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File: 229 KB, 1440x2392, Capture+_2018-09-07-23-24-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10994166 No.10994166 [Reply] [Original]

ETH is now at a nearly TWO (2) year low.

Trading at 210, trending into the upper 190's as we speak.

And fucking BIZ shills will start arguing semantics and saying
>b-BUT...NO...NO IT'S NOT. THAT'S CALLED UH...um....thats called a YEAR TO DATE LOW....IDIOT

no. Its fucking not.
2 years ago eth was higher in price than today
The graph clearly shows this.

Here's a spoiler.
ETH will continue a downward trend into the low 50's by november, then close as a project and potentially merge into something else.
It is OVER.

>> No.10994185

2 years ago was September 2016

>> No.10994195

You know nothing, stop pretending you know anything. This shit could go to $50 and be $5000 in 3 years from now.

>> No.10994197

>semantics, again

Then you zoom the chart out yourself, it was higher than where that giant red candle is right now currently.

>> No.10994216

May of 17', so a little over a year. If you tke a look at the log chart, it's the lowest since the first real run up for ETH (from ~$15). I bought ETH back in late 2015, sold in May of 2017. Re-bough at the $200 collapse in mid/late 2017. I love Ethereum, but I REALLY love XMR. I'm debating selling 50% and moving into a equal XMR/XLM/ETH portfolio. 0x seems to be interesting too, but hasn't proved itself like the other projects.

>> No.10994231
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>make objectively false statement
>call a correction semantics

>> No.10994256

unironically buying soon because I keep seeing eth is dead posts and eth holders practically suicidal

>> No.10994257

>0x seems to be interesting too

>> No.10994291
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still overpised

>> No.10994310


>> No.10994325

ETH started 2017 at 9
I'm pretty sure it wasent over 200 on september 2016

>> No.10994378

yes, eth is about to go under, but the dozens of copy-cats with 6 developers and 1 not yet functional app? those are going to change the world.

>> No.10994620

>TWO (2) year low
What kind of brainlet?

>> No.10994760

yup hololchain hololchain hololchain hololchain get it on the wall

>> No.10994910

>be yuropoor
>price stays stable while awake
>go to sleep
>amerifats literally cannot stop panicselling
>wake up every day to a lower eth
can't you burgers ever stop fucking the world over

>> No.10994959

yeah it's more like a one year low

>> No.10995671


>> No.10995686
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ADA will have higher ROI over the next 5 years.

>t. bought ada at $0.03 back in October. Already retired thanks to ADA, bought over 500k and made $200k USD from realized gains ( I lost a lot more ).

>> No.10995693


Opps that zCash, also a good long term hold, easy 10x over the next 5 years.

>> No.10995699

Vitalik said ETH should be worth ~$17, I'd take his word for it.

>> No.10995715

Do you have a source on this?

>> No.10995721

you dont like sale ? just put more fiat in this cryptocasino.

>> No.10995724


Europoors can't into market confirmed.

Smart burger fellows , know how to deal with the market. xD

>> No.10995725

retired from 200k?

>> No.10995734
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>> No.10995736

Crypto will be unironically compared to Bitconnect in the years to come. This shit is a massive quasi-ponzi powered entirely by a greater fool/ICO scam engine. I'm being 100% truthful when I tell you there is a VERY strong chance that ETH drops to third in the coming few weeks and a VERY strong chance that it's not even in the Top 25 by EOY.

>> No.10995741

Meant ETH will be compared to Bitconnect, not crypto generally. Posting while tired.

>> No.10995745

he's talking about ZRX, not ETH bitcoin you retard

>> No.10995759
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>> No.10995760

>Blockchain is valuable but cryptos are not
Brainlets actually believe this statement makes sense

>> No.10995770

I meant ETH, not crypto genreally, per my follow-up post. ETH is old garbage tech - can't scale, solidity clusterfuck, fails to deliver left and rate, primarly held by literal scam ICOs, etc. It's done, and is basically a scam.

>> No.10995778


I live in New Zealand. I'm currently travelling the south island, I own my own 6 ha property near Greymouth. Not all of which was from crypto I had a Kiwisaver worth $10000 and a home loan.

