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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10991721 No.10991721 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't /biz/ listen? Bitcoin on Ethereum, is it that hard to understand? Stay poor, I guess

>> No.10991762

next time put 0xBTC on the topic so our filters can catch your thread, okay?

>> No.10991778

low IQ scam, one tier better then SKY


>> No.10991792

No one knows when but this thing will take off 100%.

>> No.10991809

>Not fungible
>Uses btcs shitting mining algorithm that is easily raped by Asics and a decentralized one like progpow


>> No.10991865
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>he uses filters
>he tells people he uses filters
>gets triggered

>> No.10991876

trash coin
no use case, no innovation

>> No.10991884

>not fungible
You don’t know what the words you use mean
>uses btcs mining algorithm
Try and mine it with an asic see what happens brainlet

Literally brainlet tier fud

>> No.10991893

It’s better than skycoin. That’s the only correct thing you have in your post.

>> No.10991916

Deflationary store of value on Ethereum

Merge mined with other 0xcoins

Used as trading pair on upcoming DEXs




>> No.10991922


fungible means each coin is the same as the rest

i.e each US dollar note is the same as the rest and you can exchange them

There are no cryptocurrencies that would be considered infungible

>> No.10991930

lol none of those are use cases anon
who the fuck cares

>> No.10992072

The use case is, it’s deflationary money. And is compatible with smart contracts.

Doesn’t really get more complicated than that. If you can’t work out why that’s valuable then you have a minuscule brain

>> No.10992103

What about xmr you fucking pajeet?

Nothing as transparent as btc or eth can be considered money. Shut the fuck up you retards.

Actually I do. It's not fungible. And while no ASICS have been producsd yet I guarantee you there are fpgas raping it as we speak

>> No.10992139

>Nothing as transparent as btc or eth can be considered money
Yeah of course it's not money unless you can buy crack with it online without the feds catching you. Nobody will ever use it as money without this critical property

>> No.10992154

>The use case is, it’s deflationary money.
kek what a piece of shit
it is a useless shitcoin that will never get any adoption

>> No.10992169

>keeping digging

What about 0xBTC is non-fungible? Please explain it very clearly so we can see how retarded you are.


Hmmyes do you know how much an fpga costs? And they would be using them to what? Get a slight mining advantage on 0xbTc? And so what? You think that means shit? 0xBTC can’t be 51% attacked anyway, you’d have to attack ETH

>> No.10992192

>never get adopted.

That’s what they said about you. Luckily that American couple touring the orphanage in Odessa didn’t mind that you were retarded

>> No.10992197

Hey. What if I airdrop a token on a 1-to-1 basis to 0xbtc holders?
That would make 0xbtc irrelevant, right?

>> No.10992218

Are you confused? What’s your point

>> No.10992234

You should make a copy of every ERC20 token and airdrop them 1-to-1, that way they'll all become irrelevant and /biz/ can move on to circlejerking about something else

>> No.10992266

>Actually I do. It's not fungible.

Actually you don't, it is fungible. My 0xBTC can be used in any application (and has all the properties) of someone else's 0xBTC. An example of a non-fungible token class would be the ERC721 tokens (like cryptokitties).

Since 0xBTC is an ERC20 token, it is fungible.

>> No.10992278

This ---> >>10992234

You can also fork bitcoin to make BTC irrelevant. Nobody thought of that yet, you're brilliant.

>> No.10992281

what a lame argument, it is sad that you couldn't come up with anything to defend your shitcoin
this is correct, this defeats completely the purpose of 0xbitcoin
since it has no use cases, no development or anything special that gives value only to the original
you could make a copy of and airdrop it, and there is no reason your coin would not have value

>> No.10992299


If this is true, than can you explain why 0xBTC still has a higher market cap than 0xBCH, which is a carbon copy of 0xBTC? Why is 0xBCH not trading for $0.70 right now?

>> No.10992300

There's no privacy properties. The history of literally every coin can be tracked. That makes btc, eth, 0xbtc, basically anything except xmr not fungible

All the fpgas used to rape BTC in the early days can easily be reconfigured for 0xbtc, it's not about a 51% attack you fucking aspie it's about DECENTRALIZATION, that's why the creators said they made it mineable. As soon as it gains any traction the fpgas will come out to play. They are literally retarded for not using progpow as their mining algo

>> No.10992307

>let’s wait until a coin has 100% adoption before we invest

Yes you’re brain is very small

>> No.10992315

My point is my airdrop token would be literally just as good. Bitcoin forks have security and game theoretic disadvantages, an 0xBTC fork would have none.
There are many erc20 tokens that are impracticable to copypaste. Not 0xbtc though.

