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10940090 No.10940090 [Reply] [Original]

>be American
>pay some of the highest taxes in the world
>get nothing in return while the rest of the world enjoys free healthcare, free education etc.

How do Amerimutts cope?

>> No.10940105

alcohol and fentanyl

>> No.10940109
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>get nothing in return
If freedom is nothing, then give me all the nothing in the world.

>> No.10940127

>Get nothing in return
You are right. Its all going to boomer social security and healthcare and welfare recipients.

The solution is less socializing not more.

>> No.10940140
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cope by leveraging our position in the business world and our lax corporate laws to get rich without any socialist handouts

>> No.10940149

>third worlders' priorities come first
>feminist politics to drive genders apart
>surveillance state
>tax boogeyman following people around the world to make sure you pay for the roads you use. When you're out of the country.
>everything surrounded by legal work so you can get jailed or sued for plenty

>> No.10940150

Literally not true

>> No.10940276


>> No.10940307


>> No.10940311

t. literally never left his state

>> No.10940349

>get nothing in return while the rest of the world enjoys free healthcare, free education etc.
Yep. Nogs, spics, literally the rest of world. inded gets the free education and healthcare in US.

>> No.10940365

Nothing is free. It comes from your paycheck unless you're on welfare.

>> No.10940392

Y'all don't really understand the basis of socialism do you?

America is a a fine example of a socialist country, it just doesn't wave a socialist flag.
A socialist government puts the tenants of the society as their first and foremost goal. Socialism Centralizes labor and resources in through the government and redistributing them in accordance with the society's tenants.
The thing is, America's tenants are a strong military and corporate profit. American taxes keep these two system running smoothly. While you might cry that American taxes are some of the highest in the world, on paper, they aren't. Instead the government taxes the majority of it's people with inflation and debt.
You've someone how come to accept the double think, and believe that you are free.

>> No.10940399

And welfare comes from MY paycheck.

Basically this. We need more refugees and cultural enrichment (our masters' cheap labor and housing market FHA suckers).
Meanwhile only about half of American households pay income tax at all. The rest get free public services us taxpayers pay for.
Don't ven get attractive women out of it because around here they're mostly blacks, Polynesians, and mexicans.
Disgusting. Pay taxes for the privilege of these "people" gracing me.withgheir presence.

>> No.10940432


based and redpilled. Eurocucks just wounldnt understand.

>> No.10940447
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the real question is how do yuropoors cope

>> No.10940454

In Europe you can drink beers on the beach or in the park after you fucked some model tier hookers legally

>> No.10940466
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I was unironically halfway done with writing a lengthy reply on your misunderstanding of socialism and how it relates to the varied governing methods of america's many sectors until I realized you're not even at a college level of political comprehension

but good luck with your america circle jerk though

>> No.10940475

US at its lowest point>>>any other country

>> No.10940490

because you can shoot guns even though every ither first world nation with relaxed gun laws has universal health care...

>> No.10940502

enjoy your "freedom"

>> No.10940510

Try me.
You're just upset I was able to simplify the issue better than you can.

>> No.10940517

This is a Jewish scam.

>> No.10940524

Where are you from OP? I'd love to hear

>> No.10940555

From the UK, live in Switzerland

>> No.10940557
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>listing (((wikipedia))) as a valid source of information
Here's something even a European brainlet can use to understand about what it means to be free.

>> No.10940561

Check your privilege.

>> No.10940593

>No people of color.
"The bill of rights is racist and here's why..."

>> No.10940596

I think the only one of those that exist in today's America is the quartering of Soldiers in private property.

Well done.

>> No.10940604

I know you Americans don't have the best education system but you know we have all these things in Europe, right?

>> No.10940610

> be a zoomer
> not working under the table and buying bitcoin.
boomers are in for a rude awakening

>> No.10940623

What happens if you're caught with a gun with a Swastika on it, Ahmed?

>> No.10940628

American here. Shit's fucked in many ways, but life is still good overall.

