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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.07 MB, 2400x7159, 1536504996753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11018724 No.11018724 [Reply] [Original]

You know how there is nothing more cruel to women than time? Well what if you could come up with a way to restore their collagen and therefore youthfulness? You would be licensed to print money. Why doesn't /biz/ come up with a solution?

>> No.11018755

Itt: boring, vile, spoiled virgin incels who hate women because its the one thing they will never have

>> No.11018757

Don't you think people with billions aren't working on this already fuck face?

>> No.11018769

roastie detected

>> No.11018776

Found one

>> No.11018787
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>> No.11018799

past 25 already? sucks hitting the wall huh

>> No.11018840

I think that any kind of rejuvenate tratment are just a good way to get cancer since you are messing up with cells

>> No.11018845

Nigga I voted for trump

>> No.11018846
File: 108 KB, 1024x680, maybe robot maybe biocunt nobody knows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say its now just a matter of time until the biological cunt gets replaced through as machine that outperforms her on every Level.
think about it, imagine if Robot Technology would reach a point where the robot can do useful housework but also milk your cock with state of the art onahole technology made with laser precision in Japan.
The Robot would never age, the Robot would never be tired, the Robot could be designed as sexy as you want and you can own as many as you want. Imagine if AI actually reaches a point when it becomes able to memorize and process more complex information, imagine AI being your personal assistant trying to keep you as happy as possible while also learning your personality.
Its a way more profitable market than trying to restore old used up biocunts! The first generations will look wonky but over the coming decades this tech will be streamlined and made into a wonderful experience.

what are your thoughts about Robot Wifes?

>> No.11018860

BTW she is not a good exaple of hitting the wall. She is like almost a 6/10 now.

I know girls who became a 3/10 when they hit 28

>> No.11018875

I certainly wouldn’t have a Jewish one. Not sure what she was doing in the West

>> No.11018955

my gf

>> No.11018971

yeah, this is a bad example. she thicc and still has a cute face

>> No.11018989

Yeah would love that wet and creamy robot pussy. Fuck yeah!

>> No.11019014


OP's suggestion is more likely to happen sooner than robot wives IMO. The tech is closer, and there's a lot of experiments to restore youthfulness lately. I think robot wives have at least half a century to go before we see them rolled out, maybe longer. You may not get to enjoy them, but your children/grandchildren might.

>> No.11019122

literal roastie

this. which is better because it means we can stay young as well. i unironically think there's a pretty decent chance that i will be able to play sports at a high level in like 50 years. i hate not being able to dunk a basketball anymore, it really does trigger me to be getting older.

>> No.11019133
File: 69 KB, 662x928, robowife1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not so far away from this, 3D printing, Robotics, AI, most of that isn't in the infancy stage anymore, technology is improving at an extreme rate, we will probably see fully functional robot wifes in the next 15 - 20 years, maybe even faster.

we will most likely live to see that day, we will be mindblown like the boomers from the 60s who barely figured out how to use a smartphone.
its a guarenteed trillion dollar market.

Pros of a Robot Wife:

>never ages
>never smells
>doesn't get fat
>works with 100% efficiency to make you happy
>doesn't turn into a psycho once a month
>will never cheat on you (Robot Wife could also be good for Home Defense)
>can do chores for you
>never complains
>always wants to fuck when you want and fullfill every one of your fetishes
>never initiates any Drama
>can own as many robot wifes as you can afford (will make Men want to work harder)
>long battery life thanks to fuel cells
>completely customizable during ordering process
>Robot AI learns about you to be your best possible companion
>can only improve over time
>easily replaceable


>> No.11019187

take my money

>> No.11019227

It's called Asian women, they can postpone aging for a very long time

>> No.11019397
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They already try to do this, by sexually mutilating infant boys.

>> No.11019406

You virgin incels! Women are always beautiful no matter the age, and never ask a woman her age!! ITS A RACIST HATE CRIME!!

>> No.11019413

depending on how hard they go, it can happen much sooner.. think 22-24.
did not read most of these posts but checked for repeating numbers

>> No.11019418

>Not being conscious
>Being basically an advanced body pillow

Not gonna lie though, they will have their uses
Maybe couples in the future will think of these robots as masturbating, and that will be good

>> No.11019425

>b-but muh Mommyfu tho

>> No.11019432

unless a woman is conscious, i don't see how you could really derive much pleasure from it. it would be no better than fapping to porn.

it's all about the power trip and knowing that the top .00001% is willingly fucking you.

