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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10981036 No.10981036 [Reply] [Original]

Are the NPCs that bought crypto in January finally getting out? When can we expect the next wave of NPCs to increase their buy prices? 2019? 2020?

>> No.10981117

Reminder that there is a large number of people that legitimately can't think, have no souls, and are essentially walking, talking automatons moving from one day to the next until they die without ever having had an abstract thought about the world they inhabit.


>inb4 facebook and reddit
Yes, I know, but that's the types of places these people inhabit.

>> No.10981152

yeah but can you also construct complex, consistent 3d models in your head?

>> No.10981178
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>> No.10981234
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>> No.10981335

We had the topic of thought/language/consciousness in school and I kept wondering how everyone apperently thinks their thought with language. I barely ever do that and if I do so kinda have to force myself.

It was always infuriating to me how language is supposed to form thought and all the theories that exist. To me all the thoughts and ideas are already there and if I want to I can formulate them in my head.

>> No.10981418
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>tfw you run into a wild NPC on /biz/

>> No.10981515

??? How can you think without using language? Internal grunts? Just using how your body feels ie stomach pains for hunger?

>> No.10981519


>> No.10981532

I still think that thinking by words is a meme and that ppl are simply too conditioned by dialogue to differentiate between cause and effect.

It would not even possible on a speed level to formulate only my main thoughts.

>> No.10981535
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Why do you keep making these threads?



>> No.10981541
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>> No.10981553
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only 2 of those are mine

>> No.10981562

You're an npc

>> No.10981575
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that's the spirit

>> No.10981621

You are a goal keeper and see the ball coming. Do you think" I must catch the ball. I must move my body to the left cause the balls trajectory seems to be that way. First move my legs and than in final pos put my arms into the air to grab thr ball"

You literally have no time to think out in words you just do it. This can be done with almost all task imo, no matter how complex.

If i formulate it in words it is more like talking to another person explaining myself.

>> No.10981644

that's reacting and not thinking, exactly what NPCs do 24/7

>> No.10981789

Well i use my internal voice when I do long term planing, but short term actions/tasks are pretty much always voiceless. Not just reflex/reacting like with the ball but all other actions.

Do people really think " I want to grab the bottle next to me and drink out of it" when they are thirsty?

It could also be miscommunications in terms of scope of the internal voice.
I wonder

>> No.10982805

Reminder that this is the article in question that reignited this discussion (from 2011) and it actually implies that the people who have an inner voice experience reality in a less pure way.

>> No.10982821

I doubt there are many NPCs in the crypto sphere. When I think of an NPC I think about your typical overweight loser at Wallmart, buying some coke and chips and other useless shit, not somebody researching crypto and investing their money.

>> No.10982876

Yes, people who can't internalize are pure just like animals, I agree.

>> No.10982986

This theory is actually pretty old
Google Julian Jaynes, On the Origin of Consciousness In the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

>> No.10983018

It's called "intuition" or "thinking with feelings" in brainlet speak.

>> No.10983064

> Do people really think " I want to grab the bottle next to me and drink out of it" when they are thirsty?
No. They think "surely there is something wrong with this anon. believing he operates on a higher level because he doesnt have to say to himself "ouch i may have burned myself" when he touches a boiling kettle.."
You arent special m8 you think like everyone else except your shit is slightly retarded.

>> No.10983086


>> No.10983115

The halvening is the next scheduled event. They've been foreshadowing it. NPCs won't know what a halvening is, but they'll buy in around that time.

>> No.10983152

The shocking thing is the idea that people never use an internal monologue, not that there are times when you don't. I find that hard to believe, I think the experiment must be flawed somehow. Surely they must think to themselves in words sometimes, and maybe just reported it differently.

>> No.10983629

my problem is I have too many voices in my head; also basically always music playing

>> No.10984368
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tfw NPCs are having their conditioning broken through an Indonesian Paper Mario Fanfiction Swap

>> No.10984478
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what happens when their algorithm is broken?

>> No.10984590

I understand what you mean, intuition. Which is different than reaction, as he said >>10981644
You gave a wrong example. Language means you have to decode the intuition, understand it and put it into the correct words. Depending on how is your situation, we might be brainlets or just better at simulation rather than abstraction.
I think in words too, for example, when I have to scold myself, when I need to plan, in general when the brain alone can't do the work and hand me a result.

