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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 259 KB, 2258x1239, millen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10962584 No.10962584 [Reply] [Original]

Lol, Nike is stronger and better than ever. /biz/ was swearing up and down this was going to be a disaster. I guess the conservative snowflakes got BTFOd. Another win for progress.

>> No.10962608

>buying traitor stock



>> No.10962606

I don't care about the politics of this, I just find it absurd that in the current year, a company gets the red light to come out in support of one side of a politically charged, controversial topic. This is unacceptable and if I were a Nike investor before this I would have lost a lot of faith in their ability to remain viable in the long term.

>> No.10962614

wew chile, them crackers dun goofed

>> No.10962618

once again /pol/fags are wrong in their analysis who would have guessed

>> No.10962619

>a company gets the red light
green light*
Some dumb cunt(s) approved this nonsense

>> No.10962630

WAAAHHHH WAHHHH. They're not doing what I want them to do!!!

>> No.10962650

you responded to a neutral comment and a meme comment, how mad r u rite nao ronaldinho

>> No.10962659 [DELETED] 

>buying boomer stock because of a shitty ad
>implying these zoomer fags working part time even have any money
>(((mainstream media))) damage control
Kek what a fucking circus

>> No.10962670

Millennials don't have money to buy stocks.

>> No.10962673



>> No.10962675

They found this out in one day?

>> No.10962695

>check stock
>it's down
The loss in sales hasn't even kicked in yet.

>> No.10962854

>The gain in sales hasn't even kicked in yet.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.10962887
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Yea whatever.
8 years.

>> No.10962942

All /ppl stuff aside; great move on Nike. UA was starting to tear them apart and now they are back in the news.

>> No.10962971

Fucking amen.

This is a special time in aour history where we either choose the path of darkness or the light.

>> No.10963096

Pretty hard to steal another election when he is going to be impeached.

>> No.10963116

this smells like stinky bagholder propaganda

>> No.10963120
File: 64 KB, 710x956, Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain me what is all this fuzz about Nike?

>> No.10963136

lol millennial aren't investing in stock outside of maybe a 401k

>> No.10963149

I don't wear shoes made by little faggots in another country. I don't support companies with multimillion dollar propaganda campaigns or millionaires who use their position to divide the country on national TV. Fuck Kapernick and Fuck Nike.

>> No.10963204
File: 53 KB, 718x539, EFAD8852-BA88-430F-ACD7-B2754EA3F742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking company do you buy shoes from?!? They’re all made by little faggots from other countries. You like in 1930s Italy down the street from a fucking show cobbler?

>> No.10963256

Illuminati want to introduce teens to gambling on the stock market so they manufacture stories to drive interest.
Why do you think the largest corps by "market cap" are manufacturers of everyday entertainment items, instead of oil refineries?

>> No.10963267

Adidas, Puma, New Boomer, actual boot’s, Clark’s

>> No.10963276
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>wearing nigger clothing
Nike is on the dow, of course it goes up

>> No.10963302
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They’re all made in China and Thailand. Mostly likely in the safe factories they’ve made Nikes.

>> No.10963360

Nobody has money nowadays. Take out another loan and invest in nike stocks. That's the current boomer and zoomer strategy.

>> No.10963447

New Ballance
The only company that makes em like they use to

>> No.10963462

I wear new balance made in the USA

>> No.10963469

It’s bad business to take sides on a political issue because that inherently alienates the people on the other side of the issue. It’s not about fee fees it’s about business. Regardless of the merits of their position, they now have a group of people that won’t but their products because of this ad. That’s bad business.
However, NIKE is ultra Jew and probably knows their demographics better than us. I’d bet this is all carefully calculated and NIKE will have a net gain on total customers based on this ad. Further, NIKE is getting a fuckton of free publicity from this, and any publicity is good. publicity

Pretty hilarious that NIKE is trying to be a social justice warrior, even though they are one of the biggest users of child labor and other bullshit that’s fucking underdeveloped countries lol.

>> No.10963524

Yes, black people are going to buy more sport shoes than they are already buying to make a moralistic political point.

Silly rabbit, they only do that when other people are footing the bill.