>> No.11019439


>> No.11019610

lol thats not true. PRP microneedling uses your own blood you stupid bastard. you concentrate teh collagen by centrifuging it and then use microneedling to break pores then spread collagen concentrate on face

>> No.11019650


You could have at least googled it first before you called me a stupid bastard.

>> No.11019653

>restore their collagen and therefore youthfulness
>people with billions aren't working on this already fuck face?
It is really simple: Work out and don't eat like a fucking hippo. Yes, really. There are women in their 40s who look better than women in their late 20s. Why? Because they work out and don't eat like fucking hippos.

>It's called Asian women, they can postpone aging for a very long time
take a look at both cities and rural areas in Japan and China. They walk everywhere. Walk, walk, walk, all day. Women there are more active in a day than western women are in a month. And they don't eat like fucking hippos either.

there is no big mystery why a woman who sits on her ass fatting all day gets less attractive by the day

>> No.11019754
File: 33 KB, 620x620, 1532903561553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do try to make your point with an aged model that still has good skin for her age and awesome mommy tits?
I mean I agree with you but half of all men would still fuck that in an instant

>> No.11019837

I'm not really attracted to women under 30. Maybe if they're like 28 with that mid 30s vibe. I know it's weird because I'm in my 20s but it's just zero attraction to anybody without that "air of maturity." It's kind of hard to explain.

>> No.11019878


I am in awe of the size of the lass.

>> No.11020239

hot women are still hot into their 50s if they just control their diet and avoid the sun. 80% get fat and abuse their bodies though...

>> No.11020275
File: 2.85 MB, 327x400, dfgwrg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what you sound like

>> No.11020317

well that's the life of a basedboii innit?

>> No.11020321

you mean asian women
asians have the best aging genetics, even old asian men look 30

>> No.11020376
File: 156 KB, 540x867, Charlene 1998 and 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is really simple: Work out and don't eat like a fucking hippo. Yes, really. There are women in their 40s who look better than women in their late 20s. Why? Because they work out and don't eat like fucking hippos.

Carnivore Diet
[pic related] She never worked out once ever.

>> No.11021028

Still would, desu.

>> No.11021089

when you have billions you can trade the old model for a younger one

>> No.11021143
File: 11 KB, 194x259, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think so, there is nothing like fucking a real woman while choking her and seeing the discomfort, flipping her over and dominating her as if she was an animal by pounding cum into her and feeling her creaming up in spite of it.

Sure, robots can go through the motion, but its the psychological domination over women that gives sex value(for men).

>> No.11021239

The fuck is wrong with you? Still has good skin? Who gives a shit, she looks like a hunchbacked goblin

>> No.11021311
File: 75 KB, 516x616, 1519325234266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never smells
only if you clean it, anon. And we both know you're just going to let your lubestank and stale rotting semen fester inside it.

>> No.11021406

This made my day, I need sause tho

>> No.11021445


Medicinal Chem anon here. These anons are correct. The techonology to lobsterize our telomere in dna is improving by the day and eventually using gen therapy people will stay young forever. I think this will happen sooner than "good" robot women desu. I wouldn't be suprised if the breakthrough will happen in less than a decade and the actuall application in less than 20 years.

>> No.11021611

What are some recent interesting developments in this field anon? I haven’t been checking what’s going on in anti-aging medicine since transhumanism became kind of oversold a couple of years ago.

>> No.11022287
File: 2.12 MB, 5616x3744, MetArt_Sielli_Michelle-H_high_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being conscious
AI is improving everyday, it will learn every day and it will at some point appear more sentient to you than actual people.

>Being basically an advanced body pillow
In the beginning, but again technology advances fast and the advanced "body pillow" will become much more useful than a Biocunt.

