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File: 377 KB, 500x575, derofudbingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11002718 No.11002718 [Reply] [Original]

I dare you to tell me of any other coin that receives as much FUD as Dero.

The fact that a Bingo chart of its FUD can even be made is telling. Not even legitimate scams like Bitconnect get as much FUD.

I will answer any questions you have about Dero, so feel free to ask away.

>> No.11002734

Wtf is dero


>> No.11002751

Is it fud if its the truth?
>Fear ?
it dropped 90%
you can be certain it is only trading on two exchanges and has volume of 10k usd daily.

>Doubt ?
There is no doubt that whether it is a scam or not, it is a shitcoin, i wont touch with a 10 foot pole.

Sorry, its not fudding if its true.

>> No.11002931

Not FUD, just true statements proving that is a complete scam:

>10% premine isn't locked (as the anon dev said initially). It's all in just one wallet, completely availible for him to use at any time. It's impossible to say if all the coins are still there. He could have given most of it to pay for John McAfee shilling, as he intended before (kek).
>captain made lots of changes for Atlantis update, and during 4 entire months he didn't released the code. Literally released just the binaries for brainlets to run. He could have made literally anything, and nobody will ever know.
>anon dev implemented non audited code (bulletproofs) before the external audits were finished. He claims to have done just an "internal audit" by himself (LMAO). This is an unforgivable mistake in crypto, nobody implements unaudited cryptography. Any security flaw, and the project is gone. That's the main reason because smart people in crypto doesn't take this project and its single anon dev seriously anymore.
>imbecile decision to remain with CryptoNight PoW algorithm, and now, few ASIC miners will have the biggest wallets, completely contradicting the promised decentralization. Also, just one pool controls literally 95% of the network. The pool owner literally owns also the network.

All those statemens are true, and can be checked reading all the announcement thread at Bitcointalk, where the dev can't delete comments (that explain why he intended to lock the thread. He wanted to maintain control over what people comment about, and clean the project's history).

>> No.11002956
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1080, NdLhBud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is aware of Dero and very afraid. Dero will change the world

>> No.11002958

Also, if you think those points are acceptable (and some others in your image), than you should get out of crypto immediately, because that's not your place.

>> No.11002985

>Is it fud if its the truth?
Did you read the bingo chart and pick that piece, or did you literally post that unironically?

>it dropped 90%
As did the majority of the altcoins in this bear market.

Again, did you even read the bingo chart, or did you just post your usual copypasta that you spam in every Dero thread? You hit multiple squares on the bingo chart.

>> No.11003003

>than you should get out of crypto immediately,

If you're going to call Dero supporters scamming pajeets, you should at least proofread your FUD so you don't look like a scamming pajeet yourself.

Just saying.

>> No.11003016

The scam bingo.

>> No.11003031

Because are all truths, and you can't refute them.
Just accept that is a shitcoin.

>> No.11003048

bingo scam
you should kys man

>> No.11003051

Oh look, another bingo space!

You seem immensely triggered right now. Maybe you should go make another thread on /r/CryptoCurrrency how Monero is superior to Dero.

>> No.11003061

Devs are expert cryptographers, if you know someone to exploit the Bulletproofs please tell them to do it, they would get rich. I bet you won't find anyone, atleast not these Micky Mouse devs that run copy and paste coins and wanted to audit the Dero source code. Not a single peep from them about the audit, because they can't understand the code, it is way over the head of average crypto "dev". Only top tier devs can understand Dero, please let them hack, comment, whatever. All you see is Monero devs panicking and trying to copy Deros features.

