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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11025244 No.11025244 [Reply] [Original]

Get the fuck in

>> No.11025256

no the bottom is 0. i lost 700 bucks already and i want to see this shit dead

>> No.11025274

double digits EOM

>> No.11025299

We're getting closer the point of maximum financial opportunity but i don't think we're there yet.

>> No.11025305

bottom low of the year, two days straight lmao

>> No.11025307

thx already sold 100k cant sell anymore but thx for the signal but cant sell more

>> No.11025314

STOP posting these sell signals

>> No.11025334

80$ EOY unironically

>> No.11025357

Always do the opposite of what this fag says

>> No.11025384
File: 47 KB, 800x600, ETH_SPIDER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get the fuck in

>> No.11025388

nah, let it keep dumping.

the more the shitcoin chink ICOs dump, the less money they get, the faster they crash and burn, and the better ethereum is long term.

the days of scam ICOs are over, which is bad news for other platforms.

>> No.11025411
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Oh doh trahadoh my lazer spider mother is ready for my brother's bugundi. If you can, please buy some more hairs and some more hairs, if you not a ass chocolate tea woman.

>> No.11025428

this >>11025388 man crying inside

>> No.11025500

No, wait for confirmation. Trends are still slightly downwards, and daddy BTC trends are even more bearish.

>> No.11025511
File: 214 KB, 1358x1000, eosethereumdappcomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without scam ICO's Ethereum will have no purpose. It's already being beaten by a 3 month old blockchain in adoption.

>> No.11025524

eth is useless without scam icos tho , no1 uses dapps

>> No.11025542

There has been no rebound. This is going lower.

>> No.11025548

Looks like ETH is just waiting for a BTC confirmation.

>> No.11025550

Holochain will win.

>> No.11025609

EOM you mean?

>> No.11025630

$700? Lol I lost $10k

>> No.11025640

margin trading is for dummies

>> No.11025666

Dont blame Ether because your dumb ass bought at the ATH. Neck your self.

>> No.11025672

idk, its been pretty stale and boring at this rate
i finished buying but if it goes down more i will go in balls deep

>> No.11025736

I tried to play eos knights but it requires staking like $75 worth of EOS just to play, meh.

>> No.11025819


>> No.11026148


No one would be dumb enough to invest $10k in ETH.

>> No.11026213


one of those is not a decentralized blockchain

>freeze my account, revert my transactions
>block producers have already allowed double spending with the excuse they didnt know they shouldnt be "away" from their machine
literal shitfest infection of crypto

>> No.11026262
File: 133 KB, 940x1275, eoscentralization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of those is not a decentralized blockchain

>freeze my account, revert my transactions
Like Vitalik did with his hard fork?

>block producers have already allowed double spending with the excuse they didnt know they shouldnt be "away" from their machine
The fact that you're forced to make up complete lies shows just how scared and intellectually bankrupt you are.

>> No.11026278
File: 113 KB, 1509x867, eosethchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who's still holding Ethereum right now is the crypto equivalent of Huffington Post a day before the 2016 election

>> No.11026289
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>> No.11026322
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My bad...I meant EOW

>> No.11026327

Next downward Bart I will.

>> No.11026341

>Hey guys, looks like you have a lot of EOS there.
>How about you help the CIA by transferring 300 billion to this account on this date to correspond with this building in NY we have to blow up.
>In exchange you wont hang your self from a door knob tonight right after your wife ODs on anti-depressants.

Yeah, no. Ill stick with an actual decentralized coin.

>> No.11026378

>I'm literally retarded and have no idea how the thing I hate actually works
Ethereum holders probably have the second lowest IQ's after Nano

>> No.11026382

>block producers have already allowed double spending with the excuse they didnt know they shouldnt be "away" from their machine
wait, what?

>> No.11026431
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It was more complex, basically their larp court made a judgment that one account should be locked, but one BP didn't care and processed eos transfers from that account.

>> No.11026463

>I have no idea what a double spend attack is
All they did was not freeze an account associated with scamming people. You know, they weren't able to do the one FUD point that you low IQ mETHeads keep going back to.

