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File: 810 KB, 1440x1698, 1536345832504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10989352 No.10989352 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10989367
File: 60 KB, 991x902, 7979698728616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek handegg. who actually watches that shit?

>> No.10989403

As tech progresses there is just more shit to distract us during our finite time on earth. The dystopian endgame is companies elongating human life for more screentime.

>> No.10989426
File: 22 KB, 370x378, F6EEEFA3-F481-4407-86C1-2E88194FF13B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching sports on tv in 2018

>> No.10989484

To be fair there was a storm delay which caused the game to not start until like 9 pm east coast.

But yeah. It was a pretty shit game exacerbated by top tier shitters reffing. Thankfully that Nike ad took all of the political shit out of the actual game and just moved it to the commericials. No mention of kneeling at all last night

>> No.10989502

Their loss it was a good game

>> No.10989530

Kapernick went to my old university and I’m pretty proud t b h that he’s fucked things up this much. Fuck the nfl

>> No.10989540

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10989586

Murican boomers

>> No.10989678


>> No.10989686
File: 34 KB, 599x733, murder blacks whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get when you put 80-iq retards in a position where they can become millionaire heroes.

>> No.10990144

>Thursday night
>Delay it by an hour

what the fuck did they think was going to happen

they should just get rid of the thursday game altogether

>> No.10990242

>Whites killed by whites is the same as whites killed by blacks
Does this graph mean whites and blacks should live together. Blacks shouldn't live with each other. They should live with whites.

>> No.10990315


Stop being a insecure cuck. Blacks have a skill set that has real world application, you are making us look bad by posting murder statistics in relation to sport athletes like some whiny internet nerd. I say this as a very pro white guy that thinks isolation/segregation in the long run is the way forward.

>> No.10990325

The point of the pic is to show how retarded the "take a knee" protests of the NFL players are.
Dumb dumb.

>> No.10990365

You're a retard who worships niggers.

>> No.10990479

I think you are projecting securities here. I'm an athletic high test white guy with a big D. I'm just honest about the world enough to know that some bitter delusional internet nerd crying about niggers and murderers isn't a good look for us. Reality denial is honestly one of the most pathetic things you can do.

Blacks are slightly more athletic on average than whites(lots of white athletes have been screwed by sellout cuck scouts which is something i've followed since 2014). The NFL is sport entertainment, sports/competition are fundamental human needs imo. There is more to the world than nerds/chinks in offices writing code you dweeb

>> No.10990533


r*ddit fedora euphoria

>> No.10990560

Hire more white football players. Shits fucking rigged to hire only groids.

>> No.10990566
File: 74 KB, 301x503, E253B6E3-1B0C-41C1-A16F-8EB436606A2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess stealing, murder, and rape are real world applications.

>> No.10990576


Notice how they never complain about whites being underrepresented in pro sports? Really makes me think

>> No.10990609

The saying "Go woke get broke" just seems to be a fact at this point.

>> No.10990611

t. Nigger

>> No.10990622

When I was a kid I was in the waiting room in the hospital with my dad and there was a basketball game on tv. I noticed all the players were black and asked my dad why there are no white basketball players, there was an old black man in the waiting room and he just laughed

>> No.10990922 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1189x520, crackers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's this larping incel again posting a FAKE GRAPH where you can see the image of where the text is copy and pasted. You really are pathetic aren't you trying to spread fake info. This graph that I pulled with the link to the site on top shows you crackers love to blacks huh? Damn that jealousy must really flow through your veins for you to always spread fake new.

Shouldn't you go back to r/pussypass where you're a lifelong member?

>> No.10991042
File: 115 KB, 1189x520, crackers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey larping incel it's you again. You do know you can see the copy and paste job on your pic right?

Whites just LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE to act like niggers and kill their kind huh?

Maybe you should go back to r/pussypass where you came from. I worry that you might be mentally deranged

>> No.10991057

>what is per capita
dumb low IQ savage

>> No.10991075

>What is percentage

fucking retard

>> No.10991112

bumping to make sure you know i remember you ;)

>> No.10991150

hilarious how they include beaners with the whites

>> No.10991158

The racist incel who wasted time out of his day to make fake graphs to push his racist ideology won't respond. WHY???

>> No.10991172
File: 81 KB, 800x488, 1442484939378-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, nigger apologist.

>> No.10991191

How about YOU fuck off

>> No.10991192
File: 26 KB, 597x441, 1442484939378-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all fake goy!

>> No.10991195

Yes, I believe another made up graph with no sauce.

Time to go back to your cave and create another one

>> No.10991203

Noone cares about niggerball anymore. Thanks Fortnite.

>> No.10991215
File: 80 KB, 1237x600, 1442484939378-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no source goy!

>> No.10991217

Oh look another graph with sauce on the bottom but no screenshot of the actual stats from a website

>> No.10991231

WOW, ANOTHER ONE! You really have a lot of free time

r/pussypass ----------->

>> No.10991261

nogs are subhuman and so are you

>> No.10991262


This is my last post but I highly recommend you see a therapist. I know life isn't going the way you want it to but if you strike gold on this next bullrun maybe you can plastic surgery, afford some roids, and maybe a penis enlargement it will boost your self esteem. Godspeed incel

>> No.10991539

Thursday night football was a mistake

>> No.10991612

Do you have mental problems?

Learn to read a chart and stop (You)ing me you cuck.
It clearly says "per 1,000,000 of the murderer's race".

>> No.10991701

We actually tried that out from 1619-1865 AD here in America

>> No.10991728
File: 174 KB, 1931x1855, draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. white and used to play basketball in school

>> No.10991781


I guess people are getting tired of watching people run from one side of a field to the other in 5-20 second intervals for 4 hours, with 1 hour being dedicated entirely to commercials.

>> No.10991818

thursday night game
rain delay
millennials only use bootleg streams

nfl is as popular as ever

>> No.10991828
File: 858 KB, 177x206, tumblr_nka4ztb5xi1rayk5go8_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nfl has been on decline few years, already before the "kneeling" that only accelerated the downfall. mls is basically dead sport. most of these traditional sports will die within 5 years, and stadiums will be abandoned eventually

it is combination of financial crisis looming, reduced purchasing power and more home entertainment + esports

>> No.10991966

>since 2009
This is an indication that people are unwilling to shell out to go see a game, i.e., the cost being greater than the reward. Could be a sign of economic turmoil to come...

>> No.10992099
File: 8 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hur dur only 2 teams playing...ON A THURSDAY. How much u wanna bet numbers are higher on sunday?

>> No.10992376

>Photoshops graph to portray blacks in a negative light

Poor poor low-life. You're pathetic