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File: 236 KB, 1280x720, grad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10925730 No.10925730 [Reply] [Original]

what's your excuse anon?

>> No.10925733


>> No.10925810

>what's your excuse anon?
Affirmative action.

>> No.10925818

There's no fucking way this is real.

Someone, tell me this isn't real.

>> No.10925823

>There are people in this chan that have unironically fell for the unis are bad meme

>> No.10925836

While you shitpost and cry like a baby in order to get money from your parents some people are doing all the hard work.

Oh, did i tell you that you also fall for the memes and those are your excuses?

>> No.10925846

>Be Education system
>Let in minorities
>Destroy education system
>Saddle them with lfielong debt and a worthless degree

Why do liberals hate brown people so much?

>> No.10925850

They dumbed down Harvard so that niggers can attend it and succeed. White people are not interested in it anymore. They turned to crypto investment.

>> No.10925859


>Harvard Medical School


>> No.10925878

Someone posted the same thread a few days ago as bait, but someone observed that these guys are just perpetuating the debt slavery, minority edition.

>> No.10925892

When they make it to the top i dont see them hiring whiteys

>> No.10925912

Schools are just full of niggers and hispanics because basically, schools are the CHURCHES of the State.
So people with lower IQ like that places.

>> No.10925933
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Large universities (such as Harvard) often allow separate commencements, including the one pictured for black students. Here is another photo of the Harvard class of 2017.

>> No.10925936
File: 44 KB, 615x409, PROD-Trump-restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

universities are dying. Why don't liberals understand that when you give something away for cheap or free, it directly impacts the value. College degrees are basically worthless.

If you're a young alpha and dont want to do the liberal college scam:

go to trade school, or go get Google Cloud/AWS cloud certifications.

>no debt
>75K-90k starting salary
>make something of yourself
>be a real alpha
>start a real life

Liberals are destroying culture in the name of equality.

>> No.10925940

I told you all this the last time we had this thread- they had a separate ceremony for black people. It’s fucked up but that photo still is not representative of everyone that graduated Harvard this year.

>> No.10925941


>> No.10925942

20 years from now no one will give a rats ass about a Harvard education.

>> No.10925945


>"We are educated. We don't need the white men nor white girl pity. Just because my skin is a couple shades darker doesn't mean I grew up in the depths of the city,

They held their own commencement ceremony because the official one was racist.

>> No.10925946

They dont give white people scholarships based on the colour of their skin

>> No.10925949

Based and redpilled

>> No.10925963

that's the black portion

you missed the 60%+ jews

>> No.10925972


Pretty much this. Traditional education is going to be one of the first notable institutions the internet makes obsolete.

>> No.10925990

nice meme you have over there


>> No.10925993

How is that even allowed? In my country they will all get fined for organizing a racially profiled event.

>> No.10926002

This is really not true yet, at least at the Ivy level.

>> No.10926005
File: 90 KB, 682x624, 0Ev-Qz0e619gEFiIF1b-UelviTsRpZugqzTWmunfsFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people are waking up anon. populist and economic nationalist movement is GROWING. You can see it in USA and starting to really take off in Europe.

Liberals are having a hard time justifying to working class people that actually pay taxes that mass immigration of folks who refuse to assimilate is somehow benefitting them.

Life isn't fair, some folks have better opportunities, you cant guarantee equality of outcome without completely fucking with culture. People are pushing back...finally

>> No.10926048

it doesn't happen overnight. But there are TONS of people going to university, are told by their gender studies or whatever made social justice degree professor that they will make 75K out of college GUARANTEED.

These poor kids graduate with 150K in debt, get out of college, no one wants to hire them, they finally get a job making 40K, also driving uber just to live in a city like NYC, SF or LA. Then they are miserable , deep in debt, have no options and end up hating successful people and wanting socialism.

I wouldn't say the degrees are completely worthless yet, but many many "majors" are.

>> No.10926063

I'm more offended by the fact that 80% of the "whites" are Jewish and this is never discussed in media

>> No.10926065

Yeah, agreed. Just saying, if someone here has the chance to go to Harvard, they should go.

>> No.10926078

oh totally agree, but go to business school. The liberal arts departments of these colleges will be the first to crumble.

Especially because Ivy league does alot of income based tuition. If you can go get a solid degree from an Ivy league for 20K a year or less in many instances, for sure go.

>> No.10926079
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Based. How can I apply for a Gibbs degree?

>> No.10926083

lol, how is what I said a meme anon?

>> No.10926103


The race stuff in the US is fucking gross. Liberal elites claim they are for equality and all this garbage, but their policies and actions are literally the complete opposite.

It's fucking vile what they are doing to America. Luckily we are fighting back.

>> No.10926130

ignore that retard, it's literally one of the highest paying jobs in IT. even a simple javascript specialization will earn you 6 digits fuck...

>> No.10926150

spot on anon. I work in management in big tech and manage a whole team of cloud architects. Those resources are needed so badly right now.

after certification, with the right level of competence, someone without a college degree can easily come in at 80k+ to start, many with experience are far higher than that.

>> No.10926190
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I'm white, and therefore not eligible for affirmative action.

>> No.10926196

Every university campus the hottest white girls are dating black jocks. Why?! I hate being white

>> No.10926212


Because men worship the black jocks. It's literally our fault. We deify athletes, they're some of the best athletes, action reaction.

>> No.10926227

I wish someone gave me free money for looking like a walking shit stain.

