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10980346 No.10980346 [Reply] [Original]

>your well-meaning parents accidentally fucked your head up

Let's share "wisdom" which is really just bluepilled trash propaganda designed to keep you wagecucking for Shekelstein & Goldberg.

>mom: "love is the most important thing"
Actually, for a woman, being able to charm a man into doing things for you because you tricked him with sexualized psychology is the most important, but I can see how she called this "love;" however, this is a *terribly* wrong idea to ingrain into your son's perspective of the world, especially if he foolishly tries to apply this mindset in a fool's quest for this absolutely fictitious thing called "love" -- women being selfish predatory parasites.

>dad: get a good job, work hard, spend as little as possible, save your money, don't ever risk your savings on any investment riskier than just letting it accumulate interest in a savings account
This is also terrible advice on account of various factors including but not limited to interest rates failing to stay ahead of inflation & taxes, worker exploitation, low pay, layoffs, retirees being unable to maintain standard of living on pensions, etc.

If only I could go back and teach my younger self how to see past these foolish delusions.

>> No.10980374
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If only your parents learned the greatest truth...aborting their autistic son.

>> No.10980440
File: 377 KB, 500x504, Questioning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mother: Stop working Anon. I bought you a new game! Let me see you play it no need to study. Your father is rich he will help you out or buy you a business or something.
>Father: Jesus fucking christ get your grades up so you can be a rich lawyer like me.
>Mother: Lets go shopping tee-hee no need to study.
>Father: Jesus fucking christ get your grades up do you know how many strings I had to pull to get you into university!
>Mother: Life is all about fun Anon. Lets go do something you can always just write tomorrows exam next year tee-hee
>Father: You have to get a job, you failed out of university you fuck up. Move out of my house.
>Mother: Tee-hee I am sorry Anon. I can't help you go get a job.

Well meaning parents you say?

>> No.10980584
File: 111 KB, 831x762, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be yourself

>follow your dreams

>> No.10980608

i didnt even get advice, thats worse

>> No.10980620


>> No.10980650

I thought I was going to rage at you for saying that love is bad advice but I actually agree with what you said. Still you can't forget that it is possible to obtain it and if you can it will be the single greatest thing this entire universe has to offer but ironically teaching your son about it the way most parents do will make it even harder. It's a tragedy.

>> No.10980669

Life got you down, champ?

>> No.10980913
File: 21 KB, 844x702, 1517151464099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad: no one ever got rich by working hard
Fuck you, you boomer commie piece of shit. It's kinda true, but still the wrong message. Life is a struggle. Fight, or go under.

>mom: half naked women on display is sexist

I really resent those leftist pieces of shit. They are the reason I grew into such a passive weak faggot. I'm trying to repair the damage, but I feel it's too late. Shit, it's a miracle that my life is only kind of a mess instead of a complete train wreck. Oh, and they also suck at handling money.

>> No.10981350

Wtf both are good albeit obvious.
Are you zoomer or what?

>> No.10982064

These old style women look so much more attractive. Why is that?

>> No.10982108
File: 38 KB, 185x233, 1426696558784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, you're a grown ass man. Stop blaming your parents for you failures. Dare I say, privileged?