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File: 316 KB, 593x422, buterin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11020217 No.11020217 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11020224
File: 25 KB, 460x337, pregslow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have you been grandpa?

>> No.11020243

Clickbait title.

Ethereum is the only blockchain that is being widely adopted.

The whole game now is accumulating as much Ethereum as possible on this dip.

Remember how in the last update Ethereum blocktime went down from a few minutes to 14 seconds? BTFOing the fudders.

This is going to happen again. Except this time it’s sharding and massive scaling. Literally no other blockchains can even compete. Price is just an illusion.
Utility and developers are everything.

>> No.11020256

Why is he doing this? Are you telling me that in 10 years when blockchain is ubiquitous the prices of cryptocurrencies that have been adopted will not be higher?

>> No.11020263

Hes a communist and outside programming, a complete retard. Hes not an economist and anything he has to say about value should be disregarded.

>> No.11020268

If you’re capable of reading between the lines he’s saying the explosive growth of new blockchains is over. Because Ethereum is already dominating and will only steadily grow. Literally all other “ETH killers” eat shit and die from now on.

By the way Vitalik was in Taipei this week visiting NTU because the person working on Casper update are a pair of Taiwanese scientists

>> No.11020271

>Ethereum is the only blockchain that is being widely adopted.

Nobody is using it for anything. It literally cant even run a fucking cat game. STFU

>> No.11020277

Don't know about the communist thing, but he pretty much doesn't like the trading, exchange and investing side of crypto.

People for some reason look at buterin as some sort of seer or genius of all things and I don't know why every comment he makes is news now.

>> No.11020278

>No one is using it
>95% of the market runs on its blockchain

Sure kid.

>> No.11020281

It’s already won. Trust me. No other blockchain can catch up.

>> No.11020295

Its news because normally people to shittalk their own product. Hes hates the investing side of it because hes a communist and you can tell that from his posts. Hes a hypocrit because the investing side of it made him rich and like all communists, now that hes on top, wants to make sure he stays there and everyone else stays equally poor.

Dumb people cant distinguish between a person whos smart in one field and not in others. Which is why liberals will bring actors on and present them as experts in the field of the person they portrayed in a movie. So its very dangerous when a retarded communist programmer stats trashing his own product, because dumb people listen.

>> No.11020322

This is stupid fucking logic. If this matter then ETH would never have gone done at all this year. How do you explain being down more than 50% in the last 30 days while most coins are not even close to that bad?

If it fucking mattered that the tokens are some keepsake of fucking value then ETH would still be above 1k right now.

> It’s already won. Trust me. No other blockchain can catch up.

Its winning the retard race. The coin fucking sucks for anything at all. Its a pile of worthless shit that needs major fucking upgrades if its ever going to be valued ever again.

>> No.11020340

It is already a 100X better than it’s closest competitors and huge upgrades are in the pipeline.

All it’s competitors can do is copy and then try and catch up. Or cheat and bamboozle their investors like ripple and eos do.

Ethereum is the only project that is making a Decentralised world computer. Eos is making a database, and ripple is making a shitcoin that will never be adopted by banks in a million years because banks are being made obsolete by Ethereum.

>> No.11020380

It needs major upgrades because its running 95% of the market. It has the highest peaks and lowest dips because its used so much so it has the biggest fluctuations. Bitcoin cant even manage its own transactions. Ether manages its own transactions and those of every one of its tokens.

>> No.11020384 [DELETED] 

Even Governments are interested in Ethereum. The Canadian government is currently using it.


>"In January 2018, NRC IRAP successfully >launched the Government of Canada's first->ever live trial of public blockchain technology >(on Ethereum) for the transparent >administration of government contracts. The >program began proactively publishing >information on new and amended >Contribution Agreements with firms in real >time.

>Since the launch, NRC IRAP has been >exploring ways to expand its experiment with >blockchain and reliably share data with the >public. The program is now hosting its >blockchain explorer application, developed by >Bitaccess, on the InterPlanetary File System >(IPFS).

