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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10928542 No.10928542 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck thinks we are the early adopters everyone in my highschool holds at least one butt coin. Kids sell crypto stickers, hell even rap about it. Shit is cringey you guys are so late it hurts I sold at 18k n never looked back you suckers lose

>> No.10928554
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the absolute state of bears

>> No.10928557

now imagine those high school kids when they have real jobs and can invest actual money in it, not their lunch money.

>> No.10928575

Guess most of you suckers can’t even get near a school let me spell it out for you all highschool n college kids know about crypto cash app has bitcoin Eminem’s album for god sake mentions it we are late it’s over

>> No.10928581

Such fucking larp. Nobody is shilling alt coins in a bear market fucking mongoloid.

>> No.10928602
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>this thread again
>it will get 100 replies while OP talks in circles baiting the same retards over and over again

>> No.10929178

I work with software developers and most of them don't hodl anything...

>> No.10929279

A survey of old boomer fucks at some random software company - wow, would you look at that, it doesn't matter AT ALL.

My nephew's school did a fucking unit on crypto. I spoke to him about it and literally every single member of his friend group, even people ancillary to that friend group, hold some combination of BTC, BCH and ETH; some even hold shit like XRP, XLM and NEO. I'm talking like 30+ fucking 16-18 year olds, some of whom are female for Christ's sake. He bought his fucking blonde bimbo of a GIRLFRIEND 0.1 BTC for their 3 month anniversary. It's over you dumb fuck, everyone on here is a laggard/late adopter.

>> No.10929289

That made sense in January, but saying that now is retarded. Only the dedicated are left in crypto, most normies think this is going to zero.

>> No.10929294

Just don’t buy normie shit. You’re still early on several unknown shitcoins

>> No.10929344

I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not, it's 100% true.

It blows my mind how inexorably stuck in the denial phase /biz/ is. Bunch of NEETs who grew up thinking they were special and smarter than everyone else who can't cope with the fact they aren't and delusionally hold onto depreciating bags of memecoins because "we're the early adopters!!" So glad I sold this shit in early December; missed the top by a bit but much better than desperately clinging to a dying dream eight months later.

>> No.10929410

Where do you live that a high schooler can afford a $700 gift? That’s definitely not ordinary

>> No.10929421

I've been waiting to buy in, and will continue to wait, so long as you all think a bull run is around the corner. /biz/ hodl gang are just higher level normies.

>> No.10929424

Upper middle class, predominantly white neighborhood in Maine. Doesn't change the fact that literal schoolkids are buying, trading and gifting crypto.

Also, at the time it was more like $600.

>> No.10929458

This goy gets it.

>> No.10929631

i hope you dont unironically believe what youre saying

>> No.10929669


If anything young people adopting new technology before old is a good sign...
I'm old enough to remember facebook adoption though.

>> No.10929749

Nigger who the fuck cares. If you know how to use tether and take profits, you could of made money in 2018 as well fuckin idiot who thinks were all bagholding crypto

>> No.10929776
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>> No.10929830

>More normies are catching on to crypto
>Potentially more money in the market
>This is somehow a bad thing
People bitch about the price never recovering because normies got burnt early this year, but not all of them fucked off. There are definitely some stragglers that stuck around, just look at how fast this board moves now compared to last year or the year before that.