200k USD is 300K NZD, which is a safe amount to relinquish the need to work.

US is completely different I get that, USA is fucked.

>> No.10995785

Solidity was a coding language invented specifically to make an efficient blockchain. This is because an efficient blockchain requires data output to be minimised.
Saying solidity is garbage is moronic.

Complaining about issues about an in development tech where the developers and industry leaders are working to solve the problem is also moronic.

>> No.10996140

Fuck off

>> No.10996231

>Solidity was a coding language invented specifically to make an efficient blockchain
ETH isn't an efficient well running blockchain that can handle more than one DApp

ETH failed.

get over it

back to $70 it goes.

>> No.10996238

Most ETH whales are moving into Holochain in preparation for main net

>> No.10996256

shut the fuck up !!!! I hate HOLO !!! I hate it !!!! Fucking Holo monster !!! ETH is the king !!!!

>> No.10996605


On September 8 2016, aka TWO (2) YEARS AGO, Ethereum was worth 11.42 USD. What point are you making retard?

>> No.10996884
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>> No.10996948

guess ETH is pajeet and HOT is chad western now

>> No.10997045
File: 67 KB, 867x661, SskJR2RsoMBEv83zdQrneYckPwRM4hGMcxNVxovpRIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH chart from Nov 2017 to now VS BTC chart from Aug 2013 to Jan 2015

When reddit is more level headed than 4chin, the only thing that is on a downtrend is biz

>> No.10997192

Even Vitalik is saying its gonna dump

>> No.10997220

too many Ethereum killers out there now. they will be irrelevant by next year

>> No.10997229

Funny thing when Vitalik says price doesn't matter - price falling this much is fucking over a lot of legitimate ICOs and hurting adoption. What is a platform without dApps?

>> No.10997233

Keep accumulating ETH. It will be bigger than bitcoin by end of 2019

>> No.10997239

biggest fucking meme out there.
ETH has the biggest, smartest set of devs than on any other single smart contract chain.
It's already done, nothing will overtake it.

>> No.10997242

It's somewhere on his early Twitter, and he made the calculations based on how much would it cost to make a new dapp or transact on eth

>> No.10997244
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>smartest set of devs

>> No.10997249

oh yeah I forgot about the flippening kek

>> No.10997260

ETH will be roughly 4k by end of year.

>> No.10997265

ETH will drop to 200-205 within the next hours/tomorrow and will bart down once again a few days into next week into the $150 area along with BTC breaking 5k8.

The signs were clear months ago how it will play out. Also lol @comparing ETH to BTC. If you want to do a direct comparison, use the very first bubble pop of BTC and you will see that the real bottom of ETH will be $80.

This perfectly aligns with a 3k BTC bottom and full retracement before we are starting to grind back up over years on time before we reach new ATHs.

If anyone of you have some braincells left and have a job, save your money for this exact scenario and buy sub 3 digits eth and ~3k BTC and ride it out. Those will be the guys that truly make it.

And if you still hold bags, sell them now and double your btc amount by the factor of x2 and your ETH amount by the factor of x2.75.

This is the one and only truth and I swear to god screenshot this and tell me I'm wrong in one year and I will pay you $100,000 in Monero.

>> No.10997268

Vitalik is right though, I agree its controversial for most normans.

At the end this is the decoupling from BTC, just not the way we imagined it - there is an ongoing FUD campaign funded by BTC maximalists and buttmex.

>> No.10997290

>This is the one and only truth and I swear to god screenshot this and tell me I'm wrong in one year and I will pay you $100,000 in Monero.
sounds legit

ok buddy you can go live in your child porn communist fantasy land while disregarding the entire point of a blockchain

>> No.10997301

Of course there’s a FUD campaign against ETH. Every one of their competitors is BTFO technically, the only thing they can do is mount these social attacks. Pretty gay and lame as usual tone vays tier intellects.

Ethereum is still the only chain worth building apps on. And it’s only going to get better as they develop more and more.

Also a lot of newb boomers on the scene shitting up LinkedIn with their gay FUD trying to pump whatever chinkscam ETH killer their latecomer asses hope will make them rich.

