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10952832 No.10952832 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10952954

What a Debbie downer

>> No.10952972

>4 september
how the fuck did time fly so fast anons

>> No.10952982


One month closer to the golden bull run

>> No.10952994

If ETH fails HOT moons. Let's short ETH goys!

>> No.10953004

shut this pedo up

>> No.10953005

Coming from a guy who doesn't believe in proof of oracles

>> No.10953009

Buy ETC idiots. Same thing but without this guy.

>> No.10953017
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y-yes, we're almost there! golden bullrun! hehe, hahahaha, heeheheehhehehehe!!

>> No.10953028
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Its okay guys, this is actually bullish for crypto and eth

>> No.10953040
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I went all in on ETH I swear I am cursed.

>> No.10953050

Do you idiots even know what PoS is?

>> No.10953057

>an idealist is working on his project

Color me surprised. Be happy he wants to improve it in the first place, there's plenty of scaming developers that would have pushed out a half assed solution and killed the chain.

>> No.10953070

Proof of Sirloin

>> No.10953071

So he's an EOS shill now? Or only his implementation of proof of stake will work LUL

>> No.10953085

Blockchain is a meme with IRL utility for ponzi games and illegal securities. Gold rush is gone, next moon in 2021 boyos. Until then

>> No.10953093

Proof of sexy (vitalik)

>> No.10953119

Proof of sucking dick

>> No.10953126

The Slav mentality is catching up on him
We usually abandon any optimism after the age of 23

>> No.10953139
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kek good one

>> No.10953142

who cares what this fucking brony says hes a fucking clueless idiot about anything else but coding his stupid shitcoin

>> No.10953143

didn't this faggot say ETH should be worth $10?
Tell me why his opinion matters at all

>> No.10953149

Sooo EOS and ADA are the future

>> No.10953153

I don't know why this skeleton wants to use a Piece of Shit blockchain

>> No.10953156

Drivechains will make most shitcoins obsolete.

>> No.10953160

fag op, provide a link

>> No.10953161

Piece of Shit blockchain

>> No.10953179

What the fuck is HOT? kys ranjeet

>> No.10953187

Proof of Steak

>> No.10953189

Proof of Slav

>> No.10953199

>scams are necessary goy!!! ditch the only actual security model in favor of PoS

>> No.10953205
File: 723 KB, 750x1165, 7F8AC022-9A3F-434B-88D5-7BC0A1271F20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH 0$ - Vitalik just said it:


>> No.10953211

Proof of Scam

>> No.10953215

>trends to 0 unless we do what I say

>> No.10953224

>Tell me why his opinion matters at all
it doesn't but he's correct about $8 ETH.

>> No.10953233

Pajeets on Streets

>> No.10953246

Proof of Superman.

>> No.10953249


He won't help you pump your little bags for the short term. He cares about the future.

>> No.10953261

the original articel.
Vitalik responded and agreed with the statement


>> No.10953408

I thought Vitalik was more into PoCP

>> No.10953422

Proof of Squat

>> No.10953433

When is this autistic horse fucker going to finally get assassinated by institutional investors who are tired of his shit?

>> No.10953445
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>Proof of something

>> No.10953453

Is this guy a fucking retard? Does he not know that he as a head has a lot of influence on what he says? Why isn't this faggot ridding an helicopter right now?

>> No.10953473

Sure, noone's waiting for casper and eth switching to PoS.
Flippenning will happen when casper goes live.

>> No.10953474

Is this skeletor just trying to fud?

>> No.10953529

That would imply he cares about the price. He's a retard who probably spent his whole life being guided through life his pedophile tard handling father and has never had to use his own money for anything. He doesn't understand How much he fucks people over by saying shit like this. It's actually kind of funny if you think about how absurd it is.

>> No.10953540


>> No.10953551

imagine etc mooning to current ETH price doing a 20x and we being in this in time? hmm.

Goes against the biz code though, Buy high sell low

>> No.10953566

daily reminder that if you hold/mine pow coins you are an environmental terrorist

>> No.10953579


>> No.10953626

no im an investor i dont concern myself with details like that. all i care about is making money

>> No.10953630

>Everyone in this thread so mad because muh price
Why can't you guys understand he's all in on the tech. He's right when he says Ethereum, BTC and all other blockchains are shit, because they really are when you look at them and their short comings.

>> No.10953672

just hold both duh

>> No.10953705

Fucking retard. That's not how it works. Loss of speculative value doesn't cause community abandonment nor does ETH become incapable of doing its job because HOT picked up price against it. You're a fucking idiot and it's inexcusable at this point in the game.

>> No.10953932

wondering this myself. wtf am i even doing with my life?

>> No.10954004
File: 67 KB, 500x555, 1_k1qiRpqanZeiNkmkGFDOEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speak for yourself, punk

>> No.10954078

>"The thing I made is shit" - V-tec Butane

wew of wews

>> No.10954181

lmao almost as good as charlie selling ath and telling holders its going down to $20

>> No.10954198

how is POS good? Its literally a ponzi

>> No.10954232
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>> No.10954239
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>> No.10954293

Please of Sergey
Link >$1k eoy

>> No.10954378

At first I thought
>Vitalik may be retarded

Then I realized only bitmain has something to lose from PoS, and was like
>Vitalik is fucking right

>> No.10954394
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POS is indeed the future

but not the one you are expecting

>> No.10954424

>t. retards who know better than vitalik in this thread

>> No.10954656
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>> No.10954730

This. If ETH didn't suck (bc of PoW and scaling issues) then why make an effort to improve it?

