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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10940341 No.10940341 [Reply] [Original]

>the real inflation rate is 8% per year

>Despite years of misinformation, the American people haven’t been fooled. We have seen the reports of rising rent, rising healthcare costs, water shortages, and other expenses creeping up. The numbers don’t add up. How can inflation be so low while the prices of fundamental necessities keep rising? Alternative sources of inflationary data provide valuable insights.

>If the economy were currently as strong as it was in 1985, the median worker would be making $120k per year (not $56k). A Stanford MBA graduate today earns roughly what the average Joe made 31 years ago. The difference is that the average Joe of 1985 didn’t spend $434,000 getting his job.


What do I do knowing this information? What are YOU doing knowing this information? The economy is a sham and the government printing mass quantities of money is devaluing the dollar at record pace. Do I unironically just put all my money into some crypto?

I feel like I need to change majors to account for the horrible direction the US economy is going into so I can get the best job possible. I've always suspected the rate of inflation of 2% was bullshit and as trustworthy as soviet union statistics on food production but now I know it's true for a fact.

>> No.10940353

fucking retard

>> No.10940355

great post brainlet

>> No.10940369

i'm not racist but i unironically blame indians for the rapid inflation in canada

>> No.10940377

That 1985 stat is ridiculous.

>> No.10940378

immigration inflates housing prices due to supply and demand yet dumb redditors who bitch about rent and housing cannot put 2 and 2 together

>> No.10940602

My brain is smooth,but Ive felt this in my gut for a long time. The economy fucking sucks. Our parents have no idea how good their lives have been.
Tell me more though,I am curious.

As for advice I'm accumulating money to make various investments when the markets dip. Hbu?

>> No.10940689

the only way to win is not to play. start your own game instead. i think most of us here are doing that. we will win, it's just a matter of time; the math says so.

>> No.10940704

If you want to know more about immigration inflating housing supply just google "immigration inflates housing costs"

If you want the biggest /biz/pill of your entire life then watch this video


In a nutshell though, inflation happens because the government prints more money than is necessary. You're only supposed to increase(print) money to match the growth of the economy. i.e. if the economy grows 2% then print 2% more money for that year.

It's all fucked because the government is printing way more money than we need which devalues the dollar. The economy grows 2%(if that) and we print 10% more money. That's why 50k is still the average household income even though it was the average in like 2002 but you're way poorer now

>> No.10940706

>What do I do knowing this information?
Continue living life? You do realise just last century 1 dollar was more than enough to live off on a day. It will only get worse, just keep making trades and investments to have more of whatever meme currency your nation uses, because it is currently the source of food, heat, water and shelter.
Prepare for the worst, major crashes will continue happening in the future across all economies.

>> No.10940717
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In the past a single man could buy a house, have a wife who doesn't work, own a vehicle, and have 5 children on a blue collar salary, all while having no debt other than the mortgage

Now even dual income white collar professionals struggle

>> No.10940725


>> No.10940739

>Bill Still
This dude is a seer. He was making videos like a year before the 16 election showing how trump was going to win because of the real election odds. He called the states that he won almost perfectly

He's not right about everything but he's right about matters of money

>> No.10940759

I hate boomers so much. I don't know a single boomer who saved their money. All of them were rich and now that they're nearing retirement age none of them have any retirement savings.

Why didn't boomers just save their money? If I grew up during their times I'd be saving every penny I earned instead boomers blew it all and now are probably going to sell their houses to rich pajeets and chinks instead of giving them to their kids.

If I made half as much as boomers made adjusted for inflation I'd be hoarding my money like that dragon from the hobbit

>> No.10940776

Measure price in gold

>> No.10940778
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Do you like it goy? The american dream...

>> No.10940789

this is a shill thread designed to keep you depressed about life. OP isn't wrong, but he is only spouting rhetoric to drum up negativity. do not participate in threads or systems that steal your positive energy. i'm out, be well anons.

