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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 615 KB, 1440x785, 20180905_041811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10958062 No.10958062 [Reply] [Original]

How is this not the biggest story on biz right now? Actual real world adoption with one of the worlds largest automakers and you nerds can't stop spamming LINK threads. Train to 6 cents is leaving today retards.

>> No.10958704

50% of fudders are legit 30yr old neets with 10k in crypto doomed to be poor fags that fell for the link meme

The other 50% are accumulating and want you to stfu

>> No.10958710

Basically this.

>> No.10958740

Kek, delusional. Who's running those PoA nodes anyway? I don't think there's any "proof" if no one knows who the fuck they are. But who cares? Let's entrust our supply chains with 100 random chinks. What could go wrong?

>> No.10958859

literal scamcoin. this thing is more centralised than fucking ripple and eos combined.

>> No.10959102

>vechain is real
>vechain israel

>> No.10959109


definitely a scam

>> No.10959319

On one hand:
>chink team
>useless partnerships, muh carbon monoxide on blockchain on cars
On the other:
>linking blockchain to real world
>based Russian white man
>building in SV
>partnership with huge lawfirms to literaly unironically change how contracts work
>moar partnerships yet to be annouced
Listen goy, first there was porn (sexuality), then came shopping (Amazon, the need own shit), then social media (need to socialize), there aren't many things left goy, humans still don't trust things and love food, the startup that will disrupt trust is unironically chainlink, maybe someone will do something that makes u think you're eating but until this sees the light, buy link.

>> No.10959607

>Let's entrust our supply chains with 100 random chinks. What could go wrong?

>> No.10959660

>This is not a white paper...it just isn't

>> No.10959760

Are we still talking about papers and proposals while the world's largest electric car manufacturer is set to roll out VeChain apps in their vehicles?

>> No.10959972

The subtitles show VeChain multiple times, but I didn't hear him say it. This shit looks so fucking scammy. Only legitamacy that Vechain has is DNV GL and maybe Breyer. Idk how they hustled them lol.

>> No.10960901
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This is not a VeChain event. This is BYD's conference.

Check BYD's website:

Scroll down to the schedule, you can see Sunny's photo there for a talk at 11:30, the one he gave in the video I linked to. VeChain's logo is also at the bottom of the page.

>> No.10960943

Also the reason you didn't hear him say "VeChain" is because VeChain's Chinese name is 唯链 (Wéi liàn), which means Only Chain (one chain), which is what they go by in China.

>> No.10960978
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How fucking daft can you be? Neck yourself before you procreate.

>> No.10960992

DNV GL doesn't make VeChain look good.
VeChain makes DNV GL look bad.

>> No.10961007
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I almost admire vechain's ability to scam. They really did their homework. When one scam dissapates, another one takes it's place. They used all the classics too.

>timing the ICO on a bullrun when people are least suspicious
>implying they are chinacoin or "connected"
>implying they are Western by reaching out to small Western companies (DNV GL is a small company)
>having a "foundation" with a associate professor and your corporate buddies on it
>evolving from a supply chain to a platform to a worldwide financial system...in 2 months
>shill armies on reddit and telegram suppressing discussion
>being a Chinese coin with no Chinese customers
>partnering with a wash trading site to pump your volume
>creating tokenomics that force people to hold or buy preset amounts
>creating a news cycle by manufacturing your own (medium)
>cult of personality (Sunny Lu)
>contests, airdrops, and giveaways
>"stealing" ICOs when most are failures
>taking code and repurposing it as your own work
>absurdly long whitepapers and financial "reporting" riddled with jargon meant to confuse people that are impossible to verify
>changing the rules and parameters as you go
>hype marketing (CCK and CREAM)
>constantly implying thing are happening tomorrow, or next week
>call everyone who disagrees with you FoxyIT
>pump a bunch of money back into the tokens
>pump fake transactions to make it look like your chain is being used (then stop)
>imply you are going to save the children in all of China by tracking vaccines
>put an RFID chip on a sticker and call it tamper proof
>have Teeka shill it
>september 1st the phoenix rises from the ashes blah blah
>more undefined partnerships with chinks
>timing your medium articles with your "announcements" for maximum shilling

Anyone got guesses what's next?

No identities of the authority nodes and no transactions on the chain. Worthless shit.

>> No.10961010

Another Darwin award contender. I'm sure you know better than all these billion dollar corps.

