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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10927448 No.10927448 [Reply] [Original]

Best decision I'd made in years.

I just decided to check out /biz/ for the first time since my crypto sabbatical, and having been away for a while really highlights just how pathetic the crypto space really is. You guys harp on wage slaves and normies, but life as a crypo pleb is in almost all cases, much more sad.

Look at it objectively. You use real money to purchase internet tokens, then you spend your time frantically shilling. You make excuses for teams of people you don't know, hoping to pawn off your internet tokens on some sad sap before they fulfill the destiny of failure you've already accepted. You deal in slanderous rumors hoping to drive down prices; but you were going to buy anyway. You're all chasing get-rich-quick schemes. You don't actually care about the technology involved, and you care even less about the associated philosophy -- unless it pertains to your being able to flip some crypto asset. Most of you would happily justify theft or fraud, and consider honest work beneath you. What value are you creating in the world? How are you growing as a person? How are you benefiting those around you? What are you passing on to future generations? Anything?

Nothing in crypto is creating real value right now. There are no services that matter; hell, there are hardly any services at all using crypto. The tech companies only express interest in joining meaningless consortia because it's free advertising with zero real investment on their part. If they saw any future in it, you'd all be trading MicrosoftCoin right now, regardless of its merits, and without understanding the irony.

How many of you completely neglect your life outside of these get-rich-quick schemes? How many are friendless, effete, obese, unhealthy, undersexed, or otherwise weak? Do you really think "making it" in crypto is going to change any of that? You're fooling yourselves if you do.

Crypto is just a human centipede of lazy suckers, eating it's own ass.

>> No.10927471

Salty nocoiner

>> No.10927506

LMAO look at this virgin OMG like I can't even..

>> No.10927525
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Nice pasta

>> No.10927664
File: 30 KB, 455x440, 1530194179549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> imagine reading all that
fuck off to reddit no one is reading your larpy pasta

>> No.10927720

>took a break from crypto

Haha nobody cares fagget. Have fun trying to triple your money in weeks on the stock market.

>> No.10928385

actually, OP is correct

you pointed out the flaws correcty and I think I will stop browsing /biz/ from now on. seriously thanks for the enlightenment. while I had my share of laughs, this place really sucks

>> No.10928399
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>> No.10928412

tldr; OP is a normie

>> No.10928416
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>> No.10928424

every part of the internet is honestly shit. There's only few good boards left here that are not filled with zoomers.

>> No.10928449

>Can't even afford quality pasta

>> No.10928460
File: 68 KB, 480x720, 1526663191193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear OP,

It is with great displeasure that I am forced to admit to not having read your last letter. I attribute this choice to the length of your post. Frankly, my attention span would simply not allow it given my best estimate as to how important or relevant to my life were the contents therein.

Best regards,

>> No.10928475

fuck off you stupid /pol/ boomer