>IPFS functions as a peer-to-peer method of >storing and sharing data in a distributed >manner. Unlike regular webpages, web >applications hosted on IPFS are unalterable >and can be accessed far into the future, even >if the original web host has gone offline. In >other words, the web application used to view >NRC IRAP's blockchain data - also known as >a blockchain explorer - is not being hosted in >only one location where it could be subject to >site failure or other access issues. Instead, >the move to IPFS will ensure the application >is hosted by a multitude of computers so data >is always accessible and immutable.

>These are early days, but NRC IRAP's >experiments with blockchain are expected to >provide constructive insight into the potential >for this technology and how it may be used >for more open and transparent operations for >public programs."

>> No.11020398

>It is already a 100X better than it’s closest competitors and huge upgrades are in the pipeline.

Yeah the upgrade is EOS which is exactly what ETH will fucking need to be in order to ever get a shot at mattering ever again.

ETH is complete worthless dogshit until the devs decide to solve scaling. There are 5-7 more coins already out right now that all do the same thing and better.

> Ethereum is the only project that is making a Decentralised world computer.

Actually, with how it works right now its going to result in super centralized dapps. Because the only ones who can police it are the devs. And on top of that layer one decentralization will be a meme because it wont matter if you are not using it anyway.

Basically ETH is going to have to directly copy nearly all aspects of EOS. I know a lot of you idiots keep talking about how easy that would be to do.

SO FUCKING DO IT. Make it a temporary solution until magical solutions come on line 2-3 years from now. And shut the fuck up about LOOM. Layer one needs scaling otherwise the coin is fucked ultimately anyway. ETH needs on chain governance and ways to solve problems that complex dapps bring to the table and it needs free transactions.

ETH is extremely fucked for trying to sacrifice speed and reliability and cost of transactions in the name of a feature that ends up being irrelevant anyway in practice because the only way the coin has a fucking chance to compete right now is a second layer solution which makes layer one functionality irrelevant. Nobody gives a fuck about layer one if they are not using layer one.

And if the only people who have any power are the dapp devs then you might as well just use a fucking centralized platform like Facebook or google.

>> No.11020413

>It needs major upgrades because its running 95% of the market.

Its not running shit. Its just a token factory. Many of which are used to destroy the coins value.

>> No.11020418

>EOS shill

I was waiting for it.

>> No.11020419

im never fucking buying eth. i played cryptokitties. everything fucking froze and prices to fucking breed the cats skyrocketed from 1 cent to fucking 15 dollars. eth is fukcing vaporwear garbage.

>> No.11020425

No one is forcing you to.

>> No.11020435

>I was waiting for it.

I fucking hate coins that a re shit and get shilled. If its not EOS then go with one of the other ones that actually fucking works.

I'm not even shilling anything. I just fucking hate with a passion when I see dumb fucks street shitting up the crypto space with garbage scam SHIT and fuck up my bottom line because it scares people away.


>> No.11020447

>serious people are going to hand control of their business logic over to a broken database controlled by 21 of dan larrimers friends.

>> No.11020448

>Im not a shill
>Im just behaving in a stereotypical way and outed my self to the surprise of no one.

>> No.11020471

>>serious people are going to hand control of their business logic over to a broken database controlled by 21 of dan larrimers friends.

At least it fucking runs motherfucker. Also that's some stupid bullshit and you know it.

>Im not a shill

I don't give a fuck what coin you go with. But pick something that fucking runs a god damn cat dapp or KYS.

This space needs a fucking enema.

>> No.11020483

You mean a cat dapp, a pokeymon dapp, a slut dapp and 900 tokens.

>> No.11020496

>You mean a cat dapp, a pokeymon dapp, a slut dapp and 900 tokens.

It don't run them. Its complete shit for the end user.

>> No.11020505

The only thing ETH was good for was its tokens. Its shit for everything else.

>> No.11020514

>Being this much of a speg you have to link to the same post twice.

You are a pretty sad shill.

>> No.11020520

crypto is dead

>> No.11020563

ETH is good in tokenizing assets, some scams just made its reputation gone bad. Fags when will you learn to choose wisely? I have 25% ETH and the downtrend does hurt. so far I have only held tokens in ETH before token swaps, ZIL, OMG and new addition FMF of Formosa Financial

>> No.11020602

>You are a pretty sad shill.