>> No.11026469

learn what post IDs are faggot

>> No.11026482

>Running this level of damage control

How much are you getting paid to shill? I mean, you are getting paid right? Because it would be pretty dumb to put in this much work for nothing.

>> No.11026487

You're implying that you agree with the other mETHead. If you had any idea what a double spend attack is you would have corrected him.

>> No.11026500

I did
>It was more complex <explanation what it was actually about>

>> No.11026506

>Account doesn't get frozen by BP's
the absolute state of Ethereum bag holders. This shit happened like 3 months ago and EOS has doubled its value versus ETH since then, so I'm not too worried about it.

>> No.11026530

So I take your lack of an answer is NO. Why would anyone even take advice form someone to dumb to even get paid for their shilling? You are a fucking moron. Stay poor.

>> No.11026562
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>get exposed for being a complete retard who doesn't understand a fundamental property of the blockchain
Tell me anon, what's it like having a sub 90 IQ?

>> No.11026567


BP's are literally paid $10,000 a day

they're not supposed to be "one guy who sometimes goes away for 2 days" should be dedicated companies

you're retarded if you dont see this as a HUGE issue.

i wouldn't touch EOS with a stick

>> No.11026583
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>the bottom is 0

>> No.11026586

the main problem with EOS is that ECAF arbitrarily blocks accounts based on bullshit evidence (screenshots + claim), not that one BP didn't execute their order

>> No.11026614

The BP who made that mistake was kicked out of the top 21 and is no longer collecting rewards. The system works, isn't that crazy?

No it doesn't. They don't do that anymore and are now going by an "intent of code is law" rule.

>> No.11026654

This is going lower. 0.03 will become resistance once we go under.

>> No.11026664

>They don't do that anymore and are now going by an "intent of code is law" rule.
uh huh
Last "ECAF Order of Emergency
Protection" is from yesterday
there's a passport scan for "Jeremiah Lee" at the end

>> No.11026674

>mfw all these retard Reddit migrants who drank the pedo skelly koolaid actually think fudding eos is going to save their scam coin form going to zero
This thread is going on the archives for sure

>> No.11026700
File: 111 KB, 840x1200, 2222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah

>> No.11026710

every thread is going to the archives

>> No.11026718

>providing proof that you own an account using your actual passport is "bullshit evidence"
You do realize that the lack of fraud/theft protection is one of the main reasons normies will never use crypto right?

>> No.11026731

because arbitrary account locking is what people miss from Paypal the most.

>> No.11026748

You should look up what that word means in the dictionary. Listen man, hate EOS all you want. It's not going to change the fact that Ethereum has been replaced by it and is gong to double digits.

>> No.11026759

>2 (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.

>> No.11026776

$185 is the bottom

>> No.11026802

Exactly. BP's are delegates. They can be removed from power and are in no way unrestrained or autocratic.

>> No.11026825

>They can be removed from power
They actually can't, because BPs control the vote counting and votes are public.
ECAF is separate from BPs.

>> No.11026832

I unironically went all in today. What am I in for?

>> No.11026845

you should be prepared to hold till PoS no matter what happens.

>> No.11026861

I don't see a capitulation spike, yet.

>> No.11026863

> because BPs control the vote counting and votes are public.
The fuck are you even talking about? The voting is done on the blockchain transparently. If anyone tried to commit voter fraud it would be obvious.

>ECAF is separate from BPs.
ECAF has no executive power. They can't do anything if BP's don't comply.

Like I said, you can hate how EOS works all you want, but it's still winning and all your bitching and whining isn't going to change that.

>> No.11026870

>The fuck are you even talking about?
Votes are transaction and transactions are processed by BPs. If they censor transactions they can't be voted out.

>> No.11026889
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Uncaught knifes.

>> No.11026904

looks like you caught the bottom perfectly

>> No.11026928

>If they censor transactions they can't be voted out.
First of all this would require a 16/21 majority to be colluding which is not going to happen because there is no incentive for it. Second of all they would be devaluing their own stake and end up penniless. Congrats on not understanding the basic premise behind proof of stake.