>> No.10940803

You're wrong my friend. I'm trying to wake people up on how the economy really works. I'd rather know the truth than pretend it's all fine.

>> No.10940815

Because they grew in an ignorant era
>are probably going to sell their houses to rich pajeets and chinks instead of giving them to their kids
You don't know how real this is and happening right now
t. in the real estate business
Families are fucking up their own children and grandchildren due to poor choices. Heading into dystopia quick.

>> No.10940819

A median worker doesn’t earn 56k. A median household earns that much. Stanford MBA can’t even look up simple facts.

>> No.10940821

Rich people figured out how to convince less rich people to give them money and blame poor people for it

>> No.10940824

>steal your positive energy
Brainwashed cuck spotted, back to >>>/x/

>> No.10940832

>t. in the real estate business
I'm intrigued. Tell me more anon

>> No.10940855

see my previous post, bro. the only way to win is not to play. you're just bitching to bitch and drag everyone else down. later bro
>he only believes in what his senses tell him.

>> No.10940865

I thought you left. You can leave now

>> No.10940959

It won't get better until a revolution occurs. The rich are greedy and they will never settle for less if they can have more. A few rich would not survive a civil rebellion however. Trash talk me however you want but Venezuela did not get massacred because it's a socialist country, it's because those who had the oil and were given less. They didn't like that so they shit on the fucking country with all their connections and money. Why wouldn't other rich people get involved, they can use this as evidence that socialism is garbage. I don't think socialism is better than capitalism overall but it certainly isn't as bad as Venezuela makes it seem to be.

>> No.10940984

40,000 in 1980 is 110,000 today and thats going by official stats

>> No.10941002

Basically the ((governments)) (notable the 5 eyes and europe) are suppressing most construction and infrastructure developments due to various /pol/ reasons that I'm not going to get into (i.e. creating great depression scenarios, increase demand reducing supply, artificial inflation etc - for the purpose of enslaving the average man), which is not the point. The real investors in real estate and those that create contracts for making new houses, apartments and buildings are mostly wealthy arabs and chinamen. They have a lot of money (again due to various factors such as chinese economy over the past few decades, resource placements in middle east, etc) and are putting it into westcuck investing.

Now, due to the average person getting in debt (again through the kike system) most can't afford to keep their houses and flats and so they sell them (the typical boomer) to cover debt, etc (retirement funds and schemes also barely exist now for people over 50 unless they saved properly). So that's what they're doing, living spaces becoming cramped, a lot of people under 50 start to move back with their parents, living becoming unbearable due to inflation and wage ratio. Guess who's buying up all the new blocks and houses? Pajeets from india and pakistan are a big market now due their own economy (primarily IT) blooming. They bring their families, populate the jobs, get all the benefits and welfare through their contacts and illegal means. It's a complete clusterfuck for the actual citizen of their country, you pretty much own nothing and it will continue to get worse, we're talking 6 people sharing a studio when this shit really hits the fan.

>> No.10941026
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In 2016 dollars, in 1990 median income was about $86k. In 2016 it’s around $58k.

This is due to what we call an increase in the supply of money printed by the fed

The Fed (a privately owned bank) prints and issues money out of thin air. They loan this money to banks. Their reasoning is that increased money will stimulate the economy and increase spending.

But it’s wrong.

Increasing the supply of money makes money worth less. Devaluation.

So when money is worth less, businesses increase their prices to keep profits constant so they don’t lose value over time.

This is called inflation.

Now here’s where the greed kicks in.

Businesses are reacting to inflation by raising prices. But they aren’t raising salaries and wages with inflation.

As a result, median income is decreasing. We’re losing wealth. Over time, $1 buys less and less.

If this doesn’t stop, a majority of the world will be in poverty.

We need to get rid of the central banks and the fed, as they’re systematically siphoning wealth from us by pumping out loads of currency.

>> No.10941033

The fed is not privately owned anon

>> No.10941044

you r right, it's jewly owned.