>> No.10997307

Wow, your arguments are irrefutable. What is the point of blockchain? Enlighten me please

>> No.10997325

Even if eth is somehow the future of all humanity, it's still got a much bigger chance of dropping to $50 in the short term than not

>> No.10997333

decentralized distributed consensus ledger
ETH is none of these except centralized ledger that admittedly would censor opposing opinions

>> No.10997339
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Get ready. This is the obvious destination ETH Bag holders will flee to.

>> No.10997341

Even bloomberg is saying its dropping to 155 - why would they do that?

$50 would put ICOs out of business and it would put it below Ripple in marketcap - you think that's the right valuation?

One example of censorship please

>> No.10997365

The chad profit taker vs. the virgin bagholder

>> No.10997374

reference the tweets from a developer I posted
reference the DAO
the chain is being changed constantly by a centralized party whether it's to recover funds for friends or change the miner reward or gas limit
it's total shit
trying to scale apps to every node is full fledged retarded and will never work

>> No.10997382
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exactly. You phags have to open your eyes. ETH will do fine in the long-term but tryharding to not see the inevitable short term outcome is just throwing money out of the windows for the sake of it.

The only reason I'm selling ETH is to rebuy it at sub $80 and I will continue to do so with all the remaining X,XXX ETH I have.

>> No.10997401

>What is 2nd layer
Educate yourself anon, ETH was never meant to scale this way.

Dao was a one-time thing acceptable in early days. Letting that hacker steal ETH would endanger the Ethereum foundation financially, which would be bad for the project.

When Parity wallet was hacked there was no fork, which proves my case.

BTC was hacked at protocol level in the early days, which is arguably a bigger flop.

Just look at the biggest wallets, they are all accumulating: https://etherscan.io/accounts

Short squeeze will happen much sooner than the expected bottom, buttfinex will make sure to liquidate all those shorts.

>> No.10997432

changing the gas limit is censoring either the app developers by lowering it or the validating node operators by raising it
changing the mining reward is screwing the miners or holders
totally unpredictable variables like this is unacceptable
then you get into forking the chain over devs losing money on DAO, and the constant debate on another fork for parity, and then all the future forks for retards who get exploited by puttin complex code on a public blockchain

it's disgusting and unsustainable
I'm not surprised ETH's product is scams inside a scam

>> No.10997455

There was a vote for the mining reward you know. The gas limit problem is real and actually encourages 2nd level solutions instead of putting everything in the main chain. Its a strong incentive for innovation.

At least it is possible to change the protocol democratically unlikely the shitshow called BTC and all its stupid forks.

All those proporsals for fund retrievals ended up being rejected. Since when a debate is a bad thing? People lost a lot of money, it would be stupid not to try and get it back.

You are presenting no real arguments and are just perpetuating uneducated FUD. Educate yourself anon, learn the fundamentals of how Ethereum actually works

>> No.10997463

bitcoin didn't raise millions of dollars
bitcoin doesn't have a centralized foundation

ETH is just a pseudo-blockchain with no decentralized security protecting it from corruption

>> No.10997467
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Same happened to BTC before the largest boom. You are dumb if you aren't stocking up on ETH & ETC. Expect 2k in 2 years.

Also buy ALTs like xrp, xmr, nano, xlm, and dgb. I'm just building and building a large battle chest. When the price goes to the heavens on these coins I'm expecting to make 100k - 5mill.

Then I will sell my holdins into a IRA and then just hold a booming coin for utility and spending.

>> No.10997479

>What is BTC mined in the early days

>> No.10997499

that's a weak point
educate yourself anon

>> No.10997546

All devs who want to learn to code smart contracts do it with solidity/vyper, so ETH will be meta for dapps for next 5-10 years minimum.

>> No.10997552

ETH is so careless with their design that they need to make changes and decisions on gas to save it from destruction
it's artificial, and requires time sensitive decisions by people without working solutions
but 2nd layer by 2020 I suppose

>> No.10997564
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>> No.10997565

Ethereum will lead the next bull run

>> No.10997567

Its not, it costed literally nothing to mine hundrends of thousand of BTC.