>> No.10961027

Contain your butthurt scammer.

>> No.10961063
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>hehe another epic burn delivered

>> No.10961070

>being a vechain scammer
Imagine falling so low.

>> No.10961094
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>look mom, I posted it again.

>> No.10961106

You sure did scammer.

>> No.10961142
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Oh stop, you silly goose!

>> No.10961167

Beg me scammer.

>> No.10961184
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Nah. Bored already.

>> No.10961203

Try necking yourself scammer.

>> No.10961225
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Enjoying my chink scam coin returns too much for that.

When's the last time a fortune 500 company paraded your coin on stage? Oh wait.

>> No.10961391



>> No.10961409


>> No.10961443

Nope, we are talkin about the pure hype that brought this coin to the point its at now....based on a scam.

What do you call the coin that was released without a white paper?

>> No.10961463


No one cares retard

>> No.10961473

All the hype, partnerships, node incentives etc etc, and all they have to show is 3k transactions a day and a mobile wallet.

>> No.10961477

do you know the identities of any nodes on any coin you dumb fuck? Trillions of transactions by 2023. "In 3 years the public will be using Vechain whether they know it or not" Sunny Lu. You are seeing the very start of that now. September 1st was literally the start of main net. Its been less than a week.
>hur dur I buy wtc I like rocks

>> No.10961498


>> No.10961527
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>comparing a chinkscam to Apple/Amazon

>> No.10961556

apple doesnt need public whitepapers you fucking retard. its proprietary software/hardware. but i can 100% guarentee you that they have 100's or even thousands of whitepapers for every new feature/hardware proposal behind doors. same with amazon.

>> No.10961727

This is the most delusional thread i have ever seen on this God Forsaken board.

>The largest automaker on the planet implements Vechain

>Chink scam

You are are literally fucking retarded and deserve to die from suicide/overdose. If this was any other shill'd coin there would be non stop threads for fucking eternity. But muh S-singularity. You absolute retards deserve what comes to you holy fuck. HIT MY LINE WHEN CHAINSCAM IS BEING IMPLEMENTED IN ANY HOUSEHOLD NAME. All of you need to die.

>> No.10961745
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>> No.10961770

I'm up 2x on Vechain. Not everyone is a bagholder. Next.

>> No.10961849

FYI, I was the original poster
Fuck me your dumb! The average IQ of VEN hodler right here guys.
SELL VEN NOW if you were dumb enough to buy in the first place!
Can this coin make you money, of course it can, are there better choices in crypto DEFFO.

no, only ppl like you, that are 'investors' don't care. Would institutional money invest in something that doesn't even state the purpose for it existing? NO.

>> No.10961853

Breyer doesnt knkw anything about crypto and the tech. Same with DNV GL.

The reason why ill never own Vescam is because its a eth fork with a centralized consesus algo. Jf.youre gonna be using a centralized consesus algo, why not just do it on AWS or a private blockchain instead of working with a chinese pump n dump crypto that focuses heavily on hype marketing.

Their now presenting themselves as a ico platform and a dapp platform, who the fuck would run a dapp on a centralized blockchain? Its a waste of time.

>> No.10961887


Stay poor then faggot.

>> No.10961920

Dont be mad when your chink scam is eventually exposed.

>he thinks a centralized eth fork with no decnetalized scaling solutions will be the smart contract platform winnner

The absolute state of cultists.

>> No.10962723

VeChain is releasing an app that will be built in to the world’s largest electric car manufacturer’s vehicles. Meanwhile the top five dApps on Ethereum are:
1. IDEX (an exchange)
2. ForkDelta (an exchange)
3. Cryptokitties (a ponzi game)
4. Bancor (token creation platform)
5. DailyDivs (ponzi game)

I have a diversified portfolio. I prefer fully decentralized blockchains. I think it’s obvious to put some money in a platform that offers a less-than-ideal solution (PoA) that happens to be getting widespread adoption.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not fully decentralized. If transactions in this carbon bank ecosystem happen every single day, it will create demand for VET. I’d love it if a coin like Cardano was there yet, but it’s not, and won’t be for another couple of years. It’s a total no-brainer to bet on the platform that’s furthest ahead in adoption.

