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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10978154 No.10978154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After spending 5 years in Crypto I am out. Yesterdays crash was brutal, and something I cant wrap my mind around changed when I woke up this morning. I don't want to wage-cuck but I will. And instead of spending my entire days behind a screen in a room I am gonna get a job, hang out with the friends that I have been neglecting and just be a cucked member of society. There's also this roastie who wants my attention, and I figure if friends, gf, job and /fit/ gains somehow all line up; I will be set for life regardless of the finances. 180k at my peak, 10k now, cashed out 25k along the way. Wouldn't know what to do with the 180k if I got there again. Dreadful. But I learned many important lessons.

I figure I'd say goodbye to the board which kept me entertained for the past 2 years.
Leaving 40$ in ETH & MKR since I CBA to cash

> https://etherscan.io/address/0x62089b00376423D74D8EA9Ed027720202aD6a240
> 179ebf918e451f61d9b53e38174fc1e24c2fdc0be0baca5cb1cf2cadebcddb8*
*(you'll have to guess the last digit, its between 0-9).

Goodnight /biz/ and Goodbye.
I hope all of you get rich and happy of Crypto.
Unfortunately that's not my path.

> https://bluinc.com/the-fisherman-and-the-investment-banker/

>> No.10978179

Thanks for the eth baby ilysm
Guessed the digit first try kek

>> No.10978271
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Have a good "life" living 120% fully loaded in work stress and social delusions by dependance on other people, hoping that magic suddenly gives you peace in your eternally circling path, slave

>> No.10978274

Thanks anon, I really appreciate it the honesty.
I also have 80k in crypto left, had 250k in peak.
The only way to make it is 1MM, but if you got into the right crypto.

>> No.10978325

You will regret the day you gave away a future fortune to some pajeet on a imageboard

>> No.10978364

I’m no pajeet, it’s 40 dollars and that means a lot to me desu

>> No.10978419
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np, enjoy!


I had 5 years of maximum freedom, for now I'll be a slave, idc. I'll probably get fired from every job I get too. In Europe, so jobs are pretty easy to come by, as well as social benefits in between. Basic income being trialed in my city even! I am well aware of the pitfalls too. Crypto isn't going away and I will probably miss the next rally. But I don't want to make my life about that. Most of my friends will profit of my advise though, cool.


Hope you make it!
80k is quite a lot right now.


Converting the $10k~ to my bank account cost me quite a bit more than those 40$.

>> No.10978443

how's the tax, bro?

>> No.10978452


less than 2% here in the Netherlands.

>> No.10978458

LOL. why the fuck cant you be patient. all you have to do is wait 12 more months max to make it. all you retards are so fucking impatient. you'd rather wagecuck forever than make some sacrifices. what is wrong with you???

>> No.10978487


Bruh, I have been around since 2013. Been patient for a long time, spend money on a lot of nice shit, saw some ridiculous numbers, funded so many things, traveled to so many places...etc.etc.etc. At some point the party stops. I am a NEET without a job riding his last $10k. One way or another I'll be out in 12 months.

>> No.10978489

Why are you finally pulling out? How much?

>> No.10978506

Nvm just read
Still seems weird to dip out now

>> No.10978508

goodluck man, but maybe try leaving like 2K on your crypto trading account for hodling or if you're on the mood.

>> No.10978520

The truly cursed will be the ones who saw the shining path never taken. Hope you don't kill yourself within the next few years.

>> No.10978539


>> No.10978548

the cycle will come full circle. he spent the early years in crypto and will fall into the same trap the people who bought the top fell into.

>> No.10978569
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I am addicted to this shit. I need to step away and do something else, just like WoW was 5-6 years back, Crypto is dictating my daily life. Its not healthy and its damaging relationships with friends, family; and mentally its taking its toll too. Maybe i will just a break, but at this point not intending to come back for some time.


well aware anon. This was my bible for a long time.

> pic

>> No.10978614

>choosing another degenerate lifestyle
if you can't trade that well, at least try being productive...

>> No.10978626

I honestly think I will never be free. Even after I cash out I'll check the price of bitcoin daily

>> No.10978687


I completely dropped WoW the moment I started making money off Crypto. Moved me out of my moms storage shed, then to my first 1-room apartment (20m2) then my 80m2 apartment. Car, traveling through half of Europe, having quite some memorable experiences. Still ending up all by myself alone at the end of the trip because of Crypto. Not sure if degenerate, but yeah, feels like it.

> at least try being productive...

I'll try anon.

>> No.10978700

Bye wagie

>> No.10978719

I guess I can understand that, but this is productive whereas WoW is a complete waste of time

>> No.10978720
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>> No.10978723

This graph basically shows how terrible wageslavery is for your stress levels. Look how high it gets once wagies realize they can retire in 2-5 years

>> No.10978759

you're here forever

>> No.10978766
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Well, good thing is I am defo not heading back to WoW.


Please show me the graph where it displays the stress levels of a NEET holding 10k in Crypto without any income, savings or safety net, all the way down to that 99 out of 100 chance of running completely broke a week before the actual golden bull run starts. I'll rather be completely out than have that happen. The chance of me making more money by the time an actual confirmed bull run starts, I will have more money from wage cucking too....