>> No.10963532

>fucking underdeveloped countries
Every sweatshop is a gift commie.

>> No.10963575

The end result of too much controversy is numbness. If wearing Nike provokes arguments, then eventually the wearers will mysteriously stop noticing their nike shoes when getting dressed, without ever changing their opinions or making a conscious decision. Water flows downhill, and it turns out people don't like acrimonious footwear.

>> No.10963582

only nigs buy muh Jordans. This is unironically a good thing for Nike and their shareholders.
Next move should be Nike Air Chicken.

>> No.10963585

get used to corporations being against you, whiteys
nogs will be the majority soon

>> No.10963712


>Doesn't know that blacks are a decreasing percentage of total population
>Still thinks he's going to make it

Beaners shop at Walmart and arnt Nike fags like blacks, if you want some real demographic insight. Stop watching so much BLACKED propaganda.

>> No.10963713

>I don't care about the politics of this, I just find it absurd that in the current year, a company gets the red light to come out in support of one side of a politically charged, controversial topic.
...if you actually invested in sports stock you'd know why this is a dumb statement. Protip: look up general sentiment and commonly held opinion right before Jordan brand shoes released.

>> No.10963792

can't tell if you're trolling or really dumb

i think this was a bad move by nike longterm. no idea why they did it. you are a literal retard if you think they did it for moralistic reasons, they did it for some sort of business reason. maybe they think that's the way the wind is blowing and they want to be ahead of the curve, but i think they are behind the curve. this sjw stuff is at the end of its cycle. the people making the trend decisions at corporations tend to be pretty cloistered off so...

>> No.10963808


Check back in a year stupid fuck. Load your bags with Nike stock too

>> No.10963812

this, if you want to be ahead of the curve, start thinking about how to market to beaners

>> No.10963861

>this sjw stuff is at the end of its cycle.
Their desperation is wonderful.

>> No.10963890

Kek. The Irony of people crying about this and calling sjws whiny.

>> No.10963905

Are racist customers even worth keeping?

>> No.10963912

What's controversial about shoes?

>> No.10963923

The world is ending in 18 - 80 years so who gives a fuck, might as well get money as fast as you can. There is no 'long-term' to think about

source: Book of Enoch

>> No.10963938

holy fuck you are a brainlet.

customers have money. you want that money regardless of what feelings they have about really anything. everyone you run into has some darkness in their heart.

you sound like the kind of retard that will never make it. enjoy being poor fagit

>> No.10963946

nah, big corps make huge fuckups all the time, most corps don't last 50 years

retarded move by Nike

>> No.10963982

I am pretty sure Nike knows that they will make more money once the get the fascist racists out of power. Sometimes you need to send the message that their kind is no longer acceptable.

>> No.10963995



"Oh they took a political stance so I'm not going to support nike"

"I only buy New Boomers anyway"

"Their stock is going to drop you just wait and see"

"I like it when daddy Drumf sticks his small cock up my ass"


>> No.10963998

Is “racists” money any less valuable than anyone else’s? NIKE is a for-profit business, keep the virtue signaling to non-profits/volunteer organizations.

Also fucking lol at the balls of NIKE moral grandstanding after all the shady shit they do.

>> No.10964000


i've worked with big corporations for 8 years. you would be amazed at how out of touch their trend forecasting they can be sometimes.

nike happens to be in beverton oregon (near portland) so they have a bunch of bugmen diehard sjw types feeding them what is "cool" and edgy.

i did a small job there, i got a taste of the corporate culture

>> No.10964019

you are dumb, sorry you had to find out this way.

i worked for nike briefly so...

>> No.10964027
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religiously worshiping your kike puppet overlords to the point where politics influence your investment decisions
Not gonna make it anon. But you already knew that.

>> No.10964064

Racist money isn't important if it scares away the diverse demographic they sell to.

>> No.10964071

>In the next 18-80 years
From what year?

>> No.10964091
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Redwings make the majority of their products in the USA. Best boots I've ever worn.

