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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 719x388, der0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11023554 No.11023554 [Reply] [Original]

Fess up, biz. Who sold at 5 sats.

I know it was one of you.


Also, Dero is one of the few last easy 30x of Q4. Screencap this.

>> No.11023564


>> No.11023663

Nope, found the pleb in TG methinks.

>> No.11024364

it'll be at 5 sats soon enough anyway, so why not sell early??

>> No.11024369

It'll be funny to post this when the devs exit scam

>> No.11024372

How are you going to manage surviving winter in your car?

>> No.11024420

>10% premine isn't locked (as the anon dev said initially). It's all in just one wallet, completely availible for him to use at any time. It's impossible to say if all the coins are still there. He could have given most of it to pay for John McAfee shilling, as he intended before (kek).
>captain made lots of changes for Atlantis update, and during 4 entire months he didn't released the code. Literally released just the binaries for brainlets to run. He could have made literally anything, and nobody will ever know.
>anon dev implemented non audited code (bulletproofs) before the external audits were finished. He claims to have done just an "internal audit" by himself (LMAO). This is an unforgivable mistake in crypto, nobody implements unaudited cryptography. Any security flaw, and the project is gone. That's the main reason because smart people in crypto doesn't take this project and its single anon dev seriously anymore.
>imbecile decision to remain with CryptoNight PoW algorithm, and now, few ASIC miners will have the biggest wallets, completely contradicting the promised decentralization. Also, just one pool controls literally 95% of the network. The pool owner literally owns also the network.

All those statements are true, and can be checked reading all the announcement at Bitcointalk, where the dev can't delete comments (that explain why he intended to lock the thread. He wanted to maintain control over what people comment about, and clean the project's dirty history).

>> No.11024453

Are you a bot? I see this exact thing posted every time.

>> No.11024545

It's not FUD if it's true.

>> No.11024549

It's called a copy pasta, although originally used to meme things this one if full of facts. It's good for pissing derofags off because they know that they're holding a scam but still hope to pump their bags through shilling on 4chan.

>> No.11024610

This. Dero is turning out to be a way bigger scam than Bitconnect, and all these gullible fools need to know the truth before the dev exit scams them out of their money.

>> No.11024645

It's Serena, the tranny community manager that ragequit and started spreading FUD.

>> No.11024675
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BTFO with your 0.3 TPS shitcoin you'll go to zero in less than 3 months.

>> No.11024776

Yeah, the #1 privacy coin is going to go to zero in less than 3 months.


>> No.11024823
File: 57 KB, 600x337, dero_marketing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it was around $700 on Korean exchange in December and now is barely at $100.

And no one know about Dero, yet.

>> No.11024844

This is the absolute most brainlet post I have ever read in my life.

>> No.11024857

Absolute retard. Go on then, throw your money into a black hole. The rest of us will be moving on with our lives.....

>> No.11024969

Derofags can't refute those truths. Now, GTFO with your scam premined shady shitcoin.

>> No.11025005
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I'm laughing at those who are technical illiterate that couldn't read code and thinking crypto is just a community Ponzi with P&D on Normies.

> Remind me something.

>> No.11025088
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Just a copy paste

>> No.11025096

Dero are the two pajeets who are also behid "rupee".
Another pajeetcoin that will pnd and evaporate.
Every single pajeetcoin did, this time it will be different for sure ;)

>> No.11025114
File: 42 KB, 735x495, pajeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But delusional Derofags insist that Monero copied Dero

>> No.11025167
File: 62 KB, 942x481, dero_crypto_Bulletproofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did the Dr.Sarang got is Phd in a Magic Box ?

>> No.11025207

>"own implementation"
You truly believe that?
What to expect from the project that calls a simple code rewrite in other language "build from scratch"?

>> No.11025242

Dero literally stole Monero's code.

The absolute state of braindead Derojeets..................

>> No.11025269


I'm not believing anything I'm reading the code, show me where you see any copy pasta in this file :
> https://github.com/deroproject/derosuite/blob/master/crypto/ringct/bulletproof_ultrafast.go

>> No.11025284
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Yeah they stole DeroDAG too, you are a genius.

>> No.11025349

Stolen from Iota.

>> No.11025364
File: 18 KB, 362x259, 6120314+_dd2562a10f8eb26e29564a3dfd1587ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist: You'll delete all those screenshots when captain exit scam and it reaches ZERO.

