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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 197 KB, 1283x971, chainlink_piv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10992499 No.10992499 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink's main net is the week after next. Prepare your anuses boys.

>> No.10992514

your either a newfag or retarded

>> No.10992515

inb4 marketing explodes harder than a nuclear bomb and declares partnerships with swift, google, micro soft, bbc, and the satanic jewish zionist elites thus bringing the singularity into existence

>> No.10992543

Steve just changed it within the last few hours because I've been watching it all day. Listen kiddo, I've probably been invested in Chainlink longer than you've been alive. Fucking zoomers...

>> No.10992560


>> No.10992585

No you fucking asshat they do this constantly. this isn't an indicator of mainnet coming. fucking stupid ass.

>> No.10992589

wow, objectively verifiable useful info on cl

also, i'm sergey's mom AMA friends!

>> No.10992618

Never on a fucking Friday you incredibly dense motherfuckin faggot

>> No.10992647

It's 8:20pm on a friday night and John Barker is still cranking out completed tasks. If you still think main net isn't soon you're fucking daft.

>> No.10992663

can anyone guess what steve ellis has been doing this entire time?

>> No.10992671
File: 255 KB, 991x672, 1530639715101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delet this anon

>> No.10992674

Working on reputation on the private repository/collaborating with devs from SWIFT etc

>> No.10992688
File: 17 KB, 337x372, 1530894087532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had 4 tasks in the tracker this week and probably this: >>10992674

s-sorry mr. polisman

>> No.10992699
File: 178 KB, 1919x965, integration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's still running integration tests

>> No.10992706

Cope thread

>> No.10992866

Wtf how did i miss this?
No way that what those larpers said were true.
Fuck am not believing till I see it fucking announced.

Still good find OP.

>> No.10992939

Thanks fren. Tbh I think they'll have a meeting this weekend and discuss what they have left and officially make the decision to announce if they can finish in time.

>> No.10992957

I was pretty certain that it would be a later release date myself, but this kind of thing really makes me wonder. I wonder if they're going to be working through this weekend.

>> No.10992972

>I wonder if they're going to be working through this weekend.
That would definitely scream that a deadline is on the horizon. The only thing that worries me is aggregation and reputation.

>> No.10992986

aggregation was renamed to service agreement in the pivotal tracker, steve working on rep in the private repository

>> No.10992996

notice john barker is the one doing the requests lately
john barker is the salesforce connection we have
soon there is a salesforce gathering called a dreamforce.

>> No.10992997
File: 1.38 MB, 1916x1076, get stinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today OP was not a faggot

>> No.10993019

to be fair my best guess for mainnet is still late oct
but good chance theres a lot more than we think coming

>> No.10993024

reputation will be outsourced to 3rd parties

>> No.10993048
File: 264 KB, 540x810, 1526142108684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek wills it

>> No.10993267

another blessed thread

>> No.10993271


>> No.10993292

partying with hot brazillian woman using our money like the real alpha chad he is

>> No.10993312

>Chainlink's main net is the week after next. Prepare your anuses boys.
What is there about this image that makes you think so?

>> No.10993321

Doesn’t matter. What do you honestly think is going to happen Salesforce MasterCard and SWIFT all announce at the same time 1 hour after mainnet drops....

>> No.10993331

That's hot.

>> No.10993346

They moved all the tasks a week up and 6 of them are bug fixes

Woah watch it with that talk buddy, I'm doing nofap

>> No.10993357


>> No.10993488

>Doesn’t matter. What do you honestly think is going to happen Salesforce MasterCard and SWIFT all announce at the same time 1 hour after mainnet drops....
the reality is no big name partnerships, nobody gives a fuck, and it tanks. All of crypto is dead. Jesus Christ could visit again and declare Sergey the new savior of the planet and it would still dump and people would focus on Nike and pot smoking Musk instead.

>> No.10993791

for what it's worth, I distinctly recall the tasks scheduled till the 20-something'th. i dont believe they've ever moved tasks around like this, or even had such bulky weekly task lists... interesting..

>> No.10993819

cap of your diary for that day?

>> No.10993829

Yeah, dude. They had a whole bunch of tasks scheduled for the week of 17-23 September. John Barker started on 3 tasks from next week today. He finished one and almost finished another.

>> No.10993834

yes but he also said they will provide a basic contract/set of contracts for reputation

>> No.10994001

The internet will find a way to smear 4chan users out of jealousy.

>> No.10994018

They already think all 4chan users are nazis and shit, what else will they do?

>> No.10994080


This will be a headline for some hippie indepent vice journalist. Hi from the past, btw when you search for these archives. They will project /pol/ onto us, call us incels, and proceed to throw some future complaint with the social structure onto us. When in reality you were busy watching some shitty Netflix show and hating everyone instead of trying to better yourself in a “rigged” system. Paying money to a school doesn’t make you rich hunny. Hard work and being absolutely critical with your investments do. That’s why reddit and any cryptocurreny subreddit will never be rich. They can’t accept criticism. And criticism is truth. I’ve tried to help you people. None of you would listen. You think I’m weird or absorbed into my phone. When in reality I was reading articles, gaining knowledge and pushing my self to be the best possible. While at this moment I’m unsure of Chainlink’s future, it is the best investment / risk ratio to be in currently. Sorry you missed the boat hun. But your SJW attitude is just making you more miserable and I’ll be much happier than you. Smear me all you want to feel better about yourself. From 3 weeks prior to chainlink Mainnet. ~chao

>> No.10994098

homosexual but redpilled

>> No.10994099

I forgot, that's the new win-by-default smearing, alt-right racist. Good call. Capping this and posting a thread if mainnet launch in 3 weeks

>> No.10994104

>millionaire alt right racist

>> No.10994144
File: 58 KB, 176x178, 1510901675253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10994147

that's accurate desu