leaving the network, but even Bitconnect has some value left. $1000 market cap is not happening.

>> No.11032094

That was a single mixin, the default was 5 mixins. Also keep in mind people are constantly mixing your coins as well for their own transactions so after a few hours your coins get lost in the noise. Even at 80% traceability sooner or later they cant follow it any more.

>> No.11032113

>In our research paper, "An Empirical Analysis of Linkability in the Monero Blockchain," we show that in fact for most of Monero's blockchain history, the mixins haven't done much good. Most transactions made prior to February 2017 actually are linkable. Here's the problem. In the past, most coins were spent by 0-mixin transactions (those that opt-out of privacy altogether) were commonplace. Including these coins as decoys doesn't do any good, because it's already obvious where they've actually been spent. However, the Monero wallet does not take this into account. The result is that we are able to identify the correct links for the majority (62%) of 1+ mixin Monero transactions made from 2014 through 2016. The Monero blockchain has provided little more privacy than Bitcoin.

>most coins were spent by 0-mixin transactions

>> No.11032151

and more - here is a website to link old txs yourself.

>> No.11032185

Well whatever, its 5 now. Moreover ringCT transactions can only mixin other ringCT transactions so its fine.

>> No.11032200

Lol why use k=7 ring signatures to very slowly hide yourself, when you can use a real privacy crypto and hide among a k>>10000 anonymity set in one step?

>> No.11032204
File: 51 KB, 471x320, mixin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most Monero transactions made prior to February 2017 are traceable.
>this is fine

no - its not acceptable to me that a privacy coin was not properly audited.

>> No.11032208

but no regular person lost money

the father who murdered his mother and went missing, yeah maybe

old fud

begone shill

>> No.11032217

>a coin in the early stages of it's life wasn't 100% perfect
>i hate it because it wasn't always perfection

>> No.11032237

only exchanges lost money.

and its old, its been patched, but its not fud.

ok, take the example you buy drugs today with monero. then 6 months from now they find another bug due to lack of proper audits. you wont care about your transactions you made today not haing proper protection? dumb argument. privacy coins have 1 purpose, if they ever fail that purpose my trust is 100% gone.

>> No.11032273

you were naive to have that much faith and trust in any digital currency. we all know that risk and it's a risk we take, but a lot of us aren't even using it for anything criminal we are just privacy advocates.

>> No.11032292

im naive to put my money at all into a coin that obviously doesnt get audited.

>exchanges losing money is ok, it wont effect the value of coins when hackers cash out

>past tx being identifiable is ok, it wont effect the perceived value of coins when users get busted

dev team needs to step it up

>> No.11032321

weak fud

>> No.11032333


fixed since 3 years LOL

>> No.11032347

the exchange bug was exploited in july this year.

was fixed Feb 2017. 1 year 6 months ago.

>> No.11032408

exchange bug is a bug with exchanges that was quickly fixed. the other was over a year and a half ago and wasn't a bug where your funds could get stolen.

>> No.11032424

even if it was "quickly fixed" you really think a hacker dumping those funds is good for the price of the coin? it wasn't a small amount stolen either.

> That bug caused a big loss in coins for the exchange and we have put our main currency under maintenance so the people who exploited the bug can no longer withdraw. After a really long investigation we found out that we still lost a big amount

And tracing past transactions of a privacy coin should never happen.

>> No.11032592

nibba what?

>> No.11032599

page 8

>> No.11032675

what a derolict lmao

>> No.11033001
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Boomercuck still believes in a coin with 10$ volume/day. Keep on boomy, you heard about quake coin?

>> No.11033013

Don’t buy salt. They literally exit scammed

>> No.11033035


Well if millions XMR were stollen from exchange due to secruity flaw in the wallet, they could drop them anytime. (Exchange don't have any special wallet, it's the official wallet with a bunch of scripts on a backend server)

> That a critical issue, Anon.

>> No.11033503

I've always liked Monero. At least it was original at the time

>> No.11033635

>check market
The market disagrees! or are you based out of Hong Kong?

>> No.11034121

Are you talking about altex.exchange ? They pretended they were victim of a monero bug but they just exit scamed. They never said what monero fork was involved and they didn't provide any technical details. They just vanished.

>> No.11034139

I honestly think it's worth more than 4k, the market cap is so low right now

>> No.11034655

Dude what

>> No.11034662

You do realize that it's "1 million" Yuan right?

>> No.11035020
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It is my friend.

>> No.11035102

>1 post by this id

>> No.11035237

Monero is a $10,000 coin. Feels /comfy/ stockpiling retirement money at these prices by mining.

>> No.11035380

Your not wrong!
$1000 - Which places it on par with dash (when you take into account circulating numbers i.e. 1/2 as much dash in existence but 2x priice of Monero) - so yeh if Dash is a reasonable price Monero should be much more expensive than it currently is, as its the only real privet coin!

>> No.11035545

>what mining pool are you in? im thinking of starting my own rig

>> No.11036339

Certainly hope so, I have like 4 sites using js "scripts" to mine monero.

>> No.11036365

ZCash privacy is better.
There was a paper in which researchers identified the actual Monero recipient in 90% of practical txs.

ZCash has atomic swaps with Bitcoin, ppl will swap, launder and swap back(or not, pumping it organically)

>> No.11036413

>master key that prints infinite zcash

no thanks zookoo

>> No.11036430
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>> No.11036454

>opt-in privacy

>> No.11036472

You're wrong. It's a $1000000 coin

>> No.11036539

probably, but it will soon be a 50$ coin before that

>> No.11036568

I use minexmr with no issues, though I've heard supportxmr is also really good.
Nobody uses Zcash seriously, especially after some of the comments made by Zooko. Also, the Miller hitpiece paper is no longer relevant. In fact, even when it was published the issue had already been fixed by Monero developers. The vulnerability was blown out of proportion though since 0 mixin transactions were typically payouts from mining pools to miners. In retrospect it was never a good idea to allow any 0 mixin txs but the longer the gap of time becomes since mandatory ring counts were enforced the less relevant their math becomes.

>> No.11036658

I've used Bitalong before. The exchange has $50,000,000 daily volume, so it's not that big. It requires KYC though, but I can confirm 100% that it's legit. I'm not supporting the Derolict, I'm just saying calling something a scam because it's associated with another scam is retarded.

>> No.11036720

some good points here

what coins are properly audited in your view?

>> No.11037782

...I literally can't because I agree and my (unknown amount) bags are loaded. Literally wouldn't sell @ $999. fucking shorting yourself under 4 figures.