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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 604x801, 1529957615187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10992664 No.10992664 [Reply] [Original]

What you fudders don't understand is that the people dedicated to this token are never, ever quitting. We will shill, we will advertise, we will walk through proverbial fire to get the word out and explain to everyone why this token is revolutionary and critical to the future of crypto. You think we're annoying now, imagine how much we're going to piss you off once we start making big marketcap gains.

No one in the community who has grasped the potential of this token is ever going to give up on it. The future is way too bright. This is /ourcoin/ and our loyalty to it will never dwindle. You can't buy this kind of dedication.

>> No.10992763
File: 534 KB, 1413x2116, IMG_6599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very much related

>> No.10992765

They just don't get it, do they?

>> No.10992803

It must organically grow for maximum gains, premature.

>> No.10992822


This is organic. A community pushing their coin is as organic as it gets, as opposed to the artificiality of a company throwing an ICO then funneling huge amounts of cash into advertising.

>> No.10993141
File: 3 KB, 201x251, beating_a_dead_horse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*yawn* you all are getting very boring

>> No.10993170

You should stop. Those that were smart dumped this P&D at 4 dollars and moved on. You are wasting your time when you could be making real money on other things.

>> No.10993206

Sounds like desparation.
>we'll never quit
Means you're already on the verge of quitting.

>> No.10993208


My ignorant brother, save yourself before it's too late.

>> No.10993227

>verge of quitting

In your wildest dreams. I’m just getting started.

>> No.10993226


No, it means that if you think we were on the verge of quitting we would just be getting started. There's no scenario in which we would abandon this coin, unless a better one came along that served its use-case and more.

>> No.10993240


>just be getting started
>just getting started

Jesus christ this is getting eerie

>> No.10993246

>pajeeting this hard

>> No.10993258

Stay poor.

>> No.10993259


Racists are not welcome to buy our token. This is the official coin of Antifa. Fascists should purchase Chainlink.

>> No.10993269
File: 927 KB, 740x900, link dark wojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the people dedicated to this token are never, ever quitting
That's what they all think.
You remember the Ambrosus pageets? Or the Jnt pageets?
Hard to believe they were once the scourge of this board.
In the end, there can be only one meme coin. Why fight.

>> No.10993290

Don't forget the earnest BBN shills

>> No.10993296
File: 217 KB, 750x1049, 1FD3CEAA-F291-428B-A73C-B32BB3808972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35% + 9.67%

This kills the linky

>> No.10993301

>being so poor that you have to beg anons to buy your erc20 btc gimmick
you guys are so fucking retarded lol
do you have any level of self awareness? or capacity for introspection?

>> No.10993306


Shitcoin ICOs fail, yes, this is nothing new.

>> No.10993315

>do you have any level of self awareness? or capacity for introspection?


>> No.10993318


No one's begging you; we're trying to assist your financial goals. Just ignore if you've DYOR and aren't impressed with the coin. There will be plenty who do see the potential.

>> No.10993324

Top wallet is dev wallet. Second wallet is a binance wallet, so no single person owns it.

literal brainlet confirmed. Try a new shill thread street shitter

>> No.10993345

>top wallet is dev wallet

Yes. Yes we know. The question is, How are stinkers this cucked?

>> No.10993351

>No one's begging you; we're trying to assist your financial goals
So you're trying to scam us?

>> No.10993354
File: 1.45 MB, 1805x723, e4wa52wagwk11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It begins.

>> No.10993363


Yep, you got me. It's scam. Don't buy. You are too smart for us. ;)

>> No.10993370

And I suppose all those 5% wallets in the top 20 are just normal link holders who just “happen to have” 50million links because it’s a coincidental nice round number?

All stinkers are cucks. It’s right there on the blockchain for everyone to see.

>> No.10993376
File: 90 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I can't wait! I think there's an S curve forming. I'm not a t.a fag.

>> No.10993393
File: 80 KB, 400x350, 1524237621072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's a bad thing that enterprise smart contract developers will have easy access for adopting chainlink

Here's the difference between your shitcoin and my shitcoin: yours will ultimately fail without constant pajeet shilling, as it will fade into obscurity, and it will still fail even with it. Meanwhile, I don't have to say shit about LINK. It's a comfy hold, 0xPajeet. I'm out niggers, good luck with your shilling :) May the best shitcoin win

>> No.10993425

Look at this post
Your shit coin cannot even begin to compete with 0xBitcoin

>> No.10993434


The reckoning is coming, my friend. Hold on to your anus.

