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File: 63 KB, 491x1193, 1536390145559[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11005327 No.11005327 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is going on, /biz/? The government released the numbers for August on Friday, and the LFPR is actually lower than it was in August 2017, and lower than when Trump took office. Usually, when unemployment is low, the LFPR goes up, because employers hire more "discouraged" employees who re-enter the labor force.

That is NOT happening this time around. Employers mostly seem to be "poaching" existing employees from other employers. They are not interested in the vast pool of people who are currently outside of the labor market. But why? This goes against all of modern economic history. It's actually unprecedented, as far as I know.

>> No.11005340

Because the economy is completely and utterly fucked in every way, in every sector, in every country on Earth

>> No.11005363

The economy is fucked. Don't be in the stock market come January 2019, I warned you.

>> No.11005364
File: 980 KB, 478x937, 1530985697865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return to the system friend

>> No.11005366

What I want to know is why that chart shows almost no change between 08 and 12 when the unemployment rate was “officially” around 10%?

>> No.11005374
File: 124 KB, 362x335, Clippy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely and utterly fucked in every way, in every sector, in every country on Earth
just like ur mom

>> No.11005392
File: 731 KB, 480x726, 1535844160107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Government actively fudges all of these stats, including inflation

2. Most people have no useful skills to contribute in our winner-take-all centralized fiat shit hole ad based economy

>> No.11005400

Boomers retiring.

>> No.11005402
File: 88 KB, 780x483, 1536284059538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cucks like you will be buying my bags shortly

>> No.11005445
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>> No.11005452
File: 91 KB, 720x720, BE15D690-C4BB-444D-A66F-F7796C117FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop looking at the numbers more closely. Just buy the fucking rally and everything will be fine. Full employment under current standards is 1 hour of work per week. Somehow wages ticked up. Not sure how that happened. Time to raise rates again. This thing is heating up way too much.

>> No.11005490


Nothing to be freaking out about. It's a combination of the boomers retiring and an influx of low skill workers through immigration. We're gaining a little more than 200k jobs each month. That's pretty healthy growth. Wages are rising. GDP growth has been pretty steady in the 3-4% range, which is great for an economy our size. Labor Force participation isn't anything to worry about given the other factors.

>> No.11005600

Retirees are not part of the population pool for the LFPR. Nor are prisoners, full-time students, and some other categories.

>> No.11005620

>economy is fucked in every country simultaneously
LOL how does that even work.. I mean money is just an imaginary concept, how can everyone be fucked? why don't everyone just say fuck it, everything is fucking fine and then suddenly it is

>> No.11005650

Fucking NEETS

>> No.11006342

employers need skilled workers, and they need them ASAP. here are their options.
1. poach someone who already has the skills at premium, and start work today.
2. train someone up from between several months to several years, while trying to make due with subpar labor in the meantime. sometimes works, usually results in an employee getting poached later though.
3. automate the work
4. break the work up into small chunks and outsource the work

none of these options involves hiring local NEETs or the newly useless labour-class.

>> No.11006414

People don’t have the skills needed for the jobs that are open which are primarily in data analytics

>> No.11006876

>Employers mostly seem to be "poaching" existing employees from other employers
there you go.
Everyone who has experience/skills is getting better jobs at other countries.
Boeing for instance is stealing everyone with Aerospace experience.

>> No.11006949
File: 891 KB, 1028x505, AE86 spin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz there's millions of 30yr-50yr skilless fags that noone wants to hire.
People like that are done for
i've tried to get them trained up, it's next to impossible.
These people have worked in fastwood or chain stores for 20 years.
they end up quitting because we purposely put a fuck-ton of work on em because we know they will never amount to anything.

>> No.11006954
File: 46 KB, 1467x795, Federal Interest Rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot posting the 40 year time frame and implying it represents the last single year. Labor Participation Rate has held firm.

Pic related is something interesting to consider however. What happened for those 8 years where the Federal Reserve was doing their best to make things look good, and what happened this last year where they try to make things look bad?

>> No.11006999
File: 12 KB, 182x268, 1513815326858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deliberately try to make new hires fail
>act like it's their fault
Congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.11007242

checked, but you misread.
we give everyone a chance
after a month is super obvious who will make the cut and who won't.
some make it, most don't.
hell, most of the time i know within 2 days if someone can work in aerospace.