>> No.10964111

i think this is the kind of calculation they were doing. i thnk it was a bad move long term, most people like their sports to be an escape from politics and general stress. thats why this whole thing is going to be disasterous for nike and the nfl.

look at what injecting politics into vidya has done. the battlefield franchise is suffering for this reason. people want their escapes to be escapes. they don't want divisive bullshit following them into their funtime activities

any buisness that engages with this sjw bullshit does it at their own peril imo

>> No.10964147

buy the dip retards

>> No.10964148

From this year or thereabouts. It's not specifically known how long the Watchers have been fucking shit up since they were released from imprisonment, but we don't have much time left, the prophecies will become evident exponentially as we head into the near future.

>> No.10964195

18-70 years is still a lifetime anon

>> No.10964293

Extremely turbulent times are ahead, global collapse, a lot of data points show this in progress, i.e stock market, Deutsche bank on the verge of defaulting (notice how it's been memory-holed and censored from media?), but humans have this innate naivete... even gold will be useless I'm sorry to say, better to learn combat skills and buy land outside the city. Trump simply delays the inevitable, evil is overwhelming and that's why the timeframe of end-time is quite vast due to unknown variables. It's inevitable to see see chinese regenerating dna supersoldiers waging war with transnigger robocuck americans by 2100, it's not science-fiction. Perhaps we'll be dead by then, but our children will alive to experience that horror. Best I can do is prepare them for it.

>> No.10964320
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>global collapse
>even gold will be useless

>> No.10964375


>> No.10964379

yeah I know shit is going to hit the fan. But I'm just a Europoor who can't do much to prepare for it.

>> No.10964385

Some crypto will become the new gold though (store of value), Its not possible to know if its bitcoin.

However a global cartel will be manipulating the price, so you had better get in early and stay low. Crypto assassinations will become commonplace in 15 years or so when sophisticated blockchain tracing becomes common for intelligence agencies, powered by quantum supercomputers.

>> No.10964404

hah hah hah
liberal-plutocrat alliance
it's a clown world
good to know if I'm aiming at capitalists and liberals they're the same target now

>> No.10964430

Believe in Christ and do what you can. We all going to die anyway so, whatever. The truth is the truth, only a blue-pilled retard believe in the utopian fantasy of our future.

God is merciful to purge this shithole planet when it gets really fucking degenerate.

>> No.10964478

>Believe in Christ
>only a blue-pilled retard believe in the utopian fantasy of our future.

>> No.10964488

It is impossible to avoid politics in the era of Trump. People know what is happening to their country and have to fight back. Ignoring the racism and just pretending it isn't an issue is not an acceptable position anymore. Entertainment, whatever it is, should be used to educate.

Also Battlefield is going to be just fine, so what if a tiny vocal minority of whiny gamers are upset. The need to grow up one of these days.

>> No.10964502

Don't be a hypocritical nigger pretending your side is righteous and guilt-free.

>> No.10964538

>Entertainment should be used to educate
Ah yes the brainwashing must permeate the society in all aspects so as to lessen their resistance

>> No.10964556

it's only impossible to avoid because joyless sjw's insist that politics be shoved into every enjoyable thing that they can shove it into. this ultimately makes that thing less enjoyable, thus making a market opportunity for competition that keeps politics out of their product (making it more enjoyable than the competition).

this isn't rocket science anon

>> No.10964581

exactly this

people hate sanctimonious preaching / brainwashing mixing with the stuff that is meant to bring them joy

>> No.10964605

Nothing is being "shoved" into anything. Why is it that only racists seem to have a problem with diversity?

>> No.10964644

Millennials don't have spare cash to invest in stocks. It all goes to rent student loans and avocado toast

>> No.10964734
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I hope Jamal shoves his diversity straight up your rectum.

>> No.10964789

You didn’t like black soldiers carrying rainbow flags in your WW1 game? Racist

>> No.10964790

lets use battlefield as an immediate example. it is well know / documented that there were very few female soldiers in combat. there were also very few blacks in combat (north of africa anyway) so why is there a woman (cyborg???) leading a squad with a black man in it? in ww2? feels a little forced and maybe just a little unrealistic? sorta feels like a bunch of politicing that was "shoved" into an otherwise realistic franchise.

people don't like that, it breaks the suspension of disbelief. it's amazing that people don't automatically get this. it's like your politics are distorting your ability to perceive and predict reality. weird right?