>> No.11026936

Thanks, we bull now

>> No.11026954

eth is btc's little bitch, so look for a bullish pattern over at btc before putting money in eth

>> No.11026960

fucking lol
come back to me when eos even has a small fraction of the dev support that eth does. that's what matters

>> No.11026962

>First of all this would require a 16/21 majority to be colluding which is not going to happen because there is no incentive for it.
the incentive is that they remain in power.
It's not like 16 people colluding is something impossible.
I don't think it's a risk though because EOS token ownership is so centralized very few people decide who gets to be a BP anyway.
2017's bull run started with eth. The correlation with btc is very weak.

>> No.11026977

This unironically

>> No.11027011

EOS already has a bigger community. See: >>11025511

>the incentive is that they remain in power.
In power of what? Everyone would just abandon the chain and make a new one, rendering their rewards worthless. And they can stay in power via more legitimate ways. I can't even believe that I have to explain such a simple concept to you. It's no wonder you're still holding Ethereum.

>> No.11027020


>> No.11027091

I lost 70k

>> No.11027115

Same. I’m holding fucking REQ

>> No.11027162

Its going to go lower fucking dumbass. Its not a fucking genius concept that the ETH shitcoin is non functional garbage.

pro ETH arguments are people that don't understand that the only reason EOS has all of this "weird" functionality is because this is how ALL actually functional dapps coins are going to be. They have never seen a functional dapps platform yet so they are knee jerk reacting like fucking idiots.

Everything that EOS is doing right now is possibly the best solution to solve all of the problems a proper dapps platform can have. ETH does nothing to solve any of the shit its going to face right now. It doesn't even fucking scale. Functional dapps platforms are complex interconnected beasts and if the design is not meticulous then it will fail and bring the entire fucking thing down. So pro ETH bag holders are literally pointing out the rudiments of a dapp platform as a form of FUD to push a shitcoin that not surprisingly isn't going to solve anyway.

So ETH bag holders? How the fuck are you planning to solve child porn being posted on your social media dapps? Hey ETH bag holders, how are you planning to solve the issue that if the dapps devs have 100% power then they can exit scam with zero consequence? How are you planning to solve the problem that if the dapps devs are the only ones responsible to censor child porn then that means all dapps on ETH will be basically no different than Facebook and twitter where they have full power to do anything they want. They think you said hate speach? You are banned now bitch, maybe you should be in a coin where the dapps devs are not the only ones with any say on what goes on.

Hey ETH bag holders, once you start actually thinking about this shit then you will pretty much end up taking the same exact fucking steps as EOS. Oh well we have to solve X so we need X. Oh well, whats the point of decentralization if the devs can act exactly like google anyway? Its all so fucking clear.

>> No.11027237

>muh EOS
lol stopped reading right there

>> No.11027242

>bottomed out
see you at $100 faggot, not even joking

>> No.11027264
File: 12 KB, 984x23, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, I am. Did I do good? (189$)

>> No.11027265

>lol stopped reading right there

Put your head in the sand bitch its all you fucking bag holders are good at anyway. Meanwhile ill be laughing my ass off as I watch ETH slowly transform into EOS in the next few years anyway HAHAHAHA

>> No.11027289

When da fuck did these retarded eos shills come out the woodwork?

>> No.11027313

where do you think the ETH fud came ftom the past 2-3 weeks

literally popped out of nowhere and EOS is riding the pajeet fud train, claiming their centralized shitcoin is #1

they're worse than bitcoin cash

>> No.11027330

>When da fuck did these retarded eos shills come out the woodwork?

Not everyone on /biz/ is a fucking retard. Also this is an ETH shill thread.

>> No.11027347


>> No.11027377

Probably when everyone with common sense started to realize that EOS was actually delivering on promises that Ethereum made. have you tried one of the EOS based DEXes? Actual real-time instant transaction exchanges that don't require KYC. It's brilliant.

>> No.11027429

One and only one thing I’ve learned on this board. I come here for entertainment and paruse for talent.

Always do the opposite of what biz says.

Buy ETH now brainlets.

t. Novogratz

>> No.11027454

hard to call it a DEX if BP's can freeze your funds like an exchange can...

