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File: 318 KB, 723x781, normies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10998814 No.10998814 [Reply] [Original]

He's talking about you. You realize that, don't you?

Can you get over your ego?

If yes, you might make it.

If no, you deserve your place in normie-town holding your shitcoin-bags.

>> No.10998862

That was originally how it was going to go. But the Jews created Chainlink as a lifeboat. They've leveraged the power of crypto to enrich themselves instead of being supplanted by it This is good for us because we jump straight from poorfags to being on the same level as the Jews, but bad for those of us who'd hoped for an end to the system of jewish debt slavery, but like the saying goes,l I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.

>> No.10999001
File: 6 KB, 236x236, 29261656_2081614152120071_7390759974697172992_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin libertarianism

wow really groundbreaking stuff OP ive literally never seen this before he must be a genius or something, i am now a bitcoin maximalist

>> No.10999027

I’m not smart enough to understand this.
Can you have Rick and morty explain this?

>> No.10999109

>muh lightning network
BTC is great for storing value, but it will NEVER be able to scale for daily transactions. NEVER. hold BTC (for savings) and NANO (for daily spending) - the ultimate Chadfolio.

>> No.10999139


>Bitcoin maximalist shilling his useless shitcoin

Yaaaawn, NEEEXT!

>> No.10999140
File: 96 KB, 792x558, 1455794871175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normies want to feel like they're ahead of the curve and not getting duped ("I'm smarter than anyone else.")

>BTW, we nerds were early and that's why we're so knowledgeable.

>> No.10999165


This. Also implying it was "nerds" who were first when in reality it was mostly just degenerate druggies. With internet it was actually the "nerds" who were first, completely different demographic with crypto.

>> No.10999176

>they want some extra $ without doing too much work
This explains why so many millennials Can't handle the recession

>> No.10999206
File: 28 KB, 350x413, amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* Merkle trees and blockchain data structures are from the 70's, proof of work and the smart contract concept is from the 90's.
* All consensus algorithms being tried now are or rely on idea from the 70's to the 90's.
* In 2008, Nakamoto posted the clever idea of proof of work for consensus. It doesn't scala and thus can never work, but triggered an enthusiasm for work on consensus protocols that wouldn't be worked on if Bitcoin didn't emerge. Tor and torrents are as close to working tech that somewhat mirror the ingrediences of distributed consensus as it gets at this stage
* Distributed consensus that scales was and is a hard problem and it's unlikely that any of the 100 protocol projects with their 10mill++ market cap has an idea good enough to solve it.
* Bitcoin quickstarted tech interest in this field by accident, basically. >>10998814 Bitcoin is no "way out", because Bitcoin (or Ethereum, for that matter) doesn't work and never did. The next years will see those 70's ideas being tried, but it's not actually anything technically revolutionary, except people didn't bother trying before.

>> No.10999228

Can YOU get over your ego and let people vote with they money (wealth) for projects they believe in, and not assume everyone is stupid but you, you little nihilistic kiddo?
BTC has tons of issues, other projects have tons of issues, if you don't understand that - you're stupid. The one and real fact of reality throughout ages is that people make things happen. If you personally believe into people behind BTC, that's your choice. Yes, there are concrete people behind BTC who made commits into the code. There are a whole other bunch of people, who copyrighted a whole lot of stuff, made /r/bitcoin and created few other business ventures. A finite and concrete amount of people.

>> No.10999299

Bitcoin as a p2p cash is dead. That's what it was supposed to be, but the idea got killed by blockstream refusing to increase the block size.
Adoption is at levels from 2016.
Bitcoin also can't function at really high prices because of mining. There's no demand source that can support $100B in energy costs annually.

>> No.11000097

testing testing