>> No.10941051

the fed reserve is not part of the government anon

>> No.10941111
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And to elaborate on my previous reply to you.

Why do you think dollar bills say "Federal Reserve Note" and not "United States Note"? The federal reserve is a private bank. Before the fed was established, the US gov used to print our own money for free. Look at the bill on the bottom, it was all printed by the United States Treasury. All notes before the Fed said "United State Note" on them.

It gets worse because the Fed reserve charges us an interest on each dollar they give to us. So not only do they own our money they're charging us to print it as well. Whereas before when the government printed out money it at least didn't have interested attached.

If you want a final straw to make you mad, go look some pocket change like a quarter. It says "United State of America" on it, not fed reserve. That's because the only money (they) let us make for free anymore is literal pocket change. They're mocking us.

>> No.10941118

It is not directly controlled by the government, but all of the governors are set by the federal government. All of its profits go to the federal government. It is a part of the government, its decisions just don't have to be approved by the President or Congress

>> No.10941132

D-does canada have something similar?

>> No.10941135

I think you're underestimating compound interest there, bud. That would be $745K after 38 years of 8% growth. CPI growth has averaged about 3%. Easily beatable with the S&P. Go FUD market economies somewhere else

>> No.10941147

Every country does except "rogue states" like North Korea and Iran, why is why they want to destroy them so bad

>> No.10941151

Every country is like that. Even in Japan, the japanese government can only make coins. The central bank makes all the real money.

>> No.10941162

Except you're not even supposed to print enough to match econ growth, deflation is good.

>> No.10941164

The article isn't about 8% inflation since the 80's its about 8% real inflation since the 08 crash

>> No.10941176

I'm gonna assume some blame is going to be placed on boomers. But I doubt the entire world had the same boomers and only the US could affect the entire world economy. But yes, I did notice you were considering only a US perspective, although this inflation problem is global. So could you give me a tl;dr on how boomers ruined the economy? I mean I have a vague idea, but why is it wrong to buy a house as an ice cream salesman and enjoy life?

>> No.10941207

It makes me want to burn the whole thing down, hang bankers and politicians and journalists from lampposts and start over

But this is a board of fiction and falsehood!

I do think a crash is coming. Thankfully.

>> No.10941242

And what does this crash serve? Do the bankers kill themselves? Are politicians publicly executed? Do journalists become homeless? It just resets the cycle for it to start all over again, but nothing changes.

>> No.10941258

Real median income has risen since then. Prices generally rise after a global financial collapse. Again, meaningless FUD. Americans are rich, especially college grads

>> No.10941282
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>The Bureau of Labor Statistics defines inflation “as a process of continuously rising prices or equivalently, of a continuously falling value of money.”

>the CPI is not a measurement of rising prices, rather it tracks consumer spending patterns that change as prices change. The CPI doesn’t even touch the falling value of money. If it did the CPI would look much different.

and for the final kicker my bros

>M2 measures the supply of US dollars, which includes cash, checking deposits, saving deposits, and money market mutual funds. The more money that’s created and put into circulation, the less valuable it becomes.
>It doesn’t make sense that the BLS’s measurement of inflation was only 1.5% last year, while at the same time, monetary inflation grew 4.9%
>: On 01/07/2013 M2 was $10.452 trillion. On 01/06/2014 M2 grew to $10.962 trillion. That’s a 4.9% increase in the monetary base in just one year. Conversely, a 4.9% decrease in the value of the US dollar.


>> No.10941315

dude this article is awful. it takes the price increases in the 50 biggest US metro areas and applies them to the overall US income increases. yes, a construction worker in the midwest can't afford as nice of an apartment in the Bay Area than in 2008, fucking brilliant

>> No.10941318


Boomers sold out the entire West. Grew up in the most prosperous time in mankind's history yet managed to leave their kids worse off due to greed. And this is just the beginning, do you think the children of the millenials are going to be any better off than their parents? We're only at the very beginning of a 100+ year downward trend into civilizational obscurity, all thanks to the greedy Boomers who sold out their nation and culture for the sake of short term profit. It took 200 years for the Roman Empire to fall, it was so slow that nobody noticed until things were too late. The same thing is happening to the West for the same internally caused reasons.