>> No.10940632

>go to London
>hand out a pamphlet saying ‘allah is gay
>get detained for domestic terrorism and hate speech

Nice freedom of speech eurocuck. Bow east, it’s prayer time.

>> No.10940646

Is that why everyone from around the world goes to the u.s. to receive their college education? If it wasn’t free in Europe, you cucks would be flooding the u.s. just like the Chinese.

>> No.10940652


>> No.10940664

Throw in pornography and yeah, it's how we cope. Occasionally we snap and shoot people.

This country is very, very sick.

>> No.10940688

In my country all men between the age of 18 and 34 are military trained and given a pistol/rifle. Why would I want to stick a swastika on it and wave it around in public unless I was a mentally ill retard?

>> No.10940697

>>pay some of the highest taxes in the world
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10940701

Because in a free country, it would be your right to do so if you pleased.

>> No.10940713
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Funny enough, all the tech innovations have happened in the US in like the last 50-100 years or so even though our education system isn't the best.

>> No.10940723
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> free in Europe
It's not free in all countries. Most countries have universities that charge tuition, and even more so for international students.

>> No.10940732

Jew makes a deal with Chink.
Jew gets chink cheap labor to build his products. For this, the Lil chinksects get free education which is paid not by noseberg of course. Cuckold American pays for both.

>> No.10940731

Put a mexican in that window

>> No.10940746

ivy leagues are cancer though according to conservatives?

>> No.10940749

Do Chinese students get a deal on American tuition?

>> No.10940756

Wtf lol. International students here pay 2x tuition and they pretty much all drive around in sports cars. They’re the children of multimillionaires because of china’s recent economic boom.

>> No.10940893

>amerifats believe this

>> No.10941084

no, you absolute brainlet.

all the tech inovation came from europe and other countries.

>> No.10941496

Venture Capital - that’s what once made America great. But now that every grey hairs of fucking Menlo Park are investing in RoboJuicer instead of harder problems like - novel drug delivery and molecular sensors, Europe and brightest of rest of the world has a real chance especially with China’s new found capitalistic aspirations.

>> No.10941516

Europoors don't actually believe this? Modern computer hardware and internet all developed in the US. The programming language we use now developed in the US. Cloud storage, video games, and more developed in the US.

The raspberry pis you guys made are pretty cute and quite useful though :).

>> No.10941812


Yeah, agreed. America has all the downsides of Socialism, none of the upsides.

>> No.10941852

That's because the democrats keep wanting to give all our taxes to immigrants and refugees, which leave less for the people that are actually trying to contribute to society. The "American Dream" can only be revived by expelling all those who want free gibs, as well as democrats

>> No.10941928

Meanwhile in reality: the republicans are the ones who are in majority and are making the laws. They've blown out the budget by giving all our money to rich fuckers, AGAIN.

>> No.10941952
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>tfw my paycheck increased by about $400/month after Trump's tax cuts went through earlier this year

>> No.10941980

>ftw job is so shit didn't really notice a difference...

>> No.10942114

>while the rest of the world enjoys free healthcare
mate ever since i was 13 i've felt like i'm fucking drained all the time and can't think to save me life and it was only recently that i found out i was mercury poisoned because of some anon on here
the doctors around here couldn't care less about people, they take you in and throw some prozac or alventa at you in a matter of minutes so that they can get the next patient who waited weeks to see them in
they consider a thorough examination to be a single blood test
i rotted away during the best years of my life because of these buffoons
universal health care is a joke

>> No.10942144

I'll shoot commies like you first.

>> No.10942193

Its the same everywhere faggot, medicine and clinics are assembly lines for doctors to rake in cash. Doctors I know make $30,000 a month. Do no harm hasn't been in style for a looooong time (and I mean since it was established in ancient Greece)

>> No.10942197

mercury poisoned? too much canned tuna?