I'm not shilling anything but truth.
You got cocky thinking you can hold a shitcoin until the end of time. You lost, put your money in something that isn't objectively bad so we can move past this bullshit. Rather than make this some fucking long ass bullshit procedure when people start posting suicide threads as ETH continues down.

> Suprise suprise, dapps actually need higher than usual TPS WOAH what a fucking science experiment that was!
> Oh whats this? Dapps coins are more complicated than pure currency coins and thus you need ways to prevent bugs from completey destroying peoples livelihoods?! HOLY SHIT SAY IT AINT SO!!!
> You need some kind of methods to police content on dapps that doesn't fucking suck? WOAH! Holy cow if only Vitalik was able to see into the fucking future!
>100% decentralization on layer one is completely pointless ultimately if everyone is just using loom on 100% centralized dapps anyway? Woah! What a shocking situation! Nobody saw that coming!!
> Basically everything ETH was touting as advantages end up being a bunch of memes and ETH ended up just doing most of exactly the same shit anyway?

>> No.11020771

we got a butt-frustrated type 1 altcoin cuck up in here folks

>> No.11020800
File: 33 KB, 600x369, eos-3-1132x670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut your losses, sell ETH and buy EOS which replace ETH

EOS is superior smart contracts platform compared to ETH

EOS is much faster, much cheaper, and really dezentrilaised

so off course people switch to EOS

>> No.11020810

if eth dies what happens to chainlink

>> No.11020825
File: 10 KB, 240x240, omegalul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT mETH heads with bloody portfolio

>> No.11020861

>we got a butt-frustrated type 1 altcoin cuck up in here folks

I swear to hell there are some serious fucking mental health issues in this space if a motherfucker will say shit like this AS ETH IS FUCKING IS DUMPING AGAIN...

Guys, when religion finds cryptocurrency we better collectively pucker our asses because that shits going to make Scientology look like Bitconnect.

>> No.11020888

>please please please buy my late adopter's' version of ethereum! it's the future!

>> No.11020896


Salty gains goblin

>> No.11020904

>whole market is dipping
>shuts off his brain and turns on the shill
>No, its just Ether thats dipping

>> No.11020928
File: 41 KB, 447x847, 2018-09-10_06-56-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he entire market is experiencing the same movement.

>> No.11020947

>Posts the exact point that Vialik was shittalking his own product.
>Thinks we are to stupid to notice
>Is probably to stupid to even know about that.

>> No.11020949

Governance is the most important aspect of crypto and why every digital currency before bitcoin failed. EOS and its centralised governance won't survive in the long run, Ethereum will because the devs know where the value lie. Scaling can and will be solved down the line.

>> No.11020953

Exactly. Sell your 0xBTC, BTC, and ChainLinks, maggots. Ether staking validator, HERE I COME. You'll need at least 32 ETH for that. Load up now!

>> No.11020983

thanks for your effort in this thread my friend.

i agree with you. i am shorting that shit a good deal more.

>> No.11020986

>Ether staking validator
what a load of work, nem's proof of importance is superior

>> No.11020989

This. He's a bitter hater not wanting people to earn lambos on crypto. Crab in the bucket mentality.
He was screeching about shart and lambo memes, then went on stage badger dancing.
Described himself as benevolent dictator, then got triggered when someone mentioned royal mantle in association with Bitcoin.
Screeched with anger when eth mooned and fudded with his $7 statements.
Now doing it once again.

>> No.11021018

>EOS and its centralised governance won't survive in the long run

Its not centralized. And you need some form of governance anyway. Maybe a different system, maybe some other idea. It may be a headache. It might be political and you will see bullshit constantly. It may mean that to be slightly safer you will prefer to keep your savings in a pure currency coin.

But it fucking needs it or it will never gain mass adoption.

> Ethereum will because the devs know where the value lie.

What does this logic salad even fucking mean? You sound like a religious person spouting nonsense in hopes of convincing yourself just as much as convincing anyone else.

We are moving into the age of use cases, ETH is not ready for the age of use cases. The value of ETH is going to reflect that fact. There is no platitudes or random thought patterns about it.