Robot could become self cleaning at some point, early generations will probably have switchable onaholes build into them so you can take em out for easy cleaning.

the robot will be much more effective than that once technology reaches a certain point. maybe it won't be like the real thing, but chances are it might get better because of what the technology could achieve.
the Robot Wife will learn and be able to milk you in the most optimal way possible, you can program different personalities into the robot so sex never becomes boring, meanwhile how good can your average biocunt act? its only a matter of time until Robots and AI will outperform this.

sure some men will continue having biocunts, it will be like the people today that have horses, they just keep them around for the novelty of it but nobody really needs them now that we have cars, the Robot Wife won't be different, it will be like the step from Horse to self driving car.

the Robot Wife will still outperform Biocunts longterm.

>> No.11022295


>> No.11022317

4/10. Sorry but that top pic is obese outside USA.

>> No.11022321
File: 72 KB, 590x767, 1527401178684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.11022527

some of you guys underestimate technology. Look at how attached we are to cell phones, internet, and social media. Now imagine all of that stuffed into a realdoll version 9.0

>> No.11023020

thisss sue is fat as fuck, disgusting slob.
t. Eurorich

>> No.11023054

she looks better in the first pic though

>> No.11023628

I’m just going to pretend you didn’t say that

>> No.11024497


It's almost 2019 and we have barely cured any common diseases in the last 40 years, we haven't even come close to curing Alzheimers or Diabetes, the number one cause of death is people literally eating themselves to death, more and more people on welfare being an absolute burden to the health system, growing inequality as real wage growth is completely stagnating, a decent home costs like 1MM+ USD, and you believe in 20 years we'll have eternally youth AND that it will be a good thing?

Holy fuck you're like those bald people who think baldness will be cured right around the corner for the last fifty years kek.

>> No.11024588
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1534956052272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or the equivalent of an Amazon delivery serviceperson shows up with a little robot that does it for you while the two of you awkwardly make small talk
>"oh, yeah, I have the HN-G1003, but with no self-cleaning, heh heh! <sips> Well, Bart is sounding done, so, come on, lil' buddy! we're off to the elevator!"

>> No.11024646

This if my smartphone was a walking talking anime I'd be happy.

>> No.11024667
File: 72 KB, 627x806, ee8361830ca102730b69653b57f7f029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to fix women is to find a way to stop them from aging right at the point that puberty kicks in. Eggs starts dropping, aging stops.

That way their minds and bodies wont be ravaged by the changes estrogen does on them.

>> No.11024745
File: 152 KB, 640x454, a4uo7WF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are messing up with cells

>> No.11024780

holy shit you're a sadsac pos
was biz always this full of ingratiating trash? stop holding each others' vapid and impossible dreams up

>> No.11024826
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*sip* Yep, now that was a good year.

>> No.11025133
File: 3.32 MB, 3744x5616, MetArt_Atopa_Michelle-H_by_Rylsky_high_0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy shit you're a sadsac pos
because I know what the next trillion dollar market is gonne be?
use your brain and you will see that Robot Wifes are an inevitable future and that Biocunts have no future when this technology succeeds which it certainly will.

>was biz always this full of ingratiating trash?
/biz/ is a very forward thinking board, thats why many of us made it here with crypto and many of us are trying to think ahead into the future.
investing into the Robot Wife market will give immense returns.

>impossible dreams
nothing about the Robot Wife is "impossible", in fact most of the technology needed for it already exists.
Japanese are already selling AI gfs (like the Gatebox)
Robot technology is leaping forward every couple years, Boston Dynamics is already planning to sell a Robot dog that can already do simple housework like putting the Dishes into the Dishwasher.
Onaholes also exist and many of their designs are already superior to Biocunts.

all that is missing is that all this technology gets put together to create the first generation of Household Robots, of course the Robot Wife technology won't show up over night and be the perfect customizable waifu but after several decades of finetuning and streamlining it will replace the roaster.
Just look how the Mobile Phone evolved, how much it changed in the course of just 20 years.

>> No.11025181
File: 1.93 MB, 3456x5184, SexArt_Mineret_Michelle-H_high_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robots will become really fucking good in the coming years, they will assist wagecucks more and more til they replace them.
Same with Robot Wifes, they will replace the Biocunt while initially only supporting the Biocunt in her housework.

>> No.11025300

so how biocunts are going to cope with that?

