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File: 198 KB, 1244x1014, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10934985 No.10934985 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone every found something?

>> No.10935001

How do I do it?

>> No.10935046

The probability of finding something is infinitesimal.
It's much more probable that you and your mother die within the next 5 minutes than you find something.

>> No.10935211

its not impossible to find something though

>> No.10935238

>2^256 btc-addresses
hurr durr it's not impossible anon

>> No.10935263
File: 159 KB, 750x738, 1531428239408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 years later

>> No.10935270

As soon as you find anything, the website owner will drain the funds, lol.

>> No.10935275

It isn't impossible, it's practically impossible

>> No.10935297

you're gonna die before you get to look through just 1/4th of a percent of it

>> No.10935306

2^256 is exponentially more than the number of atoms in the universe.
finding one with every computer on earth working on it times a billion would take longer than the heat death of the universe.
its literally impossible.
>a trillion years later
the universe will die before he looks through a billionth of a percent of it.

>> No.10935328


>> No.10935354

What is quantum computing

crypto is over, deal with it

>> No.10935395

This site wants me to refresh all the time?

>> No.10935424

Don't refresh, click the dice for a random page

>> No.10935433

even quantum computers as they are now can't do it anon.
maybe in the future but even then a fork to sha512 is easy enough.
not to mention if someone cracks sha256 i doubt they would go after bitcoin before state secrets and shit like that.

>> No.10935438

>has a timer on how many you can look up

>> No.10935460

Yea thats still bad, I want it to scan until I tell it to stop :/

>> No.10935471

you fucking brainlets can do this on your own, all this does is generate keys endlessly, you can do this with a script you can write in like 10 lines
jesus christ this place is full of retards ripe for the harvesting

>> No.10935509

I'm even a programmer but learning hurts my brain. Pls gibe codd.

>> No.10935516


>> No.10935521


fuck you

>> No.10935526

man this board is retarded

>> No.10935542

Im a retard, so please be gentle, BUT, i found a wallet with 10 ETH just now by clicking the link lol.
What the fuck do i do? Some one to explain well, post your eth wallet address and i'll send you 1 ETH when i withdraw the 10 out of there

>> No.10935546

Where do I find this ay pee ee?

>> No.10935564


>> No.10935579


As soon as cracking bitcoin is even remotely possible it's already been priced in for a long time before that. And by priced in I mean $0.

>> No.10935598
File: 53 KB, 1154x159, keys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10935615

I bet this is one of those websites that use your computing power to mine shit for the site owner.

>> No.10935621

fuck wrong pic, I wanted to upload the one with the private key blacked out...

guys, what is the fastest way to move bitcoin from a private key?! it's urgent

>> No.10935627

there is roughly around 3,000+ cp entries into the BTC blockchain.

i know youre a pedo trying to find these blocks OP, youre such a fucking pathetic faggot

>> No.10935633
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>> No.10935673

the first and last ethereum pages have a wallet with ~10 eth

>> No.10935682

sure if it doesn't change at all, then it would go to zero, but it will adapt like everything else.

>> No.10935721

I found an old key on Google with 1100 in before

>> No.10935741

I was just joking man...

>> No.10935752

1100 usd I mean obviously

>> No.10935818

what search terms did you use?

>> No.10935855

what are you supposed to do when you found one?

>> No.10935872


>> No.10935888

Inform you local authorities.

>> No.10935925

Several. I did it manually too. I reckon someone with programming ability can do it automatically but I think google has genuinely made it so they don't appear.
But yeah, I just ctrl+a the whole page and then copied into the 'enter multiple keys' thing and it automatically adds the keys and errors the rest

>> No.10935933

Wtf I clicked random a few times and now found one with 16 btc. So I can just send them all to my address? Is this technically legal?

>> No.10935979

you will be better off mining them yourself with a celeron D, you'll actually profit more.

>> No.10936013

No you didn't.