>> No.10992349

progpow wasn't around yet when the 0xbtc contract was created. If it really becomes that much of an issue they can always "fork" it using an airdrop.

>> No.10992351

>xmr propaganda
Xmr is traceable you naive idiot. It’s a honeypot for pedophiles

0xBTC is immune from that issue. There is no risk of a 51% attack. Fpgas are prohibitively expensive and only provide a minor upgrade from a standard GPU. The only really important factor in mining is the cost of your electricity. Fpgas are a scare story for brainlets

>> No.10992354

What the fuck are you smoking? The threat of a 51% attack has nothing to do with DECENTRALIZATION

>> No.10992358

>As soon as it gains any traction the fpgas will come out to play
Good, would be nice to have more miner involvement.

>They are literally retarded for not using progpow as their mining algo
Go ahead and design a progpow mineable token standard, maybe it'll catch on and you won't be so bitter.

lmao, the amount of times I've seen 0xBTC's low market cap as a reason to not invest blows my mind... These dumb motherfuckers will WISH they had bought under $1 in a year's time.

>> No.10992360

there are no relevant forks of bitcoin because if miners don't back the fork then the fork becomes a insecure network thus loses it's properties, if anyone forks 0xbitcoin it would have all the properties of 0xbitcoin and there is no logical reason for it to not have the same value
what suggests you that 0xbitcoin is going to get any adoption and not be forgoten like thousands of forgotten shitcoins
because 0xbitcoincash is not being shilled as much as 0xbitcoin, i guess the community is not as much cancerous

>> No.10992369
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>there are many ERC20 that are impractical to copy paste

>> No.10992379
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>51% attack has nothing to do with decentralisation

>> No.10992392

lol at least the math is appropriate for your mental level

>> No.10992404

I'd argue that one of the properties of 0xBTC is its relatively high popularity among the community compared to all other clones of it.

>because 0xbitcoincash is not being shilled as much
Because it's a dead coin because people realized it was retarded to use 0xBCH when 0xBTC exists already and people know of it.

Please though, go ahead and pay some pajeet on Fiver $5 to copy paste the 0xBTC code and deploy it for you (I assume you have no Solidity knowledge whatsoever). See if it will take any of 0xBTC's value. You made a claim, now go try and prove it, faggot.

>> No.10992413

Waiting for it to go back down to at most .60 before I load my bags some more.

>> No.10992431
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>> No.10992440

>if anyone forks 0xbitcoin it would have all the properties of 0xbitcoin and there is no logical reason for it to not have the same value
And yet, despite quite a few copies of 0xbtc already existing, none have gained any traction whatsoever

>> No.10992441

then it just takes any fork to gain some popularity before defeating the purpose of 0xbitcoin
something as simple as a small reward for holders would be enough for them to prefeer the fork over the original

>> No.10992455

>it hasn't happened before thus it is never going to happen

>> No.10992457

Sounds like you have a good idea there champ. Now all you have to do is code it. Get to work!

>> No.10992463
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>pic related
>kills all fud

>> No.10992464

>something as simple as a small reward for holders would be enough for them to prefeer the fork over the original
How would this work? Could you describe what "reward" you're thinking would drive adoption? And from who's finances would this reward come from?

Again, if you're right you can make a lot of money. So why don't you just go and do it? It would cost barely a few hundred dollars to commission this kind of code. Why not do it and make a ton of money? Go and try.

>> No.10992476

>something as simple as a small reward for holders
Sure, let's make a copy of 0xbtc but make it inflationary...
If you have any actually GOOD ideas for an 0xbtc-like coin then there might be a chance of overtaking it, but it's not that easy and there are no successful examples so far. It will only get harder over time unless the project fails outright and is abandoned.

>> No.10992485

Maybe a shilling bounty. Since 0xbtc holders like pageet shilling so much.

>> No.10992493



>> No.10992508

Ok very funny faggot, yes I understand the less decentralized a coin is the more it is likely to be 51% attacked.

What the faggot was arguing though was an equating of decentralized holdings to 51% attack. Read his fucking post asshols

>> No.10992516

Who would pay this bounty? Do you think that this would yield higher returns than just using the money to buy on market? If this is profitable and doable why not do it? Are you incapable?