>> No.11027461

>Buy ETH now brainlets.

> Do it for no reason because LOL!

>> No.11027467


>> No.11027472

No, rather buy it at 400-500$ before it drops back to 300$ again.

>> No.11027473
File: 150 KB, 1890x588, eosethereumprediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you get tired repeating the same garbage every single day in every single thread? Your money is gone. It's not coming back. You were warned and you were too stupid to listen. Reap the rewards.

>> No.11027503


what money, i have spent $0 in EOS and $0 in ETH

got gifted 80 eth, aint gonna sell till 2020

>> No.11027513

Bullshit. No one who wasn't carrying heavy ETH bags would be this emotionally invested in hating its competitor.

>> No.11027633

Lol for calling him out on bias when you obviously have 100% EOS 0% ETH

>> No.11027680

why the fck you not hedging with eth if holding eos. $190 eth and $5 eos seem great entry points.

>> No.11027694

>Lol for calling him out on bias when you obviously have 100% EOS 0% ETH

That's like telling someone that nobody should trust your round earth bias. Both sides should have a fair argument! The earth might be flat anons!!

Literally, ever ETH shill here is not using the coin anyway.

>> No.11027717

>bots spam $5.5MM worth of eos through free transactions and this equals organic adoption
same shit bitshares did to pretend they had insane volume. now BTS is THE ubiquitous option for decentralized exchange of value. oh wait, no it isn't
dan larimer is basically a one trick pony, literal years old strategy, and newfags keep falling for it

>> No.11027751

>So ETH bag holders? How the fuck are you planning to solve child porn being posted on your social media dapps? Hey ETH bag holders, how are you planning to solve the issue that if the dapps devs have 100% power then they can exit scam with zero consequence? How are you planning to solve the problem that if the dapps devs are the only ones responsible to censor child porn then that means all dapps on ETH will be basically no different than Facebook and twitter where they have full power to do anything they want. They think you said hate speach? You are banned now bitch, maybe you should be in a coin where the dapps devs are not the only ones with any say on what goes on.

So your solution is that EOS should have the power to remove the CP? Sounds like another government vs private company thing when both act in fucked up ways as we're seeing w the censorship rn.

>> No.11027780

>to be a decentralized application platform you need to be centralized so you can censor child porn and developers
really gets the noggin joggin
a thousand developers individually setting the rules for their own application isn't the same as facebook or google, you brainlet. that's the whole point of decentralization. you remove gatekeepers and multiply options. 21 BPs actively taking control is as decentralised as democracy - with the less than stellar results history has shown time and time again

>> No.11027783

>same shit bitshares did to pretend they had insane volume. now BTS is THE ubiquitous option for decentralized exchange of value. oh wait, no it isn't
>dan larimer is basically a one trick pony, literal years old strategy, and newfags keep falling for it

Ok cool argument bro
Now explain how this means ETH is worth investing in. I don't think it is. It cant be used for anything.

>So your solution is that EOS should have the power to remove the CP? Sounds like another government vs private company thing when both act in fucked up ways as we're seeing w the censorship rn.

So you either make it so somebody does or nobody does. Welcome to the highly contentious shit storm that will be all dapps coins forever. Because all dapps coins will have to give the power to SOMEBODY and whoever gets that power... Gets all of the power!

Dapps coins are going to be naturally political. Nothing will solve this. Its either CP on muh facebook or someone gets the power to censor it. Pick one.

>> No.11027804

Eth was people's champ. Could be the best currency.
Vitalik is hardheaded about making it dapp internet 2.0, entering the area where they fail and competition is close if not ahead.
All while fuding the good aspects of eth.
And fuding the price itself.
How the fuck are people supposed to pour money into such blackhole?
EOS on the other hand is sectarian, but they say what people want to hear.
They deliver. And they want their token to succeed.
You can tell, those eos shills do have a point.

>> No.11027823

>a thousand developers individually setting the rules for their own application isn't the same as facebook or google

Oh so I guess google wasnt at one point one of those thousands of companies back in the day? Oh it got super big and popular through meritocracy? Oh they have 100% of the power for a super popular dapp.

