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10975951 No.10975951 [Reply] [Original]

I rode the bus back from work today, it was crammed with tired wageslaves like myself. the bus was so crammed you barely had a place to stand, I don't think I've ever seen a bus crammed like that. then it hit me what a fucking slave I am. I am literally cattle, being forced to my slave labour in a cattle truck. I'm in my twenties right now. I'm never going to get a break or relief: I'm working just to survive. the work will never have meaning. I am just going to slave away my whole miserable life till my body breaks, following my spirit; this is what I was born to, this is the purpose of my existence, no one is going to take pity on me; this is just how life is. it has always been bad and it's only going to get worse. for some reason only today it hit me what a hopeless worthless filthy whipped dog wageslave I am, struggling to hold still in traffic, barely having a place to rest my feet after a long day. this is what my hard work has bought me.

Later that night, I once more resorted to the practice of Self-flagellation, which has now become a custom, so as to feel more like a dog; for when humanity and dignity arise, the pain is tenfold greater.

>> No.10976003

Get a car.
>b-b-b-but the roads are too cramped in the city
Stop working in the city. Too stressful, not worth the money if you're trading your time (which you don't get back) for something you hate

>> No.10976015

Yawn you sound like a loser blue pilled little ass faggot.

How about you man up and make your own future? Start by finding a shitty manual labor but good salary job, save enough money (at least 1k) each month, 50% of your saved money invest in stocks or crypto and 50% put aside for a degree, get a high salary degree (IT, programming, speciality), get a high salary job, put about 2-3k aside each month, invest 1k into crypto or stocks (or more) and the other you invest in yourself, do what ever you want, pay bitches, fuck bitches, buy a home eventually with your stocks n crypto

You have made it.

But with that mentality you are going to commit suicide at some point.

>> No.10976028

Is it better to be in jail? Or homeless or what? Or dead? What exactly are your options....

>> No.10976100

Lol that would take several years. By that time, crypto is either too expensive or dead so he will remain a wageslave for at at least 20 years (that's how long it takes to reach $1 million through compound investing if his salary is $50k a year). In other words, either he invests in crypto NOW or never.

>> No.10976157

Nice blog post. Identical to the tens of millions of other wageslave blog posts but 10/10 for participation

>> No.10976239

fuck off trustfund baby

>> No.10976252

Hey retard where did you see i said wait for several years.

I said start investing now and finding a better salary job.

>> No.10976493

You will be the first to get the noose when the day of the rope comes.

>> No.10976746
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Yeah you and what army?

>> No.10976784

>missing the point completely