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File: 415 KB, 963x3053, holocucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11012492 No.11012492 [Reply] [Original]

people actually buy this shit, lmao

>> No.11012531

No one is buying because we know it sucks & is weird

>> No.11012549
File: 100 KB, 478x540, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 17.56.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales started dumping, do you even trade kek?

>> No.11012567

Pretty much every coin out there is shit. Look at tron, look at cardano, look at eos, they're all stinky shit. You think Holo is any different? But I think holo is better than those other coins, so if you want to put money is a shit scam that only makes the creators of the coin richer, it might as well be the shit that doesn't smell as bad as the others.

>> No.11012585

Ah look it's a brainlet with zero reading comprehension trying to read a whitepaper. I love it.

>> No.11012605

Blockchain is a relatively simple concept that demonstrates that even the simplest concepts end up having all kinds of complications and difficulties when applied.

This holo shit consists of a huge pile of complex, untested ideas that will inevitably run into disastrous unanticipated complications when put into real use. There is no indication whatsoever that the team has the engineering expertise to pull off something even 1/10th as complicated as what they're proposing. The fact that they're trying to compare their technology to biology sets off the most alarm bells of all.

>> No.11012649


nobody is actually buying this it's just a bunch of pajeets shilling it on here for a quarter a day in wages but nobody is buying

>> No.11012658

spot on mate. i feel like we guys are part of a fucking school science project, no one knows if the economic incentives (mutual credit system) will work as promised - even the devs can just assume what will happen. there is no motherfucking guarantee for anything here, thats why I cashed out my initial investment as soon as I made a 2x, i let the rest ride to take part of the experiment after the token swap/launch

>> No.11012675

And i thought EOS was bad...

>> No.11012688

damn, there are so many misconceptions here that I don't know where to start

>> No.11012689


>> No.11012710

Yeah, they are clearly just fudding to lower the price. It's so obvious

>> No.11012731

funny enough this was posted a week ago originally and there's been a lot of price action since then

>> No.11012803
File: 203 KB, 1698x1066, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 11.12.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I found:

Pic related: price action since your post

>> No.11012885
File: 90 KB, 728x846, 345345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice picture fren.
Here is another one, similar to holoshits future

>> No.11012890

>le bitconnect meme

>> No.11012902

when shills point to price rise as the counterargument you know it's a shitcoin.

>> No.11012903

see also: >>11012849

>> No.11012915

>when you're truly out of arguments and there's nothing left to do but spam "shitcoin" and post debunked images
stay mad and poor fgt

>> No.11012937

>debunked images
price charts don't count as debunking

>> No.11012949

lmao you giganigga i havent ever bought holoshit

>> No.11012950

the OP pic was debunked in multiple HOT threads, it's all just nonsense. the guy who posted it simply ignored and continued on as usual, which is what this board does because it's full of literal retards and children

>> No.11013067

"it's nonsense"
Its THEIR whitepaper, THEY wrote it lmao the delusion.
Tell me how to interpret
"The Holo organization itself runs the Holo Application Delivery Network to manage bridging from the web to Holochain"
This is _LITERALLY_ them saying that it's centralized

"The Holo organization is also a special class of user"
Ok so they are not a normal users like all of you others, again centralized.

"Hosts will be required to register if they want to redeem credits for outside currencies through reserve accounts"
again _LITERALLY_ says that you have to go though Holo organization to withdraw your money/cash out so again, CENTRALIZED

"Tokens are issued by fiat: they come from nothing..."
Creating tokens out of thin air and selling them

Keep going on the same quote
"... and can really only be spent. A currency is backed by something when it can be redeemed for that thing."

Ok so they are saying their tokens aren't backed by anything and they are creating them out of thin air and you have to go through them to even withdraw your money, sounds VERY fishy.

Read this part as well which implies you can only buy credits from Holo organization.

"Application provider purchases hosting (by buying credits from Holo). Their means of payment (dollars, euro, Ether, Bitcoin, etc.) remains held in a reserve account, which enables that account to transfer the credits to the App Provider's account"

"We will work with local regulators to make sure we are operating in accordance with local laws before making the general purpose transactions possible. These transactions, as described above, are required for the hosting ecosystem to run smoothly."

What they are doing isn't even legal without going through jurisdiction and getting something similar to a banking license since they are claiming they will have reserve accounts which will hold money.

>> No.11013078

it's a fundamental lack of understanding combined with misconceptions and outright nonsense, I am of course referring to the autistic person's interpretation and not what the devs wrote

in any case this will play out one way or the other, let the chips lie where they fall
see also: >>11012849

>> No.11013094


people just see a ticker symbol and think it's 100% battle tested...

HOT is not, it's literally gonna have issues like NANO but 10x worse

>> No.11013107

What are you talking about? Tell me how you interpret it then, the blacktext in the picture is taken from their "greenpaper", you are free to give me your interpretation but oh nooooooo, you wont because you know that my interpretation is exactly what says on the fucking paper THEY wrote

>> No.11013121


>> No.11013128

dude get a hobby and stop bullshitting. its centralized in many ways, holo sjw's love to suck corporate and government cock

>> No.11013137

>dude get a hobby
we need age and IQ restrictions on this board

>> No.11013148

you realize there's over 1 billion in hot on the buy book at 19 sats, right? less than 200 million selling at 20 sats. lmfao

>> No.11013163

don't try to reason with them heh

>> No.11013185

Few, am I glad that I've only got 70 Euros riding on Holo. I'm hoping for one more pump, then I'm selling and dumping the rest into Link.

Also, YFW you realise this >>11012492 is unironically bearish for Link. A utility token that is used to back some perfected infrastructure will never run into problems like this, plus the Holo technology and concepts are likely to run into massive problems as has been mentioned in the threads.

>> No.11013196


>> No.11013208

You think it’s “fishy” that they are going to hold on to money so there’s actual liquidity in there token?
Kek you are an absolute brainlet this is literal retard written fud right here folks

>> No.11013218

I just gave up on replying to them
surely there is a term for when it's so easy to post completely retarded shit and time consuming to address it so your opponent just gives up

>> No.11013465

Holochain is a shitcoin and you can make a lot of money from it. True believers are retards and fudders who don't see the opportunity to make money are also retards.

>> No.11013473


>> No.11013486


>> No.11013501

First shitcoin I didn't fomo into, and god damn I feel great for dodging it

>> No.11013507

Yep, this is hugely experimental and no telling which direction it will go. If it flops, you best believe that the dump will be the greatest crypto has seen. If it succeeds (which I highly doubt) then it will be one for the books. As long as you take profits you're fine.

>> No.11013889

and this

>> No.11013971

Nigga youre measuring relative to Ethereum which has shit the bed completely

>> No.11013976

>Nigga youre measuring relative to Ethereum
which is where all of the volume on this coin is

>> No.11014667

Thinking biz controls market price movements.

>> No.11014697
File: 144 KB, 360x346, 1534009235665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he's right, literally every shitcoin bagholder thinks his coin will be top 10 or 20

>> No.11014706

tron 2.0 nigga step it up^

>> No.11014735

i can smell the curry in that sentence

>> No.11014738

extra spice sirs

>> No.11014789

>i can smell the curry in that sentence