Looks like its back to business as usual anon.

> you brainlet. that's the whole point of decentralization

In this case the only way to achieve decentralization is checks and balances where no one entity has 100% of the power. In the case of ETH you ultimately give all control to the devs anyway and you get the same situation again.

dapps devs + democratically elected nodes is probably the best solution. You want a checks and balances. Not only for CP but shit like exit scams, BUGs that fuck shit up horribly ect.

I mean the list goes on. ETH is going to need all this shit too.

>> No.11027834

Vitalik is a genius.

>> No.11027835


I suspect a large part of the self-off is Larimar dumping the price. Fucking cunt that he is.

>> No.11027841

He definitely eats children

>> No.11027865

Yes, but sperglord genius who does not want to see you make it.

>> No.11027873

yeah I get that feeling as well. didn't he have millions of eth

>> No.11028059

Ok well use your big boy words instead of just attacking another project lol. You barely made a point as to why EOS is better.

Also I hold ETH primarily but pretty much only for trading purposes. If EOS becomes a major trading pair, as soon as the Mcap gets closer I’d consider switching over. I think both of them have a future, though. Both Coca Cola and Pepsi make sodas and they’ve both been around for a while.

>> No.11028170

>You barely made a point as to why EOS is better.

Because its functional and its doing the same shit all dapps coins are going to be doing anyway. I'm not actually attacking ETH, I am simply pointing out that a dapp platform with no functionality should not be even compared to one that does.

> I think both of them have a future, though. Both Coca Cola and Pepsi make sodas and they’ve both been around for a while.

If ETH at least solves scaling and begins working on ways to make it so the dapps on it wont be 100% centralized then it will be going in the right direction. At that point yeah it will have a future.

But its completely fucking stupid to FUD EOS because it has functionality ETH needs anyway. That shit is fucking stupid.

>> No.11028196

I'm holding only REQ and ETH since September last year. Is there anyone more JUST than me?

>> No.11028195

are you 'agamedeveloper'?

>> No.11028212


>> No.11028265

Fair enough. I honestly don’t know enough/haven’t researched enough about dapps to say anything one way or another.

It sounds like ETH is working on its issues on scalability but if EOS solves its problems then more power to it. Like I said, not opposed either way.

It did sound like EOS had centralization issues too, though. Maybe not with dapps but the whole voting system didn’t sound that great to me. Sounds like the top holders have all the control over the system.

>> No.11028276

why are so obsessed with cp? that's how I recognized you
nobody cares about cp on the blockchain, it's already on bitcoin

>> No.11028297

na my nigger it's over
>bought at 1200
>sold at 196
just know boys there's some chink out there losing his mind over peanuts

>> No.11028312

no, actual devs not stupid people playing stupid games (not even dApps)

>> No.11028560

>that's how I recognized you
>nobody cares about cp on the blockchain, it's already on bitcoin

Thats the only way I think a blockchain with zero governance will be able to perform as a dapps platform. Hey maybe that's cool for other people but that shit is a problem. Its an easy to understand and very shitty example that has to be addressed. Period. Its not an obsession, its a make or break situation. I find it to be a problem that can literally wreck any future potential of a social media platform.

What if ETH simply never gets social media dapps? Only games and specific things? Ok you might be on the right track there but then NEO TRX STEEM and EOS will dominate the space then. If the Devs are the ones with the power then how is it different from anything else?

>Maybe not with dapps but the whole voting system didn’t sound that great to me.

You will need some kind of voting method. It does not need to be like EOS. But it needs to be something. You have to select nodes or find some way to delegate some control to someone. Then just like that you start taking steps and before you know it there is some complex system doing pretty much the exact same shit.

I cannot at this time rationalize away the idea that dapps platforms are all going to ultimately be pretty similar with governance models in place. They will all be political because of this. And the only escape is going to maybe just find pure currency coins.

Every time I try to think about this shit from some fucking angle I always end up back at square one. Welcome to dapps platforms, its going to be a fucking mess for ALL COINS.

>> No.11028569

How much did you lose in total?