>> No.10936066

Yes I did you fucking cocksucker, I will show tx in a few min

>> No.10936088

Found 10 ETH, private key is saying invalid though.

>> No.10936102
File: 15 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10936141

thx op I found the key to a mt gox wallet, gonna dump 100k in ten minutes

>> No.10936150

If that was the case why would the site owner share? He could just hoard it to himself.

>> No.10936168

There's 10 ETH on the last page?

>> No.10936222

yea, but that wallet is bugged. you cant get it out

>> No.10936241

it's one more than the largest possible private key.
How did anyone managed to use it? Probably on older version of eth network or client or something or other, maybe all the eth is stuck there and can't be withdrawn by anyone

>> No.10936244

Low iq question

>> No.10936271
File: 45 KB, 903x960, 16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10^80 > 2^252 idiot

>> No.10936275

Even if it found something, what do you gullible faggots think is the actual chance that the site will actually report it to you?

>> No.10936307

You don't have to go through all of them. You can just pick one address and check it every day. I collected about 15 BTC by doing this over a year or so.

>> No.10936321
File: 6 KB, 225x224, téléchargement (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he said it was 'exponentially' more

>> No.10936351

Is there some way to cancel unauthorized transactions. Like a service that detects an unauthorized (this could mean unplanned, for example) transaction being broadcasted so it simultaneously and immediately at a fee transmits another transaction draining the account hoping that that gets picked up before the first one?

>> No.10936383

I detect a strong retardation coming from your post.
Let me be sure : you don't believe the private key is broadcast with the transaction, do you?

>> No.10936394
File: 288 KB, 1300x2000, 87807-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that fucking mean

>> No.10936417


It'll be forked to a quantum proof algorithm loooong before that, dipshit.

>> No.10936429
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1535237283974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it means it's more in the complex numbers plan.

>> No.10936474 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 246x205, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck

>> No.10936492
File: 172 KB, 1218x1015, DWyRNafU8AE9M3a.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.10936503

im just going by what these faggots say so i guess they're wrong

>> No.10936519

lol what are you talking about? He is describing a very real thing RBF (replace by fee). Don't be so smug.

Interesting idea. Wouldn't work for BCH (0-conf) and it seems very unnecessary but technically possible.

>> No.10936537

If the goal was to find random bitcoin, why wouldn't the site owner just write a bot that continually checks random pages? That is way more efficient than waiting for someone else to visit a random page

>> No.10936567

>This number is bigger than the number of atoms in the perceivable universe. And not by just a little bit either. Exponentially bigger.

Yes they're wrong. What a bunch of retards.

>> No.10936574
File: 992 KB, 1230x924, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but site is fake, right?

>> No.10936588

yeah you would have a better return on trying to find a new block with your cpu than to find a funded address

>> No.10936589

You forgot to change the color.
That's how you do it properly :

>> No.10936617
File: 31 KB, 472x342, 1CMhw6Gmwt67na9xPq3mvSQebyhUfPwdFb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the one i use happy hunting

>> No.10936665


I have a Python script that goes through Ether addresses and writes details in to text file if balance is > 0. It can scan over million addresses per day and can have +20 sequential runs at the same time with basic laptop. I have scanned billions of addresses and haven't found almost anything. Waste of time. :D

>> No.10936695

you'd have more fun on this website though, and less chance of burning your house down

>> No.10936699

ALMOST nothing?

How much did you find man and hot many days have you ran it for

>> No.10936708
File: 195 KB, 1565x526, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigerian prince here
send me 25 ETH and I transfer to you my ded father's bit coins

>> No.10936709

threads like these make me hopeful for a new bullrun very soon

>> No.10936734

Don't worry. I did it for you. What's your email so I can send you your half?

>> No.10936761

The private address doesn't load. Fucking shit site. Trying for almost an hour now

>> No.10936782

>2^256 is exponentially more than the number of atoms in the universe.

