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10947957 No.10947957 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10947967

Shitcoin status achieved
Metalbugs on suicide watch

>> No.10947970

litecoin is digital silver. SELL SELL SELL

>> No.10947988


>> No.10948038
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>> No.10948081

boomers BTFO

>> No.10948302

It already did to $13.98 but recovered shortly after that. Next time, I am in.

>> No.10948311


>> No.10948332

Of course it will, if i can short 100K worth of silver which produces no returns, then take that money and buy a 5% yield asset, you cant lose.

>> No.10948338

Buy high sell low

>> No.10948387




>> No.10948447

I think it's going to go up.... price at lower channel odds are up... do ur hw op....

>> No.10948481
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It will hit 1k/oz

Fight me IRL

>> No.10948596

Yeah maybe in a 100 year.... $20 oz is more reasonable.

>> No.10949737

Economic collapse soon.

>> No.10949770

FUCK YES my stupid ass Papa about to be DESTITUTE. Fuck off old man, not cosigning my first small business loan. Kick rocks, idiot!

>> No.10949820

Big global banks and central banks worldwide are loading up on gold and silver like crazy. Looks like they're just using their influence to buy it even cheaper. What the hell are they up to?

>> No.10949830
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>> No.10949840

Why though? Any intelligent people with a reason?

>> No.10949865

They want to buy and hold for 25 years so they can get BTFO by asteroid mining? Or maybe they're diversifying into things that are actually scarce like real estate, arable land and water rights.

>> No.10949937

Silver is as low as it was in 2008. You will make as much money as people who bought 10 years ago if you buy now.

>> No.10949967

>water right
Idk what those are. Seems like a great asset to control water a vital source for humans to live lol

>> No.10949982

How? I only have Robinhood? Also say I buy silver eagles? What’s stoping my local gold/silver shop from saying hell no im buying those back at the top?

>> No.10949984

lmao silver parallels litecoin

truly the poorfags mineral

>> No.10950015

Silver how get, friend?

>> No.10950016

They charge enough margin that they make money either way. Better to buy on Goldmoney.

>> No.10950024

Is ishares SLV on Robinhood alright? Or am I better off doing silver eagles?

>> No.10950037

not possible I was told metals were a store of value

>> No.10950038

>Silver how get, friend?

>> No.10950118

I think I’m going to go SLV on Robinhood hope I’m not fucking up

>> No.10950131

kek in all the fields

>> No.10950186
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>> No.10950221
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Ayylmaos coming with galactic tourist ship - entry fee is 100kg gold or 700kg silver per person.
Free drinks and biological immortality included on the flight.

>> No.10950251
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Silver is a joke. It's been declining for years since 2011 and never recovered. If you want a PM get gold.

>> No.10950276

Exactly why it's coiled like a spring to the moon

Gotta be contrarian to make money retard

>> No.10950321
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Silver has lots of industrial uses, anon-kun...

>> No.10950453

That's not how commodities work...

It does, but many of those uses have been declining as new technology has reduced the need for silver and it has been easier to mine so the cost of silver/oz is only going to decline into the next decade.

>> No.10950469

2% gap up tomorrow!

>> No.10950473

why would i buy hold when the gold/silver ratio is fucked?

>> No.10950496

Boomers literally on suicide watch as Millennials refuse to buy in to their precious metal ponzi.

We have our own ponzi now.

>> No.10950500

Those who buy silver will eventually profit, because profit is a limited resource.

>> No.10950514

>implying recession isn't around the corner to btfo silver and gold even further
kek stay salty boomer

>> No.10950517

I mean silver is a limited resource.

>> No.10950559

It doesn't matter, it's all about demand, and demand has been tanking and will continue to tank in the 2020's.

>> No.10950640
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Demand will grow when stockpiles run out.

>> No.10950663

>Demand will grow when stockpiles run out.
No, it won't. Read The Ultimate Resource by Julian Simon

>> No.10950683

why not just wait for the dip to 9.99? It only goes down.

>> No.10950691

On balance increased today... but price dropped... could this be accumulation?

>> No.10950802

braindead thinking
make some new material that replaces silver/ gold
done, your entire "demand" fucking gone forever

>> No.10950810

silver and copper anti microbial right?

>> No.10950840

very little silver is needed to coat certain medical devices or mesh where this is a need.

>> No.10950844

No new material will ever replace silver and gold. They will forever be valuable because of their history.

>> No.10951121

Silvers primary use isn't antimicrobial you fucking brainlets

>> No.10951387

Just sold all my silver, I’m now all in Litecoin.

>> No.10951477


>> No.10951917

yes yes
and bitcoin is just a fad/ bubble/ scam
kodak is also too big to fail
what else?

>> No.10951933

It will succeed, but not until after the next crisis.

Silver and gold will moon hardest during the next crisis, then adoption of crypto will truly begin

>> No.10952131

its def been all three of those things at one time or another

>> No.10952250

might be a good call anon ltc seems to be in a clear trend reversal right fucking now.

>> No.10952291
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mfw no shoah after 2075

>> No.10953444

Entitled faggot.

>> No.10953456

I can't wait until this dumb jew gets roasted on Joe rogan when metals plummet and BTC is a million a coin

>> No.10953464

Time to buy then.

>> No.10953563

This is your daily reminder that there is only 1/8 oz of silver above ground for each person on earth.

>> No.10953590

Checked. And I will own 200k of those ounces KEK. Tfw new .01%

7k eoy confirmed FAGGOTS

>> No.10953613
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I think I'll start accumulating in the $11 range

>> No.10953627

Silver isn't that rare.

>> No.10953671

Except it's being used much faster than it's being mined

>> No.10953697

>new tech invented
>silver now worthless

>> No.10953702