>> No.10992527

Not likely, things are heating up. 0xBitcoin Foundation just announced they've officially formed in the past hour, with a new website on the way. Remember that the 0xBitcoin Foundation has been sitting on $10k of community funds for a few months now that they haven't even begun to spend on ads, exchange listings, or bounties.

>> No.10992538

this>>10992455 replying to >>10992440

this is not relevant to the discussion

don't try to reshape my argument
don't try to shift the focus of the discussion, i don't care how that reward would work
the fact is that a 1-1 fork of 0xbitcoin defeats the purpose of it

>> No.10992567

>don't try to reshape my argument
I'm not reshaping anything. If you want to pay rewards to holders, either that comes out of somebody's pocket (where would you get the money for it?), or you need to create more coins to pay the reward. So you'd have 0xsort-of-bitcoin, without even having the claim that your coin mimics bitcoin's deflationary economics. Making a 1-to-1 copy that's both arbitrary and just worse isn't going to defeat the purpose of 0xbtc.

>> No.10992584

How did the original 0xpageetcoin collect 10k of community funds? We could use that.

>> No.10992592

Bitcoin cash is the real 0xBitcoin

>> No.10992598
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Remind me again which blockchain 0xBTC is on?

>> No.10992599

>my coin will pay holders rewards, funded by community donations!
Just when I thought the idea couldn't get any worse

>> No.10992605
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S curve pattern forming?
>pic related

>> No.10992610

I started accumulating this when whoever the fuck is shilling this here demonstrated over and over they were willing to stick around, answer questions, most interestingly defend this project to the death on every fucking thread on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum.

You can't buy dedication like this. This will either crash and burn or make bagholders rich as kings.

T. I hold about 200 of these

>> No.10992615
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What you fudders don't understand is that the people dedicated to this token are never, ever quitting. We will shill, we will advertise, we will walk through proverbial fire to get the word out and explain to everyone why this token is revolutionary and critical to the future of crypto. You think we're annoying now, imagine how much we're going to piss you off once we start making big marketcap gains.

No one in the community who has grasped the potential of this token is ever going to give up on it. The future is way too bright. This is /ourcoin/ and our loyalty to it will never dwindle. You can't buy this kind of dedication.

>> No.10992623


>> No.10992630


>> No.10992631


>You can't buy dedication like this.

Wow that's creepy, I just said the exact same thing in a post at the exact same time. Proves our point though

>> No.10992636

Oh it was community donations?
Cool. 0xBitcoin2 (working title) will be an airdrop to 0xBTC holders. We will collect a community fund which will be offered as a bounty for promoting it.

>> No.10992639

>but anon how that reward would work!! who is going to reward shills!!!
stop bringing irrelevant things to the discussion
the fact is that many factors could give the fork an advantage over 0xbitcoin, there is many scenarios in which 0xbitcoin becomes less valuable / forgotten

>> No.10992651

Bitcoin shit
Ethereum shit
0xbitcoin double shit

>Stay poor
Yeah just like the last 6 months this has been posted, so fucking poor by avoiding this piece of shit, oh no

>> No.10992675

Good luck with your attempt at 0xBCH. I'll hold on to the tokens you airdrop me as a memento

>> No.10992694

This shit is gonna make me so rich

>> No.10992705

>the fact that my only idea for a fork is terrible is irrelevant to the discussion
>many factors
>many scenarios
If you could describe an actual good example of such a factor, you might have an argument there

>> No.10992707

Eh, there's a /pol/ theory we 're all synchronized to the collective unconscious here. This is the fourth time this has happened to me on the 4chinz, only started after the Kek stuff.

>> No.10992709

I wish you knew how retarded you are. I just wish you were aware of this fact.

You want people to donate to a fund that pays them back out of the fund? Christ.

>> No.10992791

the fork being even slightly more useful
any reward for holders/early adopters/shills
mining rewards not being attractive enough for miners (big part of the community)
and literally every existent reason for forking a coin
plus, the fork would not face any limitation that bitcoin forks experienced
since the fork has all the fundamentals of the original coin since the inception

>> No.10992809


Do it.



And then try to refrain from suicide when 0xBTC goes to $20.

>> No.10992840


A fake BTC copy and paste job on a shitty, dying platform! Much wealth, sirs. Please do the needful. Lambos soon in Bombay!