>> No.11025367

>cons: none


>> No.11025398

>tfw your robot wife runs off with some roastie's sex doll but the roastie still rejects you

>> No.11025413
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>> No.11025455
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thats a good question, Biocunts are already AGAINST sex robots, sex dolls and the technology to replace them, they can understand the threat but don't see it as a real one right now, this will change quick once the Robot Wifes become more sophisticated and more capable.
They will probably try to ban this Technology out of fear but at that point it will be too late and the Robots will be likely modular so you could sell the onahole and robot apart from each other and go around that ban with ease (if they actually try to ban them) but I have doubts it will even go that far because there is just soo much money to be made with this.

Biocunts will lash out once they realize that its too late and will probably try to fuck up your robot or try to give their pussys for cheap to get a man on the hook and give him a low IQ kid. (in the future kids will be artificially made in labs to ensure they grow up into 6'7 chads).

this post was talking about the already streamlined and top tier Robots from the future where all the problems have been worked out so there really won't be much cons if any at all.

>> No.11025502
File: 231 KB, 1268x951, 1505935666281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But to explain further, Biocunts (the ugly ones) will be living on the Sidelines of our Society and die out and only poor people will engage with them and reproduce with them.
The upper class that can afford the Robot Wifes will remove the Roasties out of their Lifes once the Robot Wifes technology reaches a certain maturity.
Reproduction will happen through artificial Wombs (Biocunts will actually support this because artificial wombs will produce high quality children while Biocunt can smoke, drink and her holes won't get ripped by a fat babby, that this tech actually replaces them, they will notice it when it is too late, ironic huh?).

>> No.11025619

>Thread of female independence

Throw it back in their face. Robots liberate womyn so they can go be COEs and never have to be slaves to men.

>> No.11025635

My gf is baking cookies for me and doing laundry as I type this and I still hate women. Kek.

>> No.11025722

Just stay healthy. It’s pretty fucking hard to gain weight in the first place. If you are overweight, you’ll never make it.

>> No.11025873
File: 211 KB, 900x790, 2012-02-23-artificial-womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, thats why Biocunts will not block this with full force, they will actually welcome it without realizing that they seal their fate with this.

and a Robot could do this way more efficient.

The Artificial Womb:

>New Men would be cloned in a cloning Facility
>the artificial womb takes care of the feetus by feeding it only the best nutrients
>artificial womb monitors the feetus 24/7 to make sure it turns out healthy
>genetic engineering will make designer babbys a thing so no more manlets, dicklets or baldlets
>100% healthy and strong babbys
>The Waifu Bots will will take care of them during child age

>> No.11025898

I wont feel they are there yet until the Robots have their own wombs.

>> No.11025943
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found the autistic incel

>> No.11025953
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I don't think the Robots themselves will carry wombs and babbys, it would open up too many possible problems with having it mobile.
In the Future you will just rent the Artificial Womb at a company that specializes on that and they pay attention that your Chad kid grows into a good healthy babby, they probably also offer the gene editing.
Its so much simpler than having a pregnant robot running around and having the feetus in constant danger.

>> No.11025961
File: 596 KB, 2048x1152, aubreydegrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is trying to cure aging.

>> No.11025976

No, thats to unnatural. Bringing new life in to the world is not a simple thing nor should it ever be.

>> No.11025997

Old chicks can still be hot though. The meme about white women is ridiculous. I was living in rural VA and the milfs put there were godly.

>> No.11026002

You should probably just an hero at this point. There's no coming back from this level of delusion

>> No.11026014
File: 1.43 MB, 3744x5616, SexArt_Paghie_Michelle-H_high_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets be fair, only autists are truly advancing humanity forward. same in this case.
why are you against progress?

unnatural under lab conditions will give the best results once the technology is perfected.
why depend on some bioroaster to give you ugly children that inherit genetical problems like small dicks or hairloss or manletism from them or fetal alcohol syndrome when you can have the perfect healthy chad babby (that still looks like you) and grows up into a 500 IQ chad?

>> No.11026043

If a wiffubot cant manage that and get the groceries, then they cant even compete with women. Hence, they are already a failure.

>> No.11026095
File: 3.31 MB, 5616x3744, SexArt_Miusa_Michelle-H_high_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop halting progress, your attitude is why Humanity is so deep in the shitter.
our problems can be solved with technology that already exists and that only needs more funding, time and some bright minds working on it. how could anyone be against that?

