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File: 119 KB, 280x280, noooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10933610 No.10933610 [Reply] [Original]

buttcorn will never go above 7500 will it?

>> No.10933623


>> No.10934255


Press S to spit on that Mcain bitch. Fat hog, daughter of a satanic pedophile. He burns in hell in extreme torment.


>> No.10934269
File: 88 KB, 990x556, Megan-McCain-09012018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she could be a linebacker with that fat pad on her upper back

>> No.10934276
File: 80 KB, 618x348, d608f689e9cbe490dca82ec4c2041dd184c13ed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10934277

calm down lol

>> No.10934283


smokin' the cucks out i see

>> No.10934317
File: 4 KB, 250x166, lemerchntchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had fantasies about that brown woman too
Yes BTC will eventually go above 7500, just be patient and wait til the media blitz begins again

>> No.10934630

Based. Old warmongering faggot is now in hell. Checked.

>> No.10934649


go back to smoking dicks faggot

>> No.10934799

You Trump cucks are too dense to realize moderate Republicans like Mccain were the only hope to stop the blue wave from occurring

>> No.10934817

WTF is that thing.
These people literally gorge themselves to obesity from the profits of killing innocent people nonstop for decades.

>> No.10934821

We just need to keep it below that for another 6 months to a year to let the general population forget about the crash.

>> No.10935042


Feel for her.

>> No.10935066


So you are saying, John "kill all dune coons" McCain is a democrats idea of an ideal moderate republican? Are you sure you arent just following along the main stream media's dick sucking John "sand nigger killer" McCain because you hate trump at your corporate master's behest? Good to know progressives have absolutly no consistant morals, and are willing to praise a literal big government fascist mass murdurer as long as they shared in your dislike of Trump tweets.

>> No.10935076


You so smart and different like every other contrarian outcast fucking dweeb 20 something on 4chan who thinks like you about mccain

>> No.10935097

McCain was objectively a war mongerer you fuck that isn't even a contrarian viewpoint. Hes a retarded neocon.

>> No.10935099
File: 354 KB, 3200x1680, 1408763225000-VoteVetsISISfighters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10935113



>> No.10935123
File: 5 KB, 214x236, 1515114226165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're an average brainwashed liberal supporting a globalist war mongering dead tumor
typical violent leftie

>> No.10935154


Incorrect, I like John "whistlin' missiles on paki parties" McCain because he's a muslim mutilator. I'm just not a massive, masive hypocrit like literally every progressive writer that railed against mccain and his warmonger ilk for 2 decades who have since turned around and thrown out just about every principle they supposedly had in order to get a cheap negative news story against trump.

>> No.10935162


And uh which war did he start exactly which led to him mass murdering. Or are you nothing more than a filthy liberal piece of shit who calls our servicemen in vietnam baby killers and murderers

>> No.10935166

youre not a fucking leftist if you think mccain is a fucking moderate. i swear we all just swallowed this bait.

t. leftist

>> No.10935177


Yea well deal with it because thats the country and world you live in. Did you know politicians are and have been 2 face backstabbing spineless wind changing cowards who will do anything at the moment, including rejecting their past "beliefs", to get even a minor victory

>> No.10935203
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1504399390039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he supports goys in his government doing israels bidding to make war in the middle east so they can grab more land, and the globalists so they can bring the slaves to the factories instead of the factories to the slaves and load them with debt.
>he wants to pay for this with his taxes
very good goy

>> No.10935221


John "meghrebi massacre mastermind" Mccain has voted in favor of every single war america has gotten involved with for his entire senatorial career, and was a proponent of additional wars that never happened (iran for example, he really wanted to fuck up iran). Now, im as big a fan of eliminating the islamic threat as the next guy, but that doesnt mean you need to praise a big government rino like John "ISIS funder wunder" McCain for his congressional record.

>> No.10935228
File: 61 KB, 500x613, 5940955aebeb5bbf670f36b4c53e55fe8a3679d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10935258


You know anon, i can be anti muslim, anti israel AND anti war at the same time.