> Scaling can and will be solved down the line.

If this happens Ill even shill the fucking thing. Until then its blood red shitcoin and you have no reason to talk about it in a positive light unless you are being dishonest as fuck.

Go into another coin for now and after ETH gets scaling then you can buy even more ETH! Pick a coin that actually DOES SOMETHING YOU LIKE! Make that go up in value! Find a dapp that you think is cool, USE IT!

If you dont fucking like EOS then look at one of the other dapp coins! But dont literally fucking expect a miracle to help ETH suddenly moon.

>> No.11021027
File: 216 KB, 500x575, 1534392178644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you are way too emotional about your shit token. EOS has its place man but theres just no way in hell its going to sinply replace Ethereum. You need some BenGay for your asspain by the way.

>> No.11021046

I'm all in in LINK anon I'm not stupid, I still think Ethereum will be king in the long run because it has the best fundamentals all around. EOS' governance will make it turn into a mafia sooner or later just like LISK.

>> No.11021059

>Grape Kool-Aid Jammer
>not cheap and tacky Barq's root beer

>> No.11021065

Vitalik loves to FUD but I can’t help but feel he’s sitting on some major new update soon to be announced

Do you really think an autist like that is ready to just call it a day at this point?

“Sorry guys it was always my vision to create a slow unscalable blockchain that is only used for scam ICOs. Mission accomplished, see you later.”


>> No.11021066

You guys realise that Buterin is going down in history alongside names like Ponzi and Madoff right?
Whether intended or not, he created a machine that churned out at least a 1000 ponzi/pyramid schemes.
>but my shitcoin is a legit project!!!
No, no, it's really not.

>> No.11021083

he's fucked because he's a shitty developer
he has put himself and his project into a corner but hyping up shit that can't scale
now he has to make decisions that piss people off especially investors just so the project doesn't die
but it will die and the sooner the better
maybe next time you mETH heads will do some research but you probably won't

>> No.11021086

What Vitalik said was the most bullish thing for ether.

Fuck off, brainlets.


>> No.11021090

>I still think Ethereum will be king in the long run because it has the best fundamentals all around.

This doesn't even mean anything. The coin lacks key fundamentals otherwise this discussion would have never occurred!

> EOS' governance will make it turn into a mafia sooner or later just like LISK.

Didnt ETHS mafia recently make big changes to the coin? Oh did I say mafia? I meant core development team.

>EOS has its place man but theres just no way in hell its going to sinply replace Ethereum.

But it will drag a lot of anons right into a wonderful pool of fucking blood and its going to slow the growth of coins that have actual fundamentals and use cases figured out.

>> No.11021098

>basing everything on price
price is secondary to progress. The Bitcoin mentality is all about price because its technology is unable to progress. Ethereum platform is evolving. Mark my words come next year. Ether will rise above bitcoins market cap. Price heads will be left scratching themselves wondering why they were so blind

>> No.11021101


>> No.11021102
File: 64 KB, 718x960, 1536322881862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes a legit commie but hes married to this beast of an invention and he cant reconcile the fact that hes made tons of people rich at the expense of others. I 100% believe this is why he FUDs his project and says off color shit. He is bitter that the invention he made to improve the world has the side effect of attracting hyper capitalist greed. Hes also worked hard on the project and others got rich off his back by buying it when it was dirt cheap and hes butthurt at that as well.

Read between the lines. You know it be true.

>> No.11021106

It lacks fundamentals now. The point is it will be, future tense, king. It's the only serious project that has the ability to maintain steam. The largest developer share in the space.

>> No.11021108



>> No.11021112

it won't ETH doesn't have any fundamentals and can't scale
no true distribution, no fair governance, it's a joke
and all the hype in the pipeline keeps getting delayed
so since their chain is poorly designed the centralized foundation has to intervene with things like gas limits and block rewards
that's a disaster, but you should have realized this after the DAO fiasco

>> No.11021115

Vitalik never FUDs

>> No.11021120

>muh flippening
Ahahha. They said their scaling solution will be ready in 2020. Fucking 2020!!! ICOs have yet to cash out the majority of their ETH...

