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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11010554 No.11010554 [Reply] [Original]

Is REQ dead? Please, somebody give me hope
Not even r*ddit is bullish about this piece of crap and every time AbstractTornado opens his fat mouth I just lose additional hope I didn't know I had
>T-the future of p-payment amirite guyzes?

>> No.11010579

have balls, kid

>> No.11010589

Dude... name one succesful global French company. You can't because they have 0 work ethics

>> No.11010590

>*drops a daily 5%*
Sorry what did you say

>> No.11010595

Req will never be dead as long as there are those of us still loyal to it.

>> No.11010603

It's a cryptocurrency. Of course it's dead. Worst technology ever invented. and I'm including leaded gasoline.

>> No.11010668

it's not even a crypto currency. ofcourse its ded.

>> No.11010678

Payseur holdings

>> No.11010680

The French are dumb and lazy charlatans these kids can't even code/program

>> No.11010681

>It's a cryptocurrency
it's actually an erc20 token lol

>> No.11010683


have them

>> No.11010759

It's not dead, do you own research. There is pretty interesting names involved on REQ.

>> No.11010770


>> No.11010882

>There is pretty interesting names involved on RE
Like what? Fucking Transfr bailed out

>> No.11010933

Use Linkedin, Telegram and Slack to find out that.

>> No.11011004

check the kyber affiliate partnership program. Ask yourself wtf you need req for. req developers are level of wordpress designers. they only know how to connect plugins

>> No.11011119
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>> No.11011163

>y-you search for proofs
Every time

>> No.11011164

and i bet they are cumming to their pants over adoption over there

>> No.11011226

muh adoption. Thanks to the power of PWC, we can finally buy postcards using crypto, who would have thunk that this would be possible? Amazing shit right here bois. Fucking revolutionary.

>> No.11011237


>> No.11011254

I spent hours on research, why would i tell anything to some faggot on biz?

>> No.11011266

>There is pretty interesting names involved on REQ.
>Like what?
>uh...like loads.. I just can't name them for reasons......

>> No.11011272

maybe if it is a lie

>> No.11011275
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>claim something
>someone asks for proof
>act like a fucking child and ignore the question
Really activates my almonds

>> No.11011288
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>> No.11011344

Are those fucks shadowbaning people? check the transfr thread

>> No.11011350

Hahahahaha anon you realise we can all see the chart?
Everyone in this thread knows you've been financially ruined.
Maybe put that crown away until you're able to buy your switch back from your wife's son.

>> No.11011441


Banned my from their Discord

>> No.11011471

they have probably ten comments not showing up on transfr tread

>> No.11011514

Tomato tomato.

>> No.11011599

Shit, for real? God damn frenchies

>> No.11011694



How does one evade a Discord ban? Is it IP based?

>> No.11011709

probably tied to a device's unique address.

new sim card or phone

>> No.11011762
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>> No.11011874
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Guy asks legit questions, because this whole thing is looking like an exit scam, and the desperate bag holders present on the Sub (the only people left on that sub are seat sniffers and shills) accuse him of being a desperate bag holder.

Is there a community stupider than REQ bag holders?

I feel dirty for even owning this garbage now, puts me in the same bracket as these subhumans, and retards that bought Verge.

>> No.11011943
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>> No.11011980

fucking tornado now posting from multiply accounts

>> No.11012226


PWC France is on the list.

>> No.11012256

PWC hasn't done shit for them. They're not building anything together. read their announcements, PWC is getting information on how the blockchain work.

>> No.11012321

I thought that they visited REQ and talked about what things should be included in their accounting Dapp.

>> No.11012324
File: 143 KB, 1440x1557, 545F5C5C-1E9A-4F50-8594-E906442F0B49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PWC is getting information on how the blockchain work.
Oh god, pajeets are getting dumber every day

>> No.11012393

And what have they done with it so far?

>> No.11012463

>request network team

>> No.11012586


>> No.11012611

39 visible comments. 2 removed. while 47 posted. this is what exit looks like

>> No.11012657

Can this shit reach $2?
looks impossible now

>> No.11012664

Yes but it takes time

>> No.11012673

why? what's so special about it?

>> No.11013425


He's exactly correct. Seems like Request are just advisors on crypto-related matters, just a semi-formal relationship, probably no more than a few emails.

They're not working together on anything specific.

>> No.11013548

This post is completely right but not in the way he thinks

>> No.11013778

20 cents will be a miracle

>> No.11013854

It's cute you think that. I guess you never read the updates about the req team working directly and in person with pWC on an accounting and invoicing app. But yea everyone just take what this anon fud rat says for granted! Dyor, I feel no obligation to convince you idiots to hold req but it will be really painful looking back for you some day if you sell

>> No.11014109

>but it will be really painful looking back for you some day if you sell
It's painful to me lok back at when this piece of shit was $1 and I didn't sell

>> No.11014134

fuck. i was thinking of pulling the plug @ $.11

>> No.11014154

No shit sherlock. Too bad you didn't sell then....but I urge you to sell now so you can finally relax. Then you'll forget about req and be happy in life.....until you hear about it for the first time in ages and its $2. That's what I think anyway, and maybe I'm wrong. But you're so distressed it seems like your quality of life would improve if you just sell low

>> No.11014198

>until you hear about it for the first time in ages
Kek. Is that the best you shills have?

>> No.11014233

abstract tornado is available on private on chaturbate

>> No.11014247

Not a shill. Like I said, please sell. You'll be happier and so will I since I wont have to read your pathetic posts anymore. Inb4 zomg stfyu abstract tornader

>> No.11014287

>since I wont have to read your pathetic posts anymore
Too bad we're not in your communist utopia and I can call whoever shit if I want to. REQ is shit and I'll say it until the team proves me wrong

>> No.11015241

You're shit until you prove me wrong dumbass =D