>> No.11028627

Social media dapps make zero sense. Blockchain solves the timestamping problem (which solves the double spending problem). These problems don't exist on social media.
You can have decentralized social network with nodes ran locally and all that without the blockchain or any token.
It's trivial to do on ipfs. Just create a site that allows everybody to add their content. As new people add nodes the content gets duplicated.
>You will need some kind of voting method.
if you want that you can create, or join an existing sidechain with voting. The main network should be immutable because you can't build an immutable chain as a layer on a mutable chain.

>> No.11028847

Ok so there are a few things about this.

> Social media dapps make zero sense.

Censorship resistance - Alex Jones can shit post until the end of time.
Frinctionless monetization - Big content creators can generate money without having to deal with Coca Cola sperging out for an ad pocolypse.
Ad revenue models BTFO - Corporations are forced to play nice because ads simply don't exist on crypto social media.

The implications of the above things are pretty huge IMO. I seriously think social media is the best use case for crypto in general. Social media also tends to get the most users overall.

> You can have decentralized social network with nodes ran locally and all that without the blockchain or any token.

How would you monetize that. Honestly that could be kind of cool. But in the end crypto gives us a way to make money without corporations getting involved. Ads suck! Getting rid of ads is awesome!

> if you want that you can create, or join an existing sidechain with voting. The main network should be immutable because you can't build an immutable chain as a layer on a mutable chain.

I don't see how layer 1 matters if I am not using layer 1.

Ok so this is another thing. Side chains end up ultimately being a microcosm anyway right? SO a side chain just puts you back in the same situation. If you run a super popular dapp on a side chain then you are not using the the main chain anymore. Less incentive for the main layer to go up in value... Meanwhile the side chain just ends up being EOS in another form and layer one falls out in neglect.

The layer I am using right now is the only thing that matters in the ecosystem because that is the ecosystem. In the case of LOOM what will end up happening is people will just want LOOM to grow in value and may even at some point try to jettison ETH entirely like a black sheep.

>> No.11028855
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>> No.11028940

>The main network should be immutable because you can't build an immutable chain as a layer on a mutable chain.

On that note its not true, A side chain or a dapp can do anything you want it to do. Its actually totally possible... The layer one as a foundation principle is flawed in practice.

There are really no limitations especially when it comes to side chain functionality. You can literally make a POW side chain on EOS if you wanted to.

>> No.11028951
File: 171 KB, 347x296, crypto data optimal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unless you're psychic, scaling in buys is how the pros say they do it.

>> No.11028960

oh ETH is a bottom thats for sure

>> No.11029026

>Censorship resistance
has nothing to do with the blockchain, but with decentralization. You can have decentralization without the blockchain. That's how p2p file sharing works.
>Frinctionless monetization
Um... you can post your account address? How is a blockchain needed for the content itself?
>How would you monetize that
you can't monetize any decentralized social media directly because the content is freely available.
>I don't see how layer 1 matters if I am not using layer 1.
maybe you aren't, which means you can stay at some sidechain forever. If not for ECAF idiocy EOS could have worked pretty well as a backend for ETH dapps instead of loom.
Assuming the absurd eosram prices somehow gets fixed.
>Less incentive for the main layer to go up in value...
there's no scalability that allows for game dapps all to run on the layer 1. One popular browser game needs several servers just for itself, and that's working with normal sql databases and direct code. Even if EOS gets 10TB of ram it wouldn't be enough.
The only model for dapps that need frequent interaction (like games) is a separate chain (possibly a sidechain), with the base layer used for settlement (state hashes, token ownership etc).

It's EOS that has an enormous tokenomic problem here, because there's no functional difference between the major network and other networks. It's trivial to get another 21 BPs and the networks can interact with each other. There's no 'main network'. Ultimately dapps are going to migrate to a chain with the lowest cost, not stay on the first eos network. EOS token is almost worthless because of that.

>> No.11029029

Sidechain is strictly speaking defined as something that acts as a cache, allowing only intermittent state to be written to the main chain, with the state on the main chain as authoritative one.
Loom is technically a separate network, but it's called a sidechain because it directly observes its contract on the main chain to allow token transfers. The game state itself is never transferred to the main network. I guess it's a hybrid.