>> No.11021126

I can tell you are in a highly emotional state. The mere mention of the words ETH or Ethereum causes you to fly off into a spastic fit of autistic rage. You need to log off of /biz/ for a while and go meditate in a quiet area.

>> No.11021136

>can't scale
I'm done here, brainlets. Enjoy your empty pockets. I've got sex to do in my loving environment. I'm surrounded by the hearts of fluttering and adoring eyes. They twinkle oft and will again when my body returns to loving mode.

>> No.11021147

Loving every minute of it. 500eth holder here. I know the future is bright

>> No.11021151

All of its fundementals are trash.
No scaling...
transactions cost money...
no governance to govern the dapps developers...
No way to recover from catastrophic dapp bugs...
What the fuck fundamentals? The ability to print tokens is useful?

>> No.11021154

I'm just stating facts kids
watch this play out over the next year

>> No.11021176

They are simply running into the CAP theorem, so they have to break up the network (sharding). This was pointed out years ago by computer science experts.
They wasted years chasing a solution that is impossible for the design they chose (computing everything at every node in the network).
That being said, ETH probably survives as the go to shitcoin generator platform, after current ICOs die off/exit scam.

>> No.11021180

Youre not though. If you truly believed what you said you wouldnt be so pissed off and emotional about it. You are completely booty bothered because not everyone agrees with you. Not everyone thinks EOS is the answer. If you believe so much that it is, just fuck off and let us lose our money. Stop wasting your time making a spectacle of yourself on an Arabian carpet piloting image forum.

>> No.11021184

>I'm just stating facts kids

kek I think he thought he was responding to me.

>> No.11021198

>You are completely booty bothered because not everyone agrees with you.

I agree with everything that guy just said though.

>> No.11021207

Are you everyone?

>> No.11021221
File: 483 KB, 2000x1333, 1 ZBwgMHuXDCzIc-2ZMacbEQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if someone is acting emotional it's you buddy
I've ridden bitcoin since it was $17 and traded shitcoins for fun
now what you will see with ETH is the reason why bitcoin refused to raise the blocksize, take note

>> No.11021223

>thanks for your effort in this thread my friend.
>thanking a literal shill
>calling them your friend
Has "cuck" been unfiltered yet?

>> No.11021241

>Has "cuck" been unfiltered yet?

We got two groups on here tonight. The ones trying to help by calling out bullshit and the ones who will probably be posting suicide threads in a few days. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.11021258

>The ones trying to help
Maybe you are trying to help, but unfortunately you don't know what you're talking about.
One example out of many, you need to stake at least 15 EOS (some people are recommending more) to play EOS knights. That's $75. Which shows that EOS is going to have just as many problems as ETH, except ETH had a 5 year head start.
You're helping people board the titanic.

>> No.11021270

He's literally just a software dev. Not a very good one, either, because Ethereum can't handle a cat game.

>> No.11021277

>One example out of many, you need to stake at least 15 EOS (some people are recommending more) to play EOS knights.

Ok so one of the other things ETH needs is functionality where you need to hold more ETH to use the network resources. I mean, it makes it so the more people use the coin the more they will want to have. Also you never spend those coins you only stake them. So in 3 days you get them back and can sell them.

Its one of those fundamentals that ETH doesn't really have. But eventually probably will.

>> No.11021280

who cares about what some disgusting skeleton who wrote 3 proper lines of code at the right time think? he is literally absolutely uneducated in every other aspect of life, let alone in finance. nothing qualifies him as an authority.

>> No.11021307

>Internets no good because your mom keeps picking up the phone

>> No.11021329

If vitalik spent as much time developing as he does fudding Casper and sharping would already be a thing

>> No.11021371

>scamcoin factory is equivalent to the internet

>> No.11021396

you are one of the most delusional reddit dumbfucks to visit here in a while. congrats dumbfuck

>> No.11021412

jesus fuck... "huge upgrades" (staking / sharding) are two - four years away.

>> No.11021413

Top fucking kek coming from a Russian skeletor.

