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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10965079 No.10965079 [Reply] [Original]


>In its latest Hot Vendor reports, Aragon Research Inc. identifies noteworthy, visionary, and innovative vendors in four markets: Blockchain, Customer Journey Mapping, Intelligent Contact Center, and Learning. Providers in each of these reports are helping to improve customer and employee journeys with their technology offerings.

The Hot Vendors in Blockchain report identifies four vendors helping enterprises leverage blockchain technology through strategic use cases, including Smart Contracts. Jim Lundy, CEO of Aragon Research, said, “While blockchain has the potential to revolutionize Smart Contracts over the next several years, enterprises can reap benefits from leveraging Customer Journey Mapping, Intelligent Contact Center, and Modern Learning today.”


The number of blockchain providers is growing rapidly and many enterprises are conducting blockchain pilots. Our four Hot Vendors exemplify how to put blockchain technology to use in innovative ways that have the potential to radically change the business landscape.

Chainalysis ChainLink Harbor Symbiont

>> No.10965094
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Chainlink listed in Hot Vendors in Blockchain 2018 report by a leading emerging tech research firm. SYMBIONT is also listed in report which had ties to LINK in the past.

>> No.10965109
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>> No.10965117

Wtf is this all these threads. Are we actually nearing the singualarity?

>> No.10965146
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Peak desperation.

>> No.10965153
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>> No.10965167
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>> No.10965171

$495 for the report. Some of the higher ranking linkies should pool together to buy the report and post it on here, perhaps?

>> No.10965204

im down to contribute if some of you marines are willing to chip in too. if we can chip in for an ICO, biz can definitely access a report

>> No.10965298

Haven't we seen this connection with this Jim Lundy guy about 6 monyhs ago?

>> No.10965784
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>> No.10965862

>12 pages
>$41 per page
There better be some damn useful information in this report

>> No.10965985

Im down to throw in $10 dollars.

>> No.10966017

following this thread with $10 ready

>> No.10966138

I got $10 in eth on it as well.

>> No.10966147
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>> No.10966479

Fuck it, I have an extra 200 to waste, if you fags can pony up the rest, I'll buy it for us

>> No.10966487
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>> No.10966493

there's not going to be anything worthwhile in there but i'm still desperate to know what they say

>> No.10966495

Why are you posting this shit again?
How desperate are you

>> No.10966503
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Looks like we're gonna win

>> No.10966582

Okay post donations here


I will buy it

>> No.10966776
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Should we do it anons

>> No.10966809

tis for the greater good

>> No.10966841

Yes but it should be done by some one who has a tripcode

>> No.10966860

Has someone bought it yet?

>> No.10966879

Once someone takes charge, gets a trip and earns our confidence I’ll throw in 10$.

>> No.10966893

I’ll buy it if nobody has yet but no need to buy it twice

>> No.10966926
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Pls baby

>> No.10966966

495$ is more than 80% of biz portfolio's.

>> No.10966973

go ahead then make a new thread and post it.

>> No.10967023

Alright. Let me do some research real quick make sure there’s going to be some substance in this thing. Investing is all about decisions. If this helps me make a quicker decision down the road it could make or save me > $500

>> No.10967104

How new is this?

>> No.10967156

Released today anon https://aragonresearch.com/press/

>> No.10967164


>> No.10967355
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>> No.10967405
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About to dig in this is looking good.

>> No.10967417
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>> No.10967444

10 bucks coming your away, make thread, trip, post address etc

>> No.10967453

Bless you anon

>> No.10967503

nice bro, post the rest

>> No.10967512

legend anon. i've been trying to follow breadcrumbs after aragon first started publicly exploring link. i'm sure this is old news to anyone closely following the project but smartcontract.com was selected by gartner as a "Blockchain Applications Cool Vendor" last year; aragon's jim lundy was previously gartner's lead analyst for enterprise content management solutions.


>> No.10967540
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Post moar

>> No.10967562

mean while, ETH about to go under $200

>> No.10967651

what's taking so long? it's 12 pages and probably only three of those at most are about chainlink

>> No.10967753

Im trying to figure out if I’ll be sued.

>> No.10967776
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Anything we don't know in it? If yes, worth you getting sued.

>> No.10967818

Ok. anything biz hasn't touched on. anything worth $495?

>> No.10967823

if you're worried that the report is watermarked or has identifier words in it, just paraphrase the good bits for us.

>> No.10967838

Why would you be sued? Take your tinfoil hat off ffs so many paranoid androids around here

>> No.10967852

or take screenshots of each relevant page like you did above. However, they could correlate the time you bought the report and when it was first leaked.

>> No.10967962

There’s nothing we don’t already know. What’s more revealing is the fact this isn’t for us. It’s for large enterprises that plan on developing smart contracts clearly. Basically they give an overview of what chainlink is and why it’s vital for Smart Contracts to function (which we know). Smart Contracts becoming more of a reality in the near future.

>> No.10967995

Host it somewhere with a password only for /biz/ or use torrents.

Convert the pdf to something else so any information that could be hidden in the pdf will be lost.

>> No.10968014

Who are aragon research's target audience?

>> No.10968095

The report is literally nothing. The fact it was included is what’s important.

>> No.10968131

$495 well spent

>> No.10968147

Could you post a screenshot where LINK is mentionned?

>> No.10968193

Any memes in it? Tell us about Sergey, the fat man, why does he wear the shirt?

>> No.10968196

All good. Nothing will stop me from obtaining any and all info on link. Strong convictions loosely held

>> No.10968216

Thanks bro. Post addy if need compensation

>> No.10968470

Damn. You stinky linkies are gone. I can't believe someone paid $495 for a research report on a scam token

>> No.10968488

How would they know its you? Post us some more screen caps.

>> No.10968506

He probably had to provide personal info to buy the report. Someone could archive this thread and link it to the them, not many people buy those reports, so the timelines would be easy to put together.

>> No.10968530

that's all folks. we made it. but aren't we making the banks more powerful by helping them save money? i thought /biz/ was anti-banks

>> No.10968545

Most people here have pretty much no morals. If something is guaranteed to make me rich, I'll support it.

>> No.10968546

Literally nothing.

>> No.10968589


>> No.10968651

so has anyone decided to chip or what