>> No.11029216
File: 180 KB, 796x422, Screenshot_20180911-080550_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of EOS.
Keep 'believing' retards.
Pow is not ETHs end game. Dpos is a finished product and its shit. Its gonna be EOS vs tron for chink coin of the year while ETH is the fucking web 3.0

>> No.11029404

>touts censorship resistance as a justification for social media dapps
>b-but we need centralized authority to make sure no one posts CP!


>> No.11030188

> has nothing to do with the blockchain, but with decentralization. You can have decentralization without the blockchain. That's how p2p file sharing works.

Not true because a blockchain encourages a necessary and sustainable environment to continue with as little human meddling as possible.

> Um... you can post your account address? How is a blockchain needed for the content itself?
> you can't monetize any decentralized social media directly because the content is freely available.

First of all this is not true.
Crypto removes enough friction that its super easy to create systems where upvotes mine new coins. The sky is the limit when it comes to systems like this. This allows for systems where staking coins can generate more powerful upvotes as well as passive incomes. Tokenization and dapps lets us pretty much do anything we want and its great for not only encouraging content creators with tangible rewards it also allow the owners of the platform to generate profits to pay for upkeep.

Ok so this is one of the most important things. If you dont use a cryptocurrency for your platform then you will be beholden to ad revenue models. And you will then be at the mercy of corporate interest. Which brings the topic to this point here.

>>touts censorship resistance as a justification for social media dapps
>>b-but we need centralized authority to make sure no one posts CP!

Its nuanced actually. Its not a simple situation. 100% censorship resistance is a meme, its not sustainable anyway.

Believe it or not, it wont take much censorship resistance to BTFO google, facebook and twitter. All we need is just enough where it doesn't become a problem. That threshold is actually a lot easier to get to than you might think. A place like steemit is already pretty much there to a point where it kind of makes those other places look like a joke anyway. And steemit isn't even that great with its post flagging nonsense.

>> No.11030263

>Crypto removes enough friction that its super easy to create systems where upvotes mine new coins.
why would these coins be worth anything?
Are you the same guy I argued months ago about how steemit is a ponzi scheme? He genuinely couldn't understand the difference between popular vs profitable and thought more users on steemit = higher price, magically.
>This allows for systems where staking coins can generate more powerful upvotes
so advertisers buy these coins to upvote their ads? That would be trivial to filter out.

>> No.11030276

I'm out 60K, junior

>> No.11030296

I thought the bottom was at 500
then 400
then 300
now it's at 200 and I don't even have hope anymore

bitmex CEO said it's going to double digits, who am I to doubt him

>> No.11030297

>maybe you aren't, which means you can stay at some sidechain forever. If not for ECAF idiocy EOS could have worked pretty well as a backend for ETH dapps instead of loom.
>Assuming the absurd eosram prices somehow gets fixed.

Its already not that bad. Ram and being forced to stake is just a way to make it so that transaction fees are removed. Its a trad off. As it turns out. Blockchains are not cheap to use. This is the actual cost of using a blockchain being reflected.

>Less incentive for the main layer to go up in value...
there's no scalability that allows for game dapps all to run on the layer 1. One popular browser game needs several servers just for itself, and that's working with normal sql databases and direct code. Even if EOS gets 10TB of ram it wouldn't be enough.

I want to attempt to put ultima on EOS so maybe it will crash and burn hilariously. But if it does I view it as Blockchain just not being ready enough for that kind of functionality.

> The only model for dapps that need frequent interaction (like games) is a separate chain (possibly a sidechain), with the base layer used for settlement (state hashes, token ownership etc).

If the game is not 100% on chain then the blockchain functionality is mostly just a gimmick.

>Sidechain is strictly speaking defined as something that acts as a cache, allowing only intermittent state to be written to the main chain, with the state on the main chain as authoritative one.
>Loom is technically a separate network, but it's called a sidechain because it directly observes its contract on the main chain to allow token transfers. The game state itself is never transferred to the main network. I guess it's a hybrid.