>> No.10964814
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>be nigger brand
>pander to niggers
>stocks go up
there were people who thought this wouldn't happen?

>> No.10964886

you beat me to the punch. much more concise too

>> No.10964887


>> No.10964957

>haha racists BTFO
>*goes and buys Nike*
>*posts on social media, fuck nazis, check out my new shoes haha*
fucking brainwashed nazi zombies mad about based conglomerate Nike. i identify with this brand now and give them all my money since its for a good cause.

>> No.10964958

>/biz/ was swearing up and down this was going to be a disaster
you're confusing this board with /pol/
there was literally no threads saying that here
heck, /biz/ is 90% jews. the thread where some anon posted the vampire jews theory was nuked from orbit within a few minutes, even though most of the topic was unrelated

>> No.10965013
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>feels a little forced and maybe just a little unrealistic? sorta feels like a bunch of politicing that was "shoved" into an otherwise realistic franchise.
>people don't like that, it breaks the suspension of disbelief.
I know, right? Let's go back to how things were in Battlefield 1942, which perfectly reflected the brutal reality of World War II's Capture the Flag and Team Deathmatch battles (may we never forget). Historical accuracy and Battlefield games have always been synonymous until the SJWs got to it.

>> No.10965091

>2018 still think "racism" and "racists" are real

Why is it so hard to believe that disabled trannies and forced racial "exchanging" propaganda kill a person's interest in playing a game? Sorry but I don't buy that WWII was fought by nigger vs. Nazi combat.

>> No.10965178

First off there were plenty of women who fought in WW2 and tons of people of color. Stop white washing history. Second its a game where you literally fix tanks with blow torches, throw med packs at people, and respawn. Dont give me this realism BS all the bigots cling to.

>> No.10965200

Were you even here yesterday? Everyone was omg what a mistake, NIKE ded. Along with everyone else on far right social media.

>> No.10965224

lol @ this fucking idiotic white boomer mentality. Sit idly by and praise your flag while stroking your "freedom" as your race is systematically removed.

>> No.10965290

>this one thing is unrealistic
>therefore no one has a right to complain when other things are made unrealistic.

How does it feel to be this dumb?

>> No.10965314

where in the Book of Enoch does it give exact dates? I read it years ago, and don't recall any dates being mentioned. Also, its not part of the canon (although is quoted my Jesus in the New Testament).

>> No.10965332

>once more
>this thing is unrealistic
>you have no right complain about what is unrealistic

Nigger you know those are numbers were basically infinetesimal.

>> No.10965531

Based on imprisonment of the Watchers (70 generations).

How much a generation constitutes is up for debate, middle-of-the-road estimate shows this coincides with end of 19th / early 20th century. In my opinion there is enough evidence of their increasing influence.

>> No.10965545


>I dont think companies should spend resources to further their goals, unless it aligns with my personal interests.


>> No.10965606
File: 1.87 MB, 422x409, Fight Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Jew.

>> No.10965609


Theres a reason they made this campaign, and there's a reason you're posting on a malaysian underwater basket weaving forum. However, there is no reason to explain why your mom didn't use a condom.

>> No.10965831
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oh no, nike lost a customer

>> No.10966023

i'm really starting to think sjw's are literally retarded. like some part of their brain didn't grow up.

>> No.10966037

And they feel the same way about you.
This is why I gave up on politics.

>> No.10966097

The problem with this argument is that people think Kaepernick has the right to do whatever he wants in a privatized business like the NFL. It of course isn't true and if they feel it hurts business they have every right to push him out of the league or fine people kneeling. And it was, NFL did poorly over it.

>> No.10966120

I wish crackers would just go back to Iceland where they belong. Ever since the sun started burning their skins they've been acting up out here lol. Wew chile the trailer trash

>> No.10966154

You do realize there's a players union right? Please refrain from spewing stupid shit just because you're from the south and you're an inbred

>> No.10966162


Really this. Nike is gonna lose 5% value over the next 60 days.