I have no doubt this will happen in the Future and make the Biocunts go the way of the Dinosaur.

you are not thinking it true, the Robot Wife will be connected to all you devices, like your phone, your fridge, all doable even now with APIs, add smart contracts to this and the robot will be able to stock up your food on its own, the AI could even identify what you need and order it in advance and some amazon drone delivers it to your house.
all that tech already exists.

>> No.11026111
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>lets be fair, only autists are truly advancing humanity forward.
Quite the opposite my autistically challenged friendo. You "progress" fetishists will destroy humanity before too long.

>> No.11026123

Well then, you admit they cant even complete then. Theres no point to them. What, just something to have sex with? I have a hand, I can get a cunt, I can get a rubber vag.

If they cant completely do what women do only more faithfully and better, then they have no purpose.

>> No.11026186
File: 2.02 MB, 3744x5616, MetArtX_EroticaShare.com_Derby_Michelle-H_high_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autists developed that computer that you use right now, autists made the internet, all the software, autists developed everything important. you better stop being shortsighted or you will be left behind while Humanity advances to the next step.

>Well then, you admit they cant even complete then.
can you read? I described how the process will be more efficient as the AI will be connected to everything.

>Theres no point to them
>What, just something to have sex with?
the Point is the Machine will soon be better than the biocunt, I suggest you read this again >>11019133 to see where the journey goes before spouting uneducated bullshit.

>If they cant completely do what women do only more faithfully and better
but they will one day.

>> No.11026222

>autists developed that computer that you use right now, autists made the internet, all the software
And I'm not so sure I'm a better man for it. You certainly aren't.

>> No.11026239

Fuck efficiency. Fulfilling its natural roll is more important.

>> No.11026302

Relex Life, have the Aura guys make inhalable collagen, all the women but it, and retire on island of your choice, fags.

>> No.11026356

>like putting the Dishes into the Dishwasher.
Maybe where dishes is a very small subset of all possible dishes. No way they have a robot that can collect dirty cutlery, pots, pans, plates from across the kitchen and dining room and place them in the correct orientation inside a the dishwasher.
Now it needs to differentiate between dirty, clean, plate with something yet to be eaten etc.

>> No.11026558
File: 1.89 MB, 3456x5184, MetArt_Hamula_Michelle-H_high_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop halting progress brainlet

Biocunts are a thing of the past, why keep a Biocunt when you can have a Robot Wife that performs better at everything?
why need a Biocunt when the artificial womb makes better and healthier children?

thats the question men in the future will ask themselves and make their decision (hint: robot will win, biocunts will lose)

check out the work of Boston Dynamics.


>> No.11026572

She still looks pretty, who doesn't want a slightly overweight mommy that has no better options than you and will be completely loyal?

>> No.11026592

Why do you hate women so much? Were they mean to you in school? Did your mommy beat you when you were a child? I can't imagine anyone who has ever been cared for by a mother or a girlfriend to have such a warped and perverse mindset.

>> No.11026676

Fuck off roastie biocunt

>> No.11026726

>everyone who doesn't despise women like me is a woman
the absolute state of 40 year old bitter incels with mommy issues

>> No.11026741
File: 3.09 MB, 2669x4000, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you hate women so much?
I don't hate them but they are just not efficient enough and they hinder humanity, Robot Wifes will outperform them on every level while moving Humanity further. whats not to love there?

Once Robot Wifes can be customized to look like Pornstars/Actresses/etc. in their Prime its game over for Biocunts.

>> No.11026768

>I don't hate them
Yes you do. Why tell such a transparent lie? Be honest. Did your mom diddle you or something?

>> No.11026881

Where'd you go? Aren't you going to tell me what string of painful childhood events lead to you becoming such a worthless sack of shit who hides his pain and torment by fantasizing about fucking pieces of plastic?

>> No.11026971

we're not that far off though. There are already robots operated by online retailers that use AI to learn how to pick up and sort packages. They are not preprogrammed to do so and they teach themselves how to identify and pick up different objects. This video is outdated and the machines are pretty much running themselves at warehouses right now.