>> No.10941326

>it takes the price increases in the 50 biggest US metro areas and applies them to the overall US income increases
No it doesn't it calculates inflation by looking at money supply. Did we read the same article

>> No.10941345

Bitcoin is our only solution. Are we all safe with stinky linkies ?

>> No.10941359

the one in OP. im not reading anything else because you're high

>> No.10941366

inflation is part of the economy

>> No.10941398
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>yes, just part of the economy!

>> No.10941409

You beat inflation by, obviously, not holding USD. Only hold as much USD as you can afford to lose.

>> No.10941415


>> No.10941422

there have been literally no empires in history that have lasted forever
the wheel of history has turned again, and it is now China's turn in the spotlight

>> No.10941431
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>All of its profits go to the federal government
>All of its profits

>> No.10941445

It's almost like a bank does banking things like giving loans to other banks at interest, issuing bonds, etc.
Do you know how economics work?

>> No.10941549

Don't let africans handle policy making?

>> No.10941664
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good thread. any more redpills post em, rly interesting.

>> No.10941690

how the hell are we printing so much money?

>> No.10941729



>> No.10941786

by we I mean the US.

>> No.10941805

>The government has a few resources at its disposal to manipulate the CPI. First, the Bureau of Labor Statistics operates under a veil of secrecy. The raw data used to calculate the CPI is not available to the public. When I asked why, I was told “so companies can’t compare prices.” This makes very little sense because companies can easily compare prices with data openly available on the internet. It also makes it impossible to audit their findings. Additionally, over the past 30 years, the government has changed the way it calculates inflation more than 20 times. These ‘methodological improvements’ to the CPI are said to give a more accurate measure of consumer prices. However, these changes could also be a convenient way to include or exclude certain products that give favorably low results. ~ Perianne Boring

>> No.10941810

live at home
work 80 hours per week
all in 401k, roth ira, and etf's

is this a good plan?

>> No.10941833

This. I'm only NEETing now because participating in the real economy is fucking retarded.

>> No.10941867
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>> No.10941910
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>Additionally, over the past 30 years, the government has changed the way it calculates inflation more than 20 times

>> No.10942007

Shouldn't inflation just be M2 by definition? What's the benefit of cooking the books here?

>> No.10942019

Meant "increase in M2"

>> No.10942092

>Shouldn't inflation just be M2 by definition
Inflation is increase in the monetary supply so yes. Another definition is increase in value of goods.
>What's the benefit of cooking the books here?
Stopping normies from freaking the fuck out. Also, social security is tied to CPI(it has to match it by law). So if we measured real inflation, govt would collapse because they wouldn't be able to pay for shit.

So basically we have 5% from M2 and another 2% from the bullshit way the govt measures CPI. Which puts real inflation (monetary supply plus cost of goods going up) at at least 7% lul

>> No.10942150
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Uh, it's simple. We kill the FED-man.

>> No.10942169

>Do I unironically just put all my money into some crypto?
you got it

>> No.10942182

>social security is tied to CPI
>Fuck, we can't pay boomerbux at the real inflation rate. What do?
>Just make up some bullshit about what the CPI is and refuse to tell anyone. Then print some more money. Don't tell them about M2 increasing though.

>> No.10942208

>keep reading about how we've recovered from the recession
>felt like it was a lie
>read this thread

>> No.10942234

The Federal Reserve has a monopoly on dollar mining,

>> No.10942255


>> No.10942259

best way to put it

>> No.10942270

The government should have a monopoly on issuing its currency, though. Except the government for some reason has to go into debt and borrow its own currency which makes no logical sense. It would for example be very easy to just have a digital asset form of money and have an issuance of new money every year to the tune of about 0.5-1% inflation.