>a handful of nigs and basedboys buy more Nike
>a shitload of whites drop Nike entirely

Gosh I wonder which was more important financially.

Nike fucked up bigly

>> No.10966218
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I just came here for the incel butthurt & I was not let down.

Suck on it you brainwashed mo-mos...

>> No.10966222

well, i used to be pretty left leaning. i went to a very liberal college everything shifted after college and here's the pattern that i've knoticed;
>all my very lefty / sjw friends from college are losers. they became alcoholics, gained lots of weight, cant seem to get ahead (i think it's because they have a victim mindset and wont take ownership of their actions blah blah blah...)
>the more conservative logical friends (there are only 2) have really succeeded.

i believe the proof is in the pudding. these leftists have bad / immature / illogical thinking and they will be doomed to failure for it. few of them will ever /makeit/ the best they can hope for is to become a wagie

>> No.10966244

Nike probably knows its customers well enough to make an informed marketing decision.

>> No.10966292

>leftists have bad / immature / illogical thinking and they will be doomed to failure for it.
I don't even disagree with this and am a die hard capitalist but the vast majority of both successful and unsuccessful people have no real political leanings one way or the other or only care about stupid social issues.

>> No.10966299

Story time fellas! Let me fabricate something to prove my point. I'm also a conservatives so anything that opposes my opinion is fake news.

Btw, tomorrow we boycott taco bell because their hot sauce is too spicy

>> No.10966357

yea i suppose so. but i will say out of the group of people that i know, the ones that are most obsessed with sjw issues are also the people with the most chaos in their lives. i don't know why, but i think its a mindset thing. sjw's have loser mindsets imo

>> No.10966377

idgaf about nike's success or failure. i just think it was a bad buisness decision. sjw's destroy everything they touch business wise

>> No.10966400

should have bought when it was low
im such a fucking retard
i was inches close to doing it too
fuck me

>> No.10966422

get woke go broke, fuck Nike. how about producing your fucking shoes in america instead of vietnam and china if you're all about defending underprivileged americans. complete bullshit

>> No.10966442

Nice argument you retard, not even from the south. You seem mad, NFL televises what they do there is no reason for them to keep up bad appearances.

>> No.10966480

The west is doomed. Can you imagine a japanese or chinese company doing something like this? They wouldn't last a day. USA is divided beyond repair. It's sad because it will make the world a shittier place for quite a while.

>> No.10966502

Company reproduces the same sneakers from 20 years ago for $10 each and sell them for $200. Most likely the only brand people are robbed and killed for as well.
I guess they're doing something right with their marketing.

>> No.10966519

>sjw's destroy everything they touch
>selling to a larger diverse market is "destroying"
This is why I can't wait for you middle americans to die. We have to drag you to the future kicking and screaming and frankly, the educated people are getting tired it.

>> No.10966524
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is this what this thread is all about? had to look it up
stuff like this makes me glad to not live in usa

>> No.10966560

How are you dragging them to the future? By wanting them to buy Nikes?

>> No.10966585

>stock dumps 3.5%
lol this is why spoiled millenials should stop being faggots in public and just say the pledge of allegiance ffs
>stock comes up 0.3%

>> No.10966586
File: 94 KB, 638x960, 18 year old men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting in someones face over your mental illness to such a degree that you get punched for it and then you immediately line up yourself for a teary eyed selfie and escape to social media for pity likes and comfort

>> No.10966601

guess what you fucking retard, i literally worked for nike corporate, AND all the big tech companies. the problem with you sjw's is that you think that you are smarter than you are. you're mistaking your ideology for thinking.