>> No.10954998
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>> No.10955033

Bullish as fuck for ETH, just like when Vitalik tweeted about how CP should be legal and ETH mooned within 24 hours.

>> No.10955138

Papa of Sergio

>> No.10955160

>he bought magic internet tokens with real monies
holy kek

>> No.10955303
File: 45 KB, 696x449, EthKiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically bullish for Tezos

>> No.10955675

lmao. if that "communist" is someone in charge of ethereum then the smart bet would be against that currency. no matter what happens to other cryptos, this one is definitely doomed. sjws find a way to implode whatever they have power over, see many video game studios, see some countries like sweden, see journalism these days. sjws always kill its host.

>> No.10955704

POop Sandwich

>> No.10955726

Penis of Sergay

>> No.10956921

he is a JPMorgan puppet. they told him to fud so their customers buy low.

>> No.10956968


>> No.10956972


>> No.10956993

just an other variant of proof of authority bullshit. anything that is not pow relies on authority so far. of course bitcoin split proved that hashrate is a form of authority also.

>> No.10956998

Why is this fucking goon so obsessed with POS. It should be WAY down the order of priorities.

>> No.10957007

Proof of Scam

>> No.10957013

its an act

>> No.10957018

because the entire fucking world is starting to feel the burden of crypto mining. why wouldn't he want to present him as the savior and someone leading the way? that's his business basically.

>> No.10957150

Nah it's because he wants to leave an intellectual legacy instead of being the father of bullshit ICOs.
POW isn't even bad for the environment, eventually all POW will be done with waste electricity.

>> No.10957908

Participation of Soros

>> No.10957919

Vatalik subtly shillin OMG

>> No.10957943

Still respect him for that move. Based.

>> No.10957950

He is giving up and going with HOLOCHAIN

>> No.10957953

That's a positive post for ETH. It implies Vitalik gives a shit and wants to do better.

>> No.10957971

He read about the HOLO mutual credit system and gave up

>> No.10957972

He is calling out BTC Core as well.

>> No.10957977

Must be puberty kicking in.

>> No.10958026

He probably cares more about intellectual honesty than pleasing some crypto nerds.

>> No.10958456

its duckin worthless, sell dat shit

>> No.10958471


>> No.10958494
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>waste electricity

>> No.10958689

Next year you will say the same thing.

>> No.10958748
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>(((Jeremy Rubin)))
top kek at the disclaimer

>> No.10958755
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>waste electricity

>> No.10958778

kek tell him to get in line
everyone talks shit on bitcoin and it keeps winning like a sports dynasty

>> No.10958928

You’re right. Loading up.

>> No.10958939
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>> No.10958973

all those low iq posts hurt my soul
here's the tweet explained for you retards: vitalik says the current state of any blockchain is not acceptable to imply ethereum will be improved to the point it will be the first decent blockchain
i swear you faggots manage to get it wrong everytime he tweets
is it a case of "tfw to intelegent too speak 2 tards"? i'm unironically above 150iq and i can tell vitalik is a good standard deviation above that, and to me everything he says is crystal clear. but you faggots panic and misunderstand him every single time, and it can't be just fudders

>> No.10959008

daily reminder that ERGO is the solution. very accomplished team (and founding member of smartcontract.com) with cosigns from some of the big players in russian blockchain


>> No.10959167

ETC is actually a better codebase and runs more efficiently

>> No.10959175

Poo on Street

>> No.10959189

that is so ignorant that either you don't give a fuck about educating yourself or your IQ is so lowthat you are clinically classified as a dumbfuck

>> No.10959431

>Ads by Revcontent
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>Ready Set Health

>> No.10959450

What about Lightcoin?

>> No.10959451

or Piece of Shit (eth)

>> No.10959469
File: 71 KB, 720x700, INSPIRING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik is so smart and visionaire that he knows his own coin need improvements and will fork ETH as many times as it needs


>> No.10959480 [DELETED] 
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Oh blin

>> No.10959524

>censored by ethereum for being anti-nazi
Beautiful and Moral

Vitalik is gonna make us fucking rich while cleaning the world!

>> No.10959533

what is lightcoin?

>> No.10959586

Can anyone answer this? Why the fuck wouldn't Vitalik start a new blockchain for his PoS shit instead of trying to hack it into his already bloated PoW chain? Makes no damn sense, use your brains and get out of this overpriced S H I T C O I N.

>> No.10959599


>> No.10959633

It's all over boys. Skelly has spoken.

>> No.10959726

Proof of salami

>> No.10959729

It's like zerocoin. But while zerocoin is marketed towards men, lightcoin is marketed more towards women.

>> No.10960027
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The Brock is Chad af.

>> No.10960055

PoS ( Piece of Shit ) means that there's nothing backing the coin whatsoever.
PoW ( Positively Wonderful ) is the only thing that can anchor a coin in Reality and not fiat, jewish territory, along with decentralisation and scarcity/deflation.

Anything else is just fiat2.0 : electric bazinga.

>> No.10960761

based and redpilled

>> No.10961134

The year of the DAG

>> No.10961425

and the future is $0 for his shitcoin
>muh tech
>muh future
fuck the tech, it's all about money, just like life is a game of collecting money and taking it away from eachother