>> No.11003068

everyone know that
does not need

>> No.11003138

You are so full of crap that your open-ended "truths" could easily prove that AIR is a scam:

>people believe that air is locked into planet Earth, but nobody will tell you that air regularly escapes Earth's atmosphere into outer space
>the air you're breathing right now changed a whole lot before it reached your lungs, who knows what that air was doing the 4 months it was up and about before you breathed it in?
>anonymous flower filtered undocumented air through its untested, evolution-evolved conversion process from carbon dioxide to oxygen; the fact it didn't wait for scientists to full audit its conversion process is an unforgivable tragedy committed by mother nature
>imbecile decision to stay at its current oxygenated level instead of increasing it by 5% in order to further enhance human kind's senses

All those statemens are true, and can be checked reading all the announcement thread at The Scientific Journal, where the maker of AIR can't delete comments (that explain why he intended to lock the thread. He wanted to maintain control over what people comment about, and clean the project's history).

>> No.11003152

>again the "MUH, find some flaw" statement
>still not understanding the point

Ok. We both know that you are the samefag who shills this shit every time, and I'm the same who answer and bring those statements here. But again, you never implement unaudited cryptography. Never ever. That only shows how amateur your dev is, and how he's careless about security. If he was a true expert one, he would never do this. You only agree with him possibly because you don't know anything about cryptography in general, neither about coding.

>> No.11003191
File: 3 KB, 89x125, 1517032563933s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most imbecile comparation that I've read here. Congratulations. Maybe all you Derofags are pajeets at all, without any exception. Please, KYS, OP.

>> No.11003193
File: 628 KB, 1595x1020, 1533915493809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck outta here with your fake bingo boards

>> No.11003276

Who has a running DAG, Monero or Dero? Who has 75 TPS, Monero or Dero? Who has running Bulletproofs at 10x the original speed, Monero or Dero? Who will have smart contracts at the end of the year, Monero or Dero? Monero is being BTFO by three guys who are pumping out these features like it is nothing. Monero guys are very afraid and their FUD is getting shriller

>> No.11003286

Neither do you faggot, otherwise you wouldn't be calling Dero a scam. The majority of cryptographers in the cryptosphere today would have no idea how to start to audit Dero's bulletproofs, because it's new technology that hasn't been explained in normie terms yet. Not only do Dero's bulletproofs run 10x faster than Monero's, but Dero's Cryptonote core runs 8x faster than Monero's. Monero supporters are completely scared of what Dero is trying to accomplish and are attacking them relentlessly from FUDDING threads on /biz/ to massively downvoting threads on Reddit.

All these "truths" you keep spamming in Dero threads are nothing but "opinions" wrapped up in a "self-importance" bow. NOTHING you have brought up will make a single bit of difference once normies find out about Dero.

If BTC can survive illegal drugs Mt. Gox and still climb to $19,000+, Dero is going to grow no matter how much you whine "SCAM SCAM" over and over again.

>> No.11003337

Just keep holding brothers, we're going to experience a pump the likes of which we have never seen before.

>> No.11003402
File: 217 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The majority of cryptographers in the cryptosphere today would have no idea how to start to audit Dero's bulletproofs"

Jesus Christ, please, buy a new brain for you. You urgently need.

Also, related pic.

>> No.11003405

Top keke, they can't hide anymore that devs are pajeets, who are oslo behind crypto Rupee.
Fucking kek.
A decade of crypto.
Not a single useful pajeet coin. It will surely work this time Sirs ;)
Buy or stay poor forever.

>> No.11003456

Don't forget the best one:

>"MUH, our dev work in the blockchain field for more than 10 years. We even think he's Satoshi"


>> No.11003492

is that an irc channel? link? or can you post more screenshots of that convo?

>> No.11003577


>> No.11003629

How the hell could Dero have copied Monero's bulletproofs when Monero's bulletproofs were in their auditing process when Dero came out with their's?

The absolute fear state of Monero holders, holy crap

>> No.11003641

You're all dumb for calling dero a shitcoin, it obviously isn't a shitcoin and there's serious development backing it.

broke: monero cult follower, fuds dero and owns none because he unironically thinks its a shitcoin

woke: monero cult follower, buys dero as a hedge in the scenario that it dethrones monero

stay poor