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10947853 No.10947853 [Reply] [Original]

So three weeks after jCash rolls out shouldn't we able to see some actual transactions on the Blockchain? The last ones for jEUR/jUSD are 5 days ago and almost certainly just them testing it.

>> No.10948238

40 minutes and nothing... this coin is fucking dead isn't it?

>> No.10948433
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100$ eoy

>> No.10948599

fucking finally

>> No.10948601

it's dead to biz, yeah. will probably be late to the next bull run too.
nobody wants jCash yet. there's no need for it right now.

>> No.10948986

I'm giving them until the q3 update and if there's no sign of adoption I'll sell. I'm getting more convinced as time goes on that they don't give a shit. They got the $30mm and now they've set up a tidy company that appears to be doing things right but in reality isn't going anywhere. Proof of solvency was the meme they invented to sell the token when realistically the whole system would be much simpler without it.

>> No.10949069

lol @ you fucking niggers sperging over “muh no moon” after less than a year during a bear market

Seriously kys you fucking newfags niggers.

1k 2021 ez.

>> No.10949140

Jibrel will begin to moon in '19. If you can't handle waiting that long, gtfo

>> No.10949174

Fucking niggers expecting a x10000 right after trading and during these past quarters.. I swear to god I’m about to quit crypto just so I stop dealing with pajeets every fucking day.

You subhuman pieces of shit don’t know the meaning of waiting, jcash launched 2 weeks ago and you expect billions in transactions? Seriously, kill yourselves and free the universe from your existence

>> No.10949186


>> No.10949203

talal was just here. impressive audience https://fintechhive.difc.ae/news-events/fintech-hive-welcomes-22-innovative-startups-its-2018-accelerator-programme/

it'll get there.

>> No.10949288
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>> No.10949302


>> No.10949318
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Pic related was pretty innovative too. Lmao

>> No.10949525

jCash and the new website released nine months after they were supposed to, jWallet beta not even out yet despite it being 'close' in January. Blatantly lied about BBB exchanges (what the fuck happened there?). When asked about this, they say it was to prevent volatility. Then had to be corrected by someone in the telegram who pointed out that obviously bigger exchanges have more volume and would lead to lower volatility, unlike Bibox were it can be pumped and dumped with barely any money at all. How do you think a DAO is going to work in these conditions? Changed token mechanics multiple times (jCash to jBonds/jCash and now back to jCash). Remember how they spent a few months trying to persuade the community that jBonds were actually better than jCash as more people could use them? Now jBonds have been dropped and forgotten about. What changed? Fucking nothing, they just didn't like the backlash. If that isn't proof they haven't a clue how proof of solvency will work then you're naive. And no I don't expect billions in transactions but considering they've on-boarded customers I would expect at least one transaction on the main currencies in the last 5 days, yet here we are. Refute any of what I've said instead of pointless name calling please.

>> No.10949580

Jibrel is a long term hodl, at least 2025 for me, I'm not worried until then ;)

>> No.10949674
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>> No.10949762

cringe and bluepilled

only based post itt. you'd have to be an absolute newfag to be in panic mode right now or even in 2019. please sell and use the proceeds to kys

>> No.10949815

Panic mode? Not quite but you have to be blind if you're not skeptical of them at this point. Do you honestly think they have the tools to pull their vision off? Friendly reminder that it took them nearly 2 weeks to fix a text box and by their own admission they do literally no marketing.

>> No.10950213

yeah, that text box was pretty scary. that shit should have been fixed in 5 minutes and deployed the same day.

>> No.10950373

I could understand the explanation that Yazan gave but for such an easily fixed and disruptive issue you should fast track it and have it fixed the same day, it was ridiculous.

>> No.10950376

I'm 100% d'accord. It gives the vibe that the team is either fraudulent ("fake it till you make it") or incompetent/way in over their heads.

>> No.10951474
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>> No.10951594


>> No.10951636

Yeah, I’m not reading this faggot. I know a lot of things you plebs don’t, sell if you want idgaf I will still make it.

t. Proud owner of 800k JNT

>> No.10951647
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>> No.10951733

Good write-up. I won't sell what I have but I'm torn if I should buy more. The price is juicy atm but the progress is a bit worrying. Not sure about risk/reward

>> No.10951741

It's a fucking startup that's barely one year old.

Be glad you are in a project with true 1000x potential at the absolute bottom and hold motherfucker.

>> No.10951959

What exactly DO you know then? Sick of larpers shitting up these Jibrel posts. Either say something concrete or don't say anything at all. Everything in my previous post is a fact and nobody can do anything except stick their head in the sand and call me a faggot. This isn't the sure bet you think it is.

>> No.10952097
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I've been meaning to check out their USA office but it's out of the way.

>> No.10952216

Chill out anon, big news next week (insider here) xD

>> No.10952238

Daily reminder

MAKERDAO will soon be implementing other tokens such as fiat, gold, stocks, etc after their successful implementation of their DAI stablecoin.
Soon making your precious JNT worthless.

>> No.10953235

What is the point of jCash if you can't do anything with it?

>> No.10953259
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>> No.10953262


>> No.10953660

That isn't an answer. What can do you with jCash except for holding it? There is no platform to trade it on.

>> No.10953678

lol are you fucking serious? kys you subhuman piece of shit, don’t buy jnt and forget about jibrel

>> No.10954031

redpill me on maker

>> No.10954040

remittance and smart contracts

>> No.10954446

>namecalling without answering