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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10961251 No.10961251 [Reply] [Original]

Stablecoin Edition


Stellar Network Information

Current Price: $0.22 (3100 Satoshi)
ATH: $0.93 on January 4th, 2018
Current CMC Ranking: #6

What’s happening?

> IBM WORLD WIRE - https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/solutions/world-wire
>Stellar just surpassed 1 million accounts
>COINBASE LISTING - Currently Pending
>STRONGHOLD USD - IBM building Stellar dependent “stablecoin” pegged to USD (beta)
>http://www.Fairx.io (Pending trading site)
>http://www.StellarX.com (Beta Released!)
>http://www.Stellarterm.com (Stellar Decentralized Exchange)
>http://www.Stellarport.io (Stellar Decentralized Exchange)

Benefits of Stellar:

>ICOs and smart-contracts. Not turing-complete like ETH, but far easier to use
>faster than all other networks (lightning set for 12/1/18)
>decentralized (in governance, coin distribution and validation)
>anyone can run a node
>war chest for developers and worldwide distribution
>transaction cost = effectively $0.00001
>strongly backed by IBM, Tempo
>Stellar just purchased Blockchain startup Chain for $500 million USD
>Stellar Consensus Protocol: 1000s tx/s (global scale) tested. 10ks possible
>1% annual inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))
>compatible with ledger (https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/))
>LOBSTR mobile wallet for IOS and Android (https://lobstr.co/#start-section))

Popular ICOs on Stellar:
>Mobius (MOBI)
>Smartlands (SLT)
>Sureremit (RMT)

What’s the bottom line?
>Stellar is a fast, cheap and simple cryptocurrency that can function well for both fintech and everyday people. Stellar is ready to go right now.

>Lumenaut Letter #30 - https://mailchi.mp/e42e60cdfddc/ibm-world-wire
>Stellar vs Ethereum ICO - https://blog.stellarx.com/the-great-filter-why-you-shouldnt-ico-on-ethereum/

>> No.10961320
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falling for the scam edition

>> No.10961336

Ever thought about why you use a modified Link logo to shill your coin?
Is it so shitty that it can't get attention without the reference to Link?
Don't you think your subconscious is trying to tell you something?

>> No.10961364

Why would you steal the link logo? Fuckin posers

>> No.10961410


Cripple cope edition


That's with almost 0 news.

>> No.10961417
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Link bagholders

>> No.10961438


Yeah, but why use the Link logo? Don't deflect, but think.

>> No.10961468


I bought off of fairx hype

>End of Jan
>Mid Feb
>Hopefully March
>Shooting for April/may
>Hopefully first half of the year

What a way to kill a projects credibility. Fuck this shit fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Then I'm excited or StellarX. Get a beta key at work, race home to try it out. Aaaand it's shit. No leger support, absolutely no volume, anchors with vastly different prices for the same asset, with expensive anchors getting more volume? You can only use it for BTC eth and tether so wtf is the point.

But don't worry guys, it's forming a perfect pennant. We were at 5k earlier, and are at the bottom of the pennant, it's be foolish to sell now! What's that? It fell through support? I'll just redraw the line so it's current low is now the support. What's that? It fell though again?

We get good news from IBM that they are using it for payment settling and the price just drops. ICOs on the platform are all shit and barely ever are announced. What is left? The lightning network that doesn't even fucking work and no one is using... Wooow. A coinbase announcement where it's one among 20 others? Not only that, but it's not nearly as likely to be added as other utility tokens like BAT.

Why am I all in on this again? I'm so mad about fairx I forget what I even liked about this shit.

>> No.10961499


Because it's funny to mock linkies?

I bought LINK over a year ago. The price was the same as today. That's embarrassing.

>> No.10961528


More CRIPPLE pasta. Weak. Lol you need to update your shit fag

>> No.10961586

>Because it's funny to mock linkies?
Are you sure? Then why is this a question?
>More CRIPPLE pasta. Weak. Lol you need to update your shit fag
And why are you so angry? It sounds like you made some bad decisions in your life and can't cope with them. You should face them instead of making a fool of yourself on an anonymous image board.

>> No.10961710
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>sounds like you made some bad decisions

Buying 50000 XLM at $.02 and
not holding LINK for a year.

Yeah I really fucked up.

>> No.10961744
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>stop making fun of me REEEEE

>> No.10961838

>Buying 50000 XLM at $.02 and
not holding LINK for a year.
Good for you.

>stop making fun of me REEEEE
Why do you assume that? I'm not making fun of you, just curious about your motivation to use a modified CL-Logo to promote Stellar. Do you really think this is to mock Link holders? Do you think they are bothered by this? Why would they?

>> No.10961983


>trying to appear rationale
>thinks I put any thought into the logo

I don't think about you at all

>> No.10962126

Hey just checking back to why are you guys usig the link logo? Is it because link is better and you guys want to copy its appearence? Because thats what usually happens when somethings better and the lower entity wants to be as good...just wondering guys super curious as to why you are using link logo?! Haha lol poo poo pee pee keep using our logo ;) lolz

>> No.10962202
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stellar holding up pretty well

>> No.10962225
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Thanks for bumping my thread stinky. That's why I used a link logo.

>> No.10962273
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We complain about shitcoin ICO tokens which have 75% of the supply in the hands of the top wallets. Stellar's top 13 accounts own 98 Billion coins. 94% of the supply


> 7,748,529,948 - Almost 8 Billion more in supply than this time last year. 1% inflation KEK

Founder is a Scammer Extradionairre and the Original American Crypto Hustle Con Man:

> Jeb McCaleb - Sold Mt. Gox with 500 Million in Bitcoin missing and told new owner to slowly acquire more while continuing operations

> Jeb McCaleb - Founded Ripple and rewarded himself and other founders with big percentages of the entire supply

> Jeb McCaleb - Promised XLM would be 50% Distributed through Education programs, 25% to non-profits in poor countries, 20% to Bitcon holders, and 5% to Stellar for operational costs.

> Jeb McCaleb's Stellar Foundation - a for profit board includes members like Jeb McCaleb and investors like Stripe who are looking to enrich themselves and control the majority of the supply

This is why they can inflate the supply 70% and "distribute" 8 Billions coins in 1 year and the price goes up 10 x times. They own all of it. There is little volume and trading.

>> No.10962472


There's the pajeet we know and love

>> No.10963164
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My Snek, My choice

>> No.10963227
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Let's go world wire

>> No.10963312
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Hard evidence there buddy. Stellar again was brought to you by the scammer who brought you the Mt.Gox fiasco and the Ripple scam.

>> No.10963755


Do you honestly think I'm going to bother refuting some pajeet "Kek scam" copypasta.

Look at the market faggot. Stellar is gaining.

>> No.10964698
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>> No.10965336
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A lot of angry people today. I guess I'd be angry too if I held XRP

>> No.10966153
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Back uupppppp

>> No.10966971

tfw the whole market shits and xlm immediately gets bought

heres a fun one for xlm holders: what happens to valuation when the first official cbdc opens with the first ln channels holding 5b in liquidity as the reward lund/ibm discussed for being first?

all these xrp pajeets pretending to not understand what xlm really is, shill harder