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10982729 No.10982729 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you maxing out your student loans and credit cards and moving overseas? You're literally untouchable when you move out of the states. Credit score? Doesn't matter anymore sweety. Can't return to the US ever again? There will be nothing left to return for in 20-30 years anyway. By the way, you can still visit the US, just not live/work there. Not only will you have a huge sum of money, you'll be ahead of your colleagues who will only be paying off their loans before they can even think about investing.

>> No.10982735

good luck in life being this shortsighted and immature

>> No.10982737

Doing this, but from aus

>> No.10982749

Because american freedom, cars, guns, women and food.

Now die in a fire communist

>> No.10982754

So shortsighted that I have a 10+ year long plan that will benefit me long-term. Sorry sweaty, maybe you should beg a rabbi to give your foreskin back.

>> No.10982764

I took a 25k CAD loan last year and that was my containment plan. Luckily everything worked out

>> No.10982767

tfw you think skipping education and leaving all social relationships behind for a measly 100k to invest is worth it. never going to make it, your 10 plan is lying to yourself and you know it

>> No.10982768
File: 352 KB, 640x632, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is fucked

>military majority brown
>population majority brown (official number says otherwise but we all know it's a lie)
>strong anti-white rhetoric everywhere
>games being created to kill the bad guys (white males, predictive programming)
>all deportations can be undone overnight by open border communist
>more and more blatant communist politicians popping up

it's inevitable the USA will have serious fucking problems in the next 20-40 years. pic related, Rothschilds literally paid this guy to paint murals for them.

>> No.10982773

haha nice troll

>> No.10982784
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>> No.10982792

Skipping education? Pretty sure the plan involves getting a PhD. Shut the fuck up anon, go back to 3rd grade to get some reading comprehension. The first $100k in life is the hardest to make because of the compounding effects of investing. It gets easier and easier the more you have.

>> No.10982793

Its the brazillification of the western world, same thing is happening in Canuckland. The west is twenty years away from becoming Brazil and fifty years away from South Africa style unless WE FORCE serious changes. If you have a grandparent from Eastern or Southern Europe, its time to get your backup citizenship.

>> No.10982797 [DELETED] 


<blockquote class="postMessage" id="m184798088"><video width="400" autoplay="" loop="" src="https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1536267332394.webm"></video><br>F</blockquote>

>> No.10982802

We're going to start seeing more favela anons posting here in 20 years, but they'll be white bois who didn't make it.

>> No.10982829


damn boomers

>> No.10982836 [DELETED] 


>> No.10982845

Because I'm not a selfish cosmopolitan piece of shit with no concepts of home and community

>> No.10982853 [DELETED] 

&lt;textarea&gt;Inside Textarea&lt;/textarea&gt;

>> No.10982892
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, 20180906_235006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honest to god. What a majority of these people forget is rural white people are a totally diffrent breed, outside of major citys its a new ballgame. These people have no problems fighting for their country. Its just so far removed from the city whites/ people its insane... majority are farmers who make their own food, resourceful who can live on the land, and own 90% of the guns and use them daily. Like. I cant even begin to say how diffrent life is for us.

Pic related, they sell this shit at my gas station for fucks sake

>we are waiting for shtf so badly

>> No.10982925
File: 3.56 MB, 4032x3024, 20180906_235311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like.. you guys have no idea how much land is outside of where the major poplation centers are and how well defended every inch of it is

>> No.10982931

something like 80+% of Americans live in urban areas now. go look up the stats. so when you say rural areas are the only white places left, it's sort of hard to say America is a white country because we all know the major metropolitan areas are brown as fuck. Which means only 20-30% of the country is white?

>> No.10982969

I've worked in remote locations around the US, been through a lot of it too. I know what you mean about the rural country and the people. I love the rural towns. The thing about that is, that is irrelevant. You're just waiting...and waiting...and waiting. You're a frog in a boiling pot.

>> No.10982980

Cope harder faggot. Not going to make it

>> No.10982989
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 20180906_235231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major pop centers will run out of supplies in month in shtf scenerio those who stay will die among the violence or starve among masses. Also, citys are not that brown, communities are.

It only took 2% of america to win in 1776. The rest stood idly by and sided with the victorious.

>> No.10983013

The ones who flee the city will also be unable to survive due to living in a concrete bubble their whole lives. I've already served this country and it is no longer serving us. It is enslaving entire generations of its people to the kikes.

>> No.10983035
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I thought so too for a while until i came to the conclusion on a few things. Ither this or that may happen....

City centers will fall in on theselves because they are completely unsustainable and are a parasite to resouces. Once the supplies stop we will see havoc and riots, driving people outwards where they will NOT be met with open arms and hugs.


The day when someone comes knocking for a warrent to take yer guns, that will make it go hot instantly. Provided they try it on a able body american and not a 90yr old senile man from seattle.

>> No.10983049

man you are trying too hard
is shit hitting the fan the only way for you to have meaning in your life

>> No.10983055

I fucking hate white people so goddamn much.

I'll be glad when you're all dead.

>> No.10983060
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you better have a back up foreign passport before then otherwise you're a literal retard

>> No.10983071

Anon, they don't cockblock you from a passport unless you owe taxes or have warrants.

>> No.10983074

you could always just move to a country with no white people. There are tons of them. but you won't do that because you're nothing more than an ungrateful, envious leech. That's where your hatred really stems from.

>> No.10983085

I agree 100 percent. What people fail to realize is those born and raised in cities have no idea about self sustinence. How to build, grow, hunt. If shtf for real and they have to survive in the cities or leave them for any reason they will fail and die. Let’s not even mention that if it gets real bad most of these city dwellers don’t own or have access to means of self defense. Nor do the majority own guns or weapons simply because they have this libshit mentality where they think everyone should love each other and no one will ever do them harm. Niggers are exempt from the weapon argument because they can’t aim anyway kek

>> No.10983111
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>tfw jewish and already getting Israeli citizenship anyway but not low IQ enough to pull this

>> No.10983118

Did this but didnt move, i bought alt coins in october 2017, paId off the loan, and up up a few hundred k.

>> No.10983171
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You never have visted any other board here. Ever. Not even once.

I agree. They are all fucked. i have some friends who a city fags, just to prepare them i bought 12 of pic related. Said come out to the compound if they can make it, if they didnt have useful skills i would never have extended the offer

>> No.10983189
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Also, blow me and stay poor.

>> No.10983262

I think you will find that unless you move to some hellhole that you will be nailed easily in any first world country. Your 'plan' only works if you have no bank account or credit card, no passport, no job, visa, lease, company and evade tax, while somewhere awful like somalia. Only a very stupid American could pisdibly believe 'not USA' is some magic place where debts vanish and even if you go to Somalia, yu can never return or borrow ever again

>> No.10983285

Alright, keep being a clueless cuck, everything you said is 100% wrong. Enjoy your sinking ship.

>> No.10983316


Its getting harder to tell if we are being invaded, botted or if people really are just becoming dumber. I think its the latter.

>> No.10983638

Assumig these things will exist in 20 years

>> No.10983897

You have to plan, fight or flight. Are you going to bunker down and try and ride out the army and raging city hoards or will you jet off to new Caledonia and ride out the storm in paradise, choice is yours.

>> No.10983987

Wait is this what runescape looks like now, wow I am getting old......