>> No.10992863

I'll worry about it when I see some sign of a credible fork. So far all evidence shows that just making a copy of 0xbtc doesn't work, the coins just go to 0 if they ever trade at all, while 0xbtc survives.

>> No.10992893

So your two proposals for a better fork are magically conjuring money out of nowhere to reward early adopters and increasing inflation to encourage mining.

Are you a Venezuelan economics minister?

>> No.10992924

>Are you a Venezuelan economics minister?

Plot twist: Yes

>> No.10993033


Filter the image using one of the many scripts aroind. I'm working on a tool that'll use image recognition too (browser plugin) and allow filtering on even more,like the image content. Even phrases used can be filtered - use bayesian inference to map retarded pajeet shilling & filter based on that.

>> No.10993069

All that effort to avoid making money. And yet you’re still in the thread, posting and talking out of your ass. You couldn’t make a Bayesian thread filter in a million years you LARPing cocksmoker. Go back to your holochain thread

>> No.10993081


Oh my god. Imagine putting in this much effort to prevent yourself from being rich.

I guarantee your future self despises you.

>> No.10993129

thank you anon for this

>> No.10993146

Haha OP it’s not hard to understand. I dumped that at 4 dollars MONTHS ago. I honestly can’t beleive people are still pushing this. Lmao.

>> No.10993150

What YOU don't understand is that the code for the fucking token is already set in stone, can't even be changed via a hardfork like btc

>> No.10993165

anyone else think these threads are getting boring? i normally lurk but now im mentally unsubbing from all 0xbtc related threads

>> No.10993175

Huge news. 0xbtc trading pairs go live on a new dex 30 days from today. Check the discord. Incoming green dildo "like the world has never seen before"!!!

>> No.10993191
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What is boring is Chainlink. Chainlink has been flogging a dead horse trying to force a meme for A YEAR and it’s failed miserably. Chainlink is boring snore yawn. Did I mention the devs have almost 50 FUCKING PERCENT of the supply! Lol!

>> No.10993198

Weak fud, nothing can compare to the sublime pleasure of an 0xbtc thread

>> No.10993209
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comfy 13k bag holder

>> No.10993280


In what world is that a bad thing? Do you fudders just pick random positive traits of 0xBTC and try to make it sound negative? Why would you ever think that would work?

>> No.10993299


my liege


go off king


it begins, brother.

>> No.10993326

new logo wont save ethereum

>> No.10993396
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35k here

>> No.10993419

fuckkkk im so jealous

>> No.10993457
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We are going to make it

>> No.10993469
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>> No.10993483
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>> No.10993491
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>> No.10993505

Same, that's a nice bag.

>> No.10993523


If Ethereum can solve scaling before bitcoin then 0xbitcoin may have a point, till then it's a useless shitcoin. Period.

>> No.10993559
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We're going to make it regardless.

>> No.10993592


>he thinks Bitcoin is our enemy

We're going to slay ETHER, son, not Bitcoin. Watch us absorb marketcap.

Bitcoin is the final boss. We may get there one day. But we don't need to do that to become filthy rich.

>> No.10993629

Hmm I wonder if Ethereum can solve scaling before bitcoin? Hmmm let’s take a little look shall we?

>POS Casper ffg

>muh shitening

>> No.10993630
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>> No.10993638

If you kill eth how will your shitcoin exist? Mining it does nothing other than to issue tokens. Enjoy a dead chain lmao.

>> No.10993652

Please help spread this unfuddable pic

>> No.10993661


Ether != Ethereum. Two different things. We won't literally kill ETH, just surpass it. Ether will still have value; how much I don't know. But there's no reason to use it as a store-of-value or currency on the chain -- use cases it wasn't designed for -- when 0xBTC exists.

>> No.10993670

There are various hypothetical situations under which 0xBTC will Moon. Wether it cannibalises the ETH market cap or the bitcoin market cap is anyone’s guess. The truth is probably a bit of both.

>> No.10993713

Pure fucking delusion.

>> No.10993810

Well, first we will get a market cap of $20 million or so. Then it’s a slow climb up to 50 million. Then when we are at 100million market cap and on the top 100 of coinmarketcap is the point at which you will probably buy in. By then all current holders will be in the high six figures in dollars.

You will be buying my bags from me at $200 while I browse blockfolio on the balcony of my off-plan penthouse apartment overlooking the bay of Da Nang.