>> No.11021434

EOS IS TOTALLY FUCKING CENTRALIZED. freezing accounts by the whim of 21 faggots

>> No.11021469

>Ok so one of the other things ETH needs is functionality where you need to hold more ETH to use the network resources.
This is the kind of thinking that has caused the major problems in EOS.
You cant add random money sinks just to reduce velocity, they have to make sense in the system.
EOS would work better without half the random staking mechanics they forced into it. RAM doesn't need to be staked.
>Who would send emails when they can be interrupted by your mom picking up the phone? IBM is making their own private internet. TCP/IP is dead.

>> No.11021829

Fucked up present doesn't promise bright future. Muh dapps. Tell me 3 dapps you use at least once a week...yep. das rite.
I can play cat game on Android.
Oh, right...b-but decentralization. Eth devs abolished popular vote in one Skype call.
Though, it's legitimate to expect elites pushing for the world run on one supercomputer. And they might need this ethereum testnet, but they also hunt for talent. Just like they found Vitalik, they will find another turbo autist who will take over.

>> No.11021868


>> No.11021883
File: 52 KB, 1202x479, eth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11021888

Ethereum, bitcoin, and link. This will be the groundwork for the next generations financial infrastructure.

>> No.11021897

a nigger squeezing our shorts and longs on a whim, drawing most blatant barts imaginable
an evil russian skeleton depriving us of our money
what happened to the world goddamn

>> No.11021991

the tech is outdated and vitalik is going to stomp this thing back down to $10. Sell and maybe buy back in 2020 if they ever get their shit together which is doubtful. Buy bitcoin and eos

>> No.11022466

Thats retarded, because its literally his job to work out the economics of ethereum

>> No.11022595



>> No.11022696



ETH is the only altcoin that matters. It's got a million dApps running on it, and the best developer ecosystem.

EOS is hot garbage, centralized and defective.

>> No.11022708

You can't honestly believe that, if you do, you're deluding yourself. If you don't, you're in the camp that FUDs link for your own selfish reasons and you're a nigger and a jew and should kill yourself.

>> No.11022718

he got you there buddy

>> No.11022748
File: 133 KB, 940x1275, eoscentralization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is superior in every conceivable way and is more decentralized to boot. The war has already been won.

>> No.11022776

t. salty ass Goblin who didn't sell at the top, and now is just bitter

>> No.11022887

why the hell would he even do this?
is he being paid to FUD the whole market?
is he working with whales?
honestly, this faggot doesnt understand how much money hes fucking with?

this turbo autist faggot needs to die already im sick of his shit. he doesnt want to work anymore, that much is obvious. he needs to go.

>> No.11023299

>Permanently congested since November
>nobody is using it

>> No.11023356

It's congested because it's a steaming pile of shit, not because lots of people use it. EOS has 10x the daily transactions and more DAPP transactions in a day than Ethereum has in a week and you faggots still claim no one uses it.

>> No.11023383

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA delegates and anything similar can't beat decentralized, free network.

>> No.11023386

he might be smart when it comes to programming or whatever but vitalik is a fucking retard when it comes to anything else

>> No.11023431

>majority of nodes reside in China and belong to mining pool cartels
>network subject to Chinese government pressure
I guess they don't call you guys mETHeads for nothing.

>> No.11023453

>Turns out 95% of the market are cashgrab scams that will cease to exist

>> No.11023626

Icos only have 3M eth left, people sold more eth because of ico selling fud that icos actually have

>> No.11024242
File: 1.96 MB, 1620x886, how_is_he_employed?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol WTF is this dipshit uttering at the beginning? I can't understand a word he's saying. His voice literally sounds like a drunk hobo

How is he even employed?!

>> No.11024375

>Tfw your chain is currently paused

>> No.11024514
File: 495 KB, 350x350, 1525724118096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Utility and developers are everything

>> No.11024533


>Price is just an illusion

I agree, other things that are illusions are:

>Good looks

That's why I don't mind being a poor obese kv, it's all just an illusion bro.

>> No.11024720

>tfw an autistic pedo skelly hard forks your chain because he didn't like one of the transactions on it

>> No.11024973

Somebody please feed this guy.