Besides, massive companies like Maersk are partnering with companies like IBM for blockchain solutions that use PoA. Clock’s ticking and clients are getting scooped up. There’s might not be anyone who gives a fuck about the platforms with the best tech that finally sorted out PoS by the time 2021 rolls around if they’re already using PoA platforms that work perfectly fine like IBM Hyperledger, Microsoft Azure, or maybe that small Chinese startup VeChain.

>> No.10962951
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>> No.10962978
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Nice just below 100k minds

>> No.10963654


>> No.10963791
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I feel the same way about VEN as I did when I first discovered Bitcoin at double digits, and then Ethereum pre ICO. Every time people talked shit, and I had to hold through some rough price movements during every crash. All kinds of FUD, general sentiment was negative...but hey, think yourself.

Some people hate Vechain because the valuation attracted so much mania. That's how these things tend to go...imagine buying Amazon during the dotcom bubble: the people chasing the hype got completely fucked, and were probably very bitter about it.

Can't blame the market for undervaluing something when people are so emotional. I'm just grateful for finding these opportunities. I just dump my holdings in and hold. Been working out great.

t. x node

>> No.10963852

nothing in crypto has ever been valued

>> No.10963855
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Wait VET doesn't even have a Mainnet yet? Or a whitepaper? Like the only 2 things you need to have minimum credibility in this space?

LMFAO even FUCKING TRON has a mainnet for MONTHS now

VeScam is actually makes TRX look good... I didn't think that was even possible...

>> No.10963876

Stay salty. Also consider using words with respect to their formal definitions, brainlet.

t. /r/iamverysmart

>> No.10963877

VET was an still is a no brainer
people who are not invested are literal financial retards

>> No.10963913

lol i hold a strength x node you fucking brainlet. everything in crypto is priced right now, im sorry you’re too dumb to understand that

>> No.10963950
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When Bitcoin and Ethereum were taking off, there wasn't much competition. Now there is. And there's dozens of coins that have better development than VeChain and don't immediately scream "MONEY GRAB/EXIT SCAM IMMINENT"

There were definitely some bitconnect people who made money by riding the hype and cashing out early, but a lot more people lost all their money. That's the risk of VeChain, it's not worth it when you're already in Crypto where just a little bit of research will get you much bigger/safer gains in the long run.

>> No.10964014

More illiquid stocks tend to return more over time. I would agree with safer gains though, if we're talking about in terms of volatility.

>> No.10964047

which crpytos are you talking about

>> No.10964167


I can't take you seriously when I read this and yet here I am posting. I'm dumber than I realize.

>> No.10964198
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All in the dAPP space and significantly more credible development.

Now if you want to be just a supply chain coin the competition is much looser with pretty much just WTC, which is almost as tactically scammy as VET.

Just don't pretend that you're going to seriously compete with the much more competitive dApp space where most of the players have had working mainnets/serious development going on for months/years already and are way ahead.

>> No.10964205

>And there's dozens of coins that have better development than VeChain and don't immediately scream "MONEY GRAB/EXIT SCAM IMMINENT"

name a dozen then.

>> No.10964216

Omit XMR and DASH... phoneposting sorry

>> No.10964251

ETP...EOS...fucking ARK lel

looks like you just went to coinmarketcap and picked any random shitcoin to make it seem like you have some semblence of sense. Bye bye now

>> No.10964259

pick one

>> No.10964334
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Sorry that you dumped all your money into the first coin that /biz/ shilled you and clearly don't know anything about other coins.

I don't even like EOS or ARK but they look way more solid than VET from the perspective of an impartial 3rd party. And ETP basically took the best devs from NEO, I don't hold any but I definitely trust real devs more than someone like Sunny Lu who clearly cares much more about what people THINK his project is doing than what his project is actually DOING.

And ARK has some pretty dope memes. All VET's memes are about how scammy Sunny is lel

>> No.10964424

Thats why people with no brains invest in VET.

>> No.10964453

pffrt ahahahahahahahahahaha
Eos looking more solid than anything lmao, there are few coins less credible than eos, amongst which verge and beetconnect

>> No.10964715

>Wait VET doesn't even have a Mainnet yet? Or a whitepaper? Like the only 2 things you need to have minimum credibility in this space?
>LMFAO even FUCKING TRON has a mainnet for MONTHS now

VeChain's white paper was released back in May.

VeChain's mainnet launched a few months ago on June 30th.

You were literally just told today by the world's largest electric car maker that they're using VeChain. I'm starting to wonder if this is a sort of reverse-FUD, because it only draws attention to the overwhelming positives of the coin by focusing on bullshit.