>> No.10942231

>deny the holocaust in germany
>go to prison
>view "right wing propaganda" in england
>go to prison for 15 years

>> No.10942385

nah, silver amalgam fillings
they leech mercury, and it never really leaves your body because it gets inside of your cells and drifts around your muscles from one thiol group to another
i also had a few of the fillings drilled out when i was young, and the dust messes you up pretty bad
here's a link with a bunch of useful shit in it: https://iaomt.org/resources/dental-mercury-facts/mercury-poisoning-symptoms-dental-amalgam/

i'm trying to get the drug that the other anon mentioned, called emeramide
works a lot better than every other mercury chelator, and has no side effects
though, trying to apply for it is a mess

>> No.10942519

Look out, we've got us a (((badass))) over here.

>> No.10942558

Where else in the world:

Dropouts and Homeless people become billionaires?

Truly open parties based on caucuses where a reality tv star can take over a party and all its establishment because of a catchy slogan?

Simultaneously, have the most elite and the rowdiest colleges in the world?

True property rights where if oil or any other NR is found is yours and not the ((states))?

Immune to tyrannical governments because Ak47s can be 3d printed at home?

Gallon sized drinks and cheap food available at virtually every corner of the country?

Giant sized national parks and endless free-range country?

The whole point of America is that regardless of which party is in power or how much money you have: YOU HAVE UNAINIABLE FREEDOMS THAT CAN NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU.

> but muh Europe
> literally forced to house refugees on your property, taxed to death, can't even open a restaurant without having six gender bathrooms,
> country foundations weak, not even direct democracies only insiders can govern, bureaucratic nightmares.

Should I go on..

>> No.10942726
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>silver amalgam fillings
>they leech mercury, and it never really leaves your body
Oh shit I have metal fillings, should I be worried.

>> No.10942757
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Oh look, another seething Commie thread
Stay fucking mad

>> No.10943418

Probably just kms soon. This country is a joke

>> No.10943445

anon just let them stay smug and obsessed
they could live like pajeets and still they would delude themselves into thinking theyre better than everyone else

>> No.10943471

>highest taxes in the world
>muricans actually believe this
Come to Europe.

>> No.10943656

Lmfao at your misconceptions. Most small business owners in the US will pay taxes as such according to the new tax code.

Lets say you earn $200K after expenses on your business with a 400K mortgage (500K house). 2 kids, 5% state income tax rate (pretty average for a blue state with high income jobs), $700/mo property taxes and insurance. You will pay $2610/mo on your house w/ property taxes taxes and insurance.

Your taxable income would be 174K after deductions. $30,399 in Federal taxes - $4000 child tax credit = $26,399 in Federal Taxes. $10,000 in State taxes. $6000 in Property taxes, $6820 payroll tax, $2900 in medicare taxes.

So thats, $52,119 in taxes on a $200K income, 26.05% effective rate (23.05% w/o property tax). 13.2% Federal, 5% State, 3% Property tax, 3.41% payroll, 1.45% medicare. Of course there are many more deductions you can take. For example if youre self employed you can write off a bunch of expenses as business expenses, not report cash payments, and only 80% of pass through income is taxed, so you probably pay ~20% effective. If you really Jew it like my uncle, you can pay 6% effective on a 260K income.

Compare that to Europe, where youre lucky to take home half.

>> No.10943672

Can ONE of you fucking retards explain if whether or not Amerimutts should be paying taxes to America abroad, specifically capital gains. I’ve read that they literally can’t do much about it.

>> No.10943687

The rule changed with the new tax code. Im not sure.

>> No.10943722


It's true.

Unless you are very poor or rich, you get nothing from the tax system. Can't even paved roads in most places.

>> No.10943937

yes, because they like to rape anus. but i think if you make less than $75k there's some sort of exception? i can't remember

>> No.10944534

At least they get guns

>> No.10944555

Switzerland doesn't count as europe

>> No.10944848

You do realize that you have these civil liberties in place only because America is the dominant world power right?

>> No.10944864
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we (generally) value free time more and have a much much more relaxed view of life.
Back to work now goy!

>> No.10944887
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Our taxes are NOTHING compared to Europe and Asia. We get nothing because we pay nothing. The only taxes payed are wagecucking fees and capita gain taxes...and if your 1/2 smart you can get away without paying either of those too.