>> No.10926246


Can't wait for large swaths of the higher education system to collapse. There are going to be so many unemployed diversity admins, I get hard thinking about it.

>> No.10926290

The track n field nigs at USC have literally the most perfect Stacys under their arms

>> No.10926304


If it's any consolation these girls are typically awful girlfriends who will cheat on a dime and it's not like those dudes are about to settle down with them

>> No.10926318

Those girls have the best brappers tho. I would do anything to suck a fart out their asses

>> No.10926380

I'm probably too retarded to get into Harvard
but not retarded enough to actually go into student loan debt

>> No.10926549
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 1515467704445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>universities keep trying to force the american melting pot meme
>racial groups in response keep clumping up and separating themselves from other groups
Maybe (((their))) plan is going back to separate but equal and we're just caught up in the middle of it

>> No.10926560


There is no maybe. They've pushed for black housing and black learning centers as well. Racism never stops, it just changes face. AA is patently predicated on racist judgement of individuals.

>> No.10926658
File: 58 KB, 640x640, a9b19008c2766e87b7675bd6f7ed0d76.640x640x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole racist world meme the news feeds everyone is bullshit. I think it is perfectly natural and quite honestly human nature for people that look alike to want to be around each other. I am by no means a racist, don't think anyone is better than anyone else, but to say blacks dont prefer to be around other blacks and same goes for all other races is seriously retarded..It's just human nature to want to surround yourself with like minded people.

>> No.10927102

>I am by no means a racist
White guilt confirmed.

>> No.10927169

I'm not smart, lack the interest in studying as well as the money.

>> No.10927188

While anons on /biz/ are proud NEETs, they're getting an education.

>> No.10927190
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>> No.10927230


>> No.10927238
File: 208 KB, 1080x1920, ff0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off you dumb projecting cuck posting piece of shit

>> No.10927263

based pedoposter

>> No.10927270
File: 65 KB, 916x1289, 2EngUSd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when it was just a meme?

>> No.10927282

None; I went to Berkeley, got a degree in 3 years in CS, and am now making $150,000 a year in Silicon Valley as an engineer.

>> No.10927362

guess who i wont be hiring at my many companies?

>niggers from harvard with meme degrees given to them because they are niggers.


>> No.10927365

> tfw you realize 150k sv engineer is slavery and failure

>> No.10927411

i'll be honest, out of the 230+ ppl i employ, i dont have any niggers on the payroll. reason why? i set such a high standard of employment for candidates and various tests that i knew niggers wouldnt be able to pass. it also gives me a legal reason as to why i dont employ any niggers. checkmate diversity hire faggits

>> No.10928064

Imagine the smell

>> No.10928304

The funny part about all of this is that, despite the whole apparatus of affirmative action they still haven't been able to produce one single chimp that actually advances humanity's progress, the moment they manage to pull one by sheer numbers they're gonna parade him all around. Also meme science nigger doesn't count he is a proven fraud and unable to come up with anything that isn't a twitter post

>> No.10928504

>75K-90K out of trade school
top kek, someone took the $500K/year welder meme a bit too seriously

>> No.10928664

What certification? You mean like a network engineer certification from Juniper/Cisco? Or a cyber security certification? I've been looking into this stuff but I don't know where to start.

>> No.10928675

>Why don't liberals understand that when you give something away for cheap or free, it directly impacts the value. College degrees are basically worthless.
Yes, we should hide all the knowledge and make books and classes really expensive. A small, rich ruling class deserves to have a monopoly on the medical, business, science, math, and engineering knowledge in the world. Based ebin redpill my friend upb0ated! xD

>> No.10928678

>I don't know where to start
just don't start
join the NEET master race
let niggers take the jobs and pay you welfare

>> No.10928690

>go to college for free (GI bill plus as a veteran only my own assets counted for financial aid)
>graduate just before SJW shit, so I actually acquired a solid relevant education
>get job before my internship ended
>work my way up to an executive
>now make over 200k/yr on a bachelors degree
>Spend 30% of my work day shitposting on the 4chinz

It worked for me.

>> No.10928711
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>> No.10928736
File: 757 KB, 1500x729, WEWUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le human nature argument
It's also human nature to fuck everything that moves, steal shit, kill people you don't like, and basically everything else that you hate niggers for.
Did you even think this through?

US Medical school acceptance rates, circa ~1940:
97% white
3% jew
0% other

>> No.10928750

>Harvard's entire basketball program holds own commencement

>> No.10928898

Holy hell lmao

>> No.10928902

>what's your excuse?
i'm a white male.

>> No.10928925

Whenever blacks get into something, it's always an indicator to get the fuck out because it's about to fail immensely. Just like crypto last year.

>> No.10928931

you have to go back

>> No.10928948


edit: thanks for the gold

>> No.10928955

well, you need to be black to play ape hoop, that much isn't considered racist in "progressivw" america

>> No.10928966

Very few blacks were into crypto though.

>> No.10929349


what is your argument you dumb fucking nigger animal?

>> No.10929374
File: 16 KB, 590x332, ironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1.5 trillion student debt
>crowd of nig nogs

Look who's falling for the college meme now

>> No.10929443

They want segregation back? Uh okay I'm down

>> No.10929498

Those are just the blacks who have created a culture around being a victim

>we don't need white men and white girl pity. Why is it so easy for a white girl to get into college?

There really is no hope for these guys