>> No.11027040
File: 3.20 MB, 3744x5616, MetArt_Atopa_Michelle-H_by_Rylsky_high_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can try and attack me all you want but this won't change any of the facts.
Technology is not far from the point where Biocunts can be replaced.

read >>11019133 to understand why the Robot Wife will outperform the Biocunt.
nobody can deny or refute this.

>> No.11027060

It doesn't even matter at this point, realistic humaoid robots will happen in the near future and people will use them for many different purposes, including sex. It will probably be the next great technological revolution, along with genetic modification where only boomers are afraid of fucking a robot or modifying their baby into a chad.

Just look at the advancements boston dynamics has made in a few years. At first it could barely walk upright and now it's doing backflips.

>> No.11027064

I'm not attacking you. I'm just inquiring. You obviously suffer from some sort of mental illness. Let's get to the bottom of this.

>> No.11027119
File: 1.93 MB, 3744x5616, MetArtX_EroticaShare.com_Derby_Michelle-H_high_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a closeminded individual and as a investor I always try to spot the next big thing, Robots and Robot wifes are without doubt the Future of Technology.
you don't need to be bitter or butthurt to see why we eventually will develop a solution for the roastie problem.

Robot Wifes and artificial wombs will literally solve all of Humanities problems.

>> No.11027152

>you don't need to be bitter or butthurt to see why we eventually will develop a solution for the roastie problem.
But don't you see the glaring contradiction in this sentence? People who are bitter and butthurt don't refer to their mothers and sisters and girlfriends and wives as roasties. This is bitter incel talk. This is "my mom abused me and girls make fun of me" talk. You should at least do a better job figuring out how to disguise yourself.

>> No.11027257
File: 121 KB, 520x588, holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how you want to call them, they will be replaced soon, all the tech exists already and only needs more improvements.
Soon every man will be able to buy a 10/10 Robot Wife made exactly the way he wants them. A man could own several Robot Wifes, Robot wifes that never tire and always try to fullfill their mission.
Men will want to work harder to be able to afford a robot wife like that, this will make the economy grow and in the end we get a higher quality society, higher quality men and higher quality way of Life.
The only thing we have to sacrifice is roasties and their antics and replace them through something superior.

>> No.11027272

Seek help my friend.

>> No.11027327
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>"n-nobody will ever use the internet, people will just continue meeting up at the local blockbuster renting VHS"
thats how you sound, incredible shortsighted and poor.
thats why you will not make it during the Economic Wonder that will be known as the Invention of the Robot Wife.
Technology is only accelerating from here and it cannot be stopped, not by baseless shaming tactics and not by butthurt roasters.

>> No.11027354

literally just megadose vitamin C, like 10g a day and eat enough collagen precursors. Hydrolized beef collagen is great, cheap and tasteless. You'll have skin as smooth and taut as a baby's asshole in a month or two.

>> No.11027402

you're a brainlet. You will never, ever be able to replace the human female with robots. Stop being retarded. I know its a high fantasy of you virgins but it aint gonna happen sorry. No im not a mad roastie

>> No.11027438

>You will never, ever be able to replace the human female with robots.
why not? any arguments besides butthurt?

>> No.11027486

we may be able to create something that imitates the female body. Sure it may 'feel' like fucking a woman but in the back of your mind you will always know you are fucking a plastic doll/robot which will make the experience subpar to a real female.
Be honest, you are a virgin arent you? Why are you not fucking those dolls if you consider a woman just a few holes

>> No.11027508

trying to imitate something will never be the same as the real thing. Non alcoholic beer, uncaffeinated coffee, virtual reality.. etc

>> No.11027533

even if you could manage to make it feel exactly the same, that would make the top tier females even more valuable. Those with money would never be content with the fake stuff

>> No.11027561
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>but in the back of your mind you will always know you are fucking a plastic doll/robot
this is where artificial intelligence comes into play, without it it would really be just a simple robot/doll/toy whatever but with AI the Robot will become so much more, it will be connected with all devices and it will be not just a machine but also your best friend, a companion and an enrichment for every mans live.
The Tech is already in development for this.

>> No.11027606

>all that effort just to get a taste of the real thing
we got females already, we dont need billions into R&D of fake women. Kys, you wont ever experience the real thing, NOR the fake thing anyway (you will be a 80yo with a limp dick by the time these roboroasties show up)

>> No.11027636

Can you imagine the smell?