>> No.10942282

system is literally designed to make it hard to keep up unless you keep taking loans out

>> No.10942345

all you have to do is compare the wages to ounces of silver and you'll see.
i guess im buying bitcoin and staying in cash maybe some silver and when the bubble bursts try and pick up real estate idk

>> No.10942356
File: 128 KB, 500x398, in-1964-minimum-wage-was-5-silver-quarters-per-hour-today-25791299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all you have to do is compare the wages to ounces of silver and you'll see.

>> No.10942410
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That's sort of how it ended up yeah.

>> No.10942425


>> No.10942434
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What fucking blows my head however is you should at least scream from the rafters for a drafted bill to audit the Fred to take stock of where the bodies are.

Let alone re-institution some sort of public banking option at least. You just sit here as they shaft you - is it any wonder women are so disgusted.

>> No.10942451
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It's still there waiting to happen he's still pushing it yet you've this sort of learned helplessness.

>> No.10942489
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Look: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/rand-paul-struggling-to-get-vote-on-his-audit-the-fed-measure-blames-central-bank-for-impasse-2018-03-09

Still pushing for whilst you're all what - waiting for Trump to build a wall...

>> No.10942524



Oh but anon the government "can't be trusted" to handle such things - sure it can spy on you, tap your phone, look through your internet history, blow up other countries as it lies to you about why and put out at gunpoint if you don't pay your taxes - however it shouldn't be trusted to issue the money should it?

Should trust someone else with that.

>> No.10942550

The main reason the government does many stupid things is because democracy is a marketplace for the purchase of law, so all elected governments can simply be bought out and made to write policy that benefits the purchasers of law.

>> No.10942551

the whole situation is retarded. fed reserve creates money out of nothing and loans it to us with interest

there's ZERO reason the government can't create money from nothing. it's exactly the same except we're not debt slaves

>> No.10942564

>waiting for Trump to build a wall...
The people that make up a nation are upstream of its government and financial oversight. If we have to pick between that and some audit the Fed will fake its way through, I'll go with the one that keeps the nation from turning into Neuvo Mexico.

>> No.10942584

>I'll go with the one that keeps the nation from turning into Neuvo Mexico.
That will never be allowed because it would mean house prices going down.

>> No.10942585
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I know huh? What a shame instead of storming the Fed, Wall Street and the White House and tearing the flesh off their bones, pulling their ribcages open and scraping their organs out with spades and raping their children to death in front of them - you all sat around in drum circles whilst they spun up a narrative to set all the serfs on each other so now as it strains harder and harder it's YOU which will be ripped to bits whilst they all sell you out.

>> No.10942602


Seriously if someone here is suicidal - use it to at least start taking some of these assholes down so you can draw attention to it - start putting an appropriate fear of pitchforks into them, it's the only thing you have left.

>> No.10942628

Occupy was a left-wing operation from day one run by the usual suspects on the Foundation circuit.

>> No.10942635


You're just as able to lobby and honestly a salary charing some board seat later is little use to you if you're dead - should put the fear of imminent death into these people if you're not able to have actual representation. Their children shouldn't be allowed to live if it's off your children's expense in this way - it's personal - this is symbio-parastic capture of your political machinery - you have to take it back.

>> No.10942736

This is 100% true. Go on any SJW subreddit like late stage capitalism and try and talk about how the fed is fucking us over and how they're sucking our blood dry and they'll tell you to fuck off and how we need more gibs and socialism.

Communists see the inherent greed and blood sucking in our society and instead of trying to fix it at its core, the central banks, they want to set up a system where everybody's blood is equally sucked and everything is shit. I give them props on wanting to set up literally the only thing worse than the system we have right now. Special kind of retarded

>> No.10942749

Not really, I don't have billions a year to spend to buy out my Congressmen. Any system with elections will suffer from the "government buyout" problem.