>This is why I can't wait for you middle americans to die
i'm not even a middle american, i'm a coastal city dweller, but when i read stuff like this.... i think that leftists brains are broken when i'm being charitable, but sometimes i think evil is real and it's left leaning

i have a BA from RISD... so your comment about "educated" just sounds "iamverysmart"

>> No.10966606

>how about producing your fucking shoes in america instead of vietnam and china

Regular people won't buy shoes at the prices they would cost then and you wouldn't either

>> No.10966617

>We have to drag you to the future
why do you people have to larp as super heroes every chance you can. you are literally just supporting the dude that got benched and then proceeded to pretend he was protesting some pop topic and watched it get way out of control.
you are a toolbag that is dragging progress to a halt while pretending you are "going to le future"

>> No.10966628

>t. typical short-sighted sjw
give it more than 2 days

>> No.10966629
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>literally worked for nike corporate, AND all the big tech companies

Damn son we got a real success story here on /biz/. Worked for Nike AND all the big unnamed tech companies

>> No.10966654

When did you work for Nike last? I work at their helpdesk so i talk to corporate dudes all the time

>> No.10966663

They're bitter selfish human beings that don't want their privilege stripped from them. As minorities gain more power they feel threatened that they can't be openly racist anymore or that their mom, sisters, and gfs start lusting over Jamal, Jose, and Lee. I'm just enjoying it because it's a wonderful time for us to be alive while Tyler cries himself to sleep every night

>> No.10966676

yea, if you got any /biz/ related questions, now's your chance faggots.

allthough, im sure there's better success stories here on /biz/. actually i know it for a fact, i have a multi-millionaire buddy who comes here all the time

>> No.10966694

last october. i mostly did work for microsoft, and there was a crossover project for nike+ that i was working on.

>> No.10966699

You think Nike would pull the trigger on an advertising campaign without doing massive research and testing, get real

>> No.10966708

are you in beverton?

>> No.10966715

>trips of truth


>> No.10966729

Oh alright, yeah been on the new desk since last april. And no I'm not deskside were in a different state.

>> No.10966730

>sjw's have loser mindsets imo
it's called victim mentality and they learned it from their programmers

>> No.10966754

Zoomers spend their money on VBucks.

t. zoomer

>> No.10966758

i believe that. going against natural law / logos is a bad way to go.

>> No.10966765

Who do you think had to drag them to civilization forcing them to accept abortions, gay marriage, equal rights, lynching minorities, allowing non-christians to be acceptable. They are backwards on everything. Honestly the sooner antifa puts a bullet in the racists fascy heads the better off we all will be.

>> No.10966797

spoken like a good leftist. always one more execution away from utopia.

>> No.10966827

ah i was on-site at the beaverton campus. very nice desu. lots of nice nature trails and free classes. wouldnt be such a bad place to work full time, but there are bunch of bugmen sjw types that work there. i felt like they had no soul

>> No.10966891

Why is it only crazy brainwashed nut jobs like you have a problem with people being opposed to your ideology in their products? You can't tell people how to spend their money. The consumer has spoken, he doesn't like Battlefield V's BS. Period. You have no say in the matter. Don't tell people to grow up, you sanctimonious fuck.

>> No.10966922

>They're bitter selfish human beings
>I'm just enjoying it because it's a wonderful time for us to be alive while Tyler cries himself to sleep every night

niggers can't help themselves

>> No.10966963

buy your women help themselves to us ;)

I know that hurts your feelings thinking about a big, black dick wrecking your mom's guts while ur dad pours cement for 10 hr a day. When your sisters go off to college guess who they always experiment with...yup, Tyronnes lol

>> No.10966980

larping chink you're in every thread, fucking retard

>> No.10967013

Tipping your hand a bit eh? Sounds more like you are just upset women get to participate in your heman games.

>> No.10967082


Which one is it you confused crackerjack?

>> No.10967121

I think they, and not only them, miscalculated where the opinion is going.
It looks like the SJW and Black movements are the wrong strategy now and we may see some companies catching up to that idea soon and market to the "nazi" market.
I used parentheses on Nazi on purpose because the use of this term by the left cheapened it so much that now it starts to be widely accepted.
I shit you not people just start openly say that they are nazi. Not that they really are, but it's more lik
>>if being for a 2 parent family and traditional roles of males and females is a Nazi opinion then I'm a Nazi and I don't care.
It's getting really weird.
And Nike just shot themselves in the foot, because they don't see it.
It was an idiotic move.

>> No.10967133

Racism is a crime. Why would a company want to be associated with criminals?

>> No.10967276


>> No.10967363

>natural inclinations/thoughts are crimes
spoken like a true juuuu