>> No.10994034


>> No.10994084

Best of luck to us all.

>> No.10994864


>> No.10994914

I really hope this coin moons and you all become very wealthy to make up for the wasted, sad, and pathetic lives you all currently live posting these threads and shilling your project everyday in the gang bang echo chamber of 4chan.

>> No.10994945


Thanks breh. :D

>> No.10994986

You’re the one reading the thread. What does that make you?

>> No.10994992


No, thank you all. I'm going through stress from having to travel all of the time for business trips and I feel overworked and like I am not "living life" -- but you all make me realize there are people right now that are in much worse positions than I am.

>> No.10995017

Wow fancy. Seriously impressed by your lifestyle rn

>> No.10995032

Who fucking cares about bitcoin on ethereum? Noone will ever have a reason to actually use 0xbtc over btc or even nano. With no adoption its a dead coin. Its still limited by the scalability of ethereum which will have a million other dapps bogging the network down.

>> No.10995035

Ethereum is already a currency why would anyone ever use 0xbtc over ethereum?

>> No.10995044

Where can I buy it with BTC?

>> No.10995045 [DELETED] 

On top of all that every other currency coin claiming to be a better bitcoin by copying bitcoin has failed to matter.

>> No.10995166
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Who fucking cares about bitcoin on ethereum? Noone will ever have a reason to actually use 0xbtc over btc or even nano. With no adoption its a dead coin. Its still limited by the scalability of ethereum which will have a million other dapps bogging the network down. Ethereum is already a currency why would anyone ever use 0xbtc over ethereum? On top of all that every other currency coin claiming to be a better bitcoin by copying bitcoin has failed to matter. It even has bitcoin in its name. Its obviously just trying to copy btc. Btc has upgraded as well. Lets not forget bch and lightning network are two scaling solutions. 0xbtc is still the old bitcoin with 1mb block size.

>> No.10995181

There is a 0xBTC/BTC market on mercatox

>> No.10995204

>0xbtc is still the old bitcoin with 1mb block size.
Actually not, in ethereum block time is 10 seconds so you don't have to wait 10 minutes like in bitcoin. I'm against 0xbtc btw, just clarifying things

>> No.10995220


>> No.10995252
File: 2.20 MB, 1588x2246, F482DC85-159C-4894-A2F5-5D11E93B5948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0xBTC is superior money. It has all the advantages of bitcoin but none of it’s disadvantages.

It’s also compatible with the Ethereum blockchain. It’s “the best of both worlds” and for that reason, it is wise to buy some.

>> No.10995286


Ether is a coin, Ethereum is a network.

Ether was never intended to be used as a currency or store-of-value. Vitalik says this himself. A deflationary hard-capped store-of-value that also happens to be the first minable token has come along, and it is superior for this use. That's why it's different from those Bitcoin clones. It interacts with Ethereum smart contracts. This is the KEY point to remember, and why we are all gonna be rich.

>> No.10995631
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Why use the 0xbtc token over ether though? I know vitalic never intended ether to be used as a currency but it can be used as one and its just as valid as the 0xbtc token. Why does it matter that 0xbtc can interact with ethereum smart contracts? Its not like 0xbtc will need to run complex smart contracts anyway.

>> No.10995665

No but companies that would like to interact with a Peer to Peer cash system that is smart contract compatible will be able to do it with 0xBTC directly instead of waiting for a magical link that chainlink offers.

>> No.10995700

no fucks given for this retarded scam or its shills

>> No.10995782

So if chainlink comes out with its solution soon 0xbtc is btfo?

>> No.10995791

yep thats why they hate link

>> No.10995800

Chainlink will never come up a non centralized solution unlike 0xBTC. Also it's way more practical.

>> No.10995863


Ether's fine if you're okay with keeping wealth in an inflationary ICO'd coin whose monetary policy is still completely undetermined. By contrast 0xBTC is totally transparent and finished, with fair distribution and a rock-solid hard cap. We also have no idea what will happen to ETH's price when it switches to proof-of-stake, whereas 0xBTC will always be proof-of-work.

>> No.10995970

>tfw I've met the creator of 0xbtc IRL at eth meetups

>> No.10996000

The absolute state of linkers

>> No.10996010

In what location?

>> No.10996443
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Took some time off biz, can someone spoon feed me on 0xBTC?

I've got some bags on Idex i'd like to put somewhere.

