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10974771 No.10974771 [Reply] [Original]

For somebody who works 120 hours a week he sure does have a lot of time to go on joe rogan, fuck Grimes, hang out with banks, go on vacation, write emails about swimmers, worry about whatever the trending news story is and build submarines about it, sell flamethrowers for the lulz, and in general not do any work and fuck around 24/7 looking at memes

>> No.10974775
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Will be on @JoeRogan at 9:30pm Pacific on Thursday

>> No.10974786

It’s called lying he’s a liar

>> No.10974806

What’s your deal with musk faggot? Making threads daily will do Nothing for you

>> No.10974808

Jee whiz, it's the daily anti-musk shill thread. OP, you are either a chink or stinky brown. Which one is it?

>> No.10974824

this real? i hoped the white nigger would get sued and defamed

>> No.10974825


His personality is very similar to Donald Trump's in that neither can accept any form of criticism. When faced with criticism, no matter the source or degree, they both lash out relentlessly. I find it fascinating.

>> No.10974828

yup, he went full retard and called the guy a child rapist and his 40yo wife a child bride

>> No.10975067


>> No.10975129

narcissism personality disorder is a hell of a drug

>> No.10975177

a lot of super rich guys don't have it, bill gates and warren buffet give no fucks about any criticism

>> No.10975271

>tweeting and looking at memes IS work
i regularly clock 160 hours per week in my shitposting career

>> No.10975283

Takes a lot of character to not end up like that.
Neither Musk nor 99% of any Silicon Valley - idiots have it. Which is why pumping more and more money into the "visionary" tech there will end up generating a lot of technocratic assholes with a shitload of money.

>> No.10975294

Stop changing ids and bumping your own thread. It’s sad man

>> No.10975307

I own a tech company and 100% agree with you

>> No.10975439


>> No.10975497
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Hello Elon.
May I recommend you to wear this for the next couple of years?

>> No.10975880

>I own a tech company and 100% agree with you
is it a start up

>> No.10976062

The guy founded paypal, launches rockets and makes electric luxury cars in a world practically ruled by oil companies.
He should ignore 99.999999% of criticism because he simply knows better and took more risks and had more succesful than you armchair captains ever will.

>> No.10976132

>He should ignore 99.999999% of criticism because he simply knows better and took more risks and had more succesful than you armchair captains ever will.
And yet he can't.

He personally spends time calling the workplaces of internet trolls.

let that sink in


>> No.10976492

did he dump grimes yet?

>> No.10977010

kek what a fag

>> No.10977059

His kids are so cute, how old is his daughter again?

>> No.10977152

It's called not being a cuck. Having to defend yourself due to real threat of getting rolled over by adversarial forces continuously thorough life.

>> No.10977712

>It's called not being a cuck. Having to defend yourself due to real threat of getting rolled over by adversarial forces continuously thorough life.

>> No.10977731

When you don't have to clock in for a wage, you can count pretty much everything you do as time worked.

>> No.10977762

Just bought Tesla stocks :3

>> No.10977772

>someone who never had to fight for anything in his life

>> No.10977807

You really couldn't understand that?

>> No.10977865

If he works 120 hours a week he sleeps less than 7 hours a night, never pisses or shits, never showers or brushes his teeth, never eats, never socializes with anyone, never even daydreams or has a single wandering thought. It's literally like 6 hours 50 mins of sleep and then every waking moment is non-stop work.

Ok maybe he sleeps 4 hours a night so he has a free ~3 hours to eat, go to the bathroom, spend time with his wife, talk to friends/family, exercise, go to numerous doctor appointments trying to treat the various ailments he has caused by severe lack of sleep.

The reality is he's one of those faggots who will say he's working through the lunch hour because he's eating lunch at his desk reading a Forbes article about Pokemon Go. He'll say the hour he spends dicking around is work because he was "being creative". He worked one 120 hour week when he was young and hustling and now he just says that shit when it's obviously untrue.

>> No.10977867

>>someone who never had to fight for anything in his life
like elon had to fight back against this guy who said his PR stunt was a PR stunt and his unworkable sub was unworkable?



>> No.10977883

>confirming what you were accused of
Such situations are completely alien to you, aren't they cvckboy?

>> No.10977892

>spend time with his wife
he has no wife

but he has 6 children by 4 women and the next time he gets married it will be to his 4th wife.

If a woman had 6 children by 4 men and was on her fourth marriage you would know she was a "crazy bitch"

Elon, when it comes to his personal life, is insane.

Oh and he got his current girlfriend (17 years younger than him) to legally change her name after they had been dating 6 weeks

>> No.10977901

>Such situations are completely alien to you, aren't they cvckboy?

>> No.10977921

>reddit spacing
you have to go back

>> No.10977939

>you have to go back

>> No.10978660

I work 160 hours a week myself

>> No.10978695
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>> No.10979529

I work 180 hours per week

>> No.10979606

This, it's "multi-tasking."

>> No.10979836


>> No.10979940

dude calling out pedo guys on twitter is critical to establishing his company's vision

>> No.10979987

>hang out with banks
Nice fake news, shill.

>> No.10980063

Of course a braindead poo shill wouldn't.

Literally a samefag.

>> No.10980075

Yes, very organic posts, rakesh. 2 rupees will be deposited shortly

>> No.10980091

He's based to a certain degree. His comment of twitter saying "who do you think *OWNS* the media?" made a bunch of kikes kvetch.

>> No.10980175

240 hours here

>> No.10980271


>> No.10980311
File: 33 KB, 310x394, dr sage and mr hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill never understand why you faggots are so obsessed with him
he is literal cancer, a brainwashed futurist who worships scifi novels.
his life is a joke just like him. everything he touches goes bankrupt/doesnt make profits.
whats more, and this is the real kicker, this faggot leeches off of govts to fund his projects.
yeah, hes essentially a nigger. he does come from africa.
and to top it all off, he isnt even humble. literally the worst kind of rich guy there is.
a prime example of what NOT to be, but biztards are too stupid to understand that.

>> No.10980557

>everything he touches goes bankrupt/doesnt make profits.
so you've never heard of PayPal or tsla?

>> No.10981236

when will you losers learn?

>> No.10981365

learn what, winner?