>> No.11025383

They did not even rewrite the fucking variables.
How can anybody toss money into this.
Really we can copypaste bizero and shill ourselves.

>> No.11025415
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1525113306837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow first blockchain to implement a BlockDAG on the mainnet witth a full SSL/TLS 1.2 coverage in the p2p layer with an optimized BP never seen anywhere else.

> And they still believe it's a scam.

>> No.11025431

Lmao, if you're gonna exit scam you either have an ICO or you exit at the top like Bitconnect, you don't wait until your coin has lost like 90% of its vaule to exit. That just doesn't make sense.

>> No.11025444

Derofags will believe anything their unknown dev says. They even believe he works in blockchain field for ten years, as the other team members say. Some even believe he can be Satoshi himself.

>> No.11025460

>implementing unaudited cryptography
Yes, we know how captain cares about security.

>> No.11025495
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> He still think Bitcoin was the first attempt of Digital Currency.

>> No.11025533

Your dev is an amateur who doesn't care a single fuck about security. It's a completely new level of delusion thinking he works in this field for so long time. If he was, he would not make so many mistakes as he already did.

>> No.11025549

This. He has already made mistake after mistake copying and pasting Monero's source code then copyrighting it preventing anyone to fork it while refusing to update it and letting ASICs ruin the security and stability of the blockchain. Anyone buying into this complete and total scam deserves what they get.

>> No.11025554
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Yeah Monero devs send their own implementation
to an external audit that last 7 months, and suddenly implemented an improved version within 2 weeks after Dero release the source code of their ultrafast implementation.

> kek

>> No.11025598

Because they're responsible professionals who get a proper audit of the technology before releasing it to the public like, oh, I dunno, EVERY other crypto ever put out to the public?


>> No.11025617

>he still believes that Monero copied the code
The delusion level of derofags is truly unbelievable
That's one of the reason why you guys and your project were always mocked and not taken seriously in any discussion.

>> No.11025633
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But Dero code had an audit too. An "internal" one, made by their single unknown dev.

>> No.11025639
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>> No.11025662

This coin has a premine so it could be a dev wallet dumping on you. Same thing happened with Sumokoin.

>> No.11025678
File: 12 KB, 915x67, XMR-fork-useless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dero is immune to 51% attack, but isn't the case about Monero you can be fucked any time like verge and suffer double spend attack.

Do you really think Hard forking every 6 month it will prevent Bitmain to build internal secret ASIC miners ? Or the newly FPGA that coup update their miners PoW in less than 2 days ?

> Enjoy the next hardork

>> No.11025679


>> No.11025696
File: 26 KB, 645x729, 268zj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dero is immune to 51% attack

>> No.11025743
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> https://www.crypto51.app/
list of crypto vulnerable.

>> No.11025754
File: 7 KB, 480x118, decentralized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter, since one single pool owns the entire network (95% of global hash rate). The pool owner literally owns the network. But derofags wil keep saying it's "decentralized".

>> No.11025775

Because Derofags are retards. What else is new?

>> No.11025824

Since when PoW mean centralized ? So if the Pools is down tomorrow you are telling Dero network not working anymore ? I think you should take a course about the 101 Blockchain before posting.

>> No.11025828

wtf why are there so many comments?

>> No.11025838

>living in a constant state of 51% attack
reading comprehension isn't your thing huh

>> No.11025849

Because they needed to keep track of where they were putting Monero's code, duh.

>> No.11025850


For educational purpose, for those who can't read the Golang fluently yet.

>> No.11025875


> they
So you admitte they are more than one Dev.

>> No.11026022
File: 3 KB, 110x125, 1517033259389s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this dumb

>> No.11026047

>"Since when PoW mean centralized ?"
Apparently, for Dero PoW is complete centralization.

>> No.11026576

You don’t know captain didn’t dump his premine

>> No.11026623

>What is ninja mining
He probably had like 500k that he's dumping on the market.

>> No.11026934

Why would he have needed to mine it when he could have just created the coins out of thin air? The code was run privately for FOUR MONTHS. For all we know, Captain has 10,000,000 Dero in a secret wallet that he's slowly dumping right now while he copy and pastes Ethereum's smart contracts onto his chain.