>> No.10996493

>stay poor


>> No.10996689


First minable token on Ethereum, distributed via an immutable smart contract. Eternally proof-of-work while Ether will be switching to proof-of-stake. Same Bitcoin hard-cap of 21 million. Interacts with all smart contracts; unlike Ether doesn't need to be wrapped. No ICO, no airdrop, no premine, no dev games of any kind -- this is a pure-mined token. Immune to 51% attacks since it resides on Ethereum's chain. Small growing community -- no company behind it, just a few independent creators. The contract is deployed, the project is complete.

The creators are working on Lavawallet, which will allow users to transfer tokens without having to hold Ether. The gas cost will be paid out of the tokens you're transferring, facilitated by a relay system. The first dapp (excepting decentralized exchanges) using 0xBTC is wheelof0xbitcoin.io . A DEX using 0xBTC as the primary trading pair is in development. The 0xBitcoin Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to spreading awareness of 0xBitcoin, and the new minable token standard (ERC918) in general -- see here for more: https://www.reddit .com/r/ethereum/comments/8ekr4z/erc918_mineable_token_specification/ -- is being established.

It is quite literally Bitcoin on Ethereum. That means it benefits from fast transfers and any scaling upgrades Ethereum receives. It's a version of Bitcoin that's usable in decentralized exchanges and smart contracts in general, a store-of-value hard-capped deflationary currency on the chain.

I would be happy to address any further questions if I see them before the thread expires.

>> No.10996723



For more info:

reddit.com/r/0xbitcoin (has link to discord -- most community activity occurs here; recommend you check it out, especially if you have questions)

>> No.10996742
File: 347 KB, 1356x913, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first 0xbtc dApp, get in here lads

>> No.10996970


>> No.10997037

Looks nice !

>> No.10997201
File: 188 KB, 1859x910, 1000 chainlink memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10997240

Nice work anon! You made that?

>> No.10997247

That’s sad

>> No.10997316

Is it really that delusional when articles like this are dominating mainstream crypto discourse? https://techcrunch.com/2018/09/02/the-collapse-of-eth-is-inevitable/
0xBitcoin neatly doubled just following this article because the doubt about Ether as store of value is real.
Summary here: https://www.reddit.. com/r/0xbitcoin/comments/9d9k3s/my_thoughts_on_the_state_of_0xbitcoin_and_ethereum/

The community is fucking amazing and still continues to grow in both numbers and activity. No dev needed to be paid through ICO to make this, no bounty was even offered, this is just the passion that people bring to 0xBitcoin. Bitcoin on Ethereum is important and people are slowly but surely realizing it.

>> No.10997326

You're welcome. We're all gonna make it, fren.

>> No.10997350

Clever, have to take my kid to a game soon, been putting off installing metamask for sometime, will take a spin when I get back though.

>> No.10997372

In the world when tokens will get security improvement and lower tx fees like erc20 -> erc223. You dumb fucks can't improve the code, can't push merchant adoption.
The only thing is shilling.
Fucking pajeet pnd. Soon the most populous country and you haven't created a single useful crypto.

>> No.10997378

so a worthless token in other words?

>> No.10997404

You literally have no idea how Ethereum works do you?

>> No.10997411

Erc223 improvements are important for the network but ultimately have niche use cases. It's fairly ignorant to hold the view that Erc223 tokens make erc20 tokens obsolete in any way.

Also, again, the fact that the contract cannot be altered has clear benefits that you're overlooking. 0xBitcoin cannot be attacked by special interests, neither miners nor whales nor node holders. We know for fact what 0xBitcoin will look like in 2100. We cannot say the same about BTC or ETH. When talking about currency and store of value tokens, stability is key. When storing your wealth against inflation you really want an asset that has no surprises.

>> No.10997427

what is even sadder is that 0xBitcoin is on that same website. lol

>> No.10997434

Prove it

>> No.10997439
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>> No.10997770

Did you make that website?

>> No.10997929

no nigger, i spend like 6hrs a day on biz, i see almost everything that gets posted to this board

>> No.10997935

You spend only 6 hours here?

>> No.10997940

this post >>10997929 was a response to >>10997770 that post

>> No.10998970
File: 11 KB, 228x221, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why dont you get yourself a tripcode?

..... oh yeah, right. You are still pretending that you are just a bunch of regular anons who just happen to sound like shitty comercials. I guess that the fact that you are also (((US citizen))) is also pure coincidence.