Considering BTC as something produced is a meme for normans.

>> No.10997594

2nd layer is already here, check bloom

>> No.10997631

what was bitcoin back then?
if it was so cheap and you're so smart.. what didn't you jump in?
maybe it would have raised the difficulty.

but mining in a new revolutionary network is infinitely better than IPOing 60 million tokens and giving an addtional 12 million tokens to developers who control the entire network
there's no comparison really, bitcoin has the most organic inception that can never be replicated

>> No.10997645

that's weird because apps are still on chain and creating an unsustainable amount of bloat

>> No.10997700

Dgb is going to be top 10 in 1 year

>> No.10997764

Can't stop ppl from wasting money you know.

This doesn't matter, it was years ago. Ethereum foundation used this money to create a robust ecosystem and hire amazing devs.

>> No.10997866

Ada doesn't even have smart contracts at this point. Literally zero third party devs as a result.
Chances of growing up to anything are close to zero.
What most people miss is years of forced distribution from PoW. Every 'eth killer' started with PoS which has no distribution at all, making the coin super centralized, automatically limiting the size of community. This is one thing that can't be copied by anything at this point, it's too late.
The widespread expectation of a bullrun also makes ico buyers much less likely to sell than before 2017.

>> No.10997871

I know a whale with 3.5k eth who dumped 30% of his ETH to HOT, when i asked him why... he said "because icos are dead and 4chan has constantly been shilling HOT".. i told him that was the stupidest reason and he said that's how he got rich in the first place.. when biz was shilling btc and eth in the early days... dunno sometimes i believe most whales got lucky and one thing that sets them apart from others is their persistence to HODL for a very long time.

>> No.10997924


Have fun catching the falling knife. It only takes a ICO project to panic or Bitcoin to fall further and ETH dumps another 50% easily.

>> No.10998219

Write thousands of apps ..or rather muh entire internet 2.0 into one linear chain. Great fucking idea, skeleton.
If Eth doesn't shart it's finished.
Casper is not going to save it, either.
It's literally bitbean grade ponzi shit. It will wreck all the remaining credibility of eth.

>> No.10998237

Use layer 2 until it scales. Not really a big issue.
All this about ETH is just (paid) new FUD, probably blockstream again

>> No.10998282

Makes sense they would ride the wave and add fud to the apocalypse to catalyze the crash.
The eth shortcomings are undisputable though. If it was meant as currency for smart contracts it would easily cement it's no2 spot for decades.
Instead, vitalik wants kitties and unicorns on blockchain.

>> No.10998309
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>sometimes i believe most whales got lucky
Crypto is the biggest explosion of dumb money probably in history.
Every intelligent investor took profit way too early. Andreas Antonopoulos cashed out his ETH at like $10.

It's hard to exaggerate this. It would be like if for two years, everyone that replied to a Nigerian prince email actually got paid.

>> No.10998343

dumb money gets in early, sells early
dumb money gets in late, sells at a loss
smart money has been in for years, and is now rich enough to not care about bear markets, and is not putting their money into short term gambling toys like altcoins

>> No.10998407

This is my dream. I just want to get the fuck out of Auckland and stop renting but my portfolio is just bleeding. =/

>> No.10998463


Vitalik doesn't get to choose what's popular.
There are shortcomings. This is how they are found, isolated, and ultimately fixed. I remember reading doomsday fud in 2013 on bitcoin. This is similar.

>> No.10998485

wow those digits on time 11:11, i see it everywhere....

>> No.10998493

This is true. The biggest gainers are those that in 2010 believed bitcoin is going to replace the dollar soon, and due to that bought with all they had.

>> No.10999189

hello, nice satanic dubs you have there.

>your post is absolutely evil and anons that sell because of your fud will torment you in hell for all eternity.

>> No.10999945

Im not letting this thread die.

All biz kids WILL know that eth will close or merge as a project in two months

>> No.11000874

Merge with what

>> No.11001066

this NPC is dreaming

>> No.11001073

Why do I have to pay bills when I could be buying these great deals?