>> No.10942750

You're glowing right now mr cia

>> No.10942794

The max personal donation is $2700. That'll get you a quick chat with them at a fundraiser.

Just $100k's enough to start buying bills and amendments.

>> No.10942813
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>> No.10942836

>You're only supposed to increase(print) money to match the growth of the economy.
This claim is wrong, this is based on nothing, you won't be able to find ANY proof that money supply has to grow with economy

>> No.10942839
File: 193 KB, 1536x1024, Agnetis Miracle Duana www_tetas-enormes_blogspot_com nude nip huge tits polish 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin and gold

there is no where else

>> No.10942878

Retard. The Fed's profit from buying asset and lending money goes right back into the gov

>> No.10942899

this fucking titcow

>> No.10942907
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The purpose of inflation is so the bank can purchase useful assets (land, commodities, gold whatever). Banks print money, which is backed by nothing and costs nothing to produce, and then exchanges them for items which retain value

Net effect: You become poorer, banks and governments become richer. Eventually they own everything and you are left with mountains of paper nothing

>> No.10942935

The government can pay off the debt to the Federal Reserve any time it wants. The treasury has the power to mint coins out of metal and say they are worth whatever they want them to be worth. So they could just mint a coin, say it's worth a trillion dollars, and then use it to pay off the debt to the federal reserve.
The real issue is the deficit. The deficit needs to get under control.

>> No.10942951

Your whole sentence doesn't make any sense.
>The purpose of inflation
Inflation has no purpose, inflation is an effect. This effect can come from printing money, or increased consumer demand
> the bank can purchase useful assets
The bank doesn't purchase anything. It loans money for people to purchase useful assets.
>Banks print money, which is backed by nothing and costs nothing to produce, and then exchanges them for items which retain value
Banks do print money by issuing loans, but doesn't get the money printed by those loans, only the interest

>> No.10943007

>he thinks inflation is entirely dependent on the money supply
Lolbergs did this.

>> No.10943008


Let me dumb it down for you because you're a brainlet

The bank prints money, let's say $100. Inflation has not yet kicked in yet because the money has not yet entered the market. The bank gives this money to its criminal friends in washington, the pentagon, whatever. The criminals then purchase whatever they like at the current rate (again, inflation has not started) Once this liquid cash enters the market, inflation begins. Your dollar is now worth less, and the cronyists now posses valuables of their choosing.

Oh yeah, banks are BUSINESSES. They can purchase stocks, derivatives, or whatever else. They are not forced to keep your money on hand. Loaning it out is one, but the bank is not beholden to a particular form of money making.

Read: What the Government has done to our money for simple overview

>> No.10943034

The bank only "print" money by loaning it to someone fucking retard. It can't create money for itself and then give it. It can only create loans. kys really all the people in this thread are fucking retarded muricans its painful. I'm never going back to this board at this hour.
I bet you can't understand half of this

>> No.10943036
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So ChainLink really just makes the banks more profit

>> No.10943132

Why would this be worse than the system we have now? Wouldn't it be more fair/balanced?

>> No.10943136

The fed reserve creates money out of thin air retard

>> No.10943150

We are fucking talking about the BANKS not the fucking FED reserve.

>> No.10943175

It loans money. Then other banks create more money via fractional reserve banking and loaning more money.

>> No.10943215

the banks receive the money that the fed creates first. therefore the banks get to spend that money before it is circulated and affects inflation. they aren't affected by inflation for the reason that they always get to spend the money before anyone else.

>> No.10943230

The government "borrowing its own currency" isn't a big deal. If it runs a deficit then it issues bonds and gives them to the fed. When those bonds mature they go into the fed's bank account, but the fed is required to give all of its profits to the treasury. That revenue reduces the next budget's deficit, so it balances out.

0.5-1% might be deflationary. It wouldn't be able to keep up with the amount of goods circulating in the economy. You need to remember that in the long term we'll have more goods and services floating around, and thus the need for more money to handle all those transactions.