I don't have any bags, I'm 1500% up since buying in October. I think you personally should go to hell, but I feel bad for the poor bastards who are missing out on this because they've been deterred by the FUD.

This board is so hostile to people, I think it's the cruelest board on 4chan because of the serious, life changing amount of money that's at stake here and how eager posters are to shill things that will make other anons lose money and fud things that could make them money. I only post here because it helped me out a bit last year and I wanted to give something back to other NEETs who dream of making it but it's really not worth it.

>> No.10964718

Tell me how ARK (a coin that the devs don't even know what the fuck the purpose is) is more fundamentally sound than VET? Connecting all blockchains isn't going to be of any sort of use when 99% of altcoins are literally going to be dead in 2 years.

>> No.10964733
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Zero use cases for Ark and eos vs confirmed 3rd party use cases of VET. Check and mate.

>> No.10964959

For example, say Vechain is a website. And EOS is a website. Ark is the internet and the means of making websites.

>> No.10964992

No, Ark is like making your own Internet. Each fork is independent with standalone tokens. NO ARK REQUIRED WHATSOEVER

>> No.10965172
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>I don't have any bags, I'm 1500% up since buying in October. I think you personally should go to hell, but I feel bad for the poor bastards who are missing out on this because they've been deterred by the FUD.
LOL obvious shill

VeShills are usually the ones who flame anyone who says anything that isn't 100% congruent with their cultish echochamber.

>You were literally just told today by the world's largest electric car maker that they're using VeChain.
>world's largest electric car maker
Literal who?

IDGAF about EOS and ARK. But I'd rather have my money in them than VeChain. They've been around longer and seem to at least care somewhat about actually building something rather than the VeChain tactic of overmarketing and underdeveloping.

Also Proof of Authority is objectively a SHIT consensus system. In fact it shouldn't even really be considered a consensus system.

>99% of altcoins are literally going to be dead in 2 years.
And VET will likely be one of the first to go after they've suckered enough gullible westerners.

>> No.10965238

PoA is so shit that Maersk, IBM and Microsoft Azure also chose it as their consensus algo. Fuck off.

>> No.10965300
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>PoA is so shit that Maersk, IBM and Microsoft Azure also chose it as their consensus algo

What do you know? The big centralized corporations want to build on blockchain hype without the "scary decentralization" part that is actually necessary for it to be worth anything!

>Fuck off.
Lol you sound like you're really emotionally invested in a shit-well I guess it's kind of hard to call it a coin since it isn't actually even based on blockchain.

What's a distributed ledger that isn't actually distributed called? A slow database.

>> No.10965375

PoA is a practical compromise to get actual stuff done. 100% decentralisation is a meme.

>> No.10965461

You can distribute a ledger across 200 trusted but distinct entities. It doesn't have to be global. Is a fully global mass-decentralization solution better? Sure, if it scales right....but it doesn't yet. Distributing a database across a few hundred otherwise-unrelated nodes run by trusted companies (who might even be competitors of each other) can make it just as difficult to collude as more decentralized systems.

And why get philosophical about it anyway? The fact is, PoA is getting more adoption than anything else right now.


Do they give a single fuck that it's not Proof of Stake and it isn't fully decentralized? No. They care that "TradeLens can reduce the transit time of a shipment of packaging materials to a production line in the United States by 40 percent" with their PoA solution.

>> No.10965497

Yeah leaving Vechain useless. why would work with a startup that only became relevant due to the crypto bull run and hype marketing over corporations like Microsoft and IBM.

Vechain has no partnerships where the company who partnered exclusively said they were gonna build shit on Vechain even DNV didn't exactly promise to build things on VEN rather have it as a trial project like the deloitte blockchain.

Notice how the source of all the Vechain "partnerships" is a medium article by Vechain where they have been caught making up partnerships before.

>> No.10965503
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>100% decentralisation is a meme.
"Those who sacrifice liberty for security will lose both"

Anyway your argument is compromised because you obviously hold giant VET bags. You can depend on someone to not understand something when his finances rely on him not understanding it.

You have no real arguments so you're resorting to ad hominem. Blockchain is not easy to understand, don't feel too bad about it.

>> No.10965533

unironically linking reddit
fucking kys.