>> No.10936792

you'd have more luck searching diamonds at the beach using your bare hands.

>> No.10936795


>> No.10936800

how viable is this?

>> No.10936821

so you're telling me there's a chance...

>> No.10936838


>what are elipses?

>> No.10936882

Just some airdropped shit tokens and it ran for months..

>> No.10936915

better solo mining bitcoin with a toaster lol

>> No.10936962

You could set up a bot that continually checks a set of famous addresses, for example the first bitcoin seed at keys.lol/bitcoin/1 has bitcoin added and removed from it every week

>> No.10936981

I've been looking through it for like 10 mins and found a few wallets with total of about .001 eth..

Not bad actually

>> No.10937063

>its literally impossible.
fag, human civilization was built thanks to breakthroughs like this

>> No.10937083

you need to code it yourself then or get involved with the large bitcoin collider project

>> No.10937160

I'm enjoying the way everyone gets upset with eachother

>> No.10937208

prove it faggot.
go to that website and find an address with coins in it.

>> No.10937299
File: 2.41 MB, 1440x1434, 1533735036142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10937310


Why is there still 10 ETH on the first page's ETH addresses?

>> No.10937312

Doesn't this make bitcoin literally worthless once we have better computers ?

>> No.10937359


>> No.10937361


>> No.10937388

i've hacked bitcoin already. no need for such websites

>> No.10937402



>> No.10937457

there's 7.5 EOS tokens on the second account (on the ETH version of this website)...

>> No.10937579


A rare Reddit post that provided actual value.


>> No.10937602

>It can scan over million addresses per day
hope youre at least using pypy to run

but dude use rust or c++
could probably do 1m+ a minute

>> No.10937680
File: 199 KB, 740x696, 1518970405561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit holy shit! Just found 12Btc. Buying Link with that

>> No.10937757

how do you check the balances of the addresses?

>> No.10937781


It's a fake version of EOS

>> No.10937918

Can you share the script or where you got it from? I'm learning Python and that sounds like fun

>> No.10937955

I just found satoshi's keys wtf I'm satoshi now??

>> No.10937981

you are now literally a Japanese man

>> No.10938046

Wait, how does the site know the private key associated with each public key?

>> No.10938068

you are literally participating in a botnet for whoever owns that site. you think he isn't scraping all of the token amounts and grabbing them with a script?

>> No.10938078

It generates private keys based on the page number, then generates the public keys associated with that private key

>> No.10938211

It creates new wallets. Thats it.

>> No.10938309

"I'm not too sure what a private key is" -CryptoNick

>> No.10938355

Is there a way to search by public key?

>> No.10938406

no it will find existing wallets as well. its just incredible improbable.

>> No.10938420


>> No.10938456 [DELETED] 

Stargate is a unique new gambling app with a fun, simple interface.

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>> No.10938499
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1515952835196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please guys learn the basics of crypto

>> No.10938538
File: 62 KB, 760x307, 272BF2D2-526F-46E8-BB73-B4F938A37CA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10938823

this thread has lived longer than i expected it to

>> No.10938835

Top geg, good meme

>> No.10938891

>implying its not already literally worthless
People being willing to pay for something doesn't give it value.

>> No.10938936
File: 9 KB, 864x130, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'd just like to interject for a moment

>> No.10939234
File: 438 KB, 368x414, redir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am retarded. So what do I do if I happen to find a wallet with bitcoin in it?

>> No.10939260

So I found a key with some btc as I posted earlier and now it is empty. Someone emptied right after I found it

>> No.10939396

maybe you shouldnt have posted a picture of it

>> No.10939587
File: 46 KB, 546x539, 1511032831246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying once a valid wallet is found the website doesn't automatically transfer it to the webmaster's account
>implying you aren't being used to generate keys for free

>> No.10939655

keys are generated server side though

>> No.10939677


>> No.10939750

the question is how many address could a computer scan in a day