>> No.10993453

>muh enterprise

Literal wifesharing tier cuckoldry

>> No.10993473

Imagine picking a fight with Chainlink. On biz.

>> No.10993527
File: 218 KB, 400x700, IMG_6355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the wrong Pepe, here :)

>> No.10993553


Our powers are increasing, haven't you felt it? More and more are coming into the light. The age of ICOs is over. The age of minable tokens has begun.

>> No.10993579

Oh wow I’m so scared. Lol. Linkers have been unsuccessfully FUDing 0xBitcoin for months while their own stink is being exposed as a boring forced meme.

Link is a bullshit wrapped in bullshit and no amount of forced memes can obscure that fact.

Link is trash and 0xBitcoin is the trash man

>> No.10993585

Please help repost this unfuddable pic


>> No.10993637


>Link is trash and 0xBitcoin is the trash man

HAHAHA Linkers btfo for always and eternity.

Oh Linkies. One day they will understand. I hope not too late.


All 0xBTC pics are unfuddable, because ours is the unfuddable coin. Keep spreading the Good Word, brother.

>> No.10993649

The 0xbtc pajeets are out in full force today

>> No.10993706
File: 591 KB, 768x1024, IMG_6211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree but that picture shows how on coinmarketcap 0xBitcoin is the only mineable token out of 1899 shit coins,
Bitcoin isn't included.

>> No.10993709


Warning: Racists are NOT allowed to buy this coin. 0xBTC is the official coin of Antifa. If you are biased against people of color, do not visit our threads.

>> No.10993726

I like the memes so much I shill link for free without owning any or ever intending to own any

>> No.10993770
File: 3.23 MB, 495x281, D1BAD8B3-C90F-4717-97D8-5FA5AD443D24.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight

>> No.10993772

You remind me of CNN for some reason

>> No.10993841

Stop with that shit, HOT is the designated SJW coin, 0xbitcoin doesn't need it

>> No.10993883


What we don't need is racists. They can stay poor, lmao.

>> No.10994268
File: 106 KB, 651x480, report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your duty

>> No.10994359

It's afraid

>> No.10994448

Sold at 3$, never looked back. Nobody needs it, nobody wants it and the key part: nobody knows it outside this board

>> No.10994470
File: 304 KB, 750x1045, 4455C83E-15D1-4C6C-999A-CC0DB0A90B82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10994494

But its crypto and in the next Bullrun, EVERY Shitcoin will pump. This one will pump too, as with EVERY Shitcoin on CMC. so it doesnt matter what you hold, just accumulate alot of different COINS, TOKENS, whatever and your good.

>> No.10994503


Some of those shitcoins will die a miserable death before the next pump comes around. Be careful.

>> No.10994521

nope, if something useless as 0xbtc can survive and Bitcoindark pumps, people are dumb and will just buy into anything, cause GAINS. So, yes it litteraly doesnt matter

>> No.10994554

I am a 36 year old with a PhD in Philosophy. I am $450k in debt and currently working two minimum wage jobs in order to stay alive. I work alongside 18 year olds and whenever they ask about my background I just tell them I've been in prison for a long time, which is less embarrassing than admitting the truth. I am probably the most well-informed 0XBTC scholar on the North American continent, perhaps in the world. My 1,500 page biography of its life has been rejected several dozen times. No college will take me on since they don't think 0XBTC is relevant, and that other applicants are therefore pushed to the head of the line. I have had 6 0XBTC-related papers published in different journals and philosophical quarterlies, but have earned no money or recognition for having done so. I just moved to Abbeville, Louisiana since there is a job opening at the university in Lafayette and I decided to go all out in order to get it. But I've just found out that my application was rejected and now I'm stuck working at a Wendy's three shifts a week and a Barnes & Noble the rest of the time. I have no wife, no children, and at this point no friends I'm willing to talk to due to the shameful nature of my existence.

>> No.10994560


Confirmed infernal_toast is a channer.

>> No.10995325
File: 290 KB, 800x670, IMG_6578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gonna moon we finna be rich we Jews now

>> No.10996073