>> No.10984749


Reacting to a live event is what animals and humans have in common, how do you process information and reach conclusions you didn’t previously have without asking yourself questions? How do you engage in logic without language? As in premise > conclusion.

>> No.10985011

Tbh I refuse to discuss anything with someone who doesn't read philosophy. If you don't read even basic articles about philosophical concepts then your arguments that require logic and not just facts will be shit and irrelevant. That's how NPCs function all the time.

>> No.10985063
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The NPC have a cooldown of 18 months, next bullrun is for Mid 2019.

>> No.10985074

Either mass suicide of singularity.

>> No.10985237

>thinking 98% of 4chan doesn't fit into this category

>> No.10985303

this needs a pink wojack edit badly

>> No.10985353

And people who need to internalize frequently must not be very sure of themselves.
I'm the master of my own domain motherfucker. Enjoy needing to translate my world.

>> No.10985553

I thought /biz can't get any cringier but you proved me wrong.

>> No.10985979

Checked, are you me? I'm really into politics and after getting a real job i stopped discussing it with most 'politically minded' normies because they're not interested in debate but rather like to regurgitate shit they saw on CNN

>> No.10985988

And just to reiterate, im thankful my University made philosophy a core requisite. Shit is literally the bees knees, especially metaphysics

>> No.10986126
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Max age of these fags cunts in this room is 23, man the fuck up, millions of pounds are based on what u fucks write, so keep it 100.... fucking bedroom student fuck faces.

>> No.10986178
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>being a literal simlet

they can't even fucking cope properly because of the lack of inner speech LMAO

>> No.10986209
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>> No.10986210
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>> No.10986221

Did you start this thread on 8pol?

>> No.10986415

What would you call the opposite of this? Where your internal voice is so strong that half the time you can barely react to outside stimuli because you're deep in your own thoughts especially if you're around people regurgitating information and it takes focus and preparation to talk to people for extended periods of time without giving away your disinterest? Had it all my life sometimes it makes people think I'm a total retard. Or at least I think it does but I'm also not very empathetic so who knows.

>> No.10986423

unironically autism

>> No.10986433

Fuck. I knew it.

>> No.10986491

too much autism makes you an handicapped non-functional mongoloid. but it's what made the evolutionary difference between us and other apes.

congrats you're too human.

>> No.10986908

one of those people is YOU anon because you fail to realise the inverse reality of this statement

>> No.10987682

Haha lol

>> No.10987703
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You got the big autism

>> No.10987746


And 2D women are not real

>> No.10987836


You can easily fix this by being more present in the moment. Going out in nature unironically helps with it too, somewhere you can quieten your mind and LIVE, basically.

It's not necessarily an indication of autism, just improper upbringing

>> No.10987895
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I said in a thread yesterday but its really freaking me out, like a couple weeks ago I started to say the word NPC but never used the term here on 4chan or on /biz/, now suddenly its all over this place here and on its way to become a meme.

>> No.10987939

Anyone else pace around your place when you are having inner thoughts or is that just autism.

>> No.10988238
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>I'm the master of my own domain motherfucker.

>> No.10988264

You are not alone

>> No.10988271

I do

>> No.10988297
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>people having similar thoughts

holy fuck dude

>> No.10988336

Oh, looks like you're not only an NPC but you don't have any original thoughts either.
Which way to the cave entrance Preston marked on my map?

>> No.10988366

Same, but I just call myself an autist in my head

>> No.10988754

I'm not bad off.
I go outside a lot. I spend minimum 1.5 hours at local parks every day and I'm happily married. That said my brain works different than a lot of the people surrounding me and I'm not the only one that notices it.

>> No.10989249
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>> No.10989305

Yep, textbook definition of autism. You aren't alone anon, but normalfags will let you believe you are. Embrace it, dont fight it

>> No.10989316

Music playing? Reckon you've got a few screws loose, m9. Maybe some early onset dementia, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's. Your brains are turning to mush, that is to say. Soon, you'll be leaving us. Night nights.