>100% decentralisation is a meme.
absolute brainlet. the only reason bitcoin existed and wasnt shutdown for so long is because anyone can validate blocks and secure the network.

>> No.10965542

>100% decentralisation is a meme.
Ethereum could scale if it could but Vitalik choose not to because it would just make it a slow centralized database.

Once plasma and casper comes out, VeShit is completely and utterly useless.

>> No.10965557

>vechink brainlets don't even understand the point of blockchains

biggest brainlets in crypto,

>> No.10965582
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We have Proof of Authority already in finance. It is called Central Banking, Too Big to Fail, and Crony Capitalism.

Proof of Authority will reveal itself as garbage in due time, and the projects that use it will get out of the way for real innovation.

>> No.10965640


Triggered btc fags can't deal with reality.

>> No.10965644

>literally no argument
the absolute state of chink shills.

>> No.10965667

retard cant deal with the fact that PoA is literally the system that crypto was created to get away from and that even in a PoA scenario, there is literally zero usecase for a "coin".

>> No.10965684
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Proof is in adoption. Nobody is using ethereum for its intended use case and btc already failed.

>> No.10965696
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Reality seems to be more on the side of BTC with a much higher valuation and longer history than your VaporChain bags.

And once again you're resorting to name-calling because you have no argument. This the quality of the typical VET bagholder and why your cultist threads always get trolled and derailed because you're such easy targets for anyone with a modicum of logic or technical knowledge.

>> No.10965698

this coin is so much fun. i have never seen a coin trigger people like this chink

>> No.10965740
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>> No.10965742

ethereum's intended use case is turing complete scripting language that can be integrated with transactions. It fulfils its usecase just fine. "dApps" are literally a meme just pushed by the media. Smart contracts main use case is for complicated multisig that cant be achieved with bitcoin's original OPcodes.

I just had a look through this thread and two of you bagholders have unironically linked r/iamverysmart. fucking kys. its obvious that youve just come here from reddit to shill your shitcoin bags. why you spam this board, i have no idea. everyone hates your shitcoin.

>> No.10965775
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Was here way before you and before reddit was even a thing. Rope yourself, this isn't your secret club.

>> No.10965817

didnt say it was a le sekret club. but your fucking braindead and so are 99% of other people that go there.

>> No.10965821
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I thought summer was over already

>> No.10965900
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Welcome to biz, where the posts are made up and the coins don't matter.

>> No.10965916


>> No.10965924


lol fucking 3000 transactions per day

Embarrassing. This doesn't even have half of ethereum's daily transactions in entire existence. Most of those coming from migrating pathetically small amounts of data from a private net.

>> No.10965931

How many transactions did ethereum have in the first 2 months?

>> No.10965972
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I don't think Vitalik was making the wild claims that VET Charlatan in Chief Sunny Lu and his battalion of bagholders were making lol

>> No.10965999

That's why I'm looking forward to the rest of the year. Enterprise's are in the process of moving to the public chain according to the chinks.

Let's find out.

>> No.10966034
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Indeed. It'll be funny to see what kind of mental gymnastics VeShills will be engaging in to justify its valuation by then.

>> No.10966080
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We might say the same about you fudders. I'm guessing you'll be calling the transactions fake.

>> No.10966107
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>comparing yourself to ETH

>> No.10966124

That's right, we really shouldn't.

Companies using ethereum: 0.

>> No.10966181

So why is there a blockchain and not an sql database humming at the 200 trusted parties?
And did teh car company issue a press release or something about putting the ven system in all of their cars or are they overhyping a test project?

>> No.10966196

It was announced at a BYD event.

Why is there a blockchain? Because it is a public network, not an intranet.

>> No.10966214

Yes sql databases work on public networks too. About half the 8nternet runs on them.
Blockchain sacrifice performance in exchange for trustlessness compared to them.

>> No.10966234

That's why it well suited to the BYD use case. I'm in IT, you don't need to explain sql.

>> No.10966249

I deal with sql on a daily basis. It's garbage.

>> No.10966290

I don't even know why I open Vechain threads anymore. I already have ~1.4MM, so I am just sitting on the sidelines watching.

>> No.10966307
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2M here. Chilling and waiting for the fireworks. Cheers!

>> No.10966393

But there is no trustlessness as you need to trust 200 handpicked parties who could all be the same actor.

I dont see it.

>> No.10966462


>17 posts by this ID
>bragging about partnerships with no proven usage