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File: 976 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180908-141159_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10997113 No.10997113 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever found anything?

>> No.10997122

yeah i found 50 btc

>> No.10997123


>> No.10997124

No, and even if you did the creator sweeps any keys you find before you'd get the chance.

KYS you pajeet (stop spamming your shitty website)

>> No.10997165

I found like 14.6 btc yesterday but it was IMMEDIATELY stolen by the site owner. There is no point.

>> No.10997204

Is that site even real? Does it work?

>> No.10997212

Yeah, I decided to check my own private key and it's there, apparently it's real

>> No.10997222

It sweeps for keys if you find them and if you put your own private key in like a fucking moron they will steal your shit too.

The person posting this is literally shilling to steal your shit and anything you find.

>> No.10997224

Cool, mate, gotta try it too

>> No.10997226

It's running a crypto miner and the address finds are just made up to keep visitor having the site up so it mines the website owner cryptocurrency .

Imagine how many days degenerate niggers keep the site up for. Its mining good for the pajeet website creator

>> No.10997237


>> No.10997255

Not anyone if we go by the fact that nobody wants to prove this shit. Which honestly is pretty easy to prove.

It's luck based to the point that you can be running scripts all day, all night, for several years and find absolutely nothing. Or you can run it for an hour and find something. If you're going to do this, consider 2 things:

1. You're finding something you aren't even supposed to find, if you find it. Luck is not supposed to be rewarded. But since you need an insane amount of luck to find anything, I would say don't miss the opportunity to take at least a little bit. It's like finding 4 times a lottery ticket on the ground that someone accidentally dropped, and would make you win the lottery. You need to be just that lucky.

2. Don't be dumb and do it through this website. Use scripts that you can easily audit and run them locally. There's a few out there. You can have a script do this automatically and put found addresses in a text file (you'll never be happier about finding a fucking .txt file on a folder, I tell you) and run all the time, as if you're just torrenting some shit. It takes some processing power the more accounts get checked per second. But yeah, don't use this fucking website. You don't want to give money to some guy when you can take it yourself, and waste ages doing so. And worse, manually. Rather get 20 addresses per second automatically than 128 a second manually.

>> No.10997276
File: 57 KB, 413x427, 9261EF65-2C83-4BBE-AAFE-952FD8C157B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol samefag forgot to change proxy. Weak.

>> No.10997278

This is literally them trying to shill you putting in your private key so they can steal it.

Its transparent as fuck.

>> No.10997305

Also please stop shilling this. Have mercy. You wanna help so much, provide scripts. Only reason I don't provide the one I use is because there's probably a much more efficient one out there that I don't even know of. I heard of some guy just looking through the blockchain locally and storing it on an SSD to do this process much faster (and of course even more secure) but I have no idea how to do that shit.

>> No.10997351

You people get really upset over a simple website

>> No.10997383

there's so many possible addresses it would take a couple thousand million years to have 0.1% chance of finding an address that was used previously
you're more likely to win the powerball 5 times in a row than to find an address, ANY address
running scripts is a waste of time, nothing more

>> No.10997441

Wouldn't you take that chance though? You don't have to buy lottery tickets. It's effortless and the chance is not absolute zero.

>> No.10997450

My private key is on there, should i be concerned? Ill movr everything to another wallet when i get home tonight

>> No.10997528

You want to use a RAID SSD

>> No.10997585


I found like 11 btc, I tried to send it to my ether wallet and it wouldn't work. But now all my tokens held in my wallet are gone



Lmao vroom vroom

>> No.10997638

I wouldn't worry, considering that even if it's not impossible, it's next to. Most people who could have had their shit stolen transferred their funds to accounts that didn't have passphrases that could be easily guessed ages ago.

Because there's empty accounts there that literally have passphrases like "freecash" or "0123456789" or "Hitler", you can try it yourself. I guess back when bitcoin wasn't so important some people gave no fucks.

Also consider that with chances so small, there's even a smaller chance to find specifically yours.

>> No.10997641

The chance of finding a wallet containing BTC on this site is:
Good luck tho and i heard the creator takes the filled ones which are found

>> No.10998351
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1528659408891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go anon

>> No.10998360

remember all the shitskins spamming their scam/phishing websites? this is just another one wrapped up as something else.

if you fall for this you deserve to lose money.

>> No.10998397

man sometimes i wonder how some people manage like breathing

>> No.10998430

I thought this was mathematically impossible

>> No.10998447

The creator does worse than that. Some people use his site to create wallets, so in exact 20 minutes after generating wallets, it checks them again for funds and send to his address..

>> No.10998454

It is but people are stupid and hopeful that they get lucky beyond all luck. However it doesn't matter because as stated it sweeps them as they are generated and the real goal of this is to get people to search for their private key so they can steal it.

>> No.10998458

Seems like the most convenient script out there

vanitygen seems faster but you have to specify what you're looking for

>> No.10998470

Stop being a fucking retard.

Some facts:

>Yes, the site "works" (in the sense it checks keys, but the creator siphons anything you find).
>The odds are incredibly low, but not impossible - someone could theoretically check one single page only and finds something
>Your private key is on there somewhere, even if you locked it up using a Ledger your funds would be gone

That's it

>> No.10998472


comfy af with my btc in an exchange in a hotwallet

>> No.10998630

The chance of finding a wallet with btc is as high as there being life in the universe.

>> No.10998641

this is what mainstream crypto looks like

>> No.10998783

found about 13 eth and the site instantly swept them lmao

>> No.10998804

now this is decentralization

>> No.10998852

this brainlet

>> No.10998917
File: 16 KB, 995x153, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, this actually works better + can audit it yourself.

Literally no reason to not just run this 24/7 as it uses no resources at all

>> No.10998951

>literally no reason to not just run this 24/7
there are this many reasons
the universe will die before you find one

>> No.10998964

But, I have a better chance than you since you're not running it.

>> No.10998988
File: 23 KB, 512x512, 1534505083917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why are you so fucking concerned choking on your own saliva while hating about this shit?

>> No.10998993

yea not really bud.
have a gander at this vidya and you'll understand why

>> No.10999005

It isn't. But the sheer amount of luck you need is beyond comprehension. Humans are really bad with big numbers and randomizing stuff.
That being said, if you want go spend your time doing shit like this you're free to.

>> No.10999022
File: 776 KB, 450x450, 1500062307587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet jew detected

>> No.10999023

Even if I have a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of finding a key, it's still greater than your 0%.

>> No.10999045

it least i dont browse reddit

>> No.10999060
File: 68 KB, 884x800, 1502709031947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you would far more likely to find a block solo mining on that computer than finding a key
you do you tho anon, don't let me stop you.
whats that?