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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 177 KB, 1050x701, 20160516-VENEZUELA-slide-6J79-master1050-v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10938252 No.10938252[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would /biz/ fix Venezuela?

>> No.10938266

Export the hot women and nuke the rest.

>> No.10938267

Hydrogen bomb

>> No.10938273

I wouldn't. Let them suffer

>> No.10938274

biz can't fix itself and you think it can fix a country?

>> No.10938283

Replace their current currency with crypto. They’re already at the end of their rope, what more do they have to lose?

>> No.10938288

Also checkekered.

>> No.10938293

Don't fixate your whole economy on 1 product seems like a good idea. They literally went all in on oil. Which shit the bed

>> No.10938296

This is the United States in less than 20 years if the left gets their way.

>> No.10938297


Why do neckbeards hate women but can't stop talking abut them?

>> No.10938299

Would a venezualan qt be my gf for $20?

>> No.10938305

>be spic nation
>become third world nation, because spics are useless
>become socialist state, because spics are tired of being third world
>become venezuela, because socialism doesn't work

The obvious solution is to get rid of spics. They love socialism for whatever reason, but it never seems to work in South America.

>> No.10938310

imagine being such a subhuman that you walk into that room and look around and don't try to do anything to better the situation. you don't try to paint the walls. you don't try to put the socket back into the wall. you don't try to clean up the floor. you don't try to touch up the paint on the IV stand. you don't try to clean off that grimy bed. you don't try to put a cover over the bed. you don't try to do anything.


>> No.10938318

gf, wife, chef, caretaker, driver, toilet paper, you name it

>> No.10938338

?? Seething much? Or are you a venefag?

>> No.10938337

Same way India and China fixed themselves over the past thirty years

>> No.10938340

as if you'd do any of that, day in and day out, for free.

>> No.10938342

They're dying. No one has time for that shit. Not when life is literally falling apart all around them. Who the hell is going to care about painting the walls when they're either a) the hospital staff, unsure of whether they will even be paid or want to keep working for free, or b) a patient is either going to die, or even worse, survive and have to live in venezuela

>> No.10938352

who made this?

>> No.10938354


Elimination of everyone with an IQ below 95, firing squad for socialist sympathizer s. There would probably only be about 5-600,000 people left in the country with just those two policies, be they would be starting from a good place and would probably lebensraum the rest of South America within 100 years.

>> No.10938359

Nothing, this is what happens when you vote for "democratic" socialism.

>> No.10938358

Lol subhumans jumped on that post hard

>> No.10938364

I would send you 10 Million Germans. With Venezuelas resources they would create enough wealth to support the entire South American continent. As long as the Venezuelans promise to stay at home and leech welfare as to not disturb the Germans working.

>> No.10938366

Literally just described non-whites and city dwelling whites. Very racist t.b.h

>> No.10938399

You need tools, materials, and labor, none of which are free. No one's going to work for free, especially when they're already cash-strapped.

>> No.10938411


good point

>> No.10938416
File: 463 KB, 918x1323, brown_invasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the accumulation of decades of neglect, stop acting like it just happened you worthless subhuman.


>> No.10938424

Hello /pol/ thread masquerading as a /biz/ thread.

>> No.10938442
File: 81 KB, 400x397, 1535082360430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you? /biz/ is clearly a /pol/ colony. The overlap between the userbase is too large to deny

your mom jumped on my dick hard HEH BITCH

>> No.10938463

>that annoying faggot that cries about /pol/ in every thread
/pol/ is the busiest board on this website, of course there is overlap for literally every board. does that trigger you?

>> No.10938526


>Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary).

This thread is within the rules

>> No.10938527

Hope BTC gets adopted in Venezuela, would be fun as fuck giving 1 satoshi as their monthly salary then tell to each one of them "lmao good luck buying, see you tomorrow"

>> No.10938550
File: 1.03 MB, 757x941, 148fb0fc3d05e55161d29bec9f20ac4ad61f8d89fda23a9c35857662614589d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly the nazis are to blame for Venezuela

>> No.10938558

This. Latinas are sexy sluts but latin men provide nothing but low iq, crime and degeneracy.

>> No.10938563
File: 38 KB, 386x226, helicopter-tours-rides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some socialists need to go into the ocean and stay there for starters

>> No.10938572


But they have free universal healthcare. What's there to fix? :^)

>> No.10938586

It's literally the end game of socialism. Nothing is wrong.

>> No.10938591


>> No.10938596

Are you implying that all of Europe will just become one big Venezuela?

I like that lol

>> No.10938607

More socialism

>> No.10938626

I would sterilize all the men and decree that women may only conceive using Nordic sperm. Country will be fixed and prosperity guaranteed after three generations.

>> No.10938662

At this rate, the nation won't survive three generations

>> No.10938692

Capitalism and hardwork.

>> No.10938708

>/biz/ is clearly a /pol/ colony
no, i only browse /biz/, /trv/ and /s/

>> No.10938712

Socialism doesn't work regardless of a country, so getting rid of socialism would be a much better option.

>> No.10938725

You can't even blame this on socialism because Denmark and Sweden have both had socialist policies in place for decades and were extremely prosperous until the mass immigration movement came.

It's not socialism. It's shitskins.

>> No.10938733

Anon I like the way you think. But American hospitals are almost the same. The only difference is that they got rats.

>> No.10938745

Denmark and Sweden had socialist policies that worked for as long as they had their capital created during their capitalist and free market era, then the capital run out and the shitskins came in so the socialism became that much less sustainable. The end.
Socialism does not work.

>> No.10938751
File: 1.30 MB, 600x581, 1535430254686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10938752


>> No.10938766

Was that before or after WW2?

>> No.10938773
File: 75 KB, 480x480, Bruce_Willis_Die_Hard_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why they are subhumans, lazy brown "people" that can't even into basic hygiene let alone any kind of advanced medicine. its funny that anyone would even wonder about this how it could get that far, you know its all in their subhuman DNA.

they also all litter because all of the grew up in that landfill, thats a fucking dumpster they live in for generations so they see no reason why they should start to clean up their country.
disgusting failed countrys should be nuked or something, like why is humanity even tolerating gypsys, pajeets, niggers and all the other worthless dirty fucks that litter around.
what we need is a good purge.

>> No.10938778

You can't fix stupid.

>> No.10938858

People on /biz/ constantly preach about how block chain tech is the future. Let’s put that theory to the test using Venezuela as a lab rat.