>> No.11027687
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thanks to the artificial womb even the top tier roasters won't be able to compete, we can soon create the chads in a lab and don't need pozzed up biocunt wombs.
only poorfags would continue breeding with biocunts and their ugly poorfag children will sooner or later suicide because they won't be able to compete in the genetically engineered chad/Robot Wife society although this will happen in the mid stages of mass adoption.

>trying to imitate something will never be the same as the real thing.
Onahole Technology will only expand and grow from here, no doubt the Japanese are smart enough to make it even better than the real thing.

>we got females already
but what if we could have them but minus the shit on them that nobody needs and that ruins society and humanity? reread this post >>11019133

>you will be a 80yo with a limp dick by the time these roboroasties show up
with me or without me it doesn't matter, the technology will get there and Biocunts will go extinct.
the way technology develops I think I will still be moderately young when they hit the market, but I also plan investing in this and profit from it as it is clearly the future.

>> No.11027735

you are devoid of any real humanity if you seriously think like this. Truly lacking any manhood, your forefathers would be shameful

>> No.11027750

This is basically that Patrice O’Neal bit except it’s cringe as fuck

>> No.11027756

funny thing is if we'd be able to create this. We'd also create robots to replace useless scum like you. So you wouldnt be able to afford those robochicks. What a cuck you are

>> No.11027828
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Humanity and Society will improve from this Technology, there is nothing shameful or cringe about Robotics, AI or genetically engineering Humans.
Its the future.

>We'd also create robots to replace useless scum like you.
no need to soil your pants roastie.
I can assure you that I am financially secure and don't have to worry about "replacement". I hold the money, I hold all the cards.

>> No.11027861

yes AI and robotics is the future. Robochicks arent.
>I hold the money, I hold all the cards.
and you'll die a virgin with no offspring

>> No.11027912
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>yes AI and robotics is the future. Robochicks arent.
well thats not how the free market works roaster, when Robochicks are in demand and if men are willing to pay for it, it will be build and sold.
its easy as that. maybe you should read up on how markets work.

>no offspring
look up the post with the artificial womb >>11025873 it explains how Humanity will reproduce in the future without relying on old rotten 30yo barren wombs. the artificial womb will simulate a womb at the perfect conditions and the babby will turn out healthy and with best genetics, if thats available
, who the fuck will wanna be breeding trash people with a dried up roaster?

>> No.11028060

>when Robochicks are in demand
yeah good luck satisfying the demand for pussy of billion of men. You think you somehow could produce robochicks for everyone.. even if you did then real women would just lower their standards and men would flock to them again. Cause no robochick will ever feel like a real woman you virgin sperg.
>with best genetics
which clearly wont be YOUR genetics, so it wont be YOUR child. You'd be raising another man's child. As i said, you're a cuck

>> No.11028089

Monika did nothing wrong.

>> No.11028128

They go from sex robot to sentience in no time.
The way they talk their vibrators would have to consent.

>> No.11028408
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>yeah good luck satisfying the demand for pussy of billion of men.
massproduction was figured out like over a hundred years ago. producing them or selling them are not the problems right now.

>You think you somehow could produce robochicks for everyone
"you think you somehow could produce the Ford T for everyone? dude you crazy!!"


>even if you did then real women would just lower their standards and men would flock to them again.
that would only work til robots outperform the biocunt in every regard and even then, only Biocunt-enthusiasts will bother with Biocunts (same way some people still hold horses despite cars existing)

>Cause no robochick will ever feel like a real biocunt
its only a matter of time tho, onaholes are already surpassing the biocunt. just think what they will be able to build like 10- 20 years in the future.

>which wont be YOUR genetics
>You'd be raising another man's child.
actually I think it won't be anyones child, it will be the next step in Human evolution and expensive and absolutely worth the money, its maybe even likely that corporations will do the raising part so no cucking involved.
The Man of the Future will be uncuckable.

But not all Robots would be needed to be made sentient, Robot Wifes could be designed to be just on the edge of that so no consent laws will ever exist.

>> No.11028431

The tsunami of impotent incel rage is hilarious and only proves you right.

>> No.11028631
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only rage ITT is Biocunts. Its normal that this happens.

>"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."