Everything is a hybrid in this space. And I see no reason dapps cannot be made to do almost literally anything we want them to do. Side chains will come in all shapes and sizes. And the idea that layer 1 needs to be immutable is really weird because this shit is completely open

>> No.11030301

This right here is a buy signal if I ever saw one lmao

>> No.11030310

My last 3 digits is ETH at EOY

>> No.11030321

I did May 2017

>> No.11030339

>If the game is not 100% on chain then the blockchain functionality is mostly just a gimmick.

>> No.11030340

My ETH principal is $130,000. Guess when I bought into it. Yeah, late 2017 in late August

>> No.11030364

>Are you the same guy I argued months ago about how steemit is a ponzi scheme? He genuinely couldn't understand the difference between popular vs profitable and thought more users on steemit = higher price, magically.

I dont actually think the adoption is connected to the value of the coin. Otherwise steem would be worth a lot more HAHA.. I have said many times that ponzi schemes are far better for price movement than a platform that gets a lot of users but has no value loop. LOOM also lacks a good reason to increase the value of the coin as more people use it. EOS does though. You need more EOS to use the platform.

On that note steem is not a ponzi as you might as well call capitalism a ponzi.

>why would these coins be worth anything?

You need to have more to use the network. And the network has value because it provides ways to pay for upkeep and allow for profiting from content creation organically.

> so advertisers buy these coins to upvote their ads? That would be trivial to filter out.

Actually advertising simply gets fucked in the ass and that's about it. I don't see ads ever on dapps right now. They just don't exist.

>> No.11030392

>>If the game is not 100% on chain then the blockchain functionality is mostly just a gimmick.

That shit could be its own thread.

>> No.11030417

steemit is a ponzi because any possible profits come from other investors.
The platform itself generates no money flow. In fact it's negative, because people write something, get upvotes, get steem dollars and then cash out - dumping on speculators.
>it provides ways to pay for upkeep
very general, what does it actually mean. Users pay fees to post?
>profiting from content creation organically.
how? who pays them?
>I don't see ads ever on dapps right now.
well yes, that's the point. No ads mean the only way to monetize is by getting money directly from users.

>> No.11030509

ETH has so much more upside than downside here. Risk/reward play is favoring buying.

>> No.11030543

>steemit is a ponzi because any possible profits come from other investors.

No cost to get in and you make money from people who are invested. The bottom gets rewarded potentially more than the top if they are well known content creators. And the early investors are the ones who use their voting power to pay people to come to the platform.

In practice its not even that though. It ended up just being a bunch of early adopters circle jerking each other and ignoring good content creators. Only recently have I begun seeing good content creators get reward for using the platform. Which seems to be accelerating.

> The platform itself generates no money flow.
> very general, what does it actually mean. Users pay fees to post?
> how? who pays them?

Why are you asking questions like this? You should know these things if you are having this conversation. No there are no transaction fees like ETH.

The coins generate value because people pay for them because they need the coin to use the platform so they can post content that they can be paid to use.

> well yes, that's the point. No ads mean the only way to monetize is by getting money directly from users.

In the form of providing goods and services. Which is capitalism. Which is how literally everything works. What if you want to open a store in a shopping mall? I guess shopping malls are ponzi scheme by your logic? Who pays for the upkeep of the store? The user?

Its a little strange you don't seem to understand how opening a store in a shopping mall works and how that is exactly what a dapp is.

>> No.11030566

>The coins generate value because people pay for them because they need the coin to use the platform so they can post content that they can be paid to use.
>people pay to post
>so that they can get paid
>Who pays for the upkeep of the store? The user?
Ultimately the customer, obviously? I don't get your point

>> No.11030574

>he bought

Dump it.

>> No.11030612

>Ultimately the customer, obviously? I don't get your point

Yes the customer pays for goods and services but its done in a tokenized method where the transactions are friction less and its not dependent on corporations.

When you stake coins on the network you are paying to use the network. And when you want to leave the network you sell those coins to get your money back.

>> No.11030674

Shit, I forgot all about weedtoken. How is that shit holding up so far?

>> No.11030943