>> No.10944889


The real question is, why do you give a shit OP? Why does our great country trigger you so much? What are you so insecure about?

>> No.10944900

Public universities are usually free. Some may charge you around 300€ per semester. Big deal retard.

>> No.10944908
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Your stupid enough to believe this? The republicans and democrats all want us angry at the poor and refugees while the 1% of the 1% bought and payed for our govt. if our Govt was a crypto I’d be XRP and no one would trust it.

>> No.10944918
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>> No.10945019


USA CHAD: Gives very little thought about the rest of the world, knows his country is the best.

VIRGIN EUROPOOR: Spends most of his waking hours thinking about and talking about the US. Hates himself and his life and directs his insecurities at America in an attempt to feel better.

>> No.10945365

>tfw having to pay $500 in other expenses now because of the results of trump's tax cuts
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch

>> No.10945446

The US has some of the lowest taxes for decent-sized countries in the western world. If you want to live in a shithole or surrounded by gooks, go crazy. As a yuropoor I'd emigrate to America in a heartbeat if I could.

>> No.10945475

don't do it, anon! You can turn your country around!
It was once the greatest.
Really the best.
The hope of all people. Of all wagies.
The dream was once alive.
It can come back, too!!

Believe in it! Fight for it! Europe is struggling with demolishing idiots too!

>> No.10945523
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>> No.10945524

> t. burger medical service
it's not the same everywhere. Here the quality of medical service is incentivised. Not the profit. We measure in health statistics, not in revenue...
You burgers even have gift cards for dentists... loooooool!

>> No.10945541

I can't imagine having 2 or 3 jobs.
We in europe strive to work only 25 hours or so.
If you are a single mom without much income, you can live in appartements for free. It's not a house, but the children won't be raised to be retarded...
Burgers can't cope with their patriotism

>> No.10945555

>Don't ven get attractive women out of it because around here they're mostly blacks, Polynesians, and mexicans.

Latinas can be hot when young

>> No.10945562

European grandmothers are praying for your safety.
It's entertaining and awful at the same time, watching the US slowly transform.
All those lives!

>> No.10945563
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>doesnt get free healthcare
>gets to support israel instead

>> No.10945588

pffff.. 3.3 billion... you know how much the pentagon has "lost"?
Trillions and Trillions in a few years. Where did it go? Nobody kno, These are peanuts.

>> No.10945606

We get endless war and military contacter get to charge anything they want for golden toilet seats. That's not nothing!

>> No.10945635

By being the superior nation. We aren't infested with socialism (yet) and are the only thing that held communism at bay. Our military keeps your shitty countries safe at night.

Enjoy your free health care, it's protected by the people of the US.

>> No.10945641

>3 billion in gibsmedat for a wealthy Jewish country is whatever
Good goy.

That money the pentagon “lost” goes mostly toward cover up operations. These operations are so illegal that they would rather be labeled as incompetent rather than exposing the truth. Also corruption and bribes.
How do you think Isis went from a collection of small unsophisticated groups to taking over the second largest city in Syria?

>> No.10945668

>be amerimutt
>founding fathers said fuck you to european taxation system
>pay taxes almost as high as europoor
nice job there amerimutts, you got cucked and your forefathers are looking down on you in shame

>> No.10945891

sorry for the delayed response! the truth is that anyone who has had these amalgam fillings, even if only for a day, lives with ill effects from it
it's just the nature of the material that they're made out of, and release
if you've had any persistent bastardly health problems that you're not sure why you have, there's no real reason at all why it couldn't be explained by you gettin a bit fucked by mercury from your fillings
it's not the end of the world now that something like emeramide exists (if you can get your hands on it), but it's obviously not great

>> No.10945955

actually true

>> No.10946714

>pay some of the highest taxes in the world

I pay 37.5% tax in addition to 25% tax on ALL goods except gas and tobacco which can be brought up to 200% tax. Shows what you know

>> No.10946799

I live in Japan and still pay American income tax, despite not stepping foot in America since 3 years ago.

Unironically thinking of revoking my citizenship.