>> No.11007289

The retirees were part of the pool when they were working. Now they retired. Rocket science!

>> No.11007483

Why do you act like it's so prestigious? The pay and working conditions are absolute dogshit, and by the sound of your post you're just reinforcing that.

>> No.11007736

its called automation you nigger faggot
buy butcorns and linkies or prepare for the bread line

>> No.11007743

I implied no such thing. It's obviously set to 40 years to provide a historical context for the current numbers. Don't you dare sass me, boy.

>> No.11007769

machines are slowly taking over

>> No.11007895

They're all playing the same monetary game. If one or a few nations say fuck it I'm done with all this, they'll be bombed to shit by the countries they stopped paying their debts to.

>> No.11008199

If you keep saying it it will come true. They are taking over low skill repetitive work(shitjobs) of high volume. That is the only field where they are competitive. No one is going to use a machines for low volume high difficulty work. So if you're a skilless monkey you will want gibs since you have become irrelevant.The ones that do work will start to feel the pain of providing for your useless asses. It's going to become interesting the the following decade. I want to see if they can trick the wage slaves again.

>> No.11008279

>so prestigious
because very few people can make $3,100,000 f35 parts.

>The pay and working conditions are absolute dogshit
maybe in the 1980s
average wage in my shop is $37 an hour. some are over $45. safety is a huge concern for everyone, worst injury we had last year was a broken toe from some guy stubbing it fucking hard.

>you're just reinforcing that.
naa bro, we are hard on new hires because it filters out shit workers. we all went through the fire and came out better.

>> No.11009145

>because very few people can make $3,100,000 f35 parts.

Don't you have CNC machines?

>> No.11009186

We are right before the global financial collapse. Wtf do you expect?

>> No.11009223

A lot of those people are millennials and have gender studies degrees. These people are cancer and no one will hire them.

>> No.11009305
File: 12 KB, 220x254, Elizabeth_Holmes_2014_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares about above ground supply. Check out under ground supply and BTFO

>> No.11009327

>They are not interested in the vast pool of people who are currently outside of the labor market. But why?
If you think hard enough, you'll figure out why.

>> No.11009381

>They are not interested in the vast pool of people who are currently outside of the labor market. But why?
OP, If you look @ the Mutt PMIs a lot of sectors are sayin they are short of SKILLED labour. Why are they not training...most likly b/c a trainee is expensive & doesn't bring that company money. EX. I pay a skilled worker $150/day, most trainees wont accept $50. As far as that business is concerned a trainee will only do 1/3 to 1/2 the work of a experienced employee...Why would I want to hire a trainee? Ppl don't have loyalty anymore, once trained they can get more money elsewhere....

>> No.11009663

just cant be fucked working ay

>> No.11010166

Simply put an entire generation in the USA can't and won't do anything anyone wants or is willing to pay them for, are incapable of marriages, having children, or doing anything other than spewing worthless crap into the infinite void of the internet .It really is that simple.See this board as an example.

>> No.11010182

>These people are cancer and no one will hire them.

>> No.11010186

The reason is wages are staganant and people aren’t convinced to sell themselves into a slave contract for poverty wages when they can just live in poverty but have freedom. Wages have to increase

>> No.11010208

>The labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed persons. The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population.

>Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work.


37% of the population is above 16, not in prison, not working, and not looking for work (otherwise they're counted as unemployed and part of the 63% that is the labor force).

>> No.11010334

And heres tge entitled useless bum that thinks he'd owed something.Truth is aside from the lazy cancerous attitude he can't do anything anyone wants to pay for.Literally useless.

>> No.11010348

Or poverty has to increase abd deepen for these cancerous useless shit until they are driven to collect thrash for soup.

No pne will pay ypu more than you ate worth.Which; s currently nothing.

>> No.11010714
File: 364 KB, 640x658, the economist yield curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek
Yield curve didn't inverse yet and it predicted every recession since 1955, and after it does reverse you have at least 6 more safe months before switching to bear mode.

>> No.11010748

>companies poach and won't train
>why aren't employees loyal anymore?

>> No.11010754

>hazing is the best way to filter for competent adults

>> No.11010861

>that cool confidence
go look at a chart you fucking nigger
its going to $8/oz first before it goes anywhere