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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10958616 No.10958616 [Reply] [Original]

Does MakerDAO make this worthless?

Why is jnts reddit dead compared to theirs?

Is this project doomed?

>> No.10958629


>> No.10958762
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$10000000000 EOY

>> No.10958940

Lets get some good ones.

>Why did it take two weeks to fix a textbox?
>jCash isn't on any exchanges so you can't actually do anything with it other than holding it
>Why is jWallet still in Alpha when it was supposed to come out right after the ICO was finished?
>Why is jWallet still in Alpha AFTER a tweet four months ago saying the Beta was right around the corner
>Why did they shill three BBB exchanges and then pretend they didn't?
>Why do they waffle back and forth on jBonds and jCash and token backing?
>Why are they constantly under delivering?
>Why do they constantly make promises and deadlines but completely fail to meet them?

I'm sure more will come to me later but seriously. They really need to get their shit together.

>> No.10959077

I'm just so torn, it's so cheap right now and I have a bit of money to triple my stack but I just start to wonder if it's just going down the drain

>> No.10959134

Which is the real problem with the project. It might be a total scam or it might get a 20X moon mission or it isn't a scam and the project is so poorly managed it just keeps circling the shitter.

>> No.10959313
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Reminder that it's literally the same 3 people posting in every single Jibrel thread.

>> No.10959392

It's barely begun. Do you even white paper?

This ain't going anywhere 'til late '19 minimum. If you can't handle that, gtfo. I'm loading up massively.

>> No.10959394


absolutely not, have some faith in the team!

the team is busy and hard working, have some confidence jnt Marine! he he

BTFD he he

>> No.10959519

And you are one of them.

>> No.10959798

I'm not the one who constantly writes the same crap every day like a complete lunatic. That's (You) and your fellow telegram shitskins.

>> No.10959933

None of the things I have written are untrue and you don't actually have any way to refute them or make not be huge red flags. You know this.

>> No.10959946
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>> No.10959952

I don't reason with lunatics.

>> No.10959963

What exactly makes asking very simple questions crazy? Because you can't answer them? The only lunatic here is the one that plugs his fingers into his ears whenever anyone questions the project.

>> No.10960129
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>> No.10960380

You're copypasting your pajeet-tier FUD in Jibrel threads every single day, yet you still refuse to sell and move on. Who's the lunatic here again?

>> No.10960426
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Please don't spread fud because I will have to ban you, we should all support the team in this difficult or them moments, they are working very hard and remember we are not investors, just supporters who should be happy they got a chance to participate in this groundbraking project

t. passive aggressive faggot Terek, telegram admin

>> No.10960454

kys fuckiung jibreal HDFJSDHSDF'SDFDFSD