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File: 207 KB, 1888x702, eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10968433 No.10968433 [Reply] [Original]

this is on a downward trend to $10. until you get normies interested in crypto again, this will continue.

>> No.10969024

i'm going to make my first crypto purchase soon

>> No.10969025

its a clear posibility with btc at 3k

>> No.10969038

If you seriously believe ETH will crumble to less than $150 without killing 80% of the market with it you’re stupid

>> No.10969051

what market? cryptokitties?

>> No.10969064


Looks like every shitcoin chart that bottoms out just with 2 extra decimal places

>> No.10969071

>ETC won't crumble, it's only been crashing for the past 3 months straight with absolutely zero recovery

>> No.10969087

I don't see it going below $50 even if BTC hits $1.8k.
But at BTC =< $5k, ETh = double digit shitcoin is a real possibility.

>> No.10969095

if you seriously believe that 80% of the market is actually worth anything, youre stupid

>> No.10969099

This goy gets it. nothing is going to make it, not ETH, not king, all crypto coins are going to zero. Even armed with this knowledge you still can't get rich, shorts are merely liquified through volatility. It is over.

>> No.10969107

Why not, why is an ethereum worth $50?

>> No.10969127

Fuck off larp. Talk to me in a few months. Don’t you see this is all a setup? Vitalik is playing into you cucky little faggots. You don’t question all this FUD coming at the the exact moment all together at the same time?


>> No.10969160

you don't know shit

>> No.10969178

This is actually bullish for LINK. People will move their funds to LINK once they realize what we already know.

>> No.10969189

looks like the future stock chart of twitter

>> No.10969214

I’m an early investor and am not worried at all.
Connect the dots. Ruble to eth to USD. There’s a Russia connection to all this.

>> No.10969222

this must be bait no one can unironically be that stupid

>> No.10969237

It just doesn't make sense from a TA perspective imho.
Also, the psychological effect of double digits is huge, it's almost two orders of magnitude down at that point.
Even the most sceptical boomers would risk a few dollars at that "discount".

>> No.10969264

i could see it hitting high double digits but not going anywhere near $10

>> No.10969275

I guess time will tell

>> No.10969342


can we just stop with that Link bullshit allready... we're well past that point where it stopped being funny imho.

>> No.10969471

OP, what matters with Ethereum and most cryptos is what early adopters are doing. And geeks who got in early on Bitcoin and Ethereum are not selling.

You might wanna start with a brainlet google search "are early adopters bitcoin selling arxiv"
and read the first thirty papers to even begin understand the factors that drive cryptocurrency prices, usage and adoption.

>> No.10969897

The TA would make sense if it was $50, psychological effect can be rationalized either way, skeptical boomers will merely be saying i told you it was going to zero and kicking themselves for not taking the short position when they knew what was coming