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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10955749 No.10955749 [Reply] [Original]

>B-b-b-but the team has invested EIGHT FUCKING MILLION REQ TOKENS
Why are REQ bag holders the most pathetic bunch of delusional cucks in the crypto world?

>> No.10955760
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>> No.10955768
File: 160 KB, 640x1136, IMG_7472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, more cope from R*ddit.
>W-why would w-we want to increase the price guyzes????!?!?

>> No.10955849

Holy shit

>> No.10955927

why don't you just dump your bags and move to another project?
Did you seriously baghold from a dollar to 5 cents?

>> No.10956299

Dude what kind of retarded, 70IQ fud is this?

The team ICO was 120k ETH, they have 80k ETH left, and cashed 40k ETH when it was $1000+

The use of Request tokens are for paying grants to the Request fund teams when they reach am operational close beta. (all requested to eb paid in REQ, they can choose ETH also, the fund is worth $30 million).

I mean come on, if you wanna FUD, do it better.

>> No.10956342
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how heavy are your bags faggot?

>> No.10956369


>> No.10957196

I don't get it, what's wrong with them spending 8mil REQ?

>> No.10957216

honestly have to be retarded to still be holding this shitcoin
seriously take a two week break from crypto and come back and think about req with a clear mind and you will sell it instantly
it will never be adopted

>> No.10957222

kek stay poor faggot

>> No.10957254

you are unironically holding a dead coin

>> No.10957257

Doesn’t matter to me if I’m already dead. Next

>> No.10957266

>dead coin
>up over 1.5x in a couple weeks
kek stay poor yet again faggot

>> No.10957387
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>after being down over 98%

>> No.10957395

He didn’t hold btc the whole time and he bought req at $1 on the one day it was kek

>> No.10957401

kys shill. this project is going nowhere

>> No.10957408
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>> No.10957426

Why does this faggot try so hard hahahah he literally has memes and spends his time hating on a project. Really makes you think

>> No.10957451
File: 75 KB, 482x361, reqscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't make the memes but i wrote the copypasta. just saving all this since i was defrauded by REQ

>> No.10957475

so much salt
did you dum dums get tricked into buying the top? lmao stay poor

It's no one's fault that youre dumb