I will never escape the chans.

>> No.10978778
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I got into crypto in 2017 and after I realized what I had missed not getting in earlier I've been thinking about suicide every single day. I'm the opposite of OP in the sense that I don't mind sitting in my room most of the time and just the idea of wagecucking makes stressed as fuck. This shit would've been perfect for me. Every single minute of every single day I wish I had known about this shit earlier.

>> No.10978816

Wagie please. As a NEET I'm not bound by social norms and don't have idiotic expenses like $12/beers with other wagies after work. My rent is $500/month, thats less than twenty bucks per day I need to make online without touching my crypto stack. I cook for myself, and exercise three times a week, around two hours each + an hour in the pool sometimes. I can do whatever the fuck I want, and don't have "performance" reviews hanging over my head every quarter.

>> No.10978831

Unless you absolutely need the 10k right now just keep it in corn on cold storage. But a smallish fraction of it into XTZ, XMR or/and ZEC. Delete your blockfolio and come back in 5 years

>> No.10978910


I have been a NEET for 5 years with absolute financial freedom. It gets old and boring after a while. I need something else. I'll probably get fired from every job I get, but who cares, still get neetbucks in between as long I keep applying for jobs.


Crypto is my addiction, I need to get it out to stop a viscous cycle (for now).

>> No.10978928

bye faggot

>> No.10978940
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>> No.10978956

Just store your private key somewhere you can't reach in the next few years. Set and forget

(Kind of same situation here btw)

>> No.10978972

yeah, but considering that this a 70% loss it's still hard to cope
Good luck to, we will all make it one way or another

>> No.10979008
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Seems like you know crypto is going to have another boom. Why not keep 1 BTC and a few XMR, never look at cryptos until 2021 or 2025?

You still get to live a normal wagecuck life and still have a lottery ticket that could be more than several years of wage cuck savings in a few years.

>> No.10979013

wtf, just stay in pussy

>> No.10979055


I actually have 11 XMR in a locked_transfer I can't get out until somewhere in 2019. Maybe that'll mean something around that time. Other than that, I need a total disconnect from Crypto, time around friends and time around this girl without feeling the need to check blockfolio every 30 minutes. Might pump some of my salary back in when the time is right.


Its to late bruh.

>> No.10979079

what the fuck OP. i've been in crypto for only 14 months and my peak was 4x yours. what amount did you start with, 5$? you could have had millions in those 5 years

>> No.10979102

You're doing the right thing. I'm assuming you're in EU Europe where there are good benefits if you lose your job? Your best bet is to get a job that pays very well (if you don't have a skillset that allows you to do that, I believe the EU countries typically have some sort of government benefit that allows citizens to train up to get better paying jobs) and be prudent with your money. If you carefully invest it (alas, we're in a global bubble) in real investments, you can amass quite a bit money in 10 or 15 years. Not only that, you're practically guaranteed to amass at least a fair amount of money. There is no such guarantee in the cryptocurrency casino.

>> No.10979122
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Because I cashed out at least 2k every single month over a 5 year period. Whenever we went high I cashed out more. Most ever was 15k. I have quite some nice shit to show for.

>> No.10979155

so did you cash out 120k or 25k like you said in OP?

>> No.10979270


> I'm assuming you're in EU Europe where there are good benefits if you lose your job?

yep! I'll see where it gets me. There are quite some guarantees here.


I wasn't exactly clear here. I cashed out 25k from my 180k peak 2017/2018. But the years before that I just cashed out bit by bit every month to pay bills. In April/May I was down to my last 7.5k and about to look for a job and the bull run started. ETH > BCH > XMR > AEON > ADA> FCT . Those where my moon missions. Then all the way down to where I now am. I did not keep track of everything that went out, over a 5 year period its quite a bit more than 120k...

>> No.10979284



>> No.10979329
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well its been nice goyims. Gonna head to sleep.
Keep winning, I'll be back in some years (probably months, who knows).

If I had the chance I would do a barrel roll instead tho. Would be worth it.

>> No.10979381
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> I also have have time locked XMR using unlock_time parameter using rpc to send

> I locked BTC for release every December for the next 3 years using https://blog.coinb.in/guide_timelock

> I locked ETH using this contract http://gitf.enclaves.io/

I still can't get out of crypto completely but it helps me stay away for long periods. Weeks. Now when I get in, I've been catching it on the upswing, making some money and cashing out. The other crypto, I have no choice but to hold. Lock some more up and forget about it.

>> No.10979503

Good luck faggot. I think it is a good decision. I've been in crypto since 2012, FBI got my 17 BTC in Silk Road, I got goxxed for 15 BTC, I had 2 BTC left in paper wallet. I said fuck it. In August 2017 I came back to crypto. Made 2 BTC 40 and lost more than half of it in 2018. I've been trading full time since May but I'm starting to realize that this isn't the life I want. It is unsatisfying and really consuming me. I started looking for jobs at NGOs. I want to be fulfilled by doing some good to this fucked up place and not live only for making money. I will keep a certain amount in BTC and XMR in cold wallets and chase a more fulfilling life. If I were you, I would leave 1 BTC for myself. It might end up going to 1k but it also might end up going to 1 million.